I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 976: "Little Things"

"Dark night...

"From 'Night Watch' to 'Dark Night'?"

Although the sound of the last vigil did not reach far, it seemed to be muttering to himself, but Xu Xiaoshou was not teleported away, he was thrown away.

At the last moment of "perception", I still heard the vigil's voice full of murderous anger.

"he's changed…"

It was difficult for Xu Xiaoshou to describe this feeling.

It's not that the vigil's appearance has changed, and it has become the form of a ghost and beast host.

Rather, this person's temperament seems to have become another person along with his appearance.

It's like...

The vigil is for the dark night, and the Mu Zixi is for the tears.

Both of them have completely transformed into another person after experiencing a big setback, but this is them again.

Perhaps this description is still somewhat different from the nature of "change".

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't accept it, but felt that changing the concept would be more appropriate.

"After decades of innocence for more than ten years, when the beauty of the fantasy is pierced and the **** reality is oppressed, people will return to their true appearance."

It wasn't that Mu Zixi turned into tears, and it wasn't that Vigil turned into night.

Instead it should be…

Mu Zixi has returned to become Tear Xi'er

The vigil, the return became the night.


With a heavy sigh, Xu Xiaoshou no longer wanted to dwell on the story.

Just as Vigil refused to answer his question directly, Xu Xiaoshou felt that there were some things that he really didn't need to understand so clearly.

Because maybe in the end, the unacceptable one is yourself.

Even at this moment, he already had some terrible guesses about the changes in the vigil.

"Obviously there are two powers of catastrophe..."

Shaking his head and putting aside all this, Xu Xiaoshou worked hard to get his thoughts back on track.

It seems that there will be no other accidents during the night vigil. Although the process is a bit twisty and bizarre, in terms of results alone, this is obviously better than no bones left.

Big Mouth is still waiting for his "Senior Water Ghost" in front of the ancient gate under the deep sea. I don't know if he has met Rao Yaoyao at this time.

Where did Ye Xiao, Teng Shanhai and his like go?

Theoretically speaking, with so many Dao Slashers and Tribulations, they would not dare to enter the Tribulation Center even if they were too illusory.

If you can't meet it, it's the right thing. If you meet it, it's a ghost.


Well, the water ghost also said that there is an opportunity hidden under the deep sea, and it is impossible for him to be a prophet if he wants to devour such a bizarre thing as to devour the nine-death thunder calamity and increase his cultivation.

Then, the chance he mentioned is most likely the ancient door.

Do you really want to push it away?

Various thoughts...

Pestle in the deep sea, let the passive skills such as "endless life" repair the body that was shattered by the thunder tribulation, and felt that after swallowing the thunder calamity, the realm of the late stage of the celestial phenomenon became a stable state.

Xu Xiaoshou was suddenly a little confused.

The impact of the vigil was too great, and even if he tried hard to get out of it, he didn't know which way to go.

Look up.

With imitators, there are no limits in the deep sea.

The best way at the moment is actually to rush out of the deep sea, thinking that the water ghost should not be sitting on the Guyin Cliff just to intercept himself.

And as long as you return to the Yunlun Mountains and continue to practice, you will definitely get out of the current storm vortex, which is the safest choice.

Then think about it.

When the heart moves, it is difficult to calm down.

Although Xu Xiaoshou didn't want to admit it, he still knew that the trials of the Yunlun Mountains were too childish for him now.

He can go back to the trial at work.

After I want to go ashore, I can still continue the identity of Xu Shao, and then grab a lot of people to preach, and go to the passive value along the way.

But will time allow?

Behind fate is like an invisible big hand, manipulating it so that people can't breathe for a moment.

Xu Xiaoshou knew that even if he returned to the Yunlun Mountains and finally waited for the deep sea matter, Rao Yaoyao, Ye Xiao and others would still relentlessly want to find out about him.

Unless they die in the deep sea, it is too empty and difficult to die.

Even if they die, there will be a second Rao Yaoyao and a second Ye Xiao, who want revenge and may be smarter.

At that time, I will be in the light, and the enemy will be in the dark.

Even if there is a layer of Xu Shao's identity cover, God knows when this cover layer will be seen through.

the most important is…

"Where will this deep-sea situation lead?"

Xu Xiaoshou looked down again, but couldn't see the end of the deep sea at a glance.

He didn't know if the water ghost had drawn the power of the catastrophe, and whether the situation would end quickly.

I don't know what the real purpose of the water ghost is, but thinking about it, it shouldn't happen to hit the target with himself. He also wants to spare the lives of Yaoyao, Ye Xiao and others.

What the water ghost wants, maybe even bigger!

Before this big goal, Rao Yaoyao and Ye Xiao might not sacrifice so quickly, which means that going ashore on their own would be even more dangerous.

Because of the Yunlun Mountains, there is no forbidden enchantment to weaken the enemy.

At that time, the Grandmaster will fight Taixu and Sword Immortal...

Xu Xiaoshou thought that maybe he didn't need Ye Xiao and Rao Yaoyao, just Jinzu or Xiao Ren could torture himself to the death.


After all, it's strength!

Xu Xiaoshou suddenly had another direction.

At present, his passive skills have reached the full level, and he does not have too many other needs. He needs other types of passive skills.

Therefore, earning passive value is second.

On the contrary, those who will limit their own combat power will always be in the realm of cultivation!

Even if the speed of his breakthrough is already very fast, as long as the road base is stable, it doesn't matter whether it is fast or not.

Some people can even beheaded from mortals overnight!

"Old man Sang is still waiting for me at the Dead Sea...

"My enemy, slashing the way is a side dish, and now it's basically too empty to start...

"I can use Xu Shao's identity to imitate the moment, and imitate the moment with an imitator, but the fake is fake after all. If someone is unreasonable and shoots directly, I can only run, like the night watchman...

"So, I need to break through the throne quickly!

"Only on the throne, my passive skills, it is possible... to reach the holy level! I don't know if it is this kind of algorithm..."

Xu Xiaoshou probed into his own sea of ​​air.

The realm of the late stage of the celestial phenomenon has been slightly stabilized.

But there is still some distance from the Great Perfection, as well as breaking through the Yin Yang realm and the star worship realm.

These distances are a bottleneck for other spiritual masters.

For Xu Xiaoshou, there is no obstacle!

While other masters were still sensing the Dao of Heaven, Xu Xiaoshou was already comprehending Dao, understanding Dao, and even participating in the Dao battle.

Even if he does not need to understand the fire attribute and space attribute, and simply uses the swordsmanship to break through the realm, his perception at this time is at least at the level of the throne realm.

Therefore, the amount and degree of Qi Hai Ling Yuan will be limited, all because Xu Xiaoshou's cultivation time is too short.

He has made a fortune so far, and it's not even half a year or so.

Among them, 90% of the time, they were forced to participate in various disputes.

If it weren't for passive cultivation, and there were occasional adventures, it was estimated that the current cultivation realm would have been innately capped.

It's like filling water with a hose, but the container is not a pond, but the sea.

It is said that the water will come naturally, but the pipe is too thin. When the sea is filled with water, it may be three years and five years later.

The most urgent task at the moment is to widen the water injection pipe, and even divert the water to divert it, so that the only bottleneck of "time" can be broken.

"Relying on passive cultivation to break through, even for ordinary people, the speed is fast, but it is not enough for me.

"Extraordinary time, only extraordinary means can be used!"

During this period of time, Xu Xiaoshou had been so devastated by various things that he almost ignored the breakthrough of his own realm.

But when he returned to set the target, he immediately had a direction.

for example…

"Devouring Thunder Tribulation!"

Raising his eyes and looking into the distance, Xu Xiaoshou already knew that this was food.

But after listening for a while, he shuddered.

The thunderbolt at this time has already deteriorated, and the robbers who are still persevering under the deep sea, if not dead, have basically survived until the one hundred and eighth passage.

Going to eat thunder tribulation at this time, there is a risk of death...

"Then there is only one last way."

Xu Xiaoshou abandoned the dangerous idea, and the root cause of the rapid entry of the cultivation base in the White Cave naturally appeared in his mind - swallowing treasures.

Eating treasures containing the power of catastrophe, such as "Following the Original Seed" and "Three Days of Frozen Tribulation", is the only way to shorten the training time for himself, a spiritual master who has no bottleneck in cultivation.

In other words...

Thunder tribulation is to eat, and treasure is also eaten.

Only by eating more and self-cultivation can you quickly reach the throne!

And once the throne, let alone take revenge.

At least in the face of Taixu, when you are single-handedly, you can also have the strength to fight!

"How do I feel that I should be called a greedy god..."

Stimulated by the sudden change in the vigil, Xu Xiaoshou, who was contemplating the future path in his heart, suddenly felt that there were some changes in the water around him.

Then, a slightly playful voice called from the back of his head.

"What are you dazed about?"


Xu Xiaoshou turned his eyes and was so frightened that he almost did not activate the disappearance technique.

This is too mysterious, it is simply the second old Sang!

When he turned his head, he saw a familiar person, wearing a half-gold beast face and holding the Sea God Halberd. It was a water ghost!

Xu Xiaoshou shivered, thinking of his "unscrupulousness" under the deep sea, and subconsciously retreated.

But the footsteps only moved, and he remembered that his own image was blasted back to Xu Xiaoshou himself because of the thunder robbery.


Fortunately, he didn't change back to his appearance in time, otherwise, under the deep sea, if a water ghost sees a water ghost, it will really make both eyes "watery"...

Xu Xiaoshou rejoiced in his heart, he protected his double swords in front of his chest, and tried his best to calmly say, "Water ghost? What bad things do you want to do?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

The water ghost looked up and down the young man's eyes, and said, "It's rude, according to the seniority, you should call me... Senior Water Ghost."

Xu Xiaoshou's arm suddenly got goosebumps.

The familiar "Senior Water Ghost" made him think of Xiaokongtong.

Am I being too sensitive?

He can't be like a pervert, secretly following me, right?

Otherwise, when I imitated him and traded favors with Xiaokongtong, he would kill someone because he shot?

Xu Xiaoshou tried his best to get rid of this discomfort. In addition, he didn't hear any yin and yang smell from the water ghost's "Senior Water Ghost", so he thought that the water ghost should not know that he had made a lot of black pots for him under the deep sea. fact.

"Senior Water Ghost?"

As soon as he was certain, Xu Xiaoshou sneered, took out the token of the eight familiar, and said: "The account of you kicking me into the water has not been settled! Besides, seeing the order is like seeing a person, it is reasonable to say that you It should be called 'first seat' at this token now."

The water ghost glanced at the token, and the corners of his lips curved: "You are so bold, have you forgotten what I told you before, how valuable is your head?"

"Uh!" Xu Xiaoshou's expression froze, and he immediately took back the token and said with a smile: "Hehe, Senior Water Ghost, what are you looking for from me?"


This attitude changed so quickly that the water ghost was speechless for a while.

But he didn't care too much, and talked directly about his intentions.

"I need your help with a small matter."

"Small thing? How small?"

"Hands up."

"So small? What else do you need me to do? Senior Water Ghost can solve it by himself! I still have something to do, I'll go first."

Xu Xiaoshou didn't want to pick up the slack at all, turned around casually, and was about to leave in one step.


At this moment, his heart throbbed, as if he was being held by someone, and his body froze in place.


"Hehe, I-I'm making a little joke... Well, Senior Water, Ghost, don't take it seriously..."

Xu Xiaoshou's face turned green on the spot, because he felt that the blood in his body really turned into a hand, which was embedded in his heart.

It was so uncomfortable that he almost suffocated to death.

"It's too rude, anyway, I'm also the fifth sage slave, so I can't just chat with you?" The water ghost scolded with a smile, and then released the sanctions on Xu Xiaoshou.

After clearing his throat, he said again: "Now, can we chat?"

"Okay, big drop!"

Xu Xiaoshou said in the heart that when I break through the throne, if you are not yet half-sage, I will definitely let you taste the punishment of the water system avenue.

In the past, he may only think that time and space attributes are very constraining, and it is worthy of his time to understand.

It's different now.

Xu Xiaoshou felt that imitators could help him achieve the profound meaning of the water system.

For nothing else, this profound meaning will be specially used to fight water ghosts and Yuling drops in the future, these two scumbags are too irritating!

"Just putting it aside beforehand, I have a question I want to ask first..."

Panting, Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyes and hoped, "You are the fifth sage slave, so you shouldn't hurt me, right? I'm a serious sage slave."

"Generally speaking, yes." The water ghost nodded.

"What about unusual times?"

"Hard to say."

Xu Xiaoshou's face turned pale on the spot, and he had the urge to turn around and leave.

"Then the little things you said shouldn't endanger my life, right?" He then returned to the theme.

The water ghost pondered for a while, then smiled: "It's hard to say."


A lot of plants suddenly grew in Xu Xiaoshou's heart, and his face was so green that he panicked.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter? But first, I have the right to refuse." Xu Xiaoshou spoke very fast, "People are precious, and my life is very important. I've only completed three missions."

Do you know how to use it like this...

Also, you made it up like the real thing, and your skills are very skilled...

The water ghost glanced at him with a smile, didn't care about these little tricks, waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about the eight birds that are familiar, I will explain, if it is true, you can judge the saint slave later, and you can find me in the future. , I'll cover you and be there whenever you call."

Xu Xiaoshou: ? ? ?

Damn, just listening to this sentence, what you have to say is no small thing!

Thank you so much. Come on, don't let me see your stinky face again!


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