I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 977: What a bird he is!

"So, what's the matter?"

Xu Xiaoshou cautiously probed, and he was ready to die.

"A... blasphemous thing." The water ghost smiled, life and death unpredictable.

"What? Tu Sheng?" Xu Xiaoshou suddenly lost the light in his eyes.


"Excuse me, farewell!"

The water ghost nodded, and Xu Xiaoshou turned to leave again.

This is a Nima joke, Tu Sheng?

You can find Ba Zun who knows about this matter, he is the god!

chat with me? Am I, Xu Xiaoshou, match? You think I am also omnipotent!

The water ghost watched Xu Xiaoshou turn around and leave, but this time he didn't use his ability to force him to keep him, but smiled: "You don't want to hear the details before deciding to stay, or to cooperate?"

What's the difference between "stay" and "cooperate"... Xu Xiaoshou went crazy.

But Shui Gui's words were all for this sake. Even if he didn't take action to forcibly keep him, he didn't seem to be able to leave directly.

- If you don't finish listening, you won't be able to leave at all!

"I can listen to the details, but Tu Sheng don't think about it. I can barely do it by killing chickens and dogs." Xu Xiaoshou sighed heavily.

The water ghost listened with a smile: "I didn't let you really kill the saint. What you need to do is just some blasphemy, which is harmless."

That is "holy"!

Xu Xiaoshou thought to himself that you said it lightly, I may have to risk my life to help, how can this be considered a trivial matter?

"Do you mean the name of a person, or do you mean..." Until this time, Xu Xiaoshou still had a little hope.

"What are you thinking!" The water ghost ruthlessly shattered his illusions, "The semi-sage of the Jiang family in the Northern Territory, I want to kill him, you just need to do a little favor."

Xu Xiaoshou: "…"

His face turned blue.

It turned out to be a semi-holy!

How dare you!

No, how dare you, you are too vain, how dare you count on the demigod?

Isn't the semi-holy detached, this is the **** of the Holy Spirit Continent.

How could the body of a mortal be really slaughtered?

"Half-Saint of Jiang Clan in the Northern Territory..."

Xu Xiaoshou took a few deep breaths and remembered something, but he still didn't give up: "I remember that there was a half-sage descendant of the Jiang family named Jiang Xian. Did he offend you? You are talking about this half-sage descendant. Right? He should… be able to get in touch with the 'Saint', too?"

"Yes, it's him..." The water ghost nodded, making Xu Xiao feel overjoyed.

After a pause, he continued: "What I'm talking about is the half-sage deity behind this half-sage successor. Our target this time is him."

Xu Xiaoshou was speechless again.

Damn you, get out of my way!

It's nothing, why go to provoke a half-sage?

Can't you go down the steps I gave you? I'll kill a half-sage successor for you, and I won't pay you. Can't you just let me go?

His grandma's...

"I'm the master..." Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were dull, and his tone became more pleading.

"You are not an ordinary master, don't belittle yourself!"

The water ghost shook his hand and added a wanted notice, with encouragement and admiration in his eyes, and said:

"Look, the three sticks of incense's judgment of your combat power is the level of slashing.

"And in my opinion, you can play too much, and your combat power is more than slashing?

"You are young and promising, you should surpass the legends of the eight masters, become the master who sacrileges the saint, the throne slays the saint, and kills the five great families of saint emperors by beheading!"

After a pause, the water ghost raised his eyes to look up, his eyes flickered, and his expression became much richer and more exciting.

"Wow! Think, what a beautiful picture?

"It's over, your holy slave Xu Xiaoshou's vicious reputation will spread far and wide in the five regions, surpass the eighth sword fairy, and become a benchmark in the minds of young people in the new era.

"Countless people want to become you, surpass you, and strive to become stronger, and you will surely leave a name in the history of the past and live on forever..."

Xu Xiaoshou heard one head and two big ones.

"Stop, stop." He quickly stopped.

"What?" The water ghost smiled and said, "Am I wrong?"

Still right? Can you reflect and reflect first, are you speaking human words? !

Xu Xiaoshou almost slapped the ghost face in front of him without a slap, but of course he didn't dare, after all, after a slap, his life would be at risk.

He was absent-minded for a long time, and then he said in a daze: "Senior Water Ghost, does I, Xu Xiaoshou, look like the kind of person who is hot-blooded in middle school?"

The words turned so abruptly, the water ghost was stunned for a while.

"Well, it's not too similar?"

"...Then do you think it's useful to tell me this?"

The corners of Xu Xiaoshou's mouth twitched, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with all his might, and sighed again: "I'm sorry for you, please don't play with me, I really have business, and I don't have time to spend time here with you. If you want to kill the saint, let me help you shake the eight masters? Trust me, he may give this face."

The water ghost laughed again, stepped forward and patted Xu Xiaoshou on the shoulder, suddenly his hand tingled and he shrank back.

He frowned, thinking that this is a hedgehog, and it should not be looking for revenge, so he stopped caring, and returned to the topic: "Trust me, in this matter, Ba Zun'an is not as good as your hair, you are very Great, you just don't know it."

"Don't give me more ecstasy soup! I'm not good at this!" Xu Xiaoshou was furious, turned around and left, "The joke is over, senior stop, don't keep me anymore, I won't cooperate of."

The deep sea cold current was expelled, and Xu Xiaoshou's figure fled away.

Surprisingly, the water ghost didn't stop him any more, with a playful expression on his hands, and after a long while, he raised his voice: "But you don't want to kill him, they've already been eyeing you."

Xu Xiaoshou took a step.

eyeing me?

At a certain moment, he really wanted to turn back and have a good chat with the water ghost.

But after thinking about it, there is more than one half-sage staring at him. No matter how strong the half-sage Jiang is, can he be stronger than the top of the Holy Spirit Hall?

He has also learned from the half-holy Zangren.

The elders of the Holy Emperor level of Void Island secretly shot, and he also got into the game.

There is only one troublesome thing that really makes people tired, but if there are many things, it is not surprising.

"Sorry, not interested."

Xu Xiaoshou saw that the water ghost didn't have the idea of ​​​​retaining people, and the pace was faster, and he was about to perform one step to the sky.

The water ghost watched all this with a smile, and then said: "You have the ability to disappear, so you don't have to be afraid, but he even stared at your relatives and friends around you, don't you plan to stay and chat?"

In this deep sea, it seems that no matter how far he runs, as long as the water ghost wants, his words can reach anyone's ears.

Friends and relatives... Xu Xiaoshou said in his heart that I don't even have my dearest Sang Lao, in this world, what else is there to lose, so that half-sages can't find my biological parents in another world?

He didn't look back, very determined.

Seeing this scene, the water ghost smiled and shook his head.

Pretty decisive?

"There's really nothing worth worrying about in this world? What about your little girlfriend, you don't care about her life or death?" the water ghost finally said.


Xu Xiaoshou seemed to be touched by some sensitive nerve, his figure stopped, and then hesitated again and again, and returned to the water ghost in one step.

"Little girlfriend?" he asked hesitantly, "Which one did you say?"

"Which one?" The water ghost's eyes widened in disbelief, "You still have quite a few?"

"Let's talk about business!" Xu Xiaoshou was speechless.

"That's it..." The water ghost played with his expression, drew two curved lines with his hands in the deep sea, and said with a smile, "The silver-haired one, besides her, who else?"

It can be seen that the water ghost is really curious this time.

Silver hair... Xu Xiaoshou suddenly flashed a slender figure in his mind, and immediately rolled his eyes: "This is my junior sister, not a little girlfriend."

"Oh, junior sister~" The water ghost laughed and said meaningfully, "The so-called junior sister, doesn't it mean that you get the moon first when you are near the water tower?"

Why didn't I see it before, you're quite coquettish... Xu Xiaoshou sneered in his heart, and said angrily, "Speaking of business, half-sage Jiang, why are you staring at my junior sister?"

"God and devil boy."

The water ghost resumed his seriousness and said seriously: "He found me and mentioned Leijiatong. Listening to the meaning, he wanted to collect everything."

"All the children of tears?" Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows, didn't this collide with the goal of the King of Hell?

It's just that the King of Hell is really in action, and this half-sage of the Jiang family has just begun?

Then the object he was looking for should not be the little junior sister, but the King of Hell. After all, there are many children in tears!

"You didn't lie to me, did you?" Xu Xiaoshou looked suspicious, "The world knows too little about my junior sister, but the King of Hell secretly collects the children of tears, and in the eyes of people of your level, it shouldn't be a secret. right?"

The water ghost's face suddenly showed a touch of sincere admiration, saying: "You are really smart, I haven't said anything yet, you have guessed the real purpose of Jiang's semi-sage."

What's the meaning?

Xu Xiaoshou looked confused.

The water ghost didn't hide it, and said straight to the point: "Yes, Jiang's semi-sage's primary target is the King of Hell. He asked me to help him find someone, and then he took away the tears of everyone in the King of Hell."


Xu Xiaoshou felt a burst of anger in his heart.

Jiang's half-sage wants to find the King of Hell, what's the matter with my little junior sister?

You have put your cauldron on my head. Could it be that you leaked the story of my little junior sister having a magic child?

But even if there is inexplicable anger, Xu Xiaoshou will not lose his mind and roar out of filial piety.

Needless to say, the water ghost is still the fifth sage slave, and he is his own. He should not be so heartless enough to expose this matter to outsiders. Otherwise, the first person to trouble him may be the eight masters.

After all, Ba Zunyan has something to do with the Lei family, and he kept the two lines of tears.

"Let's talk about it, it's a good thing that Jiang's Bansheng wants to trouble the King of Hell, why is it related to my little junior sister?" Xu Xiaoshou frowned, and involuntarily got closer, his voice was lowered a lot. .

"The relationship is too big." The water ghost smiled and took a step back, opened the distance, and said:

"Think about it, how can the time and space attributes of the King of Hell Huangquan be so easy to grasp?

"If it fails, the semi-sage Jiang's will definitely take the next step, find other Leijia children first, and then gradually move up to continue to accomplish his goal.

"And in the process, how long do you think your little girlfriend can hide with the power of a semi-sacred?"

The water ghost smiled and raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, with an expression that you should know that the semi-sage is powerful.

"My junior sister." Xu Xiaoshou corrected in a deep voice, his heart has fallen to the bottom of the rock with this remark, "Continue."

Little girlfriend and junior sister... The water ghost murmured silently, and then said:

"Looking at it another way, the current action was successful, and the half-sage Jiang got all the tears of the King of Hell.

"Then, will he stop here?

"No, he will continue to search for the remaining Leijiatong scattered on the mainland, and there is a connection between Leijiatong and Leijiatong, I don't know if you know this..."

The water ghost stretched out the ending, and seeing Xu Xiaoshou nodded silently, he knew that he knew, and he didn't explain much, saying: "So, Jiang's half-sage will come into contact with your little girl again... um, little junior sister, it's possible, Isn't it very high?"


It's really high!

Xu Xiaoshou was almost fooled.

But he has survived until now. In the way of fooling people, his skills are considered perfect, so how could he be deceived?

"You are right."

After taking the lead in stabilizing the mentality of the water ghost with affirmation, Xu Xiaoshou took it slow and analyzed them one by one:

"But in any case, the semi-sage Jiang's will first target the King of Hell, and since Huang Quan is so difficult to deal with, it will take a lot of time to delay it in the middle.

"Besides, my district master, what can I do for you? If you want to find someone to work with, you should also find Huang Quan..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xiaoshou seemed to have thought of something, raised his eyes, and asked in confusion:

"That's not right, Jiang's half-sage wants to engage in Huangquan, what's your business? You want to kill the saint?

"Shouldn't this be something Huang Quan needs to think about? Could it be that the two of you have something underground that can't be seen... eh!"

Xu Xiaoshou stopped his mouth in time, and his expression became strange.

The water ghost's temperament suddenly became cold. Before Xu Xiaoshou was so frightened that he almost apologized, he said sternly: "I want to kill him, it doesn't matter who he wants to mess with."


Xu Xiaoshou was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

Are you crazy?

Are you going to be a gun and be used?

He opened his mouth wide, and managed to hold back the words and asked, "Why?"

"No reason." The water ghost snorted, "This old guy is bullying others, and he doesn't even speak honorifics. What is my identity, how can I allow him to be so presumptuous? To persuade me to come out of the mountains, what kind of bird is he!"


Xu Xiaoshou immediately had countless question marks on his face.

That's it?

What kind of arrogant, petite young master's temper is this motherfucker?

So you are such a water ghost? I really opened my eyes wow!

"Yeah, how noble is the senior's status..." Xu Xiaoshou asked with curiosity, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "So, what is your identity?"

"I'm..." The water ghost flicked his sleeve robe, and he was not angry, but when the words came to his mouth, he seemed to wake up suddenly, and glared back with a cold face.

"Good guy, you dare to use my words?" He hehe glared at Xu Xiaoshou, his face returned to his usual smirking expression.

"Senior, just say it if you want to, and pull it down if you don't want to. I'm not a curious cat." Xu Xiaoshou shrugged indifferently, feeling a pity in his heart.

Water ghosts are obviously used to being noble before, not idle people.

As he said, Jinshan and Yinshan have not been able to smash this big Buddha, and even the eight Buddhas have paid a price of "answering".

That half-sage of the Jiang clan must have reached a deal with him in the face of the usual Taixu, and he was hated in the end, right?

Tsk tsk, the disputes between the elders, I thought it was all about the Great Dao.

Never thought that there are such pitiful sources of disputes.

The matter here can be big or small, but if it is really going to be a firefight, it may not be the death of the saint, the destruction of the king of hell, or the death of the fifth saint slave.

Of course, I really want to let the world know the reason behind this terrifying result, the reason is only because the tone of a certain half-sage is not very good...


Xu Xiaoshou suddenly shuddered.

This world, how wonderful he is!

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