I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 979: The "correct" way to open the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor

"Bring out what I gave you."

Just as he was thinking about it, the water ghost didn't take out anything. On the contrary, he spread out his hands and looked like he was asking for money.

"How did you ever give me anything?" Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

Didn't you agree to give the treasures to the body, why did you still ask me for something?

Besides, when did you give me something?

"Holy Emperor Dragon Scale." The water ghost explained Tianran.

"Ah," Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows, and then he realized that when he entered the water, the water ghost really stuffed the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor into his mouth.

But this thing in the hands of the water ghost can play the function of locating its own position under the "disappearance".

After it fell into his hands, it was hidden in the snow because he didn't know how to use it.

Without thinking too much, Xu Xiaoshou flipped his hand and took out the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor, and asked, "How to use it?"

He is not worried that the water ghost will take this thing back, because it seems that the other party is obviously planning to teach himself how to use the holy emperor dragon scales.

The water ghost took the black dragon scale and gently tossed it up, saying:

"This is the holy emperor dragon scale of the Demon Emperor Black Dragon, which has many important functions.

"I put him on you for self-defense before, and placed the power of guidance to avoid danger, so that you will not encounter an unstoppable enemy underwater.

"For example, the ancient sword Xiurao Yaoyao who can ignore the power of the forbidden enchantment, and other enemies who may kill you in seconds."

Xu Xiaoshou was startled, and then he suddenly realized why the enemy he had been searching for for so long under the water could not be found.

The reason is that this holy emperor dragon scale senses that even if he finds Rao Yaoyao, Ye Xiao, etc., it may be accompanied by great danger, so the action routes of the two sides are clearly drawn?

"The Power of Guidance"

Xu Xiaoshou murmured and asked curiously, "Then how do I use it myself?"

"It's very simple, drop a drop of blood on it, and then a strong thought in your heart will become a guide. Of course, if you don't worry, you can talk to it."

The water ghost smiled, fingers lightly coiled with dragon scales.

After a while, he took out a drop of blood and returned the dragon scale to Xu Xiaoshou.


Xu Xiaoshou was dumbfounded.

This method is too simple to use!

It was so simple that he had thought about it before, but he felt that it should not be so simple, so he put it away

The water ghost seemed to understand Xu Xiaoshou's facial expressions, smiled and said:

"It's easy to say, but hard to do.

"Before this, the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor was still my blood, so it would only follow my guidance.

"Of course, now I have extracted the blood from it, you just need to inject your own and you can use it easily."

Xu Xiaoshou nodded and said in his heart that if I knew this in advance, I would directly operate a wave in Yuanfu to remove your blood from it.

At that time, I don't know what kind of wonderful expressions the water ghost who suddenly couldn't sense the dragon scales of the Holy Emperor would have?


Without thinking much, I flicked my fingertips.

Before the wound recovered, Xu Xiaoshou quickly squeezed out a drop of his own blood and dripped it on the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor.

"Dong dong!"

"Dong dong!"

A heavy heartbeat sounded in the dragon scales.

Xu Xiaoshou felt that there was a strange connection between himself and this black scale.

“It was amazing”

He raised his eyes and looked at the water ghost, and saw that the other party was staring at the dragon scale with a slightly reluctant but feigned free and easy look, but even so, there was still that cheap smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xu Xiaoshou hesitated for a while, and began to meditate in his mind:

"Drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool"

The dragon scales of the Holy Emperor were not unusual.

The water ghost finally withdrew his reluctant gaze from above, looked in the direction of the distant Thunder Tribulation, and paced the trail underwater:

"The other negative abilities carried by this dragon scale have been removed by me, and now it is just a simple treasure.

"This is originally given to me by Ba Zunyan for layout.

"Why did you come to Guyinya, why did Rao Yaoyao, Ye Xiaotian, Yan Wang Huangquan, etc. come here, also with the guidance of this holy emperor dragon scale.

"Now that I give it to you, it is also a compensation for your little grandmaster's involvement in the semi-sacred situation. I hope you use it well and use it to avoid the risk of the semi-sacred chasing you in the future.

"Huh? Do I have flowers on my face? Staring at me like that?"

The water ghost said, and the voice stopped, as if he was aware of Xu Xiaoshou's burning gaze.

"Ah no, I'm listening carefully."

Xu Xiaoshou was like a classmate in the back row who was deserting and was suddenly caught by the teacher. He felt a little guilty, and Gu Zuo said to him: "You are so yin, it seems that you have arranged all this in secret."

Why didn't you respond?

Shouldn't this guy have left behind, the Holy Emperor Dragon Scales won't work for him, right?

On the surface, he agreed casually, but in his heart, Xu Xiaoshou continued to have other crooked thoughts.

He saw the water ghost go far, but he still held the Sea God Halberd tightly in his hand, never letting go, and he immediately thought of something.

The ten powerful weapons can achieve detachment in the forbidden enchantment, but if in the deep sea, the sea-controlling halberd suddenly gives up the water ghost, will the water ghost be suppressed by the forbidden enchantment?

"Because of some force majeure elements, the Sea Master Ji wanted to be free again, it broke free from the control of the water ghost a little, causing the water ghost who lost the barrier of the supernatural weapon, the spirit essence suddenly lost control, and then

"Drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool"

The water ghost suddenly snorted coldly, seeming to have sensed the little Jiujiu in Xu Xiaoshou's heart, and said solemnly:

"Don't think about things you shouldn't think about!

"The guiding power of the Holy Emperor's dragon scales will only make things happen by coincidence, but it will not reverse people's will out of thin air.

"What's more, the half-sage has reached the holy realm after all, and is very sensitive to some coincidences.

"So if you want to use this holy emperor dragon scale, you can only use it to avoid risks, but don't try to guide the half-sage to do things that are not in line with his own will, otherwise, you will die miserably!"

"Oh, so it is." Xu Xiaoshou nodded very seriously, but out of the corner of his eyes, he locked the water ghost's right hand holding the spurge.

Is that a forced change of will?

Hmm, that's a bit unscientific indeed.

"Then tickle it!

"Tickling is human nature, and everyone will want to tickle when everything is okay.

"It's just that this time, the water ghost tickles not with his free left hand, but with his right hand holding the halberd. Just when he released the sea-god halberd, the sea-god halberd wanted to be free. This is a normal thing, mine. If you hide your troubles and have nothing to do with you, you will also be rude."

"So, drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool, drop the stool"

At this point, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly thought of something, and he raised his eyes calmly and asked, "What about the half-sages, can the Sage Emperor Dragon Scale forcibly reverse people's will?"

The water ghost didn't suspect him, he stopped, suddenly twisted his neck from side to side, and then laughed:

"It's possible, but difficult.

"But with your cunning nature, you wouldn't deliberately arrange conflicts if you think about it.

"You make everything happen naturally, right? I still have this confidence in you."

The water ghost said, suddenly released the Seagod Halberd, scratched the back of his neck twice with his right hand, just as soon as the Seagod Halberd was released, it twisted and twitched as if he had regained his freedom, like a maggot version of hiding suffering.

Terrible things have happened!

There was a sudden buzzing sound in the deep sea, and there was a glare of light blooming.

The forbidden law barrier was activated at this moment, and the water ghost's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he understood something.

"Xu Xiao"

In the next second, just as he opened his mouth, he was severely choked by the deep sea cold current, and then staggered and fell straight down, desperately trying to grab the Sea-Yu Divine Halberd.


Seeing this scene, Xu Xiaoshou clapped his hands and almost jumped up with excitement, and at the same time he couldn't stop thinking in his heart:

"Can't catch, can't catch, can't catch"

As a result, the Sea Yuji seemed to sense the owner's predicament and flew back into the hands of the water ghost with a swipe.

Now Xu Xiaoshou's face changed.

Does this count as a change of will?

After the furious water ghost grabbed the Sea-Yu Divine Halberd, he turned his body and turned straight, and then his back canthus swept over.

He looked like an angry **** of war, and when he turned the sea-controlling halberd tightly in his hand, his face turned ashen:

"Xu Xiaoshou, are you tired of living? Dare to do something to me?!"

Xu Xiaoshou was so frightened that it was a rapid retreat, and while retreating, he screamed:

"Senior, spare your life, what did I do to you to get so angry, and it wasn't me who did it to you, who's to blame for your sudden fuss?"

I'm smoking?

The Sea-Controlling Halberd suddenly stopped protecting me, the forbidden law barrier was triggered, and I was still choked by water in my own realm!

Anything that happens can be a coincidence, but if it happens at the same time, ghosts believe it is a coincidence!

I just handed over the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale to you, and I only told you how to use it, but have you developed a brand new usage?

You are amazing! Xu Xiaoshou!

The water ghost was getting more and more angry the more he thought about it, he was carrying the Sea-Controlling Halberd, and when he kicked his foot, he was about to fly over and slap someone.

"Don't come here, senior, please don't move, or you will regret it." Xu Xiaoshou retreated at the speed of light, running and screaming strangely.

"Today, the eight masters can't save you even if they come!"

The water ghost roared angrily, and took the sea-controlling halberd and stepped forward.

But after taking such a step, he felt as if something was caught between his feet, and there was a sound of "snoring" from below.

The water ghost staggered again, this time he didn't fall, but he stopped moving.

"what sound?"

He looked down in disbelief.

The water ghost saw it unexpectedly, not knowing when his belt had been loosened.

The robe was scattered to both sides because of the water flow, and the pants under the robe had slipped to the ankle just now because it lost its restraint.

The sound of "chi la" was precisely because he stepped too far and tore his stumbling pants.

But these are not the point.

The point is, the pants slipped and was torn off, and I didn't even notice it!

The most important thing is that when the pants fall, the short shorts inside are completely exposed to the sight of outsiders!

Even if the deep sea is shadowy and cannot be seen clearly, who is Xu Xiaoshou? This guy's eyes are as refined as a thief, how could he not see?

"Xu, Xiao, Shou!" The water ghost almost gritted his back molars and roared these three words.

But it was clear that the tyrannical killing intent in his heart could not be contained, and he had to bend down at this time, pull up the torn trousers, and fasten the belt.

After this action is completed, you can carry the Sea-Controlling Divine Halberd and set off again.

The delay in the middle is too long!

Xu Xiaoshou, who was not far away, stopped as early as the water ghost was walking, and stared at someone to complete all the actions, and then covered his mouth and shrank his head, "Kukuku" laughed out loud.

"Pink purple stripes

"Senior Water Ghost, you are so coquettish"

This yin and yang strange sentence completely ignited the endless karmic fire in the water ghost's heart.

"Xu Xiaoshou! The king of heaven is here today, and he can't stop me from killing you! Give me death!"

The deep sea exploded with a loud bang, and the water ghost whose face was red as blood was carrying the Sea-Controlling Halberd, and the speed was so fast that it almost teleported, and it jumped directly in the direction of Xu Xiaoshou.



A halberd slammed down, and the result was a loneliness.

The powerlessness of punching the cotton like this is even more disturbing.

What's more, the water ghost is close to going into the devil, and this halberd is drawn empty, and he is so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Xu Xiaoshou, come out for me!"


People disappeared, no response.

"Xu Xiaoshou, come out, let's continue to talk about cooperation, just now you forget it, I don't blame you." The water ghost's tone suddenly softened a lot, but he held the hand of the sea-controlling halberd, and there was a knot on the surface. Blue veins burst.


There was still no response under the deep sea.

The water ghost pressed his chest and took a deep breath in a solemn ceremony, which suppressed all the abnormalities in his body, and could no longer see any appearance of anger.

"Xu Xiaoshou, it's really my fault that I'm going my own way and sending you into the water.

"Let's do it, the matter between you and me has been evened out from the beginning. Now you come out and continue to discuss cooperation with me. I won't pursue the past, how about it?" The water ghost said calmly.

In the space above, Xu Xiaoshou's head suddenly appeared, and he asked innocently, "Is this true?"

"Bang" sounded.

The water ghost pointed at a distance, and the water gun turned into a spot of light, passing through the head.


In the disappearing state, Xu Xiaoshou scolded angrily.

Really hands on?

Fortunately, he has given the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale the idea of ​​"avoiding danger".

Luckily, the message column popped up a reminder of "attacked by sneak attack".

Otherwise, this wave will really be blown off by the water ghost!

"Not coming, not coming

"I have already vented. I didn't hit you this time. It's your fate. I'll let it go. Come out again. I promise not to do it."

The water ghost suddenly laughed again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com whispering softly, like a good gentleman who educates people.

Who dares to believe you if you go back on things like a dog?

Xu Xiaoshou didn't believe it at all, and he became a tortoise again.

The water ghost suddenly looked hideous, and roared in a twisted voice: "Xu Xiaoshou! Do you really think that you disappeared, and I can't do anything about you? Do you really think that I only have a dragon scale of the Holy Emperor?"


The deep sea was silent, only someone's incompetence and rage remained.

The water ghost regained his composure, and said a little embarrassedly: "You guessed it right, I really only have a dragon scale of the Holy Emperor. If you really want to hide, I really can't help it, but"

He paused, as if muttering to himself, and said regretfully:

"What about cooperation? I just gave you the dragon scales of the Holy Emperor, and you treat me like this, which makes my heart feel too cold.

"And your little girlfriend. Half-Saint Jiang is going to take action on her. If you don't come out, I really don't care."

Ha ha

Xu Xiaoshou still hid, only sneered back.

This holy emperor's dragon scales were given to him long ago, and it was clearly a compensation for kicking him into the water. Now that the water ghost is still talking about it, how could Xu Xiaoshou be shaken by him?

But the semi-sage of Jiang's is really troublesome

Xu Xiaoshou thought for a while, but did not dare to lift the disappearing state.

But he picked up a portrait clone of himself from the Yuanfu world, threw it behind the water ghost, and remotely controlled the portrait clone from afar, and said, "Senior says yes."


The water ghost didn't turn his head back, and pointed back, the water bullet of the finger gun accurately pierced the throat of the portrait clone Xu Xiaoshou.

In the deep sea, the corpse of the portrait clone turned into aura, disappearing and disappearing.

Xu Xiaoshou's scalp felt numb.

"Dog thing, you really want to kill me!

"Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights, and the mother can't make a joke, right?!"

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