I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 980: sophistication

"come out."

"I do not!"

"You'd better come out early."


"It's just three things. Since I've made a move, and I haven't killed you so many times, I won't care about what happened before. Come out and let's talk about business."

"If you have anything, just talk about it like this. You are open and I am secretive. I think it is in a good state."

In the deep sea, the water ghost and the disappearing Xu Xiaoshou stalemate for a long time, and finally gave up the plan to force this guy out to kill.

First of all, it is impossible to kill, at most, catch it and beat it to discourage you.

After the key point, you have to trouble others, and pull people into the holy bureau for no reason. Xu Xiaoshou will be angry, and the water ghost understands.

It's just that the holy emperor dragon scales are in the hands of this guy, and they will be played like this...

The water ghost had never been killed before!

He already regretted sending the Sacred Emperor Dragon Scales out, because it was foreseeable how much harm Xu Xiaoshou would bring about by adding Sacred Emperor Dragon Scales.

Finally, after a while, the water ghost gave up the struggle and ordered to do business:

"One day later, you disguised as Hades and wandered in this deep sea.

"Remember, the holy emperor dragon scale with the idea of ​​'avoiding danger', once you are about to encounter great terror, the heartbeat will be very scary.

"Don't be affected by the holy emperor dragon scale, and the heartbeat of the holy emperor dragon scale immediately escapes.

"Don't take chances and think that the source of danger is not necessarily a semi-sacred; don't try to resist, the power of a semi-sacred is not something you can resist at your current level."

"It really doesn't work, you hide at the bottom of the deep sea, open the door, and walk in."

The water ghost said calmly, as if he really forgot all the unpleasant things he had just now.

However, Xu Xiaoshou was a little frightened when he heard it. After hesitating for a long time, he made a voice from a distance: "You won't kill me with a half-holy hand, right?"

With a swipe, the water ghost immediately turned back and locked onto the position where the sound was made.

But Xu Xiaoshou had already changed positions after a word and disappeared again.

The water ghost didn't rush to hurt people, but sneered and said, "Don't use the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly. If I want to kill you, I don't need to borrow someone else's hand!"


Still a gentleman?

You are talking now, like a big injustice!

Xu Xiaoshou slandered a few words in his heart, and then changed the direction continuously. The yin and yang asked, "What is that door used for? There is also a guiding force there. I think it is a pit, and I don't want to go in."

"That's your chance!" The water ghost said indifferently, "I used the spiritual energy of hundreds of thrones, and the power of the nine death thunder tribulations to open this door, in order to help you return It's ridiculous that a boy who hasn't grown up seeks a chance, and you don't rush to enter."

"Speak human words." Xu Xiaoshou rolled his eyes.

"Heh." The water ghost sneered, but it was not surprising, and said: "Any chance, nine deaths and one life, whether you can survive or not depends on your own ability, and besides you, everyone is the same, if you don't enter that door , some people want to enter."


Xu Xiaoshou was speechless for a moment.

Does it make sense?

Instead, he wanted the water ghost to start talking about the dangers behind the ancient gate.

But in the current state, the water ghost didn't speak out, and he didn't have the face to continue to ask.

- Certainly no results!

After the water ghost paused, he continued:

"After you become Huangquan, you don't need to deliberately use the ability of time and space attributes, but occasionally leak your special attributes to attract Jiang's semi-sage.

"Also, you must take out Lei Jiatong, isn't that little girlfriend taken away by you, let it go, Jiang Shi Bansheng should be able to sense the power of Lei Jiatong.

"With this attraction, there is a high probability that he will go into the water."

Still want to pit two?

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

She has a lot of ability to escape, and Lei Xi'er may not be able to escape the pursuit of Jiang's semi-sage. What if there is an accident when it is released?

"I'll try my best..." Xu Xiaoshou didn't respond on the spot, and gave an ambiguous answer.

The water ghost knew what he was thinking, and said angrily: "I just need you to attract Jiang's original sage into the water, there is a forbidden law enchantment in the deep sea, this is something that even a half-sage can't achieve detachment, as long as he goes into the water, I have it. A hundred ways to **** him."

Xu Xiaoshou hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then are you sure that Jiang's Semi-Saint really doesn't have the top ten power weapons?"

This time, I asked the water ghost to stop.

He was stunned for a long time before replying: "It's okay, after a day, the Void Gate will absorb enough power. If he dares to go into the water, I can force him to accept him and give him a chance!"

Xu Xiaoshou's head hurt a little when he heard it.

He really doesn't know whether the words "opportunity" and "danger" are really equal in the water ghost's understanding.

What does it sound like, after the ancient gate, it is not life after nine deaths, but life after ten deaths?

"Void door..."

Taking the information leaked by the water ghost inadvertently, Xu Xiaoshou knocked on the side and asked, "Whoever got the name of this 'Void Gate', it's pretty good, it looks a lot like 'Void Island'?"

The water ghost snorted heavily, no longer covering it up, and said: "Behind the 'Void Gate', it's the 'Void Island'!"


Despite his preparations, Xu Xiaoshou still sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Void Gate under the deep sea, leading to the place behind, is the Void Island floating above Dongtianwangcheng?

This is a bit too much information...

Because of this, the wave of the water ghost, Guyinya, pulling people into the water, is very big!

Seven Swords Immortals, Six Radicals, Sacred Palace Authority, Hell King, Jiang's Semi-Saint...

Is he planning to use a single net to catch all of the above in one go?

Xu Xiaoshou suddenly felt cold.

It's really hard to figure out what's on your mind if you don't talk face-to-face with the top chess players on the continent like Water Ghosts and Ba Zun Familiar!

A piece of deep sea dares to cover so many strong men, and they are not afraid of accidents. Is it that the saint slave has such a big deal?

The battle between the saints in the Yunlun Mountains was finally over. Xu Xiaoshou thought that the saint slaves should rest for a while, but he never thought that these events would follow one by one, giving people no time to breathe.

Thinking back now...

The movement I made when I went up to the first floor that day was really too small.

The dark forces such as the King of Hell, their behavior and style are more like a joke when compared with the high-level sage slaves.

It's really messed up, you have to see the top of the saint slave!

"I probably understand the plan, and I will act according to the opportunity. Do you have any self-defense treasures for me?" Xu Xiaoshou asked from a distance.

"No!" The water ghost was amused, "How dare you ask me for something? I have given you the dragon scales of the Holy Emperor!"

Do you want to say that people are shameless and invincible in the world?

On the issue of Xiaoming's safety, Xu Xiaoshou was not polite, and said in an upright manner:

"Senior gentleman's heart, won't you still care about the little things before?

"This is a situation of blasphemy, it could really turn into a situation of slaughtering saints if you're not careful, is it wrong for me to ask for more life-saving means, I'm the master!

"What's more, I have the means to save my life, my little girl...Bah, little junior sister, but the blood of the Lei family!

"What if something happens to her accidentally, you always give her something like a holy emperor dragon scale as a talisman?

After a pause, Xu Xiaoshou thought about a lot: "Besides, as a senior saint slave, it's not an exaggeration to give my junior sister a greeting ceremony, right? She is also the second disciple of the saint slave sleeveless, you forgot those dishes. Chess?"

Water Ghost: "…"

How does your boy's mouth grow?

He seemed to be persuaded, fell into silence, and didn't speak for a long time.

"What you said is not unreasonable..."

Have a play?

Xu Xiaoshou had already tried it, but he never thought that the water ghost really wanted to give it.

He immediately kept his mouth shut, because more words would be lost.

Click till now.

Next, wait for the seniors to give gifts.

The water ghost laughed silently, then turned over and took out a jade pendant, held it in the palm of his hand, and said:

"I don't have the dragon scales of the Holy Emperor anymore, otherwise you won't be able to hide at this time.

"I don't put ordinary things on me. Other things are too precious. I don't want to give them away, so as not to cause harm to her."

"Anti-God Evil God"

"Give this jade pendant to your little girlfriend, and use it as a talisman. Under the half-sage, you can save her life.

Tsk tsk... Xu Xiaoshou sighed when he heard it, and because the gift was too expensive, he couldn't give it away. This was the first time he heard it, but he felt a deep sense of it. What's going on?


Can resist a semi-holy blow?

Well, that's fine too.

Help the little junior sister get it, I can't say it will really come in handy in the future.

As for whether the water ghost will use this jade pendant to position himself, and take revenge later, Xu Xiaoshou also thought about it.

However, he felt that even if the water ghost was a villain, he would not be able to do so.

What's more, the water ghost's personality is actually quite high, but when he met himself, he seemed to be pulled down a little, and he was disdainful to do such despicable things.

"You throw it farther away." Xu Xiaoshou gestured from a distance.

The corners of the water ghost's lips curled up and said, "Why, you are afraid of me now that you think about it? You don't even dare to come and take things in person. The relationship between you and your little girlfriend is still separated by such a long distance?"

"Little Junior Sister!" Xu Xiaoshou shouted angrily, thinking that you have learned how to use aggressive tactics.

However, if you go to pick up the treasure in person...

Won't die?

Xu Xiaoshou seriously suspected that the water ghost was going to take revenge on him, so he raised another portrait clone, manifested it, and threw it into the deep sea.


Without raising his head, the water ghost ended the life of the portrait avatar with one finger, and said with a smile: "This is too disrespectful, you made a dummy to perfunctory the things sent by the senior? Do you still want to give it to your little girlfriend? Got the amulet?"

Your sister's... Xu Xiao was so angry that his teeth itch, but looking at the amulet, he couldn't bear to leave.

At a critical moment, this is the life of the little junior sister! How can I not take it?

never mind!

Revenge is revenge!

Gritting his teeth, Xu Xiaoshou ended his disappearing state.


In the deep sea, the water ghost saw a bright golden light in the distance, and then a huge golden light giant came.

This giant is surrounded by a violent sword energy field, cutting endlessly; behind it is a gluttonous beast head, which is always devouring the surrounding water.

It held four fierce swords in its left hand, and the famous sword Yan Python was firmly embedded in its right hand.

"As for..."

The water ghost stared blankly for a while.

How afraid of death is this to be alert to this point?

It's just a talisman, do you need to turn into this ghost and be fully armed?

The key point is that your weapon is useless. If I really want to touch you, can you still hide under the deep sea?

The water ghost stared at the golden light giant with a speechless face, and even if the momentum on the opposite side was infinite, it couldn't suppress him.

"Hurry up." The water ghost waited impatiently.

"Oh." The raging giant nodded immediately, carrying the two great swords he transformed into, and ran over.


This picture is too funny, the water ghost couldn't help laughing for a while.

He raised his hand high and lifted the jade pendant up, just waiting for the golden giant to take it.

The violent giant incarnated by Xu Xiaoshou got close, but stopped, hesitatingly said, "I can't take this 'close-to-close force field', it may hurt you..."

"Don't talk nonsense, with your little ability, can you still kill me?" The water ghost sneered.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't dare to take away the force field so close, so he took a step and continued to move forward.


Within the boundless force field, the sword energy cuts endlessly, cutting the water ghost's body all over in an instant.

But the opposite side was indifferent, like a sea of ​​hundreds of rivers, eating all the damage of the force field, but no blood.

His body is like a jade pendant in his hand...

Xu Xiaoshou was able to see through his "perception" that no matter how intense the cutting force of the immediate force field was, the water ghost could always find a gap, disintegrate slightly before being injured, or move slightly to avoid the attack.

In essence, the Immediate Force Field is madly outputting, but it doesn't hit a single blow at all!

"It's terrifying, this responsiveness..."

Xu Xiaoshou was horrified.

The fighting consciousness of the water ghost is simply terrifying!

Is this the true strength of the peak Taixu and the master of the Profound Truth of the Water System?

Do not…

This is just the tip of the iceberg!

"What are you dawdling about, UU read www.uukanshu.com to take it!" The water ghost can even make a mouth and shove in the force field, his body is splitting all the time, completely unharmed .


Xu Xiaoshou exhaled heavily, took Yanmang back to Yuan Mansion, freeing his left hand to hold the little jade pendant.

call out!

At this moment, a strange sound came from behind.

What Xu Xiaoshou "perceived" saw, another water ghost appeared behind him.

This newly-appeared water ghost avatar held the Sea God Halberd, raised it high with a ghastly face, and pulled it down again, aiming at the buttocks of his violent giant!

"Sneak attack, passive value, +1."

The information bar pops up immediately.

"Dong dong..."

The Holy Emperor Dragon Scale also had a slight heartbeat.

However, Xu Xiaoshou did not disappear immediately after getting the jade pendant, but wanted to cover his **** after making a strange cry.

"Are you doing a sneak attack?!"

With a loud bang, before the hands could cover the buttocks, the Sea Yu Ji pulled up.

The severe pain directly caused the violent giant to disintegrate. Xu Xiaoshou turned into his original form and was blown away like a cannonball, and his **** even opened a bloodstain in the deep sea.

"It hurts, it hurts, it really hurts me, I almost got beaten to death, it's terrible..."

The water ghost was shaking his slightly numb arm, and the feeling of relief from the blow in his heart didn't have time to spread. After hearing this, a black line descended on his entire face.

"Go away!" He looked angrily at the young guy who was still covering his butt, but the wound had already healed.

"Okay, thank you for your amulet, senior, my junior sister will definitely like it!" Xu Xiaoshou laughed and walked away in a hurry.

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