I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 981: why are you staring at me like that...

Silent deep sea, violent thunder.

The two extremes blend with each other, but they are distinct.

The water ghost sorted out the half of the golden animal face on his face and made sure that the thing didn't come loose like a belt and pants, and his complexion gradually recovered from the way that Cai and Xu Xiaoshou lost their composure due to excessive playfulness, and became serious. .

After waiting for a long time, he turned his hand and took out a communication bead after the absurd young man was nowhere to be seen.

Think about it.

Xu Xiaoshou originally had the disappearance technique. Under the interference of the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale, perhaps even if he did not stay away, he would be in his own realm.

I really can't be sure if he is really far away from here.

After a while, the water ghost jumped up, flew out of the deep sea, and returned to Guyin Cliff.

The Water Element Profound Truth swirls out under his feet, instantly breaking the shielding power of the cloud world and communicating with the power of the outside world.


The communication beads sounded.

There was only one ring, and the other end was quickly connected, and then there was a mature woman's laughing voice: "Rare guest, rare guest, Mr. Water Ghost, why did you suddenly send me a message, did you miss me?"

"Fengtang Meng Po?" The water ghost responded indifferently.

"Don't worry, I'm not dead yet, and I haven't changed my contact information, that's who I am." The female voice across from the communication beads became somewhat resentful, "Mr. Water Ghost, after all, you still refuse to call me Xiao Meng, hum!"

"You are about to die." The water ghost didn't even greet each other, and went straight into the theme.

This calm remark, like a heavy hammer, frightened the woman across from the communication bead to the point of being speechless for a long time.

small book booth

"Come on, are you kidding me? Mr. Water Ghost, you are still so ruthless..."

"You can take this as a joke and end the communication. In the future, I will not collect debts from you again. Of course, there is no such opportunity."

"Huh..." The communication bead called out heavily on the opposite side, and the voice became serious, "Mr. Water Ghost has never been aimless, tell me, what happened?"

"Jiang's Bansheng is staring at your King of Hell. Strictly speaking, he is the pupil of the tear family. Of course, he is also very interested in your boss. After all, he is a time-space attribute."

"...How come I haven't heard the slightest bit about such a big thing? Lord Huang Quan doesn't know either?"

"I shouldn't know, because Jiang's half-sage came to me to cooperate with you about half an hour ago. He wants all the information of your members of the King of Hell, and asks to find them all within half a day..."

The water ghost paused for a moment, his voice remained calm, his tone did not show any sadness or joy, and then he said: "If he can't find it, he will kill me, or he will ask me to join the Half-Saint Jiang Sect. Right now, I should have only one choice left. ."

There was a long silence on the other side of the communication bead.

"Mr. Water Ghost, won't you lie to me again, but I've been lied to by you too many times..." The female voice was a little aggrieved.

"You can think of it as..."

"Stop, stop! I believe, can't I believe it?" The female voice became helpless, "Now, what is the attitude of Mr. Water Ghost, or, which side do you stand on now?"

"Isn't it obvious which side is not enough, I have even contacted you." The water ghost squeezed the communication beads, and the corner of his mouth became a little more smiling.

"Is it because of... me?" The female voice had some expectations.

"It's because you still owe me seven favors, a recipe for 'Worry-free Soup', a source of origin for 'Blazing Light Water'..." The water ghost said after a pause, adding, "It's wrong, now It's eight relationships."

"...Uh." There was a sound of myocardial infarction across the communication beads, and then he said in a low voice, "I have already paid so many favors, but I am willing to pay the debt, but Mr. Water Ghost doesn't look down on me... Humph."

"It's not necessary."

"Humph!" The communication bead's voice suddenly became much heavier.

The water ghost didn't want to drag on this topic too much, and said calmly: "Do me a favor first, give me the positions of all the members of your Hades, and then look for Huangquan, this matter is too big, I think you can't be the master, I'll talk to him myself."

"When did I become your personal spy?" The female voice subconsciously refuted.

The water ghost laughed: "You don't have to help me, but after half a day, I will be a half-sage Jiang family. Thinking about that time, you will never be able to contact me again."

"..." The communication beads were silent again.

After a long time, a voice came: "Okay, I, I, I will help you first, is this a favor? But this matter, Lord Huang Quan must know..."

"It doesn't matter."

"That's fine." The female voice jumped again, "I'll help you contact Lord Huang Quan."


After the water ghost nodded, he directly dropped the communication.



"The night cat, the water ghost, the thread held by Meng Po, she is my friend."


"Jiang's Bansheng wants to steal your tears, and he also thinks about your time and space attributes. After one day, he will start to act. You may not die, but your hard work over the years, your members of the King of Hell, at least I will lose half of it..." The water ghost began to exert his strength.

"Haha..." Huang Quan's undisguised laughter came from across the communication beads, "You look like a liar, how should I trust you?"

"He is in the Yunlun Mountains now, and he is very close to his body. He has great plans. You can check it out. Unfortunately, I am also in the Yunlun Mountains. He found me because of my excellence." The water ghost said with a smile.

"That being the case, why do you want to help me again, aren't you two?" Huang Quan asked back.

"It's not just helping you, it's cooperating, and it's helping me too." Water Ghost said, "He thought I was just a night owl and water ghost, but he never thought about it, I wanted to kill him for a long time."

"Saint Tu?"


"Heh, you're so funny..."

"More compliments."

"Night cat and water ghost don't have the courage, you still have a second identity?" Huang Quan endured and did not cut off the connection.

"As an intelligence worker, who doesn't have a third or fourth rank? Even five or six, seven or eight?"

"Oh? So your real identity is..." Huang Quan asked with a smile.

"The fifth seat of the saint slave, the water ghost."

The water ghost also smiled and said after a pause: "How, now, are you interested in working with me?"


There was no more relaxed smile on the opposite side of the communication beads, and his voice became serious.

"Let's talk."


Under the deep sea, a figure moving forward in the water quickly passed through and kept going down.

After a long time, in a dark and uninhabited place, the figure stopped.

"It should be far away..."

Xu Xiaoshou didn't know if the water ghost was secretly following him.

But no matter if you are being followed or not, with such a long distance, plus the disappearance technique, even a water ghost can't find yourself, right?


In response, his figure disappeared into the deep sea.

After entrusting the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale with the idea of ​​"forgetting the existence of Xu Xiaoshou" in addition to "avoiding risks", Xu Xiaoshou fled into Yuanfu non-stop.

The Yuanfu world is boundless.

As soon as you enter, the rich medicinal fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose, washing away the exhaustion of people's body and mind in an instant.


Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath of the long-lost fresh air and felt his soul relax.

He looked up and saw that the chaotic fog surrounding the Yuanfu world had retreated to the far side of the horizon, revealing a vast new land.

And in the center of this world, the broken tower from Zhang's residence is still there, and in the pool where poison ivy and poisonous weeds are entrenched, poisonous fish are jumping around and playing happily.

The world on this side is chaotic.

But on the other side, it was very peaceful.

Under the treasures of all towns, the newly planned medicine fields are well-organized in the green trees.

The little white cat greed to the gods tossing between the 100,000 Danding Cauldrons not far away, and the work of Zero Seven made it impossible to stop for a moment.

A little further to the side of the line of sight, a very abrupt dragon corpse lay horizontally, which perfectly isolated the vitality and loneliness of the left and right.

"very nice…"

Entering Yuanfu, Xu Xiaoshou felt extremely relaxed.

No matter where you are in a dangerous place, as long as you want, you can return to this Taoyuan Pure Land. This is what many people dream of?

And myself, I got it all a long time ago...

Thanks Cheng Xingchu!

The only creatures in the Yuanfu world are not only greedy gods.

Xu Xiaoshou glanced around and quickly found the target object in the middle of the medicine field.

This is a woman with supple waist-length hair. She is wearing a light green Lingluo skirt that has been stitched and lengthened. At this time, she is holding her cuffs, half-squatting in the middle of the medicine field, holding a small wooden pot in one hand and a small wooden pot in the other. Shovel, loosen soil and water for elixir.

She has a pair of mysterious and agile black and white pupils, the corners of her eyes and lips are slightly curved, with a faint relaxed smile, the delicate tip of her nose is not covered with fine sweat, but there is a touch of funny mud.

When the breeze blew, the silver threads brushed across her cheeks, radiating brilliance in the sunlight, which was incredibly beautiful.

"Xiaohuahua, grow up quickly..."

At a certain moment, Xu Xiaoshou's spirit appeared in a trance.

He felt that the one squatting in the middle of the medicine field was still his little junior sister who was ignorant of the world. She was innocent and lively, a little savage, she would pout when she was angry, she was cute and funny, and she was best at cursing others.

But when the woman noticed the strangeness of the Yuanfu world, she raised her eyes and stood up, revealing her slender and slender figure, as well as the long shawl hair that turned from black to silver, and was no longer tied into double ponytails...

Only then did Xu Xiaoshou realize that things are right and wrong.

He smiled but didn't care, waved at Yaotian and shouted, "Lei Xi'er."

"Xu Xiaoshou, are you here?"

Lei Xi'er's eyes flashed a surprise first, and then returned to calm.

Xu Xiaoshou ran over quickly and took out a jade pendant from the ring while running: "Look what good thing I brought you!"

Lei Xi'er tilted her head and waited, quietly watching Xu Xiaoshou slap the greedy **** who flew away with "Miaowu", then quickly flew over the medicine field, landed in front of her, and then carried it like a child. When a jade pendant swayed back and forth in front of her, and dubbed "dangdangdangdang", she couldn't help but smile.

"What's the meaning?"

The fair-skinned **** pinched this ordinary jade pendant, and Lei Xi'er looked at it for a while, but did not see anything particularly beautiful and worthy of showing off this jade pendant.

Just some ordinary engraving lines, the corners are still knocked, and they are slightly damaged.

After looking at it for a while, the corners of Lei Xi'er's mouth were slightly upturned. She was obviously in a good mood, but she subconsciously muttered: "It looks so ugly."

"Uh." Xu Xiaoshou was emotionally stagnant and was at a loss for words.

With the halo of the water ghost gift in front, he ignored the essence of this jade pendant, and it looked a little too mediocre.

But it doesn't matter.

"It's just an ordinary amulet, it's nothing special, it's just something I got from a very powerful senior, the protective ability should be okay, it's barely able to block a half-sacred blow! "Xu Xiaoshou scratched his head and said.

Lei Xi'er raised her eyebrows, held the jade pendant in her left hand, touched the ring on her right ring finger, and asked subconsciously, "What's its name?"

"Uh." Xu Xiaoshou was slightly startled, does Yu Pei still need a name?

As soon as Lei Xi'er's words came out, her face turned red.

She also reacted instantly, the ring and jade pendant need names, this is just something that only exists in her own small world, how could Xu Xiaoshou know?

In her little world, the championship ring from Xu Xiaoshou on her right hand has an exclusive name called "Pink Pigeon", and of course there is a matching hateful story.

But these were taken by himself in the past, and Xu Xiaoshou didn't know it.

How could it be possible to think of a name while giving away the jade pendant?


Lei Xi'er turned her head away, clutching her right hand, and then changed her words: "Don't be diligent in everything, do you have something to ask me for?"

"What?" Xu Xiaoshou twisted his expression and said with a sneer, "I still need to beg you, what are you kidding? It's just that I saw that you used the Divine Demon Eyes too hard last time, so I'll make up for it a little."

Xu Xiaoshou thought of an excuse and asked, "By the way, how are you recovering?"

Last time, in order to control Rao Yaoyao and Teng Shanhai, Lei Xi'er almost used the ability of the gods and demons too much, and blood and tears flowed out.

Xu Xiaoshou seriously doubted that if she continued to use it like this, would her pair of **** and demon pupils go blind...

"Recovered early." Lei Xi'er turned to the normal topic, and also recovered calmly, "The Yuanfu world has a lot of vitality. Once I came in, I basically recovered most of it."

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Xu Xiaoshou looked at the silver-haired woman in front of him and suddenly entered the repeater state.

After delivering the things, he didn't know what to say.

Since Mu Zixi became Lei Xi'er, he felt that his identity and that of the other party had also changed.

In the past, this little girl revolved around her, but now she needs to make her happy, just like...

Just teasing and teasing, people can change back.

But even in the process of amusing, I can find some familiarity from the past.

After that, everything went back to normal.

Xu Xiaoshou pondered, thinking about what went wrong.

He had a good start after entering Yuan Mansion, why did he suddenly fall into silence.

so embarrassing...

Say something, say something, say something...

The holy emperor dragon scale moved slightly without noticing it.

Lei Xi'er's eyelashes trembled, her eyeballs quickly moved from side to side, and then she lowered her head, her red lips opened unconsciously:

"Why are you staring at me like that..."

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