I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 982: Xuanwumen


Xu Xiaoshou quickly looked away, and accidentally saw a group of greedy gods that drooped to the ground in the distance, even Dan had no intention of refining, and a light bulb came on with a "ding" above his head.

"Little fat man, come here!"


When the summoned greedy **** confirmed it, he found that he was really calling him, and he was instantly revived with full blood, and flew away at the call, forgetting the picture of it being fanned by someone just now.

For the master and the hostess, the greedy **** never lacks enthusiasm.

"I may have to take the greedy **** away for a while. During this time, you have to stay in Yuanfu." Xu Xiaoshou licked the cat, and said a little embarrassedly, feeling that his behavior was like imprisoning people.

"What are you taking out for?" Lei Xi'er asked.

"Some... trivial things." Xu Xiaoshou laughed, took out a jar of honey refined by the greedy god, opened the jar and fed it to the greedy god.

"Cat woo~"

The greedy **** immediately buried his head and started licking his food.

"Is it delicious?" Xu Xiaoshou showed demon fangs and smiled.

"Cat woo cat woo~"

The greedy **** raised his eyes and cheered, it was a medicinal pill, but it was rarely eaten so openly, and the immediate response was of course delicious.

"If it's delicious, open the 'Three Disgusting Childhood Eyes', and then you don't need to close it. I'll take you little fat man to exercise outside to digest and lose weight." Xu Xiaoshou stroked the hair of the greedy god.

"Cat woo~"

Without saying a word to the gods, three gray flowers appeared in the left eye, which turned quickly.

Lei Xi'er was keenly aware of the abnormality, and when she glanced at it, her light voice became a little more suspicious: "What happened again?"

"Little trouble." Xu Xiaoshou rubbed the cat's head, looked at each other, smiled, and then revealed a space channel, "I'll take the greedy **** away first, and then I'll take you out to play."

Lei Xi'er's red lips opened, but she stopped talking.

Xu Xiaoshou noticed it, but did not intend to explain.

Even though he knew that Lei Xi'er's magic child was very strong and could help, he was afraid of accidents.

After all, this time, it was a blasphemy.

"The burden on you is too heavy, don't resist the extra danger, just let the greedy **** come." This is Xu Xiaoshou's inner monologue.

Stepping into the space passage, holding the greedy **** who only knows how to eat, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly stopped to look back and asked hesitantly, "Yuanfu, is it boring?"

Lei Xi'er's red lips pursed, and there seemed to be thousands of words she wanted to complain, but when the words came to her mouth, they were reduced to a few simple words, "It's alright, I can grow flowers and plants."

Xu Xiaoshou laughed.

The dignified throne, the descendants of the dignified tears family, even raised flowers and plants in the Yuanfu world, who would believe it?

He raised his hand and swore: "When I come in next time, I'll take you to a place you've never been to, but it's very interesting... Go for a walk!"

"Where?" Lei Xi'er's eyes lit up for a while, and between her lips and teeth, the white and tiger teeth glowed.

Xu Xiaoshou felt that there were two faces overlapping alternately in front of him, and finally turned into a blushing goose-oval face.

After a while, Xu Xiaoshou recovered from his absence, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Secret."

Tears: "…"

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."


During the daytime, the entire Eastern Heavenly King is still dark.


The thunderous rumbling above the head is in harmony with the real thunder of the Yunlun Mountains, but the people in the royal city have become so accustomed to it that they have never heard of it.

On the street, women walked away from the vendors' stalls with their children in their arms, with a vegetable basket hanging from their forearms.

In fact, the world of spiritual masters also needs to eat, because there are also burdens.

-Once they have a family and the children have not yet grown up.

"Liangqian Liangqin, look at it badly, the importance of the sky has fallen!"

Hanging around her mother's neck, the girl with braids pointed at the sky and shouted inarticulately. Her red face was trembling with excitement, but it didn't attract the eyes of passers-by.


The woman rolled her eyes, patted her daughter's butt, and scolded: "You crow's mouth is not fast to close, the last time you went out to step on dog shit, it's all your fault."

The innocent little girl's attention was immediately diverted, and she turned her head and asked curiously, "Liang kiss, but don't you say that there are no dogs in the king's city? I haven't seen a dog yet, and I heard that a dog will bite. People! But the dog in the picture is so broad and patient..."

The woman weighed the big chunk of meat in her arms, and said angrily, "So, in the future, you bastards, don't put them in random places!"

"What is a dog child?" The little girl tilted her head.

"It's you, little fool!" The woman poked the back of the child's head and replied with a smile.

The little girl sucked her thumb and thought about it seriously, and then her expression became excited, and she shouted, "It's a dog baby! It's a dog baby!"

Passersby looked back in amazement.

"Shut up!" The woman was embarrassed, and the sheep fiercely patted the little **** of the dog.

After a wave of strange screams, the little girl leaned back and hugged her mother's head, her big eyes flashing and she asked again: "Liang Qin Liang Qin, isn't I your baby? If I am a dog baby, Liang Qin is what?"

"???" The woman with the vegetable basket immediately petrified the place.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The surrounding vendors and passersby burst into laughter.

A bard passed by nibbling on an apple and sighed with emotion: "A dog gives birth to a baby, the name is a dog baby, a dog baby, a dog baby, a dog her baby... Good poetry, good poetry~"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The laughter couldn't be stopped this time.

Passers-by looked sideways at the mother and daughter, pointing at each other, teasing each other.

"Doll... Bear boy, just shut up, why are there so many problems!" The woman slapped her again, causing the little girl to bark in pain.

At this time, although the long street is large, there is no place for her mother and daughter.

The woman holding the baby could not wait to teleport home, and immediately showed the wind attribute, wanting to run away.

Just then...


A huge boulder fell from the top of the head, blasting the floor into a pothole, and the cracks were intertwined, like a spider web.

The women were frightened and their eyes narrowed.

Because of this falling stone, it fell straight in front of her feet.

If there is no episode of the "dog baby" just now, it is impossible to say that the falling stone will be slammed head-on.

And the one who took the first to bear the heavy blow of the falling rock was obviously not himself, but the dog lying on his head... ugh, bear boy!

"what happened?"

"How could there be such a big stone falling from the sky?"

The people around were frightened to stop, because although there is a city above the city, there are occasionally the gravels of the city in the sky that fall off because they are pulled out of the space.

But there is a moat barrier!

These pieces of gravel fell, and they were all rejected from the city. How could they suddenly break through the barrier and smash into the city?

The moat barrier is not from Zhihu. How can a falling rock break through the barrier's defense?

"Liangqian Liangqin, look, the tree meteor shower! What a big meteor shower! This is the second meteor shower that Shu Hanhan has ever seen!" The little girl kicked desperately in her mother's arms, feeling like she was going to heaven.

"You Hanhan, you said that 'Hanhan' is not used that way..." The woman shrank her head subconsciously, afraid that passersby would laugh at her again.

But her voice suddenly stopped, because she saw that everyone around her was not paying attention to the word "Hanhan" at all, but raised their eyes one after another. was pulled away.

This scene is so creepy!

The woman seemed to have thought of something, her eyes widened, she pulled Hanhan off her head, and looked up at the sky.


At one glance, her scalp tingled.

Above the sky, the city of the sky, which had only been drawn out of less than one-third of the corner of the city, had been separated from the spatial fragmentation flow by seven to eighty percent.

At this moment, most of the city in the sky is exposed and inclined, like the sky is about to fall, and even the mottled ancient city gate is exposed.

"Rumble" continues.

The speed at which the city in the sky pulled away became visible to the naked eye.

The cracked stones engraved with the traces of the years on the city, because of the cutting of the space cracks, fell in large chunks, and densely slammed on the barrier of the city.

"This is, the meteor shower?"

The woman thought of what her daughter had just said.

But what can be seen now, where is the Yunlun Mountains and other treasured meteor showers?

This is a disaster!

The sound of "rumbling" is endless. This time, watching the celestial phenomena and listening together, everyone has a sense of fear of the season, which is powerless to recover from the sky.

"Shouldn't it be, I'm really going to smash it down..." Someone murmured.

The low self-talking voice became extremely abrupt under the response of the surrounding rocks and smashed the ground, and it seemed that it really had the power of a prophecy.

Because the city of the sky above the nine heavens is based on that corner of the ancient city gate, if it falls further down, it will properly hit the head of the Eastern Sky King City.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Our Dongtian King City is also guarded by the Holy Spirit Palace. With the Holy Spirit Palace there, there is no chance of an accident in the king city!"

"Yes, we have to believe in the Holy Spirit Temple. Over the years, their great achievements have been familiar to everyone, and they can even close the other-dimensional space. What's the point of a mere city in the sky?"

Everyone is fooling themselves.

The bard nibbling on the apple suddenly retracted his gaze from the sky, swept towards the crowd, and made an inappropriate voice:

"Different dimensional spaces are all small troubles, but isn't this city in the sky still the title of 'Seven Breaks Ban'? You all forgot?"

"Uh..." This sound made everyone dumbfounded, and then everyone was furious, and the vegetable leaves and eggs smashed into the face of the desolate bard recklessly.

"Dog thing, shut up!"

"You crow's mouth, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. Go and continue to write your **** 'dog baby poem'!"

"Eat my flying feet and die for Lao Tzu-"

The bard was so frightened that the apples fell, and paradoxically retreated into the dark alley.

"Peng Peng Peng..."

Over time, a lot of gravel has accumulated on the ground.

The frequency of boulders falling into the city has accelerated, making people feel that the end of the world is coming, and the last barrier to protect everyone seems to have become a decoration.

"No way, the barrier hasn't been broken yet, how did the falling stone come in?

"They still have ideas and drill holes?

"But... the moat barrier doesn't even have a hole, it doesn't even have a gap!"

Everyone was puzzled.

Because 99% of the falling rocks were stopped by the barrier, but there were always some lucky stones that passed through the barrier of the barrier and smashed on the heads of some unfortunate people.

A dirty head appeared in the alley, and in his sneering tone, he mocked loudly:

"Ignorance, the city of the sky is one of the "seven bans", how strong is the sense of oppression?

"This city's upper city is out of space fragmentation, even if it can't fall, how can ordinary space be able to withstand it?

"Under the pressure, the space is distorted, and a lot of gravel falls, just falling into some space nodes, isn't it normal?

"Some were teleported to other places, and you couldn't see it; some were just close enough to smash into the royal city. What's so strange about this?"

The yin and yang's strange explanation did not annoy the pedestrians on the street.

But when someone looked back and saw that it was the crow-mouthed bard who spoke up just now, they were immediately furious.

"Dog thing, still don't retract into your kennel? Show off, right?"

"Everyone hit him!"

take a break —

Vegetable leaves, rotten eggs, and rotten apples attack again.

The bard dodged a few blows, grabbed a good-looking apple that fell to the ground, and silently retreated into the alley, drawing circles and cursing in secret.

"Look, there are words!"

While dodging the falling rocks in the sky, the pedestrian who curiously looked at the changes in the city of the sky suddenly pointed to the mottled ancient city gate that leaned towards the ground, and exclaimed in surprise.

Before today, only a corner of the city wall was exposed in the city of the sky, and there was no city gate.

Now that even the door is exposed, does that mean that everyone can go in and seek opportunities?


Knowledgeable and knowledgeable, he recognized that the complicated characters were written in ancient times, and murmured: "What do you mean? Is the gate of the city in the sky called 'Xuanwu Gate'? I've never heard of this before, how do I get in? ,do you know any of those?"


There was a sarcastic voice again from the alley across the street.

"The City of the Sky is one of the 'Seven Breaking Bans', with a total of five gates, named after the four elephants, 'Blue Dragon', 'White Tiger', 'Suzaku', and 'Xuanwu'.

"But without the 'Void Order', even the semi-sages cannot enter the city of the sky, even through the main entrance.

"Because the 'Void Order' is the key to open the five gates of the city in the sky. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has no key. If you break your head, the door will not be opened for you!"

This hot knowledge has made everyone feel enlightened and respected, and it is expected that this person is extremely knowledgeable and will definitely be an extraordinary person.

But after looking back, I saw that there was still egg liquid from broken eggs on the head of the speaker, and yellow vegetable leaves were still hanging on the nose.

Pedestrians on the street. The corners of each mouth twitched.

Resisting the urge to take action, someone followed the sound and asked, "Mr. just said five doors, but only four names, why is this?"

The bard took a bite of the apple, strode over, and pointed to Jiangshan Road:

"Because this fifth door is not in the city of the sky, but on the mainland, it is called the 'Qilin Gate', and it is also called the 'Void Gate'.

"The 'Void Gate', as the fifth door, is the only one that can be opened without the 'Void Order', as long as you find it, get the sacrificial ceremony from above, and do the ceremony carefully, you can enter the Sky City.

"It is said that in ancient times, there were many lucky people like this who found the 'Void Gate', sacrificed the lives of others, and achieved semi-sacred self...

"Tsk tsk, beautiful, beautiful~"

He shook his head, as if he was yearning for this kind of sacrifice to others and fulfilling his own evil.

"Finished?" The passerby resisted the urge to listen to this nonsense and asked with confirmation.

"It's over." The bard took a bite of the apple, not knowing why, "There's really nothing left out, why, doubt my profound knowledge?"

The passers-by rioted again.

"He's finished, **** him!"

"Don't let him run away this time, this liar is righteous, and speaks like the truth!"


"I have a blade!"

"Damn, forget the blade, don't kill people, just teach me a lesson."

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