I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 984: help me……

"A little, great..."

Gu Qing looked at the pile of names on the stone tablet and fell into contemplation, and the words of the master sounded in his mind.

"Void Island, there is a city in the sky that has drifted from ancient times to the present, and the power of times and years cannot erase its existence.

"It is further divided into inner islands and outer islands, and the outer islands are presented in the form of ancient cities, with risks and opportunities coexisting.

"As for the inner island...now the inner island of the void island has completely changed, and it has become a place similar to a place of exile. Half-sages and holy emperors are all prisoners inside.

"If you really enter the inner island, in all the worlds, it is difficult for one person to be freed from it.

"Even if it does come out, the price it will cost is immeasurable!"

Gu Qingyi hugged the evil sword Yuelian, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

When I had never entered this place before and had no hope, Master's words were an ancient legend that was far away from me.

But as soon as he entered the legendary world, Xinji and panic hit, the road ahead was completely unknown, and Gu Qingyi didn't know how to go down.

The line of sight continued down.

In addition to the ancient characters on the stone tablet, there are still many unknown people, but they should also be the names of the heroes of the moment.

In the end, Ye Mo was the eldest man who had been in and out of Void Island in recent times.

"Eight Zunyi, Dao Qiongcang, Beihuai, Void Hate, Sang Qiye, Yuling Di, Cao Yihan, Yu Tu...

The names are in no order, and they are scattered on the stone monument in a chaotic manner.

But one by one, they all have beautiful legends in the Holy Spirit Continent.

Gu Qingyi took a deep breath and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Even the old man Yu Tu came here? Is it after killing Guizhe Holy Mountain, or before going to the Holy Mountain? Does it have anything to do with the disappearance of the old man?

"That's not right, doesn't it mean that there are only eight people who came out of Void Island, except for ghosts and beasts, so many people have come here?

"Hmm... Maybe only the eight gods have been penetrated into the inner island of Void Island, and the rest probably only appeared on the outer island?"

Gu Qing rubbed his chin in thought.

Suddenly, the stone tablet trembled, and there was a stunned and intermittent mechanical sound:


Gu Qing was startled.

Can you still speak?

This is like a stone tablet that has not spoken for a long time, even speaking is so difficult, like a rusted iron sword that is no longer sharp.


Can you say that, does it mean that what happened to me now is the same as everyone who has left a name on the stone tablet?

Gu Qingyi was a little excited.

Thinking that he can share the same stone monument with so many kendo seniors, even if he is not the kind of player who "xxx comes here for a visit", he does not advocate such uncivilized behavior...

For the first time, he couldn't help but stretched out his sword and left his free and easy name on the stone tablet through the scabbard.

"Gu, Qing, one...

"It's written!"

Hit the stone tablet with the body of the sword, trying to get some response.

But after a long time, this stone tablet did not appear any strange, and there was no special reward.

Gu Qingyi was a little disappointed, but when he was about to cross the stele and walk forward, the stele moved again.

Or the intermittent mechanical sound:

"Sinner... Gu Qingyi...


"Welcome... Enter... Void Island, please... Strictly abide by... Void Island... order, offenders... die!"

? ? ?

Gu Qing's expression instantly froze.

Sin, sinner?

The joy of leaving a name on the stone tablet just a moment ago has not yet dispelled the fear of the unknown in his heart.

The next second the "sinner" came out, Gu Qingyi felt a huge rock in his heart, and it was a little heavier.

"Really a place of exile?

"Am I already a sinner?

"I was sucked in, where's the guilt..."

Gu Qingyi wanted to explain, but explaining it to a stone was tantamount to playing the piano to a cow. He resisted the urge.

"What order does Void Island have?"

He patted the stone tablet with the body of his sword. This time, Gu Qingyi had experience, and he waited for a long time, wanting to wait for an answer.

However, the stone tablet seemed to have lost its power source and never responded.

"Depend on!"

Gu Qing's single-mindedness is good, but this time he was forced to rush.

They kept saying that those who violated the order of the Void Island would die, but they didn't even make it clear what the order was. Isn't this roasting people on the oven?

Anxiety, sadness, heart season, panic...

As soon as Gu Qing raised his eyes and looked at the streets of the ancient city in the distance, he only felt that the endless loneliness in the void island can greatly magnify all the negative emotions in people's hearts.


I was in a daze, the clouds and mist subsided and I couldn't see the scenery above my head. Suddenly, a thunderstorm descended and slammed into a place in the ancient city in the distance.

Gu Qing's heart skipped a beat.

"There is movement, which means someone?

"He violated the order of Void Island and was punished by thunder?"

Hesitating again and again, in line with the principle of "whatever comes, it's safe", Gu Qing made a difficult step in that direction.

"Waiting for death" is always more terrifying than "waiting for death".

The latter represents either "destruction" or "rebirth".

The former only has endless "fear" and "mortal death"!


The evil sword in his arms trembled slightly, even though it was wrapped with a seal, at this moment the sword was still emitting a gray evil energy.

Gu Qing glanced down with a low eye, but his heart became calmer.

"Yuelian, are you also afraid?

"Don't worry, I can't die in this place.

"The Sword Burial Tomb is still waiting for me to go back and accept the inheritance. With the second and younger brothers, I am afraid that Master will be really angry."

The so-called Wangshan ran to death.

Before the stele, the ancient city was just an ancient city, with no special power other than mottled and withered.

But really walking towards the center of the city step by step, Gu Qingyi's inner unease gradually spread to his whole body.

Sky City is so big!

After standing on the long street, the further you go, the higher the ancient buildings.

However, at a distance of several miles, the surrounding buildings have grown from ordinary heights to ten feet, dozens of feet, and even hundreds of feet.

"It's a country of giants..."

As soon as Gu Qing walked on the streets of the ancient city, he was as vague as an ant. At this time, he even lowered the volume of his own speech to a very low level.

The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked up in one hand.

This is the true portrayal of Gu Qingyi at this time.


With the concept of time and space completely imitating the lake, Gu Qingyi reached the end of the first long street.

He didn't know how much time he had wasted and how much distance he had crossed.

But the eternal loneliness and loneliness did not leave with the arrival of the end of the long street. As soon as Gu Qing stopped at the end of the long street, he stared at the vast square in front of him, his body began to tremble.

too big!

In the Holy Spirit Continent, there is no square that can be described by the word "boundless".

But at the moment, the square behind the end of the long street is more than ten miles away, and it may even be dozens of miles away. Gu Qingyi is completely unable to visually detect how wide it is.

How can such a vast and empty place be called a "square"?

Gu Qingyi couldn't believe it was a "square".

Judging from the surrounding giant buildings that are hundreds of meters tall, the circular open space surrounded by them may really be just an ordinary "small square" on the Sky City.


The vastness reflects the even smaller self.

Gu Qingyi exhaled heavily, finally letting go of the sense of absurdity in his heart, trying to make himself more stable.

It's just "a little bigger", what is there to marvel at, this is Void Island!

No matter how ridiculous it is, it is not as ridiculous as coming from the deep sea to the city of the sky!

"Peach patter..."

The rain was light.

There is no rain on the edge of the square, but with the huge totem in the center that sticks straight into the sky as the center of the circle, there is a small amount of rain falling on the surrounding areas.

"City in the sky, is there any celestial phenomenon?"

Gu Qing hesitated and stepped into the square.


As soon as he entered, the evil sword Yuelian in his arms trembled even more.

Gu Qing's spirit froze, and he suddenly realized that there was something in this square that he had overlooked on the streets of the ancient city before, but was really missing.


That is the spirit of heaven and earth!

"Water element...

"What a strong power! Except for the water system, there are almost no other elements.

"No, judging from the road we've traveled before, the city of the sky may not have the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at all. It is strange that this square has it..."

Gu Qingyi gently comforted Evil Sword Yuelian, then suddenly bent down and touched the ground of the square.

The ground of the square has a series of intricate engravings. Gu Qing thought it was the standard for the strange elements of the Sky City Square, but after touching it, he found out that it was not.

"The power of the elements!

"This is... the manifestation of the Profound Meaning Array! It's still the water element!"

Tong Kong shrank, Gu Qing thought of something.

Just now, that Lei fell to a nearby place. If you infer that there is no mistake, there are people here...

"Is it a person who has lived from ancient times to the present, or is it a person in distress like me?"

Gu Qingyi's body trembled slightly again.

He couldn't imagine what level of strength it would be if it were an old monster that had survived from ancient times to the present.

This thing sounds ridiculous, but in Void Island, it is entirely possible!

However, the thriller is the thriller, Gu Qingyi said it well, but also maintained the slightest sense of reason as the next-generation successor of the Sword Burial Mound.

He was thinking that the probability of the ancient giants surviving to this day may be, but it should not be large.

And if they are both "the victims"...

The Profound Truth of the Water Element, in his current mind, can only flash a specific result.

"help me…"

While thinking about it, a cry for help as low as a mosquito rang softly in my ears.

Gu Qing shivered and bounced, and the famous sword in his arms circled out.


Between a loud shout, the evil sword Yuelian groaned loudly, and the seal band fell off instantly.

The sword body was unsheathed, and the gray evil energy instantly dyed half of the sky in this vast square.

The cold sword intent shot out from the body, turned into substance, and slashed into the endless space around it.

After keeping the possible risks out of the world, a huge ice lotus with several ten feet under his feet slowly stretched out the lotus leaves, and then closed the cage layer by layer, protecting Gu Qingyi in the heart of the lotus.

"Illusory Sword Art, Lianyou!"


There was silence for a long time.

Taking seriously any unknown Gu Qingyi, failed to usher in the follow-up of the cry for help.

There was only an awkward silence in the air, responding to his sudden and huge movement, as if mocking him like a bird with a bow, making a fuss.

"Damn, are you trying to scare me to death..."

There are no juniors and juniors around, Gu Qing swears unscrupulously, his face is full of anger, and with an exaggerated gesture, he can better vent his inner fears.

But just after he thought it was an auditory hallucination to withdraw the ice lotus, the faint ghost sound in his ears appeared again.

"help me…"

"Fuck your mother!"

Perhaps it was because he had been depressed for too long as a teacher on weekdays. After being alone, Gu Qingyi didn't care about "face" at all.

With a scolding, he had already found out the source of the sound after being prepared.

Backhand sword.

The evil sword Yuelian, whose blade was completely unsheathed, swept across the space like a crescent arc.

The awe-inspiring gray evil energy turned into a sword light, which expanded layer by layer into a superb sword light that matched the current giant city. It flew over the sky-rushing totem pole in the center of the square in an instant, and went to the extreme opposite of this boundless land.


A deafening explosion sounded at the moment when the sword light disappeared.

The square started with Gu Qingyi, with the totem pole as the middle, and the other side as the end, a huge black ravine that was bottomless like a moat was cut open.

The smoke cleared and the dust settled.

"Da. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Gu Qingyi put his sword back into its sheath in silence, but unexpectedly saw that even the ancient city buildings and squares that were tough enough to withstand Taixu's attack were divided into two by him.

But the huge totem in the center of the square was unscathed under the attack of the evil sword!

Not even a single crack appeared!

"It's so hard?"

Gu Qing frowned, unable to believe what he saw with the naked eye.

The attack of the evil sword completely unsheathed is a shocking force, and even the master has to avoid the edge for a while.

What material is this totem, can it resist a single blow without damage?

"help me…"

The strange sound appeared again.

Gu Qing's face turned pale, and he couldn't hold back his sense of season.

Holding the evil sword, he used Wu Wu Jian Liu to block the terrifying gravity of the city in the sky, and flew directly into the rainwater category, wanting to see the true face of this totem.


As soon as he entered the area of ​​the rain cap, the Water Element Mystery Array flashed under his feet, and Gu Qingyi found that he had been passed to the back of the near point of the totem.


Bear the brunt, only one sense of "big".

The totem is like a pillar of the sky, so big that it looks like a cube instead of a cylinder from the front.

On this huge "totem wall", bloodstains flowed down the rain from time to time.

Gu Qing looked up.

However, at the high point of Totem, Yaoyao used a chain of Heavenly Dao to bind a miserable man with disheveled hair and drenched body.

The man was dressed in tattered white blood clothes, his face was unclear, his feet were bare, and his skin was ripped open.

If nothing else, the cry for help came from here.

As soon as Gu Qing narrowed his eyes, he was ready to fight "being taken away" and asked:

"Who are you?"

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