I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 985: Heaven and Man 5 Decline!

The disheveled man finally moved, shook his head, and shook his hair to the side, revealing a very young-looking face, probably in his early twenties.

"Really?" His tone was very weak, but he also sounded very young.

"Who are you!" Gu Qingyi didn't relax at all, because when he was a child, he listened to Master's ghost stories before going to bed, and the eldest elder was in such a young state, and weakness was the focus.

"You are too weak to save me, go back..." The young man looked at the person under the totem, and suddenly sighed when he saw that he was so young.

"Okay." Gu Qing turned around and left, keeping away from right and wrong, which he felt was the key to surviving in this sacred and secret void island.

Turning around and leaving so simply was obviously a big surprise to the man on the totem.

After a pause, he raised his voice and pleaded more:

"Friend, if you can, please help to tell the Holy Spirit Temple and let them send someone over as soon as possible.

The young man didn't seem to give up, and as soon as he said the words, the hope in his eyes became a little more colorful, and then he added.

"In addition, it is said that the spies have made a major discovery. It is best to be below the half-holy level, so you don't need to come and send them..."

Half-Saint and below are all gifts?

Gu Qing's footsteps froze, and his heart fell to the bottom.


That's not the point!

The point is... the Holy Temple!

The Temple of the Holy Spirit grew to become the No. 1 force in the continent after the rise of the Spirit Refinement Age. This guy would say the words "Holy Temple", which meant that he was probably not an ancient elder.

Gu Qingyi turned around and said indifferently: "You don't have to think about it, I should be the second person to be sent here inexplicably besides you, let alone the Holy Temple, I don't even know how to contact the outside world. There is no way."

The young man tied to the totem laughed at himself: "It turned out to be a 'lucky one'..."

Gu Qing was silent for a while, but still couldn't help being curious.

He is also a fallen person from the end of the world. He didn't want to become a pendant on the totem. He hesitated and asked again and again: "Who are you?"

Rain, pattering down.

The totem man shook his wet hair, stared at the sword in Gu Qingyi's arms, and suddenly there was light in his eyes.

"Famous Sword List No. 1, Evil Sword Yuelian?" The surprise in his words could not be suppressed this time.

"Yeah." Gu Qing nodded.

"Are you Gu Qingyi? Gu Qingyi of the sword burial mound?" The man seemed to see the sword holder's face clearly, and his eyes got bigger.


"good very good!"

There was a sudden burst of laughter on the totem, which was the laughter of hope: "Now you are qualified to know my name..."

"So you are?"

"The head of the spirit radical, Yuling Drop!"


Gu Qing's child hole shrank suddenly, and the petrochemical was on the spot.

Yuling drops?

How could Yu Lingdi be locked on the Void Island?


Yunlun Mountain Range, near the ninth dragon vein, a crack appeared in the void, and two figures stepped out of it.

The two are almost dressed in the same style, wearing masks, robes, and hoods, but one orange and one green, one male and one female.

The man with the orange mask was thin and tall, like a skeleton frame. When the wind blew through his robes, it was obvious that his body was outlined to a skinny shape.

His voice was miserable and low, with a grainy hoarseness, like a ghostly scream. Hearing the sound can make babies cry, and adults can get goosebumps.

You were talking about some interesting topic in the space fragmentation. As soon as you landed, the miserable laughter of the orange masked man followed:

"Charming Charming...

"Water ghost? What kind of character is this? When did you owe him so much, Madam Meng?"

The graceful and graceful green-robed masked man cannot hide his figure even if he wears a mask and a robe.

After landing, she subconsciously kept a certain distance from the people around her, and then resisted the urge to shiver and responded with a wry smile:

"I don't know, I just know he's a night owl.

"To be honest, I'm surprised that he can send me a communication at this special time.

"But what he said should be true. We must be careful in this action."

The orange-masked man gave a strange laugh, turned his head, and said faintly, "There is no 'should', Lord Huang Quan has already sent me a message... The cooperation has been reached. This time, we have another task."

"Really?" The voice of the woman who was called Po Meng was quite surprised.

"Yeah." The orange mask man just nodded and didn't continue speaking.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

The green-robed woman Fengtang Mengpo was a little uncomfortable.

This time, Yan Wang's internal actions, she had no choice but to catch up with the person she didn't want to partner with.

The one in front of him was the person in the Hades organization who had been with Lord Huang Quan for the longest time, and was also her senior.

No one knows what level this cultivation base is at, only that he is extremely powerful, and he has won the trust of Lord Huang Quan. He is not at the same level as the other members of the King of Hell.

It stands to reason that such a strong person can learn a lot from his partner.

But every member of the King of Hell is afraid to avoid this one.

Because his abilities are so weird, he has a special power that makes people die inexplicably.

Even if you don't fight, talk a few more words, and get closer, you will be contaminated with bad luck, and follow-up unexpected situations will suddenly occur, and you will die inexplicably.

Everyone in Hades has a code name.

Po Meng thinks that her code name is already very close to her own ability.

"Worry-free soup" and "forgetting love water" can make her feel like a duck to water in intelligence work.

But compared to the current one, it's nothing.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man!

This is the code name of the orange masked man, which is as strange and unpredictable as his abilities.

keep quiet...

With the sound of footsteps, we continue to move forward...

Meng Po Fengtang walked silently for a while, and suddenly felt a little hot.

She is in the realm of emptiness, her body is clean, and she has long been unaffected by the surrounding environment. Naturally, when the dryness and heat appeared, she noticed that it was abnormal.

He clenched his arms imperceptibly, and his armpits were slightly cold, obviously a sign of sweating.


Feng Tang Mengpo was startled, and immediately lowered her eyes to look at her robe.

Obviously he didn't walk on the dirt road, but he still came across the broken stream of space.

But I don't know when, the clothes and robes on my body have become more dirty and dirty, like walking on the mud after the rain, and drying up after the sun exposure, and it is dirty.

"Two Phases!

"I've already had two phases, and I'm not far from death!"

Fengtang Mengpo almost retreated in fright, staying away from the "five failures of heaven and man" around him.

But in her mind flashed by Lord Huang Quan's extra exhortation when he delivered the task:

"Remember, the abilities of heaven and man are very special, and those who go on missions with him generally do not die at the hands of the enemy, but die 'inadvertently'.

"You can't let him put all his interest and attention on you, and you can't let his mind be completely empty and let his bad luck spread freely.

"Because the two outcomes tend to be the same, you will die inexplicably.

"Also, when you have the signs of the five declines of heaven and man, you must not let him find out, because his gaze will bring about a crazy increase in your bad luck.

"These are all his unintentional and natural influences, not related to his own will. He is actually... a person with a fairly good character..."

"How to eliminate the influence?" Fengtang Mengpo had the only idea of ​​"rejecting the mission" at that time, but she knew that it was not realistic, so she could only seek back-up methods like this.

"I have tried countless times, and I have only come up with one method. This method may not be the only one, but after all, there are no subjects to test, so I can only do it right away." Huang Quan was also helpless.

"what way?"

"Awkward chat."

Embarrassing chat... Fengtang Mengpo couldn't even recall what kind of expression she had when she heard such abrupt words popped out of Huang Quan's mouth.

But Lord Huang Quan seemed to treat this as a very serious matter, and continued to persuade:

"Only when you keep chatting with him and can't talk about issues that he is very interested in will he not be interested in you and not be completely relieved.

"And when he opened his mouth to speak, the symptoms of the five declines of heaven and man seemed to gradually disappear... um, it seems...

"However, you can't talk to either irritate him or make him happy.

"So all you have to do is always maintain a chatting state where you are embarrassed without making him very embarrassed, and let him bring up dandan interest in the midst of boredom, and answer each other with you.

"In this way, you can survive."

Fengtang Mengpo couldn't understand why she had to accept such a maddening task.

But this is a task sent by Lord Huang Quan!

She could only try her best to keep her tone calm, and asked without pulling her hips: "How to grasp this kind of scale?"

At that time, the picture was very profound, because Lord Huang Quan pondered for a long time before answering: "You are engaged in intelligence work, and you are better at chatting with people than me. You can grasp this scale."

Madam Meng didn't give up, she didn't want to die, she could only grab the last straw and asked: "Senior Tianren has been with Lord Huang Quan for so long, Lord Huang Quan can still resist his five declines, you must have something special. You want to teach me the skills of confrontation, right?"

Huang Quan said after being silent: "I usually don't go on missions with him."

God **** it!

The memory is really driving me crazy the more I think about it.

But just after thinking about it, Fengtang Mengpo felt a stinky smell from her body, which made her mentally broken even more as an elegant woman with a fragrant body.

"Senior Tianren..."

There is no way, the dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor, Feng Tang Mengpo continued to speak: "Master Huang Quan told you, what is our second task?"

"Can..." The gods and humans let out a laugh and looked sideways, "This is natural, otherwise why would we come here?"

Don't look at me!

Fengtang Meng Po was stared at by this miserable look, and her tailbone was already chilled. She endured her anger and tried to calm down: "But I don't know yet, can you tell me something about the seniors?"

"Nothing to say, you are my companion."

After thinking about it for a while, he said in a sandy voice, "This time, Master Huang Quan and Ye Cat are cooperating to kill the saint. Our purpose is to use it as a bait to go to Guyin Cliff and lure that half-sage to take action."


Fengtang Mengpo was struck by lightning.

I myself have not been lifted from the five signs of human decline, and the time of death is approaching. I still have the qualifications to fish for that semi-holy bait?

No wonder the content of the quest was not revealed to me at first...

Where did I offend Lord Huang Quan, must I target me like this?

I just gave a contact information to go out, don't you need to wear small shoes like this?

Oh no!

The exact location of the members of Hades, I also gave the water ghosts...

Fengtang Meng Po suddenly realized something, closed her eyes heavily, and said in a low voice, "Then, are we still going to do our first task?"

"Naturally it is to be done." It seems that the memory of the five failures of heaven and man is also very bad. After thinking about it again, he took out a portrait from his arms and spread it out, looking at himself and saying:

"The decoy operation didn't start until half a day later, and we still have a lot of time to find the person on this portrait.

"According to the instructions of Lord Huang Quan, the power of Leijiatong should appear on this little girl...

He poked at the portrait with his finger, with a look of interest in his eyes, "Mu Xiaogong, a very nice name, isn't it?"

How cool is this name!

Your interests, just like your abilities, are simply perverted!

Fengtang Mengpo had 10,000 grooves in her heart and wanted to vomit.

She wasn't like this before, but when she was acting with the five evils of heaven and man, she wanted to complain loudly about every word the other party said.


Fang wanted to speak, but his heart suddenly twitched, and Feng Tang Mengpo groaned "uh".

"What's the matter?" The gods and gods looked up, and the dark eyes seemed to be dying.

Fengtang Mengpo's heart beat faster, feeling the season of death more intense.

But she could only stare at the portrait as if no one else was there, trying to divert the attention of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of finding Leijiatong and participating in the slaughtering operation... I'm a little excited."

"Charming Charming..." Heaven and Man Wubai laughed miserably and nodded sincerely, "I'm also very excited."

I was fake excited, but you're a real pervert!

Fengtang Mengpo didn't expect that her fake words would attract the real interest of the five degenerates. She tried hard to make him return to normal, so she pointed at the portrait and said:

"This Mu Xiaogong, the other side of Huakai has acted, but because of this, he lost the 'yin and yang blood boy', which is not worth the loss.

"There should be someone behind her. At least she is a special expert by Xu Shao's side. If there is an expert to protect her, we may not find her directly, but shift the target and score from the side."

"You're right." The Five Decays of Heaven and Man nodded in agreement.

I can't see that you are quite sensible... Fengtang Mengpo is surprised that a senior with such a strong ability is not blindly arrogant.

But she didn't dare to go deeper, fearing that the other party would be interested, she immediately waved her hand to tell the seniors to change their portraits-because she didn't dare to touch the things that the five bad guys had touched, UU continued after reading www.uukanshu.com:

"This girl is not bad. I have followed her, and she is also a strange person, but no matter how disguised she is, her sign is very obvious. We can find a breakthrough from here." Feng Tang Mengpo nodded.

"Small copper stove?" The gods and men noticed something that was lit by her fingertips.

"Yes." Fengtang Mengpo nodded and moved a little further away, "Every time she goes out, she will carry this small copper stove in her hand, even if she is disguised, it has not changed. I am very curious about this... why?"

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man fell into contemplation, and said for a long time: "Fishing? She is actually a very powerful person. She uses this inconspicuous little detail to attract the attention of all the enemies who pay attention to her, wait for someone to take the bait, and then kill?"


Fengtang Meng Po sucked in a cold breath.

She did not agree with this idea, but was amazed that the seniors of heaven and humans would be so cautious that even a small master would not despise it.

Instead, treat equally to this extreme!

"Maybe it is possible, but it shouldn't be at this point..." Fengtang Mengpo didn't know whether to agree or refute, so she could only give an ambiguous answer.

At this moment, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man suddenly raised their eyes and looked into the distance.

"Is it her? It looks a bit similar..."


Fengtang Mengpo raised her eyes and accidentally caught a glimpse of a woman walking slowly towards the gravel in the mountains and fields in the distance.

She looks ordinary and has no special highlights, but the white clothes are better than the snow, she is calm and leisurely, and her temperament is more like the snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains.

The most important thing is that on the woman's left hand, she holds a small copper stove burning with faint sandalwood.

The shape is exactly the same as the one on the picture!

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