I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 987: But Feng Yujin, he wants to kill me~

"Senior, what does this mean?"

Mo Mo completely ignored the voice in his head, looked at the strange space around him, and finally looked at the orange masked man in front of him.


In his mind, Feng Yujin's mentality collapsed.

Now he regretted to death why he had to squeeze the broken phonogram, but he didn't dare to distort Mo Mo's will to go out again, so he could only frantically growl and filial piety: "Don't look at him, stay away!"

"Hostility." The Five Decays of Heaven and Man said succinctly, and went straight to the point, "I want to know the current whereabouts of Mu Xiaogong?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Mo Mo's expression was fearless and fearless, as if he didn't know that there was a Taixu in front of him, a super stowaway with extremely special abilities.

When the two were still facing each other, Mo Mo's mind had already started a steady stream of broken thoughts:

"Don't say it, don't say it!

"Look at that place thirty steps to your left, three feet away from the ground... Space Node! This Emperor has marked it for you! Fly over, smash it, and we can leave immediately. This is the first method.

"The rest of the methods, and how to deal with the five declines of heaven and man, I will tell you when you go out.

"There's no time now, you're going to have a big disaster, don't talk to him anymore, and immediately do as the emperor said! Do-"

The five failures of heaven and man could not hear this hysterical voice, and only quietly looked at the woman in front of him, with a threat in his tone: "If you don't want to say it, you may die."

His eyes were extremely serious, and at the same time a little curious.

Because he found that, no matter what, he couldn't see even the slightest fear from this girl!


Confidence, where does it come from?

"Be obedient! Go out to this emperor!"

In his mind, Feng Yujin was screaming like crazy: "When you go out, this emperor apologizes to you! Okay? Now let's stay away from this decaying body, okay... You just take care of me! Take care of me!"

"You're so noisy." Mo Mo replied in his mind as if he couldn't take it anymore.

"Wow!" Feng Yujin's frantic voice turned into a surprise, "Wahhahaha, hahaha! Take care of me, you take care of me! So you can hear what this emperor just said, that's good! Now! , Immediately, immediately, get me out!"

"Go out?" Mo Mo's lips curved into a subtle smile.

The two people in front of them were obviously staring at the first floor in the sky, and they opened their mouths to find Mu Zixi. It is impossible to say that their final goal was Xu Xiaoshou.

How can I go out directly?

It can be said that since the first meeting, she has no thoughts of "leaving" or "going out".

Feng Yujin is really noisy.

But it is as if the person who knows him best in this world is the ghost beast in his mind whose spirit is connected with himself.

Mo Mo was the first to know Feng Yujin's strength best.

Feng Yujin was too noisy, but he was really too strong. As long as he was released, he was really below a half-sage now, and she, Mo Mo, could fear no one.

And since the two guys in front of them wanted to find trouble on the first floor of the sky, the guy in his mind was happy to come out, and he had to admit the fact that he was already a ghost...

Mo Mo was never pedantic.

She just hates that she becomes special, but at a critical moment, she will not refuse to borrow this special power.

"Going out is indeed a good choice..."

Mo Mo paused for a while, the corners of his lips were bitter, and there was a bit of sadness in his response: "But Feng Yujin, he wants to kill me..."


In the real world, the five degenerates of heaven and man are still thinking about the trump card of the woman in front of him. After Mo Mo's words in his mind, the noise disappeared instantly, and everything became dead silent.

Feng Yujin was stunned.

He'd never heard of this damned host, and there's a third tone he can put out besides calm and surprise.

The point is, this tone, why...

Can bring this feeling?

- Strange feeling!

Feng Yujin swore that the host he chose was really just treated as a tool person.

But after getting along day and night, he discovered the speciality of this tool man.

She has no desires, no desires, no volume and no love, as if nothing in the world can arouse this little girl's mood swings.

Feng Yujin thinks that he, the Emperor Fengtian, can grasp everything in the world with a little sweetness.

But on Mo Mo, his ability failed.

On the contrary, the longer he stayed, the more he felt that he was being manipulated by the other party.

Just like now!

Feng Yujin couldn't describe this strange and wonderful feeling.

But it's like when an old father sees his world-weary little girl suddenly eyeing a cute doll in a toy store, but someone wants to destroy this extremely scarce emotion with his own hands...

The urge to kill in his heart burst out.

"Little girl, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Feng Yujin's voice became solemn, with endless coldness:

"Even if this emperor can't come out, he can teach you how to use the power of the throne realm to crush Taixu!

"What a **** body of decay... Today, this emperor will show you how the seal attribute can surpass all the power of innate attributes!"

Mo Mo Tianran responded: "I don't like fighting."


Feng Yujin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize what it meant for the first time.

But soon, he was like being hit by a big cake that fell from the sky, completely dazzled by happiness.

God opened his eyes?

Will this girl let herself out?

"Good! Good! Good!"

Feng Yujin was so excited that he said three "good" words in a row, and then carefully asked for instructions: "Then come in and rest, and leave the rest to me?"

"Yeah." Mo Mo let go of the control of his body.

Feng Yujin's inner joy bloomed on the spot like fireworks, his confidence inflated to the extreme like a balloon, and finally burst, he almost slapped his chest and swore:

"Little Nizi, look good! Today, the emperor will not cut off the heads of these two guys and use them as football kicks. The emperor will not be named Feng, but will change his surname to Mo!"


"Oh, well, then don't kill them. The emperor will subdue them. What will you do after that? I'll leave it to you to say?"



In the otherworldly realm of time and space, it was clear that the three of them did not move, but the wind and sand around them suddenly rolled up slightly, as if a tornado was starting to take shape.


The face of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man hidden under the mask was startled.

He is too immature, he has experienced a hundred battles, and he can clearly feel that, I don't know when, the woman in front of him seems to be a different person, and his temperament has changed.

Before, she was like a soft little lamb, even if she didn't show fear, she could still handle it at will.

But the sudden turn of events, just from the look of the eyes, the five declines of heaven and man realized that something was wrong.

These eyes...

From calm to tyranny!

It seems that there is a **** of war possessed, and the killing intent in his eyes is completely different from what a little girl of this age can have.

The back crest of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man was slightly cold, and he was almost surprised to open some distance,

But soon he hid this heart season, a bit absurd, self-deprecating, and asked curiously: "How is it, have you figured it out?"

"Mo Mo" narrowed his eyes, and what came out of his throat was no longer a quiet female voice, but a hoarse and cold voice that suppressed her anger and was about to be vented:

"Good dog, stay out of the way.

"Give you three breaths, get out!"

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man: ? ? ?

Feng Tang Meng Po: ? ? ?

The faces of the two changed greatly at the same time, this...

Really replaced?

No matter how stupid he is, he will not be able to see the slightest clue from these two extremely contrasting personalities.

What's more, at this time, Mo Mo's coercion displayed on his body even overwhelmed the Five Decays of Heaven and Man!

Fengtang Mengpo tried to resist, and she tried her best. She found that she was too imaginary, and her aura was still suppressed.

This is so creepy!

It's like a fake lizard encountering a real giant dragon. No matter how powerful it is, the level of personality and blood can never be remedied.


The ground exploded under the feet of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man. With the help of this recoil, he suddenly retreated, and then tried his best to raise his eyes, but he was still unable to straighten his waist from the imposing aura of the little girl in the distance.

"how is this possible…"

The eyes of heaven and man are full of astonishment.

An ordinary little girl was able to overwhelm herself in momentum, which even Lord Huang Quan could not do.

"Beyond too virtual?

"Half, half saint?"

At the same time, the two Hades who came to this conclusion had only endless absurdity and unbelief in their hearts.

But before they could continue to speak, a thick mist of seal emerged from Mo Mo's body, and Feng Yujin completely took over his body.

"Oh! The time for three breaths has passed. Have you thought about how to die?"

He glanced at Fengtang Mengpo.

As soon as the little doll of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man retreats, the first to bear the brunt, of course, is this little girl in a green robe.

Feng Tang Meng Po was too late to be surprised.

In the heart of the season, she subconsciously formed a seal with her hands, calling out her own realm.

In any case, all the information recorded in the intelligence is obviously only the tip of the iceberg of the strength of the person in front of him.

After there is a death threat, of course, it is the first time to explode with full force to defend against a strong enemy.

"Shiyi Fish World!"

Fengtang Mengpo drew both hands, and the water element instantly outlined the shape of the boundary, closing around the periphery to block the enemy.

The special water system ability and the special Dao research direction make Fengtang Mengpo's realm very special.

As long as it is summoned, the banned enemy will lose all desires in the body after the seven breaths time, and at the same time forget all the memories of the past, and become a walking corpse at the mercy of others.

Of course, these abilities are temporary and only happen within the realm.

Out of the realm, people will restore their previous emotions and memories.

But even if all this can only happen in the realm, it is powerful enough.

Because for Taixu, apart from the semi-sage, who can break his own realm in just seven breaths?

The guy in front of him has a weird aura, but he definitely can't be a half-sage!


Feng Yujin has extremely rich combat experience, and can judge the basic abilities of the surrounding realm.

He took over the body, or did he take over with Mo Mo's approval, and he could take action unscrupulously. In this case, how could he forget everything before and let others be slaughtered?

"Little Momo, look good..." Feng Yujin raised his hand.

Fengtang Mengpo's heart skipped a beat, knowing that this person was going to take action, how could she be willing to give him a chance?

As long as the seven breaths time is delayed, the half-sage has to lie down when he enters this realm.

As the master of the realm, she is afraid that she will not be able to drag this guy for just seven breaths?

"Wet Hell!"

After serving Tang Mengpo, it was sent to the person, with both hands in the form of a seal, a shimmering light flashed, and a thick ice-blue water mist appeared in the realm in an instant.

The five declines of heaven and man were holding the seal at the back, and the power of the curse was continuously exerted on Feng Yujin. Seeing this, he immediately closed his five senses and six consciousnesses.

In addition, Fengtang Mengpo did not target him, so the water mist summoned by this style did not penetrate into the body.

Feng Yujin is different.

As soon as the water mist appeared, it swarmed, roaring frantically into his body.

In Fengtang Mengpo's impression, as soon as the wet prison comes out, the contact person will be charged instantly, and then the mind will be disordered, the thoughts will be unclear, and even the body will be drowning and unable to move.

Don't say seven breaths.

Under the control of the realm, it is possible to be charged for seventy breaths!

However, Feng Yujin turned a blind eye to all this, and let the ice blue water mist enter his body...

But in fact, these mists lost their light as early as the moment they came into contact with the sealed air around him, decomposed into ordinary water elements, and then were sealed again, turning into nothingness and disappearing into space.


After judging all this in a short time, Fengtang Mengpo was stunned.

The intelligence did record that this person possessed the ability similar to the "seal" attribute. After all, Mo Mo had shown his power in the Tianluo Field, but how could he be so powerful now?

Even the wet prison is invalid?

"Quack quack..."

Feng Yujin smiled and seemed to enjoy this kind of startled reaction of the enemy returning without success. He raised his right hand and patted the ground involuntarily.

"seal up!"

There was a peculiar sound of pong, and the gray color spread along the palm of the hand to the "Shiyi Fish World".

In the blink of an eye, the special water system boundary on this side lost its light, turned into an ineffective gray, and collapsed.

Feng Tang Meng Po: ? ? ?

"Next, it's time to see the Emperor."

The corners of Feng Yujin's lips curled up, and the air of the seal all over his body instantly spread to the entire "space-time alien world".

"The world is sealed!"

With a bang, the realm is constructed, and gray fills the world.

Before Fengtang Meng Po could react, she saw a figure in the distance appearing in front of her like a teleportation, and slapped her with a palm.


The strange sound is reproduced.

Fengtang Meng Po was photographed taking a few steps back, but she felt that other than that, there was nothing unusual.

The expected picture of flying upside down and spraying blood did not appear, and she immediately mobilized her spirit energy to fight back.

As a result, when the mind moved, the sea of ​​qi was as drowsy as the dead sea, and there was no feedback.


Mother Fengtang Meng's heart skipped a beat.


Not a suspected seal attribute, but a real seal attribute!

And this guy's ability is so outrageous that he can seal everything of Tai Xu with one palm!

Facing absent-mindedness on the other side, Feng Yujin would not give him a chance.

He strode forward, facing the Taixu powerhouse who had no power to hold a chicken in front of him, and grinned, "It's really cool, there is no small world to suppress the power of this emperor again..."

He stretched out his hand, his spirit energy gathered, and the power of the seal trapped Fengtang Mengpo, who opened his legs and wanted to run, but the speed was as slow as a baby crawling.


Beneath the mask, Fengtang Mengpo spurted out a mouthful of blood, like a mortal in the world, powerlessly enduring the pain in her heart.

"The power of sealing...

"How could it really be a seal attribute...

"I'm too vain, I'm too vain! How can it be so simple, seal me off..."

Fengtang Mengpo seemed to have lost her soul.

Such a disastrous defeat, she had never fought before.

Her Taixu World, her other spiritual skills, her Mengpo soup and Wangqingshui, haven't had time to come out yet...

How can there be such an unreasonable attribute?

Directly seal Tai Xu as a mortal?


Feng Yujin was amused by this kind of murmur, stretched out his free hand, and patted off Fengtang Mengpo's mask, revealing a charming, somewhat mature face inside, but his face was full of blood and consternation.

"I haven't seen such an expression in a long time..."

Feng Yujin threw it unceremoniously, and the flaccid Fengtang Meng Po was smashed to the ground beside her, and she couldn't get up again.

The battle is over.

Feng Yujin tilted his head and looked at another masked man who was also shocked by how quickly the battle ended. He slowly raised the index finger of his blood-stained right hand, and said with a sarcastic smile:


He shook his index finger again, "But by no means the last."

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