I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 988: The mad saint

"The seal attribute...

The gods and humans whispered softly, looking slightly startled, and at this time, he couldn't laugh at all.

A little girl suddenly burst out with such combat power that even Feng Tang Mengpo could take it in a few rounds, close to an instant kill.

There is no doubt that he has also changed from the identity of the hunter to the prey in the eyes of the other party in an instant.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man can't believe this fact, but what makes him curious is...


how did you do that?

"Holy Emperor Fengtian, Feng Yujin?"

Even if you don't believe it, there is only such a name in the memory of the strongest combat power of the seal attribute.

He couldn't remember too many stories about this guy.

I only vaguely know that this person is obviously a historical figure and should not appear in this era, but the last famous person of the seal attribute is nothing else.


Feng Yujin laughed when he heard the sound: "I didn't expect that on this continent, there are still people who remember the name of this emperor. It seems that you are not just ordinary and vain, at least you can know some secrets of the emperor."

He paused, looked up and down the clothes of the five degenerates, and said in a voice: "Ye Wang?"

At this moment, the five declines of heaven and man have sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Ben Emperor…

no denying...

He, is really Fengtian Shengdi, Feng Yujin?

Shouldn't this character have already disappeared into history, where did he come from?

I thought of the little sheep I faced before, and after I threatened that little sheep, everything about the personality of the other party and the strength also changed...

There is only one explanation for this bizarre form.

"Ghost beast?" The gods and humans didn't answer, and the tone was amazed, "You actually lived as a ghost beast until now?"

"Emperor, I hate being called a ghost beast!" Feng Yujin's heart was filled with anger, "Emperor, I have never died!"

With a sound from Peng, the space under his feet cracked, the whole person fluttered away, and slapped the gods and humans with a palm.

"There is a solution, there is a solution..."

The Heaven and Man Five Decline Tong Kong shrank suddenly, but his thoughts were extremely calm.

It stands to reason that if the other party is really a "sacred emperor", with the playful heart of himself and Po Meng just now, with one look, they both have to kneel.

but not!

Meng Po suffered from the wrong information, and did not even exert one-tenth of her strength.

Whether this "Feng Yujin" is a "Fengtian Holy Emperor" is a matter of choice. Even if it is true, at this moment, the strength of the little girl will be greatly reduced.

And if he can use even the semi-holy power, why would he choose a melee attack?

"It's too empty to hold on!

"And I am five bad, and I am fighting everything under the semi-sacred!"

The thoughts are certain, and the hearts of the five failures of heaven and man are also certain.

His hands quickly formed a seal, and black mist permeated from his body, turning into a fang-tooth devil with claws and claws behind his back.

"The devil of filth!"

There is no half-point support, and the first person to be invited by the Five Decays of Heaven and Man is his own power of Taixu.

In the face of Feng Yujin, who was rushing in with his momentum, but with an unremarkable palm, he urged his twelve points of strength, and then the black color gathered in the palm of his hand, and the gods and men faced each other with one palm.



In the void, the air pressure was squeezed out, and the roar blew the space apart.

Seal vs Decay!

On the premise that there is no interference from holy power, the five declines of heaven and man cannot be determined, which is stronger or weaker.

Similarly, Feng Yujin had heard of the "decaying body", but he had never experienced it personally.

After all, he is a character who has fought for an era, and he has a lot of theoretical knowledge.

But the theory is the theory, the two powers that have been called the strongest under the semi-sage face each other, and whether he can seal the decline is also a matter of opinion.


The shock wave of gray and black followed the palm of the hand, completely engulfing the two of them.

After the explosion, the first sound that appeared was the strange sound that Feng Yujin made when Fengtang Mengpo was blocked.

Hearing the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm going to lose?"

Before he had time to think about it, the power of the sea of ​​qi and sea surged, and he continued to confront Feng Yujin.

But the five declines of heaven and man only feel that the body is getting weaker and weaker, and the vigor is becoming less and less.


"He really failed to seal all of me immediately, but the power of the seal is gradually eroding my air!

"If this goes on like this, I will lose..."

The sense of fear did not last long, and the five declines of heaven and man suddenly noticed a detail.

If one's own strength is constantly falling, the other party has not decreased in the slightest.

At this time, I should not be able to hold it anymore, how can I continue to fight?

"He can't hold my power of emptiness either!" Heaven and Man's mind became more alive.

On the other hand, Feng Yujin is indeed supporting.

"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man" is too strong!

This is completely the ability to be hated by the Tao of Heaven. The seal is still in the Tao of Heaven, and this ability is beyond the five elements.

Even if the sheep pretended to be calm on the surface, Feng Yujin knew that there were too many strange things in his body.

Earlier, when Mo Mo confronted the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, he was already wearing two looks. Naturally, there was a lot of dirt on his clothes, and his armpits were sweating.

When he beat Tang Mengpo, the power of the curse of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man in the back continued, and it looked normal, but Feng Yujin could clearly smell that even his body was more foul.

Now that the palms are facing each other, he is in direct contact with the body of decay. His sealing power is indeed sealing the opponent's ability, but the power of the opponent's decline and degeneration has also affected himself.

Feng Yujin is keenly aware, the hairpin, waist jade, bracelet...

All of his jewelry has lost its original luster, and his face is even more haggard.

Such sluggish physical changes made him disgusted.

"This body has decayed, and it is not worthy of the identity of this emperor. It is better to leave and transfer this seat..."

At this point, Feng Yujin was shocked.


Filthy clothes, wilted head, sweaty armpits, stinky body, unhappy seat...

The five declines of heaven and man are coming together, isn't this killing people? !

Besides, Mo Mo is a sealed body that is hard to find through the ages. If he really got out of this body according to the idea of ​​​​just now, I am afraid that when he finds a suitable second choice, his soul will wither.

"Little Momo, did you see it?

"This is the sign of the 'Five Decays of Heaven and Man' that this Emperor spared no effort to show you.

"Remember in the future, when you meet such people, you must never look at them or make contact with them, otherwise you will die. Now you know the consequences of not running away?"

Feng Yujin spoke eloquently in his mind, and then he kept on going, preferring to lose 800 to himself, but also to break the tendency of the gods and men to face each other.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, Feng Yujin flipped over in midair, and then retreated.

If he doesn't retreat, even if he seals the masked man on the opposite side, he will bear the five declines of heaven and man and meet the calamity of the Holy Fall - a mortal situation!


On the other side, breaking the confrontation, greeted the recoil of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and also spurted out a mouthful of blood under the mask, covering his face.

Fortunately, it was Feng Yujin who took the initiative to interrupt the confrontation, and this guy endured more.

This mouthful of blood from the five declines of heaven and man is only a drop of the power in the body.


As soon as he saw the sea of ​​​​qi, the eyes of the five degenerates of heaven and man were darkened, and his heart was frightened.

The sea of ​​emptiness, the short confrontation, was directly sealed by Yu Jin with a full 70%, which was still under the circumstance that he used the power of the power of the emptiness, the "filth demon" to bless him.

On the opposite side, it was just a mediocre palm...

Who is strong or weak, you can see at a glance!

"Senior Feng is so good. As expected of the saint emperor in the past, today is the junior abruptly."

When the five degenerates of heaven and human beings are good, they will accept it, and there is more meaning in the heart of defeat.

He glanced at Fengtang Mengpo, who was still in a coma. The battle had just begun, and he had already lost one member.

Lord Huang Quan's task is still there, Fengtang Meng Po can't die, and he can't just explain to an inexplicable ghost beast like this.

Since he is a former saint emperor, Lord Huang Quan can understand if he wants to go back and forth...

The five degenerates of heaven and man expected to have reached this point.

"Senior is still in the process of recovering his strength at this time, and he is willing to give me a palm right now. The junior is grateful, but has no intention of continuing to offend.

"It's better, today's situation, stop here.

"And the sudden move just now, how about reporting it later?"

This is undoubtedly the best of both worlds.

Feng Yujin was moved.

It's just an encounter, and it's not an enemy of life and death, why do you have to fight to the death?

It wasn't that he was afraid of this Hades masked man. It was just that the sealed body was too precious. When he escaped from the Void Island, it was not easy to find such a body as soon as possible.

If he fights again, both sides will suffer, and Mo Mo is even more at risk of death. What he can get is only two heads.

Not worth the loss!

"Little baby, how can you say it, your body can't hold it anymore.

"The power of the five declines of heaven and man is not clear to others, but this emperor can solve it, but it takes time. It is best to leave the battlefield immediately and find a place to hide.

"As long as it's not hidden in Guyin Cliff, this emperor can completely seal your five degenerates in ten days and a half.

"But if it goes on again..."

Feng Yujin said in his mind, fully clarifying the interests.

He knew that Mo Mo was a smart girl, and she was very able to compare her heart to her heart, and she would definitely be able to understand her own thoughts and the current situation of the body they shared.

But obviously.

In normal times, Mo Mo had no desires and no desires, so he retreated.

But as it was about the first floor in the sky, the masked man was still coming towards Mu Zixi.

Even Feng Yujin, the Emperor Fengtian, didn't want to fight the other side under the palm of his hand. If the masked man really finds Mu Zixi, or Xu Xiaoshou...

how to spell?

Mo Mo couldn't imagine what method Mu Zixi and Xu Xiaoshou could use to get rid of the five evils of heaven and man that would die if they won.

And since everyone is helpless about this, I just encountered this trouble.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?

"Feng Yujin, didn't you say that you are the first person under the semi-sage, if I let you out, you can walk sideways in the five regions of the mainland?" Mo Mo's tone contained anger.

Feng Yujin felt his scalp go numb.

Aunt wow!

Who won't talk big?

You have to see what state I am in now!

As long as you accept this emperor's empowerment earlier and break through the throne earlier, now this emperor can at least recover some holy power.

And as long as there is holy power, it can be divided into two by three and five, no matter what kind of decaying body it is, it will be taken directly to you, and it will do.

but now…

A draw!

If you fight again, this body will be useless.

Xu Xiaoshou or something, can you not be so concerned? You are afraid that you don't know how Void Island's eight masters abuse people!

For that guy, it's enough to obey the yin and the yin. What's the point of this?

"This emperor said this, but..." Feng Yujin finally didn't dare to beep loudly.

"If you say it, you say it. You also said that you will take these two people and hand them over to me. Are you lying to me?" Mo Mo was sullen.

With a bang, Feng Yujin was dazed by this undisguised anger.


He jumped up and a nameless anger rose from his heart.

"Little girl, what are you kidding! When did this emperor lie to you?

"The emperor has said it, accepting the inheritance will not be harmful to you, and it is even less likely that it will be taken away from you.

"But you are arrogant, you just don't cry when you don't see the coffin, you have to wait until you can't keep up with that Xu Xiaoshou's growth rhythm before accepting the inheritance.

"Who is Xu Xiaoshou? This guy has more than one emperor, how many saint emperors are making arrangements, and how many elders are giving him resources? You have to wait!"

"Okay now, how much time wasted because of waiting?

"But even so, has this emperor forcibly passed on the power to you? Isn't it what you want? Everything will take your time..."

Feng Yujin was getting more and more angry, and his expression was out of control.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man were recovering their strength, while watching this Emperor Fengtian was extremely silent, but in the silence he bared his teeth and grinned, as if he had gone crazy, obviously his mind was no longer on him.

He couldn't help but feel dazed, but quietly moved in the direction of Fengtang Mengpo, trying to steal someone and escape directly.

in mind.

Mo Mo calmly accepted Feng Yujin's scolding. When the other party realized that something was wrong and his voice became smaller, he calmly replied:

"Is it my fault?"


Feng Yujin was directly miserable, almost crying with a headache.

What is this all about!

Is this the woman?

Sure enough, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This emperor is right not to marry, not to deal with women.

What kind of creature is this? Totally incomprehensible!

"My fault, my fault...

"But now I really can't continue to fight. According to this emperor, the best choice is to leave and immediately remove the five signs of heaven and man on us!"

Feng Yujin noticed the cautious movements of the orange masked man, but just wanted to yell at you, can you steal someone and leave quickly?

Mo Mo also saw it.

She no longer persuaded, but said calmly: "If you dare to leave, I will ignore you from now on."


"Ha ha,"

"Ha ha ha ha-"

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man were stealing people, and suddenly there was a burst of hysterical laughter at the scene, which made his heart burst, and goose bumps all over his body.

Meng Yi turned back.

Then I saw the guy who had the gray seal energy all over his body, suddenly a black magic energy flashed in his eyes, and then "surge", the endless black and gray energy spewed out from his body like a volcanic eruption. .

"What is the body of decay? Wait a moment, this emperor will cut off others' heads!"


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