I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 989: Seal the coffin!

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man: ? ? ?

what's the situation?

He Peng Yi picked up Feng Tang Meng Po with one hand, kicked the void with one foot, and was about to flee far away.

Never thought, Feng Yujin threw the small copper stove to the side with a toss of his hand, and then a drop of gray holy blood flew out from his fingertips and immediately entered his throat.

"Little Nizi, look good, this trick is what you need to learn.

"But after using this trick, the emperor will fall asleep again.

"This time, in order to help you, it can be said that I have used all my cards. This emperor only hopes that when I am sleeping, you will not give me any more unreasonable sealing power, this is ridiculous!

"Also, I'm asleep, but not dead, don't try to destroy yourself, or use some method to get me out of this body.


"You're so noisy." Mo Mo's voice appeared.

"Uh, okay, then I won't talk about it." Feng Yujin shrank his head in disobedience, and even his swaying attitude was suppressed a lot.

Anyway, no matter how hard Mo Mo struggled, he couldn't get out of his control.

He looked at the five evils of heaven and man who had escaped into the fragmented stream of space, and with a bang, he kicked the space with one foot and followed.

At this moment, a hesitant voice appeared in my mind: "Don't worry, I will be in danger later... I will call you."

Feng Yujin stopped abruptly, his face full of surprise: "Really?"


"That's great, that's great..."

The little aunt actually gave a guarantee, is this recognition?

It's long overdue!

What's so embarrassing about ghost parasites? How many people envy you for having an old grandfather on your body, this emperor doesn't eat people, he just wants to live... Feng Yujin was almost moved to tears.

God knows how many temptations he tried to impress Mo Mo, but he failed.

This woman with no desires, finally, finally...

"Chasing people."

"Oh, okay, okay."

What a joke!

In the fragmented stream of space, the five evils of heaven and man fled wildly with Fengtang Mengpo, and he did not believe that he confronted him just now when he was beaten to death.

Doesn't this mean that the one who was tied was just a ghost beast whose strength was suppressed, and most of his strength had not been used yet?


He took out the pill bottle, opened the stopper, and poured out a drop of holy blood and swallowed it directly.

The stronger one in the back has taken the holy blood, and if he doesn't use it again, I'm afraid he won't be able to run even if he doesn't run.

The momentum is rising...

Holy power is coming...

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man felt the surging power in his body. He wanted to vent and destroy, but he could only think and dare not do it.

How many years!

Under the semi-holy, he is almost invincible.

As for his attributes of the **** of plague, he is very clear about the five failures of heaven and man. Even if he is a half-holy relative, he is probably not willing to fight against him.

Because even if he kills himself, the semi-sacred status is finally obtained, but because of the five declines of heaven and man, the semi-sage will go through the holy calamity again.

If you can't get over it, you will directly die!

Who can handle this?

But the guy in the back is crazy!

When he used the holy blood, he knew that this guy had the will to kill.

Otherwise, the two sides will stop and go, you will fail me, and I will seal you, and there will never be a result.

With holy blood, the taste is different.

An enemy who is already stronger than himself, if he does not have the real intention to kill and capture, how can he even drink the holy blood without hesitation?

"Kicked the iron plate!"

The five degenerates of heaven and man are extremely remorseful, but they dare not even turn their heads.

However, the power of the Holy Blood's blessing needs to grow slowly...

After all, this is not his own power. If he is forced to bear it, the damage is already great. If he directly grasps the power of the Holy Blood, he may explode and die in an instant.

"If I were the body of the throne..."

The five degenerates of heaven and man only hate that their physical body is not strong, and they can't get more blessings of holy power, and they can't run faster.

But he is not afraid.

This is the case with himself, and the guy behind him must be the same.

In the world, there is no one who takes holy blood and can instantly master the holy power. This is impossible!


While thinking about it, a light and shadow flickered in front of him, and Feng Yujin stood in front of him.


Heaven and Man's five bad brains swayed, and the scene was blank.

how is this possible?

How can... so fast?


Feng Yujin was blocking the road, his lips curled up, and he said sarcastically, "What are you running with? Can you escape the pursuit of this emperor by drinking the blood of a half-sage?"

The corners of his lips were dry, looking at the person in front of him, he suddenly realized something.


I am drinking the blood of the half-sacred, which is not my own power, so it will take a long time for the holy power to reach the peak.

But in front of this...

Holy Emperor Fengtian!

What people may take is the blood of their own flesh!

Blood of the Holy Emperor!

Still own!

Where does this need transition time?

Doesn't this suddenly restore to seventy or eighty percent of the peak state? Even if you don't have it, you can still use the Holy Emperor Strike, right?


The heartbeat of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man is accelerating, thinking that there are still many ways to be used, and that there are too many spiritual tools to save life.

But the Holy Emperor strikes, where is his means, and his treasure can follow?

"Master Huang Quan, save me!"

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man opened their throats and shouted wildly.

Face or whatever, it doesn't matter at all now.

This holy emperor is crazy, he is not afraid of anything, if he dares to directly use the power of the holy emperor in the five regions, is he not afraid of being a real holy judge?

"Master Huang Quan?"

Feng Yujin made a seal on his hands and was amused by the words of heaven and man: "The real King of Hell is here, and now, I can't take your life from this emperor! Let alone Huang Quan?"


In the broken stream of black space, under a seal, gray holy energy permeates.

In an instant, black was saturated with gray, and the world seemed to be completely frozen.

The next sentence of the five failures of heaven and man stuck in his throat, as if he was blocked, and could not come out at all.

The holy power in him is degenerating and being sealed.

His air is returning to calm and being sealed.

His desire to act is diminishing and being sealed.

His thinking, his will, and every cell in his body seemed to be petrified and were being sealed!


Feng Yujin raised his head, his hands surged with strong holy energy, and then his fingers crossed in front of his chest.


The strong holy force that froze the entire stream of space fragmentation was instantly withdrawn, and turned into a gray-white vertical coffin behind the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and Fengtang Mengpo.

"Fengshen Coffin!"

Feng Yujin slapped forward with both hands, and the holy energy in front of his chest turned into a coffin board, which was closed with a bang, and in the fragmented flow of space, the two Kings of Hell were completely sealed.

After doing all this, Feng Yujin never stopped.

His mind sank into the avenue, as if he had entered a state of epiphany.

This is clearly not about starting an epiphany.

It is the surrounding Heavenly Dao rules, which are presented in a specific form because of Feng Yujin's "sudden realization" state.

After obtaining the manifestations of these avenues, Feng Yujin stretched out his hand, and the holy force turned into nothingness and shot into the heavenly way.

"Heaven is covered in dust!"

There was an abnormal buzzing sound, the space was slightly turbulent, other than that, nothing else happened.


Blood sprayed.

When everything was over, Feng Yujin, who had just swallowed the eternity, was in an instant slump.

He flashed away weakly, put the coffin on his shoulders, and flashed back to the otherworldly realm of time and space just now, only to feel his eyelids heavy and drowsy.

"Mo Mo! Mo Mo!"

"I am here."

Mo Mo's voice appeared in time, and he was a little worried, as if he didn't expect that sealing that decaying body would require so much energy from Feng Yujin.

She thought that Feng Yujin was exaggerating again.

But think carefully about the terrifying ability of "Five Decays of Heaven and Man"...

It seems that, in the world, apart from Feng Yujin being able to win it so easily, I am afraid that even if the semi-sage comes, it will be too hard to resist, right?

"How are you doing?" Mo Mo asked with concern.

"not so good."

Feng Yujin had no time to talk nonsense, and before he fell asleep, he quickly commanded:

"This emperor used a little power from before, um, holy power.

"I'm afraid this will be noticed by the other people on the mainland, but this emperor has blocked the occurrence of this incident, similar to the idea of ​​the holy emperor in your impression, keeping his mouth shut...

"It will take some time for them to find me.

"I don't know how long it will take to fall asleep this time, but there is no doubt that the five great sage emperors' families can find the source of the 'three silences' is the seal attribute, and then they suspect me.

"Next, you have to be careful by yourself, don't expose the seal attributes easily, and at the same time take care of this emperor's... well, our bodies..."

Mo Mo was slightly startled, unconsciously feeling the weight on his shoulders.

It turned out that Feng Yujin went back, she took over the control of her body, and the weight on her shoulders was the "Fengshen Coffin".

Feng Yujin's broken thoughts continued:

"I've sealed the five signs of heaven and man for you, and the conferred **** coffin will be handed over to you. You can break it with the power of the seal.

"This thing needs to wait at least a quarter of an hour, and then release it after a quarter of an hour. They still have the ability, but they can't use it at all.

"The body of decay is probably a bit mysterious, but it should be no different from mortals, and it will take a long time to recover, so do whatever you want.

"After a day, take it out again, they are the sealing stones, um, the bracelet you used to seal me, funny, hehe..."

After a pause, even though he was weak, Feng Yujin still thought of something and repeatedly warned:

"The body of decay is a little dangerous, but, with your temperament, it is estimated that you will not deal with people, and this guy is very troublesome, this emperor will call someone over, just wait.

"Don't go to Guyinya, Xu Xiaoshou is a troublemaker, he has been involved in too many saint emperor arrangements, if this emperor is not there, you will die miserably, just wait here. …”

"Void Island, of course, can't be returned. I managed to escape from that ghost place. In this world, only the forbidden enchantment can restrain the seal attribute. After all, the seal attribute is still an attribute.

"You should have accepted the inheritance earlier, as long as the power of this emperor is restored more, it is not necessary to be in the Eighth Palace, subject to the eight masters..."

"The dog's... the eight masters know..."


The sound gets smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.

"Feng Yujin?" Mo Mo called softly in his mind while carrying the coffin.

no respond.

"I really fell asleep..."

In the vast land, the wind is rustling.

Mo Mo was suddenly not used to the silence.

So contrasting!

For a long time, the voice in my head has always been noisy, never stopped, and it can be squeaked wherever I go.

But now that I think about it, apart from the noise, Feng Yujin has been taking care of him.

When he sees elixir and treasures he does not understand, he is an encyclopedia.

When he sees unknown power and attributes, he can also explain it from the simple to the deep.

When he sees an enemy like the Five Decays of Heaven and Man that he is completely unable to contend with, he can also take over the control of his body, and either run away or block it.

Mo Mo glanced back at the coffin on his shoulders, thought about it, put it down, and sat on it.

She looks into the distance.

The mountains are silent and the wind is sound, and there is no one around.

"What am I resisting?"

While waiting, it took a long time before Mo Mo came back to his senses from the daze and thought of it unconsciously.

It is good that Feng Yujin has an attitude, and she recognizes it very well.

Ghost and beast parasite, what is there to hate?

Xu Xiaoshou can calmly accept himself as the host of ghosts and beasts and become friends.

And he, unconsciously, contradicted the identity of this ghost and beast host.

Fate cannot be chosen.

Since it is destined to be a symbiotic state, what are you still resisting?

The wind blows again.

Mo Mo thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of the answer, and she smiled relieved.

Maybe it's just a stereotype that I'm resisting.

That ghost and beast host from mainland rumors only has a dirty and filthy stereotype.

But Feng Yujin…

"He's also a lively person."

Mo Mo sat on the coffin, raised his eyes and smiled, the light of the setting sun of Yunlun Mountains shone on her calm face, and the sound of the wind moved her rusty clothes.

This world, in her eyes, everything is beautiful.


I don't know when, the space changed, and a figure fell here, breaking the quiet beauty.

"Sorry, excuse me, I'll get something."

Mo Mo got up and looked sideways. It was a man with a golden beast face and a halberd in his hand. He had a very clear image. He was the one who rode the waves in Yunlun and confronted the semi-sacred love of the common people.


Mo Mo nodded slightly, realizing that what Feng Yujin asked him to wait here should be waiting for this person.

Although sleeping.

But before that, he can always arrange all the funerals, waiting to wake up again.

It turned out that this water system also knew Feng Yujin...

Mo Mo's thoughts were light, if it had been before, she would not hesitate to send the Fengshen coffin directly.

But now she wanted to know more about Feng Yujin, so she asked, "Who are you?"

"The fifth seat of the saint slave, the water ghost."

The water ghost said with a smile: "Senior Feng Yujin used his holy power, and he should erase all traces before he fell asleep. I don't know what happened, but he asked me to come and get something, so I guessed it was him. Get started."

Holy slave... Mo Mo pondered, turned and pointed at the coffin of the gods: "Take it."

"What's inside?" The water ghost was also curious.

Mo Mo woke up with a start, and the Conferred God Coffin really needed the power of the seal to open it.

After a long time, she immediately injected the power of the seal, and the coffin board slammed open.

The water ghost stepped forward, waved the coffin board, and saw the two masked people who couldn't move, Tong Kong shrank.


"It should be." Mo Mo nodded.

The water ghost's brain went blank for a while.

Feng Tang Mengpo, I just contacted not long ago, and this is in the hands of someone?

She is not weak...

Oh, Holy Emperor Fengtian, that's all right.

"Who is this?" The water ghost looked at the orange masked man, who he didn't know.

"He has mastered the power of the five declines of heaven and man. UU reading www.uukanshu.com should be a body of decline. Feng Yujin... Senior, in order to seal him, he fell asleep." Mo Mo said.

"...The five degenerates of heaven and man, I heard that the King of Hell has mastered this, and it turns out to be true." The water ghost pondered for a while, and this means that the seal attribute can be beaten. I am afraid that calling him is a bit unstoppable.

God of Plague is this!

"What do you want to do with it?" The water ghost raised his eyes and asked.

Mo Mo looked at the two people lying in the coffin, unable to move.

Before that, she didn't even know them at all.

"It's up to you." She put it down.

The water ghost raised his brows. He thought that the woman was going to take revenge, but he didn't expect to be so desperate, so he immediately nodded and said, "Then I will take it away?"


"Goodbye." The water ghost lifted the coffin to say goodbye.

"Wait..." Mo Mo seemed to remember something and asked, "Xu Xiaoshou, where are you now?"

Xu Xiaoshou?

As soon as the water ghost stopped, there was a silver-haired woman in one eye, and the woman in front of him was reflected in the other, and then both eyes lit up with flaming flames.

He wanted to ask more questions.

But Feng Yujin's summons flashed in his mind, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, don't go too far.

"do not know."


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