I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 991: Enthusiastic people, Mr. 8... I want to report!

"I *you* **** up..."

Mother-in-law Tianling almost cursed Rao Yaoyao for the eighteenth generation in her heart.

However, as soon as she turned her head, so many eyes fell on her from behind, as if the task itself was hers, and she was born to push the door at this moment.

"Old man, can you refuse?" Granny Tianling struggled in a low voice.

"Aren't you here for the city in the sky?" Teng Shanhai smiled, "Now that a great opportunity is in front of you, you can stretch out your hand and your dream will come true, why not do it?"

Happy to come!

Tianling's mother-in-law stared.

But at this moment, all her powers were sealed by the forbidden law enchantment, and there was no need to let Yaoyao take action. Teng Shanhai, who was wearing the armor of the Cang God, could drive her into the endless **** with one hand.

Rao Yaoyao is still human, and said: "After all, pushing the door is risky. If you accept this task, no matter what happens next, remember your great achievements, and then you can go to the Holy Spirit Hall to find me to exchange the treasure you want."

"What if I don't pick it up?" Grandma Tianling thought to herself, I have already memorized a lot of merits. This time, I was really disturbed by the various fancy paintings of the Holy Spirit Temple. This ghost place should not be Come.

Don't pick it up... Rao Yaoyao's expression did not fluctuate at all, and said: "If you don't pick it up, you have no value left here."

Is that dead?

Mother-in-law Tianling had such an answer for a long time, but when she heard these words really come out of Rao Yaoyao's mouth, she felt a little chilling.

"I'll take it."

Forced to nod, she could only nod, and then she no longer hesitated and went to the Void Gate.

Since there is only one way to choose between horizontal and vertical, then pray that when you open this door, you will not be sacrificed, but will actually be able to enter the legendary Holy Secret Void Island.

"Back off."

Bai Lin looked at Grandma Tianling and stretched out her hand, and said subconsciously, and at the same time flew to the rear with her master Mu Lin, for fear of any accident.

The same goes for Rao Yaoyao, Teng Shanhai, and Ye Xiao.

Since someone is taking risks, they don't have to approach, and then they can judge whether there is still a trap in this door from first-hand experience.

"Looking forward to +1."

In the disappearing state, Xu Xiaoshou also stared at the Void Gate with the same burning eyes.

This was his last guarantee. Later, he could not use this door to avoid being chased by the semi-sages of the Jiang clan. Now that someone was testing the danger in front of him, of course he had to keep an eye on it.

Under the gaze of several eyes, the old white rat Tianling mother swallowed a mouthful of saliva, put her hand on the ancient door, and exerted a little force.


The space trembled, and the ancient door made an abnormal noise.

After swallowing enough energy, this Void Door, which looks simple and heavy, is no longer as difficult to shake as everyone imagines.

Grandma Tianling just used a little strength on her body, she couldn't move her spirit essence, she really just pushed it a little...



The ancient door opened a gap on its own, and light poured out from it like a tide, completely drowning the only existence in front of the door, the mother-in-law Tianling.

"Do not-"

Grandma Tianling lost her voice in horror.

She couldn't feel the pain, but the unknown was even more terrifying.

And the swallowing power of the Void Gate is destined not to give anyone a chance to pull her in in a blink of an eye.

With a loud bang, in just one breath before and after, the grandmother of the Heavenly Spirit in the Great Void Realm completely disappeared from everyone's sight, and the Void Door also closed.


Everything is back to normal.

Teng Shanhai's eyes were startled, he still wanted to judge something from this test.

But this Void Gate swallowing people is too simple, so simple that one wonders if it is really that simple...

"Did he die, or was the person teleported into the Sky City?" Teng Shanhai looked at Rao Yaoyao and asked.

Rao Yaoyao pondered.

She also wanted to know the answer to this question...

It stands to reason that the water ghost of the King of Hell would not be so kind, and put the gate of the Holy Secret Void Island here in a grand manner, as long as someone encounters it, they can push it in.

If it was Rao Yaoyao, she felt that she had set a trap casually, and a large number of people would rush to her.

Can now push the door test...

It's very simple!

People are gone like this, whether they are dead or alive, if you don't experience it yourself, you can't judge at all!

- What is good?


In the disappearing state, Xu Xiaoshou was speechless for a long time.

He was also bewildered by this simple picture of swallowing people.

But after thinking about it, the water ghost said that this would be a chance for him to die. Logically speaking, he shouldn't set a trap to harm his own people, right?

Therefore, from the point of view of one's own people, this Void Door placed by the water ghost may really be simply used for swallowing people.

Mother Tianling is not dead, but was really introduced to Void Island?

"It shouldn't be dead, if it was sacrificed, maybe the scene would be more bloody?" Rao Yaoyao pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Mu Lin.

She knew the details of Teng Shanhai and Ye Xiao, and the two had never seen the Void Gate, so the question was in vain.

And Mu Lin, one of the top five authorities in the Holy Palace, may know more about the special treasures of this world, such as the Void Gate now.

However, Mu Lin saw everyone's gazes, but after a brief pause, Dan Dan opened his mouth:

"Unknown full picture, no comment."

Rao Yaoyao: "…"

Teng Shanhai: "…"

Ye Xiao: "..."

Xu Xiaoshou, who disappeared, also dropped a black line on his forehead.

He thought that the experiment had been completed, even if Rao Yaoyao and others didn't know whether Tianling's mother-in-law was alive or dead, even if the Void Gate looked a little dangerous...

But in the eyes of people at their level, this is dangerous, and it should be worth trying for yourself, right?

Well, proceed as normal.

The next plan of Rao Yaoyao and others is to either leave a person to guard the door and let the others go in; or use a special secret method to call other people in the Holy Spirit Temple to completely kill the Void Gate, only for the Holy Spirit Temple. people go in and explore.

Either way, it's not good for you.

Because Xu Xiaoshou also counted on this door as his last guarantee.

At the same time, if possible, he also wanted the few in front of him to share the risks that Jiang's semi-sage might bring to him.

"How to do…"

As soon as his mind turned around, Xu Xiaoshou, who frequently came up with bad ideas, had a new idea after a while.

Under the deep-sea forbidden law enchantment, the few here seemed to be a big threat, but basically, except for Rao Yaoyao, most of the combat power was cut by no less than 90%.

That being the case, if they were afraid of death, they should be even more afraid of death.

And if at this time, Rao Yaoyao and the others encountered an enemy that they could not contend with on weekdays, what would their reaction be?

Stressed out?

Or become more attentive?

"bring it on!"

"Try it!"

Thinking about it, Xu Xiaoshou's eyes burned with crazy fireworks.

He took away the greedy god, took back the Yuanfu, and then changed his body into the appearance of the eight masters.

"I can stay here on guard.

"Teng Shanhai's blue **** armor can resist any attack below the semi-sage, you can go in and try it.

"Don't forget, we still have someone in the city of the sky. As long as you go in and find him, maybe you can join forces to explore or return from the city."

In front of the Void Gate, Rao Yaoyao stared at Teng Shanhai, still discussing the plan.

There is no doubt that even if the Void Gate is in danger, even if the mother-in-law Tianling has learned from the past, they must send someone of their own to enter the gate.

And Teng Shanhai, his mother is undoubtedly the best candidate at the moment.


At the moment of the order, Teng Shanhai nodded and took it.

Having seen the picture of Tianling's mother-in-law disappearing, although he is still worried, the level of fear of the Void Gate is no longer than when everything was unknown before.

With the Cang God Armor, you can go anywhere!

"Take it."

Rao Yaoyao took out the void order from the space enchantment and instructed: "Find Yu Lingdi, through the void order, you can return safely from the city gate of the city of the sky, and then attribute everything inside to the I."

Teng Shanhai took the void order, nodded silently, and walked to the void door solemnly as if he was dying.

He slowly stretched out his hand...

"Crack, crack, crack!"

At this moment, applause appeared in the distance behind him.

Accompanied by a hoarse joking sound:

"Courage is commendable, courage is commendable...

"I didn't expect that in the dead end set by the King of Hell, there were people who jumped forward one after the other, which really caught my eye, as I heard it.

"Holy Temple, it lives up to its reputation."

who? !

At the critical moment, Teng Shanhai stopped his hand, his heart jumped violently, and he looked back suddenly.

There were also Rao Yaoyao, Ye Xiao, Mu Lin and Bai Lu, the masters and disciples of the Holy Palace, who acted in the same way.

When everyone looked back, they saw an extremely thin figure standing in the vast waters behind.

He has handsome facial features and a resolute facial outline, but he is sloppy, unshaven, and his cloudy eyes further reveal his sluggish mental state.

The most eye-catching is the sword scar on his neck and the eight-finger mark.

"Eight respects?!"

Rao Yaoyao raised her brows high, and Tong Kong shrank in disbelief.

Ye Xiao's face hidden in the shadows finally fluctuated a little bit, looking at the figure in front of him that was somewhat familiar, but with slightly different details, he fell into contemplation.

no sacks...

The mental state is even more unbearable than the one on Guyin Cliff who is in the space fragmentation stream...

Is he real?

Or is that the real one?

"The eight masters, the first seat of the saint slave..."

Mu Lin turned his eyes and was slightly startled, staring at this face that he had met several times when he was young, and was slightly familiar, but felt unfamiliar because he hadn't seen him for decades, he didn't know what to say.

Almost instantly, he was able to distinguish this man from the sloppy man carrying the sack in Guyinya, and came to the conclusion of who was real and who was fake.

Some things, regardless of realm, can be inferred from the level of momentum alone.

It was because Sang Qiye was bewitched by this guy that he went astray, and finally defected from the Holy Palace and completely cut off contact with Jin Zhao.

After so many years, I finally saw another side of this person!

"He, is the real Eighth Sword Immortal?"

The only one who has stepped from the junior to the equal position, looked at the reaction of the master and Rao Yaoyao, and understood something.

He couldn't remember the hatred between the two parties for the first time, and only curiously scanned the "eight-fingered man" who was famous in the mainland.

It can be said that even in Zhongyu, he grew up listening to the story of the man in front of him.

Now that they meet in this way in the deep sea, it is not too long ago, and Bai Lei is also a little excited as if he had met a historical figure.

But soon, he calmed down.

"Senior Sang escaped from the Holy Palace because of his betrayal and ended up in the Holy Mountain Prison. Although Shizun didn't say it, he should be very angry, right?

"Well, looking at everyone's performance, this shouldn't be fake?"

Bai Lin secretly looked at Mu Lin, who was expressionless, and found that his master's eyebrows were tightly locked, and the folds between them could be pinched to death. He immediately looked at his nose and heart.

I do not know anything.

Anyway, there is a master here, and the current affairs are left to the former older generation to do it!

Under the deep sea, eight deities who knew the deity appeared, and there was no one around to protect them.

Rao Yaoyao didn't say much, and immediately pulled out the Xuan Cang Divine Sword, waiting for it, but did not dare to take it lightly, just slightly shocked: "Why are you here?"

She remembered that there was an "eighth sword fairy" who resisted sacks on Guyin Cliff.

But that guy, she fought in the night battle in the Eastern Sky King City, is not a real person, just a fake.

Right now this...

It conforms to all aspects of the information submitted by Gou Wuyue, including appearance, cultivation, cloudy eyes, sluggish temperament, and can stand in the water so calmly.

Inside and outside the body, the familiar charm of swordsmanship is even more impossible to disguise.

Just relying on intuition, Rao Yaoyao was locked to death, this one is the true eight masters!

"Don't! Don't do it."

Xu Xiaoshou's incarnation of the eight masters, facing Rao Yaoyao's Xuan Cang Divine Sword, already has a light weight, he said with a smile:

"Today, I'm not here to fight.

"Besides, under the deep-sea forbidden law enchantment, the spiritual essence and attributes of several of them have disappeared. Even if they are added together now, they can't hurt me.

"Naturally, we can just talk a few words at the moment, you don't need to go to war."

A few words?

What is there to talk about between the Holy Temple and the Holy Slaves?

Teng Shanhai sneered, and suddenly remembered the words of the eight masters, and said, "What do you mean, this Void Gate..."

"Trap!" Xu Xiaoshou interrupted with a smile, expressing the fears of the people in front of him.

These are all what he heard before when he disappeared, so why can't he understand what these people in the Holy Temple are most afraid of.

The art of speaking is what the other party is most afraid of and what I say most.


All of this must be based on the premise of "very powerful", or at least "pretending to be powerful in the eyes of others".

Xu Xiaoshou ignored Teng Shanhai and Rao Yaoyao, and looked back at Mu Lin.

In order to prevent the priest's uncle from suddenly attacking and causing his disguise to fail, he has more preparations.


He took out Sang Lao's three-legged bathtub with dragon and phoenix, and Xu Xiaoshouzhen leaned on his side and said, "Let's be more peaceful today! We should have met this one from the Holy Palace..."

He looked at Mu Lin and said with a smile:

"Old, we won't talk about it, we don't have time, let's talk about new things!

"Your disciple and grandson are in my hands now, and this Dan Ding is the best proof.

"Of course, with Sleeveless, I won't hurt her, just use her as a shield and let me go after we talk, how about that?"

Bai Lu was stunned.

This, this is not the Dan Ding of Hua Shi?

But he suddenly remembered that this was the Dan Ding of "Flower" who appeared on Guyin Cliff before... He seemed to understand something.

Mu Lin's face was also startled, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then loosened his brows, and everything returned to calm.

"What do you want to do?"

He asked on behalf of Rao Yaoyao, and at the same time, on the side of his body, he slightly moved to the middle of Rao Yaoyao and "Eight Zunya" to prevent someone from suddenly hurting people.

"It's very simple..."

Xu Xiaoshou really liked this smart priest uncle so much, he looked back at Rao Yaoyao and said, "Today I am just a simple enthusiastic citizen who wants to report something."


Rao Yaoyao, Teng Shanhai, and Ye Xiao were startled at the same time, feeling that they had heard it wrong.

You, the head of the dark forces, report something to the Holy Temple of Official Justice?

are you crazy!

"Yes, it's a report."

However, Xu Xiaoshou nodded, his words were not astonishing, and he said:

"You are not outsiders, there is nothing to talk about, I will say it bluntly."

"I want to report the collusion between the water ghost of the King of Hell and the Jiang clan of Puxuan Jiang in the northern region, and to conspire with the children of the Tears; at the same time, I am trying to find out the tragedy of the Tears in the past, and seek great benefits; I am now setting up the Guyinya and burying innocent people in the mainland. Hundreds of thrones, slashing, and even Taixu...

"Well, you don't have to look at me like that. If there is no accident, the semi-sage Jiang's will soon come here to verify what I said."


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