I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 992: This wave of my blood earned, you all lost!

A word shocked thousands of waves.

After "Eight Zunya" finished, the people in front of the Void Gate fell into a state of dementia at the same time.

"Ah this..."

Rao Yaoyao was completely stunned.

She has always believed that when she came to Dongtianwangcheng this time, her biggest opponent was the saint slave.

Unexpectedly, the eight parties involved have now come forward to clarify.

The layout of the saint slaves ended with the battle of the saints in the Yunlun Mountains.

Guyinya's unresolved situation, everyone subconsciously thinks that this is the backhand of their holy slaves...


This time, Yama?

Rao Yaoyao felt that her head was a little chaotic, and she couldn't figure out the situation at all.

At first, she felt that Ba Zun was lying.

How can anyone choose themselves so thoroughly, and report another leader of the dark forces as a leader of the dark forces?

But on second thought...

Ba Zun knows this is true!

In the complicated situation of Yunlun Mountains, there is a faint trace of Huangquan, King of Hell.

He was greedy for Ye Xiaotian's space secrets, and the secrets of Vigil, and he also proposed the intention of trading the Xuancang Divine Sword on Guyin Cliff...

Behind all the major events, there is the figure of Huang Quanyingchuo.

More importantly, the purpose of the King of Hell has always been a child of tears!

As for the Puxuan Jiang Clan in the Northern Territory, outsiders don't know it, but Rao Yaoyao knows very well that this semi-saint family was one of the beneficiaries of the tears family's misfortune.

Therefore, they got a part of "Tongshu of the World", and also got "Three Disgusting Children's Eyes".

Maybe it's normal to want to go further and get more.

"Wait! Sanyan Tongmu?"

Rao Yaoyao's thoughts came to this point, and he was shocked.

I still remember that during the night battle in the king city, Jiang Xian, the semi-sage descendant of the Jiang family, encountered the evil hand of the King of Hell in the Tianqi Forest in the north of the north city of Dongtianwangcheng and lost his "Three Disgusting Childhood Eyes".

This matter is widely spread among the high-level circles, but it is rarely heard by the lower-level people.

Compared with the Wangcheng Night Battle, which is well known to everyone, it can be said that under the half-sage, basically no one pays attention to Tian Qilin.

But the battle of Tianqilin really existed after all.

From this point of view, at that time, the Jiang family asked for help from the Holy Spirit Temple and the follow-up was unsuccessful.

The reason for this is when the Guyinya battle now involves the Void Gate and is related to the Void Island...

Jiang's semi-sage, can enter the game and get a piece of the pie?

"Not only Leijiatong, they want to...

"The big cake of Void Island, Jiang Shi also wants to intervene and split a piece?"

Rao Yaoyao's heart is not calm.

She was really frightened.

Because these conclusions are completely contrary to all her previous inferences.

However, there is a transparent relationship between the two parties, which is very involved. It is something that is extremely scary to think about, but as a person in charge, you have to think deeply.


Rao Yaoyao hesitated, she suddenly missed her own think tank at this moment.

Because in her mind, the possibility that suddenly popped up - the King of Hell, and her previous biggest imaginary enemy - the saint slave, were at odds with each other.

Who's kidding?

The bewildered Rao Yaoyao concealed the restlessness in his heart and turned his eyes to his side.

Teng Shanhai had a shocked expression on his face, which belonged to the kind of expression that he didn't know the truth, but felt that the "reporting" words of the eight masters were appalling and very powerful.

Ye Xiao did not fluctuate, and her face was still hidden in the shadows, but she could feel that she was thinking and was terrified.

But what is this person's idea, let alone Rao Yaoyao, in the world, there is probably only one abnormality that can be figured out.

Let's talk about it as a member of the think tank?


Not at all realistic!

Rao Yaoyao had to turn his attention to Mu Lin and Bai Lu on the side of the Holy Palace.

In comparison, the thoughts and behaviors of these two people are more convincing.

But she looked at it.

Mu Rin didn't move, it didn't matter to me, I was just a messenger of the Holy Palace, because I wanted to care about the testers coming from Dongtianwangcheng, but I was accidentally involved in the situation here, so I don't have to. Ask about my performance.

Bai Hao had some ideas, his lips trembled, and he wanted to say something, but after glancing at the performance of the master, Mu Lin, he also understood something.

The Holy Palace is detached and only responsible for cultivating talented spiritual masters in the mainland.

The battle between black and white, it is the Holy Spirit Temple who is in charge.

My uncle Sang has not returned yet, so what qualifications do I have to meddle in the situation in the mainland?


Seeing this, Rao Yaoyao's face twitched.

The whole body is full of great talents, but no one is available. This feeling makes her mentally collapse.

"You think I'll believe you?"

As a last resort, Rao Yaoyao took the move alone, sneered and looked at Ba Zunge.

No matter what his inner thoughts were, the boss of the underworld "reported" the other two leaders in the underworld and the white. The implication was that everything at the moment had nothing to do with him.

Can this be believed?

Rao Yaoyao believed a little, but she could only show disbelief.

On the other side, Xu Xiaoshou was watching the bursts of "surprised," "surmised," and "suspected" on the information bar, and he laughed heartily after seeing the wonderful expressions of the people in front of the Void Gate. Flowering.

"Of course you don't have to believe me, after all, I'm on the opposite side of you."

With his fingers crossed, he looked confident and talked eloquently:

"But the saint slave is bad, and the king of **** is not much better.

"I just simply don't want to help the King of Hell fight all hatred, and let all the firepower of your Holy Spirit Temple be poured on my holy slave's head.

"Yes, I am not afraid of these...

"But no one wants to be a poor scapegoat, does it?"

Xu Xiaoshou smiled and had a sullen temperament.

At this moment, even he himself felt that he had the style of the old man talking, and at the same time, he also had the style of a chess player who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain.

Otherwise, people are tempered step by step in setbacks.

Xu Xiaoshou was used to seeing strong winds and waves, and his ability to adapt to changes had already surpassed himself in the Ling Palace period.

The King of Hell Huangquan only appeared in the Yunlun Mountains for a short time, but if he caught it, the guy couldn't run away.

On Guyin Cliff, he made three advanced changes, and perhaps Rao Yaoyao had doubts, but the impression of Huang Quan's entry would surely be deeply etched into Rao Yaoyao's mind.

That being the case, the things involved in the matter here can be related to "Tears of the Family" and "Jiang's Semi-Saint".

As a matter of course, he got the "reported content" that is "very reasonable" today.

If you want to blame it, blame Huang Quan for being greedy and staring at the dean...

Of course, this "reporting content" sacrificed not only the King of Hell Huangquan and the semi-sage of the Jiang family, but also a "Water Ghost of the King of Hell".

But it doesn't matter!

"Saint Slave Water Ghost" and "Hell King Water Ghost", no matter which identity, "Water Ghost" is the opposite of the Holy Spirit Temple, right? There is hatred, right?

In addition, pulling himself into the water to participate in the semi-holy game is still the director of the water ghost.

Forget the director, he also taught himself how to be a chess piece and counter the ability of a chess player.

Xu Xiaoshou learned.

But a simple sentence "I understand", how can there be "applying what you have learned" to be wonderful?

He could only use it a little bit, and replaced "Xu Xiaoshou", who was at the cusp of this semi-holy situation, with "Hell King Water Ghost".

Anyone who understands can see that the water ghost must have other plans.

He clearly has no grievances or enmity with the Jiang family, but he still wants to desecrate the saint. He must want to be the double agent who traps the Jiang family and the King of Hell together. No matter which side is in trouble, he can make great profits from it.

But this matter involved Xu Xiaoshou, and Xu Xiaoshou couldn't bear it.

He chose himself, made the water more muddy, and finally pulled the Holy Temple into the game.

In this way, in the three-legged situation of the King of Hell, the Half-Saint Jiang Clan, and the Holy Spirit Temple, who would pay attention to Xu Xiaoshou, a mere grandmaster?

When the battle begins, the first two camps of the three sides fight each other, and they find that there is an extra Holy Spirit Temple?

After their respective speculations and mutual questions, I realized that the eight masters are behind the scenes...

Even if they were smart enough to guess the "Water Ghost of the King of Hell", it was actually the "Water Ghost of the Holy Slave"...

But these are all done by "Eight Zunya" and "Saint Slave Water Ghost". What does it have to do with Grandmaster Xu Xiaoshou?

Four-way battle.

The little master must be even more inconspicuous!

At that time, what kills the difference, what Guyinya pretends to be the king of hell, what is the deep sea pretending to be the eight masters, and what half-sage pursues the target fake Huangquan Zhen Xiaoshou...

All have to be discussed after the war.

Really red-eyed, who cares about these little things?

After all, these four parties are already big enemies. If they really want to meet, it is impossible to finish the matter with a few words, and they will definitely fight.

As a result, Xu Xiaoshou, who was on the cusp of the storm, would become the outsider who had nothing to do with it.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help laughing out loud, this wave of my blood earned, you all lost!

"What are you laughing at?" Rao Yaoyao felt that the other party was laughing at him.

Xu Xiaoshou quickly restrained his arrogant and complacent expression, and waved his hands needlessly: "It's nothing, I thought of some happy things."

Rao Yaoyao: "…"

"This is the end of the report. I'll go first. As for whether you believe me or not, you can think for yourself. I believe in your ability." Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand. He didn't plan to stay any longer. , directly turn on the disappearance and disappear without a trace.

A person's brain capacity is limited.

Maybe when Rao Yaoyao was only thinking about killing someone, no matter what the conclusion was, he might finally touch him.

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't stop others from thinking, he was not God after all.

But he knows a truth. When a person is hesitant, if you give her another big thing, his attention will usually be diverted.

If one is not enough, then two or three!

It's best that this hard stuff is not very reasonable, and that there are several ambiguous answers, so as to make people's thoughts more confusing.

Until Rao Yaoyao had too many major things to make decisions in her mind, and she didn't even know which one to start with.

At this time, the first small thing in comparison is trivial.

For Xu Xiaoshou, even if Rao Yaoyao made the right decisions about everything in his mind.

What she needs to consider is the interests of the Jiang family's semi-sacred relatives, and whether the horrific things such as the saint slave, the king of hell, and the tragic case of the tear family will be revealed.

Under such circumstances, who can control the murderer?

This thing is too small, insignificant!

And the so-called "put aside" is probably nothing more than that.

The eight masters are gone.

Leaving behind Rao Yaoyao and others who accepted the "reported content", their thoughts became chaotic.

Teng Shanhai glanced back at the Void Door, and suddenly felt that it was a hot potato again, completely untouchable.

After all, it is really possible, this is the big pit laid by the king of hell.

Huang Quan has mastered the power of time and space, and he is best at "teleportation".

Now everyone has evidence to prove that the Void Door is not very harmful, and it can be successfully teleported by pushing the door.

But who can be sure that after the teleportation, the place to go will be the city in the sky, not another prison after being modified by the power of time and space?

"What do you think?"

Rao Yaoyao also glanced at the Void Gate, and then had to look back at the silent Mu Lin, she really needed some help at this moment.

Mu Lin: "According to my limited knowledge of the matter, it is not very good for you to make a decision, and from the stand of the Holy Palace, I am also not qualified to help the Holy Palace to make a choice, this is too arrogant... If you have to say it, I think There is a 50% probability that the words of the eight masters are true."

Rao Yaoyao heard the blue veins on the forehead jumping wildly, and almost cut it out without a sword.

What nonsense is this talking about!

fifty percent?

Who doesn't know the words of the eight masters, and can only believe half of them!

Just when she was going crazy, Bai Lu suddenly said:

"Wait just wait? Whether the words of the eight masters are true or false, there is indeed a place to be verified.

"After all, the half-sage is here, so there is no room for falsehood. Jiang's half-sage really dares to appear here, and all the answers will be self-sufficient?"

Rao Yaoyao was slightly startled.

Not to mention, that's exactly what it is.

Ba Zun knows whether there is any deception, as long as the half-sage Jiang arrives, won't there be an answer?

"Is Jiang Buyi..."

After calming down, Rao Yaoyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had a bigger guess in his heart.

There are no holes.

The eight masters are not able to fabricate something that can be easily overturned out of thin air.

A half-sage is imprisoned in a corner, and occasionally he can act, but he needs to report.

So why did Jiang's semi-sacred operation not inform the Holy Spirit Temple any information? This is a big doubt.

Going beyond the Holy Spirit Temple, on behalf of Jiang's semi-sage, may touch the bottom line of the Holy Spirit Temple.


Rao Yaoyao raised her eyes to look above the deep sea, her eyes seemed to pass through the vast sea, and she saw the heavenly beings far away in the sky.

"What do you want to do? Jiang Buyi!"

Guyinya Ruins.

The water ghost wearing the golden beast face returned to the place where he was supposed to be, carrying the five degenerates of heaven and man in one hand and Fengtang Mengpo in the other.

The vital signs of the two men were sealed.

But fortunately, the time of the seal is very short, and there should be no danger to life.

After waking up, the strength of the body should also gradually recover.

In three or five days, maybe within half a month and a month, it should return to the normal level of the past, depending on their own cultivation.

"Two hot potatoes..."

The water ghost murmured, shook his head and smiled, lamenting the impermanence of the world.

Not long ago, he contacted Fengtang Mengpo and got the specific location of the members of the King of Hell. Not long after that, two members of the King of Hell got their hands.

What a wonderful fate!

After thinking about it, if you want to lure the semi-sage Jiang into the water, just relying on a fake Huangquan Zhen Xiaoshou to act under the deep sea, UU's reading www.uukanshu.com is not enough.

This gift from Senior Feng Yujin seems to be good, after all, this is a member of the True King of Hell.


Without the slightest nostalgia, the water ghost took the lead in throwing the unconscious five evils into the deep sea.

He has no intersection with the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, but the Sacred Servant and the King of Hell have interests. Whether or not the Five Decays of Heaven and Man can survive this time depends entirely on the will of God.

If you die in the deep sea, then you should contribute to the slaughter.

Of course, the most important thing is the opening of the Void Gate, which requires a lot of slashing and Taixu energy to become that sacrifice.

Turning his head, he swept up and down to measure Fengtang Mengpo, who even had a broken mask and was unable to move. The water ghost stretched out his hand, slapped it twice, and threw it on her face.

"What's the situation, can you still sleep?"

It's been a long time.

Finally, with a bang, Fengtang Meng Po woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a man sitting on a big rock not far away, leaning on his elbows and knees, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Water ghost?" Fengtang Mengpo was surprised and looked around, not knowing the situation.

The water ghost touched half of the golden animal face on his face, and said with a funny face: "Fengtang Mengpo, do the math, how much do you owe me now?"


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