I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 993: A trick to abduct and deceive one dragon!

"So you came for me at the end of the battle of Senior Heavenly Man, cleaned up the mess, and beat the seal attribute guy away?"


After questioning for a while, Fengtang Mengpo looked suspicious and concluded with a touch of emotion.




The water ghost shook his head and said solemnly: "What I said later is correct, but the key is not 'for you'."


"Then what are you doing?"


"For the big picture, the plan, and the whole game of blasphemy."


Fengtang Mengpo: "..."


The little bit of emotion in her heart vanished in an instant.


Human affection and other things are also due to being owed too much, and they can't be repaid at all, so they can only be manipulated by others.


"Just say what you want... heh, man!"


Fengtang Mengpo said nonchalantly, wiping the blood on her face with clear water, while fiddling with her own Qi Hailing Yuan, trying to squeeze out a trace of strength from the seal.


Unfortunately, it failed.


She is now the only mortal in the Yunlun Mountains.


I am afraid that any tester who comes, can kill her with one move.


Let alone water ghosts?


For this man, wealth cannot move his heart, and power cannot disturb his aspirations.


Fengtang Mengpo felt like a funny doll. In addition to being funny and fun, she couldn't squeeze out any decent "interest" in front of water ghosts.


The water ghost looked at the woman who had recovered from her injuries after taking the medicinal pill, and washed her face with clean water, revealing a woman with a seductive mature face, without seeing any waves, said:


"Your ability is now sealed, and you can't go anywhere. If you walk on Yunlun, you will either starve to death on the way, or be buried in the belly of a beast.


"Why don't you stay here, at least I can protect you."


When Fengtang Mengpo heard the words, she was moved again.


Knowing the water ghost, I really don't know it's the blessing she has cultivated in her lifetime.


In an instant, the idea of ​​her making promises to each other reappeared.


"How about..."


"don't want."


The water ghost didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and she simply refused, which made Fengtang Meng Po's face darken again, and she gave him an angry look.




Dispelling the idea that if you become a ghost lady, you don't have to repay your favor, Feng Tang Mengpo looked around and found that there seemed to be one person missing.


"What about Senior Heavenly Man?" she asked.


"What heaven and man?" The water ghost was startled.


"The Five Decays of Heaven and Man, our senior members of the King of Hell, the symbol is orange..." Fengtang Mengpo said for a while, looking at the water ghost's confused eyes, her brows raised high, "When you rescued me, I didn't see it. he?"




The water ghost pondered, shook his head for a long time, and said, "I have never seen it before, when I rushed to the battlefield, I only drove away a ghost and beast whose power had lost a lot of power, and saved you by the way, there is no third person in the field. ."


"Is that so..."


Fengtang Mengpo glanced at the water ghost hesitantly, lowered her head in thought, then raised her eyes suddenly, and glanced at the water ghost again, with more suspicion in her eyes.


"Oh!" The water ghost smiled, "You can..."


"Don't! Stop, it's okay! I believe you can't do it?" Fengtang Mengpo quickly waved her hands, looking like she had a headache.


Perhaps, seeing that the situation was not good, Senior Tianren abandoned himself and ran away ahead of time?


Shouldn't it?


The elders of heaven and man in the mouth of Huang Quan, although the ability is strange, but he is indeed a good person...


Fengtang Mengpo shook her head and stopped thinking about it. After all, thinking too much is useless.


She found a big rock and sat down, meditated cross-legged, and began to impact the seal in her body.


Qi Hai Ling Yuan does not recover some energy for a day, her space ring, communicator, etc. are all useless, and she has really become an unarmed and weak woman.


And he can't use any ability at all. In the dangerous environment of the Yunlun Mountains, he can only give his safety to the man next to him who is not interested in him.


Is it reliable?


Fengtang Mengpo opened her eyes, glanced at the side and took out the communicator. She didn't know who to start contacting, but it was a water ghost who had no idea about herself, and she had an answer in her heart.


——Totally unreliable!




The communicator only rang once, and the other side was connected.


Feng Tang Mengpo closed his eyes and rested his mind in sheep costume, and concentrated on the shock of the sea of ​​​​qi, but his ears were pricked up.


She is really curious about such a mysterious man, and the idea of ​​​​promising is not a joke. If the water ghost is serious, she is serious.


"Yes, yes, the person you want has a clue. I'll send you a specific message later..."


The voice opposite the communication bead, Fengtang Mengpo couldn't hear it, but the water ghost holding the communication bead, his tone suddenly humble, made Fengtang Mengpo curious.


Who is on the other side?


Can the water ghost be so revered, wouldn't he be his master? Similar to Lord Huang Quan, or... a semi-sacred?


The combat power of the water ghosts, but in the world, there are few rivals!


If it is not a semi-holy, it is not enough to make him so respected, right?


Fengtang Meng Po's appetite was lifted, and she turned slightly to the side.


Because the water ghost obviously doesn't pay attention to her trash now, so she doesn't even have a basic spiritual element shielding, so she can eavesdrop on more private content.


She stole a slit in her eyes, and Meng Po Fengtang's eyeballs slanted over like this.


"Yes, yes, not only the location, I have already taken two of them.


"One lost to me and jumped off Guyin Cliff by himself, as if chasing after the figure of their boss. The other is now in my hands."


When Fengtang Mengpo heard this, her heart was startled and she almost jumped up.


No, isn't it?


One of them, shouldn't it be me?


She looked around and saw that there was really no one around except herself and the water ghost.


Fengtang Mengpo couldn't hold back, opened her eyes and glared at the water ghost, pointed her finger at herself, and asked in disbelief and silently, "Me? Are you talking about me?"


The water ghost suddenly glanced back at her, but did not respond, but did not open the protection of the spiritual essence, and continued to say to the communication beads:


"Hmm, okay, okay, you shouldn't have to wait a day. If you're free, you can come over now, and you're guaranteed to gain something."


Fengtang Mengpo felt a lot more at ease.


one day?


He remembered that the sacrilege plan that the water ghost told him was a half-day limit.


Also, if the water ghost wants to blaspheme, how could he be contacting the half-holy?


The most important thing is that this guy clearly knew that he was eavesdropping, and he regarded himself as a friend, so he didn't block the sound.


Isn't this the best guarantee and explanation?


"What am I thinking about..."


Fengtang Mengpo sat back on the big boulder rebelliously, thinking that even if she guessed wrong, she can't resist now, and everything can only be left to fate.


She couldn't help sighing, and the guy with the seal attribute appeared in her mind again.


I am an intelligence worker, but I ended up with the wrong information, and I am facing a master of sealing attributes.


Really, it's ridiculous!

On this side, I'm still thinking about it, and on the other side, the water ghost is still respecting the communication beads:


"Very good. If you can come directly, it will save a lot of time. I can mediate from it. Maybe when you come, you will receive a big surprise."




"Okay, you can, but I have to remind you that Guyinya is like nowhere else, your primary goal has already gone down, if the forbidden law enchantment..."




"Then I can rest assured and wait for your arrival."


After saying the last sentence, the water ghost cut off the connection, looked into the distance, and the corner of his mouth twitched.


"Who is it?"


Fengtang Mengpo's mind was no longer on the water ghost's communication, so she just asked casually.


"a friend."


The water ghost didn't intend to explain much, and looked over with a smile.


Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he quickly walked over to Fengtang Mengpo, sat down together, and asked curiously, "By the way, there is a question I would like to know, how many tearful children have you had? Are there any members?"


Fengtang Mengpo rolled her eyes, can this be said?


"Can't tell?" The water ghost's tone was a little helpless, "Actually, I really need to investigate. With my contacts, I can find out soon, but after all, it is not as fast and accurate as you, the party's information, but I saved your life. "


Fengtang Mengpo: "..."


How can there be such a repayment of kindness?


However, what the water ghost said was true.


They are all engaged in intelligence. She believes that as long as the water ghost exerts her strength, she will soon be able to learn about these secrets.


It's just that privately selling organization information doesn't seem to be very good...


"Forget it, I'll save a white-eyed wolf." The water ghost got up.


Feng Tang Meng Po looked at him like this, and sighed helplessly: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated, at least I don't have a child of tears, and the new generation are all worthy of it, but I think it's a trouble, and the combat power is not enough. Guarding Leijiatong, I refused."


"Can you still refuse? It seems that Huang Quan is good to you." The water ghost stopped and cast his eyes, saying: "Then what about your senior, he also has a child of tears? If you call seniors, he should Don't belong to the new generation?"


"Of course not, he is someone who even Lord Huang Quan is a little afraid of..."


Fengtang Mengpo hesitated for a while, thinking that after all, she owes so much favor, she felt really sorry if she didn't say something, and immediately said: "He was originally like me, refusing trouble, but recently we got a powerful one, Huang Quan. The adults put it on him..."


"Three hated children?" The water ghost interrupted.


"You know quite a lot?" Fengtang Mengpo was surprised.


However, when I thought of the final summary of the actions of Yin Cao Lai Ke and Bai Gui Ye Xing, saying that one of the three hated children was taken away by the holy slave, I was immediately stunned and dissatisfied.


But at this time, the hand has no strength to tie the chicken, and the water ghost is an intelligence monster, and its combat power is unbelievable. Fengtang Mengpo didn't even dare to complain.


"You Huangquan got Leijiatong, why don't you pretend? All of them are given to the people below? This is really rare!" The water ghost maintained a slightly surprised expression.


Lord Huang Quan, you don't need it at all, okay?


Fengtang Mengpo's attention was diverted, and she grunted silently.


But for Lord Huang Quan, she did not dare to divulge any information, so she could only be silent.


The water ghost didn't expect that by accident, he threw a member of the King of Hell with a tearful child into the water.


This is really...




Inadvertently planting willows and willows for shade!


Now there are three hated children under the water, Xu Xiaoshou's fake Huangquan, the power of time and space, and Xu Xiaoshou's little girlfriend Shenmotong, not afraid that Jiang's half-sage will not be moved.


He didn't show this, and still asked unintentionally: "Sanyantong's eyes are very strong, how could you, the senior of your day, leave you alone?"


"It's not that simple." Fengtang Mengpo shook her head, "Sanyan Tongmu is because it's too strong, and the time it takes to get it is short, the seniors of heaven and people have not been fully adapted for the time being, they can't open their eyes at all, and they can't use their abilities... …”


Having said that, after Tang Mengpo had a meal, she suddenly felt that she had talked a lot, and she was a little wary.


"Why are you asking so much?" She glanced at the water ghost strangely.


"Leijiatong, who isn't curious?" The water ghost chuckled, "If I get it, I can put one in each eye, and then dig an eye between my eyebrows, so I have three abilities, right?"


Haha...Feng Tang Mengpo sneered in her heart, you think so wonderfully, if it doesn't fit, people may die on the spot!


Realizing that Fengtang Meng Po was alert, the water ghost immediately stopped asking more questions.


For him, the intelligence colleague in front of him is really just a lower-ranking person in the same way.


Whatever information he wants, he doesn't need any favors, he can get it out by whatever he wants.


"Once upon a time, I was so immature..."


The water ghost smiled in his heart.


He was born from a serious power, and his combat power and intelligence ability training are completely unmatched in the world.


Fengtang Mengpo may also be a figure in the intelligence community.


But after all, she was hiding in the dark, and there was not much she could learn.


In addition, I have been kind to others first, so I don't have to go to great lengths to get internal information, and I can get it at my fingertips.


Comparing the two...


The water ghost smiled and shook his head.


The difference between cloud and mud!


Between him and Madam Meng, there is no need to compare at all.


In the current world, the only one who can compare with him in the field of intelligence may only be the one from the different radicals, and the one from the dark radicals can barely get half of them.


But after the different death, the head of Anra lost control.


He is a water ghost, invincible in the world.




Thinking that the next plan might involve sacrificing the woman in front of him, the water ghost took the lead in expressing his apology~www.readwn.com~ But he knew that, as an intelligence officer, he couldn't leave the handle to others, let alone Madam Meng to himself. It's...that even people have to take it with you!


Too irrational!


If you want to blame it, you owe so many favors and you can't pay it back!


The water ghost was wandering back at the Guyinya ruins, counting the time, and soon his heart was sure, he came to Fengtang Meng Po who closed his eyes to cultivate and hit the seal, and patted her cheek.


"Don't try, the seal is imprisoned, you can't break through now." He leaned over and smiled.


Fengtang Mengpo's eyelashes trembled, her cheeks flushed, and she said angrily, "How do you know if you don't try?"


"Call your Lord Huang Quan to lead you. I made an appointment with him to meet here, but now it seems that danger will soon occur here. I may not be able to protect you. Huang Quan will come earlier." The devil is right.


"I don't have spirit essence..." Fengtang Mengpo looked embarrassed. Without spirit essence, she couldn't open the space barrier, she couldn't take out the communicator, and even if she took it out, she couldn't activate it.


"I have."


The water ghost took out his communication bead, pressed Huang Quan's contact information, and handed it to Fengtang Mengpo.




The communication bead rang three times, and the other side was connected.




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