I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 994: God's 1st Hand Jellyfish Beads

"Water ghost?" Huang Quan's voice came.

Madam Meng was embarrassed, she raised her eyes and glanced at the water ghost, under the slightly encouraging eyes of the other party, after dawdling for a while, she said: "Master Huang Quan, it's me, Madam Meng, you may need to come to Guyinya, pick me up..."


"Cough, the process is a bit tortuous, and it's hard to say everything in one sentence, but it was the water ghost who saved me..."


The other side was speechless.

When the water ghost heard this, Ben held back for a long time, and finally laughed.

When he hooked his hand, he didn't let Po Meng talk more, he directly brought in the communication beads, and cut off the contact at will, not letting Huang Quan ask any more questions, but also preventing Po Tang from talking too much.

"What's wrong?"

Madam Meng was suddenly cut off from contact, so she looked at her because she didn't know.

The water ghost leaned over again, and the angular facial contours under the golden mask, among the fluttering hair tips, outlined a charming masculine charm.

He didn't answer the question directly, but withdrew his smile and asked in a serious voice, "Meng Po, do you believe me?"


Fengtang Mengpo was still immersed in the beauty of men, so confused by this statement, she even nodded her head hastily.

The water ghost sighed and shook his head: "Then I'll teach you a truth now, you may have heard of it, but for me, it can't be practiced..."

As he said that, the water ghost suddenly stepped forward, held up Madam Meng's face, and brought her lips to her ear. When the latter's cheeks and earlobes were rapidly reddening and hot, he lowered his voice and said with a sigh:

"In this world, don't trust anyone, even your benefactor, understand?"

This soft voice makes people's heart rippling.

Fengtang Meng Po's body trembled from the hot air, her heart was more strange, and her body was also more strange.

But when she clarified the contents of the water ghost's words, her mind seemed to be poured with ice water, completely frozen, and her body became stiff, like a corpse.


Didn't give a chance.

After saying the words of persuasion, the next second...


The water ghost wields a knife, and Madam Meng fainted.


The water ghost shook his head and laughed, picked up the man sideways, straightened his waist, took a few steps, stopped at the edge of the Guyin Cliff ruins, looked at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and his face became more sigh.

"The plan went surprisingly smoothly...

"This is a bad signal, I wonder if Tai Ji Pi will come?

"But I have to admit, it's really cool.

"Let's see, Jiang's Bansheng and the King of Hell, which one will arrive first, I'm really looking forward to it..."

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the Guyinya site.

The twilight poured over Meng Po's tender body, reflecting the horror left on her charming face.

Similarly, it was also sprinkled on the outline of the face under the water ghost's golden mask, making the corners of his mouth slightly upturned to outline the arc, adding a bit of a painting-like beauty.

The scene is very warm.

But if Yuan Haisheng and other Night Cat members came over and saw this romantic and heartwarming scene on Guyin Cliff, he would definitely be... terrified!

Because in the night cat organization, even if everyone respects the gentle and elegant head, the fear is not diminished.

There, there is always such a saying:

The water ghost smiled, life and death were unpredictable.


After the sigh, the water ghost was completely incomparable, and threw the Fengtang Mengpo in his hand to the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, just as he had discarded the five evils of heaven and man before.

After doing this, he spun the Water Element Mystery Array at his feet, grabbed his hand into the void, and suddenly pulled out three or four figures from the Heavenly Dao.


These stowaways and Taixu stowaways were originally eavesdropping, and they were shocked by the content of the water ghost's communication, but they never thought that under the semi-holy, someone would be able to find them so easily, and they were immediately panicked.

But they couldn't wait for the words "Senior, spare your life" to come out, and they were also thrown into the deep sea by the water ghosts one by one.

Don't ask.

The water ghost knows that Guyinya has too much connection, and it will attract many people who are cut off and too empty.

Among them, most of them are the killers of the three sticks of incense, who came to offer a reward for Xu Xiaoshou's black gold.

But since you dare to come, you have to be prepared to become a sacrifice.

Otherwise, what is the significance of his water ghost not leaving for a moment and staying at Guyin Cliff?

"It's a hectic job..."

Shaking his head, the water ghost turned his head unsmilingly and looked at the sky behind him.

Counting the time, Jiang's Bansheng and Hades Huangquan should be almost there.

Just now, two contacts were made, one called Bansheng Jiang, and the other called Hades Huangquan.

Both sides of the water ghost promised to give people a "surprise".

As for the semi-sage Jiang, he wanted to give a conclusion that the King of Hell had already entered the water. In order not to make him suspect, he also sent the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and Fengtang Mengpo as additional gifts.

As for Huangquan, the king of hell, he wanted to return Tang Mengpo, but at the same time he had to let Huangquan into the water, so as to lure the semi-sage Jiang into the water.

This seems like a paradox.

How to do it?

Empty glove white wolf?

Treat these two as fools and lie directly?

"Ha ha…"

The water ghost thought about it and smiled.

The output of these two seemingly impossible situations is simply impossible to complete if someone else did it.

But the water ghost is the master of the profound meaning of the water system. When he planned to be the double agent, he already had a solution.


He took out two fist-sized sea-blue beads from the space ring, one in each hand of the water ghost, placed it on his temple, and began to close his eyes and imagine the picture.

This is the "jellyfish pearl".

After the profound meaning of the water system is completed, it can only be produced at a high cost.

The combat effect is almost zero, but its only effect is an illusion—a illusion that is a real illusion, an absolute illusion that cannot be broken by those who control it without mystical meaning!

Turning the fantasy into a real picture and perfecting the details of various scenes is difficult for ordinary people.

The water ghost is very familiar, as if he has done this kind of thing many times, but after a few minutes, he has completed the realization of the illusion.

After that, I took a shot of two "sea mirage beads", and the fantasy picture was perfectly integrated into the heaven, waiting for others to inspire.

"Who will come first?"

The water ghost muttered to himself, his eyes filled with anticipation.

After everything was set up, he turned around and turned his back to the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

With a wave of his hand, Guyinya shattered with a "bang", and a large number of traces of "there was a war here" appeared.

With a smile, he imagined what the expressions would look like when the two saw the traces of the war and the pictures provided by "Jelly Beads"... The water ghost felt that he couldn't see it with his own eyes, which was a pity.



He spat blood from his mouth, and his state was sluggish to the extreme, as if he had been slapped by someone, and he flew out backwards, fell into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and disappeared.

After a quarter of an hour.

The cloud and mist on the horizon of Guyin Cliff turned into a figure of an old man, hiding in the mist, unable to see his true face.

"This saint came to the appointment, the surprise prepared by the little friend Water Ghost, is it still there?"

Half-sage Jiang Buyi's hearty laughter appeared, and then quickly walked out of the clouds and fell onto Guyin Cliff.


The deathly silence around him made his face congeal with a smile.

"What about people?

"A battle happened?"

Jiang Buyi looked around and saw the Guyin Cliff shattered everywhere, completely different from what he saw last time.

This is definitely the performance of the war!

And the night cat and water ghost didn't come out to meet him in time, which also confirmed Jiang Buyi's inference.

"After contacting the old man, did something happen?"

Jiang Buyi felt something was wrong.

Is this too much a coincidence?

In a short period of time, who can beat that night owl water ghost... without a word?

Taking out the communication beads, Jiang Buyi pressed the contact.




After a long time, there was no response from the other side of the communication beads.

Now Jiang Buyi concluded that something must have happened to the water ghost, otherwise he would not dare to neglect himself.

"Who will take the shot?"

Jiang Buyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was already speculation in his mind.

Could it be that when the water ghost took down the two Kings of Hell and prepared to give it as a gift, he was counterattacked?

Yama Huangquan's counterattack?

With his thoughts at this point, Jiang Buyi did not delay for a minute, and made a decisive move.

"Yun Ding!"

With a move of his hand, the clouds and mists on the horizon converged, turning into a hazy barrier above Guyin Cliff, blocking all possible prying eyes from the outside world.

Ordinary people can't get a response, maybe they can only let themselves speculate randomly, and then go astray.

Semi-Saints are different.

The semi-sacred power has the ability to "retrospect".

Even though Jiang Buyi is not a time-space attribute, it is impossible to achieve a perfect "space-time retrospective" and see all the pictures as they are.

But "everything that exists will leave traces".

And the testimony of the sky and the testimony of the Dao of Heaven is more real than what anyone has said.

Jiang Buyi's eyes darkened, and he made a seal with one hand.

"The shape of the cloud and mist!"

With just one seal, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth whistled, and it turned into a few silhouettes of Yunwu people in Guyin Cliff, and Caixia gave Yunwu people their colors to better distinguish them.


What Jiang Buyi has to do is to let Tiandao answer for him, what happened in this place just now!

The screen moves at the speed of light.

The answer given by Tiandao has come out.

The Yunwu Man, who represented the five declines of the people with orange masks, lost to the sky blue Yunwu Man representing the water ghost, jumped into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and chased the footsteps of the king of hell, Huangquan.

This is the same content given by the water ghost communication beads.

At this moment, what the Yunwuren Water Ghost is still holding is the green Yunwuren representing Fengtang Mengpo.

He held this person hostage, took out the communication beads, and completed the contact with Jiang Buyi.

"Accident, it should have happened when the contact was ended..."

Jiang Buyi watched quietly, wondering what happened when the contact ended.

as predicted.

The communication beads were cut off, but after a few breaths, another golden cloud-and-mist figure landed here.

"Yellow Spring?"

The surprised voice of the cloud and mist man and the water ghost helped Jiang Buyi to confirm the identity of the person who came.

The doubts kept coming, and the water ghost continued: "Didn't you have already entered the deep sea under Guyin Cliff?"

"Oh, it's just a space-time clone, I didn't expect you to believe it!" Huang Quan responded with a sneer, "I never thought that a mere night cat would really dare to take action against my Hades!"


The war is imminent.

Huang Quan was obviously here to take back Meng Po Fengtang from the water ghost, but the water ghost had already planned to give it to him as a gift, so how could he let it go?

So the two sides began to fight...

Jiang Buyi watched silently while thinking silently.

"It turns out that the water ghosts have always mentioned before that the Huangquan of the Yama who entered the deep sea is just a space-time clone... It was unexpected and reasonable.

"After all, there is a forbidden enchantment there. Even my original plan was to transform into a half-sacred clone and launch into the water to prevent accidents."

The battle is wonderful.

The space attribute of the water system in the Profound Truth made Jiang Buyi feel that the young people today are really powerful.

But he wasn't interested in the battle scene, so he quickly jumped over it and saw the ending.

No matter how strong the profound meaning of the water system is, it is ultimately no match for the combination of the two powerful attributes of time and space.

The water ghost finally punched, and with a "poof" he spit out blood donations, and flew upside down into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, that is, the deep-sea forbidden law enchantment.

"It turns out that he was also beaten down, no wonder he didn't reply to me..." Jiang Buyi understood.

The picture is not over yet.

The golden cloud person representing Huangquan rescued the green cloud person Fengtang Mengpo, and then took them away. After thinking about it, they also jumped off the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

Because below, there is another member of Hades waiting to be rescued, that is, the orange cloud man who appeared at the beginning.

"Cloud and Mist" is over.

The backtracking of the screen has finally ended.

Jiang Buyi fell into a long thought.

Huang Quan, the King of Hell, was so powerful in combat, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

The strangeness of time and space attributes is obviously not something that a half-holy clone can easily take down.

Now that Huang Quan is really in the deep sea, to get him, there is only one last possibility left...

"The old man has to get down too!"

Looking at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, Jiang Buyi's eyes were slightly apprehensive.

He has heard of the power of the forbidden law enchantment.

However, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get tiger cubs.

Even Huang Quan in the Taixu realm dared to go down.

For the sake of Lei Jiatong, I have such a big layout, and now it is only the last step, what is there to hesitate?

Under the forbidden law barrier, the time and space attributes are not used, and the dignified and semi-sacred, will they still be unable to defeat Taixu?


Without hesitation, Jiang Buyi jumped and jumped into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

He must quickly find the King of Hell Huangquan. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Because the latter's ability is too strong, it is impossible to say that as long as the last member of the King of Hell is found, Huang Quan will soon be able to escape from the forbidden enchantment.

Another quarter of an hour.

Huang Quan, who was wearing a golden robe and a golden mask with a sword and a sword on his back, arrived late and landed on Guyin Cliff.

"Semi-Saint Power..."

The surrounding smell was still strong, and Huang Quan immediately sensed the half-sacred power.

He came half an hour ago.

But at that time, the semi-sacred power on Guyin Cliff was too strong, and he didn't dare to approach it at all.

Until now, the pressure of the semi-sage has gradually disappeared, which means that the semi-sage has left, and Huang Quan dared to fall on the Guyin Cliff.

The dilapidated environment around you comes into view.

With just one look, Huang Quan knew something was wrong.

The water ghost's last contact came from the communication beads, and there was a voice from Meng Po, but after two sentences, the contact came to an abrupt end, presumably something happened.

It is impossible for a half-sage to make a move easily.

But at this time, there is still a real half-sage Yuwei left on Guyin Cliff, so there is only one explanation—the half-sage Jiang arrived in the middle of the contact, and the water ghost was invincible, causing danger.


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