I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 998: 2 yellow springs? 2 pairs of tears home pupil?

Can't move at all!


Xu Xiaoshou tried hard to take action, and wanted to use the space attribute to quickly move himself and Situ Yongren here, away from danger.


But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even move the most basic eyelids.


The coercion of the Three Realms of the Throne on the Grandmaster is not so obvious, especially when Xu Xiaoshou has a passive skill.


But if the semi-sage targets the grandmaster, that is the crushing of quality.


"damn it!"


The body can't move, but the mind can.


Under the barrier of forbidden law, the half-sage's strength is not so outrageous after all, and he can forcefully control even a person's thinking.


Xu Xiaoshou had to reveal some trump cards.


At this moment, he can only hope that some of his trump cards are indeed manifested in external form, and it is impossible to see too much with the naked eye and experience alone.


Therefore, the half-sage Jiang Buyi should not be able to deduce his true identity from it.






With a thought, Xu Xiaoshou's figure disappeared on the spot!


If it is said that Xu Xiaoshou dared to be so reckless, it was largely because he had such an awakening skill.


But he disappeared.


Beside him, Situ Yongren was nervous, but Jinghong glanced at Huangquan, the King of Hell, that he had chosen to fly away from the calamity, completely ignoring himself and disappeared without a trace.


"I'll take care of your mother!"


Situ Yongren's mentality exploded, and his handsome face was distorted like a mad dog.


What about going together?


What about the so-called candor?


What about the trust between people?


- Don't talk about it all, right? !


The promises you and I swore just now were ultimately fed to the dog. I...


Wrong payment?


After Situ Yongren cursed angrily, he was dumbfounded on the spot.


Looking at the half-sage Jiang Buyi who was wading in front of him, but was not affected by the water pressure, he only felt that the time of death had come.


"Insulted, passive value, +1."


"Condemned, passive value, +1."




The information bar pops up like crazy.


Xu Xiaoshou seemed to have never thought that his escape would attract such a strong stress response from Situ Yongren.


But he never thought of abandoning Situ Yongren.


After all, this is a very useful life saver.


"Situ Yongren, come in!"


In the disappearing state, Xu Xiaoshou finished condensing the space transmission vortex, embodied a finger, connected reality and nothingness, and threw the voice of speech and the space vortex, and threw it in front of this young man whose mentality was blown up.


Of course, he could have taken Situ Yongren directly, there was no need to speak.


But this is not possible~


To pit people to the end, kill Buddhas and kill them to the west.


Xu Xiaoshou wanted Situ Yong to collude with Huangquan, the King of Hell, and to be bound together forever under the witness of the half-sage Jiang Buyi.


"You still here?"


Situ Yongren didn't think so much at the first time.


He saw the light in the dark eyes of despair, and stepped into the vortex of space without hesitation, for fear that if he was delayed, the half-sage Jiang Buyi would prevent him from all actions.


Until the glare of the forbidden enchantment is triggered...


Until the space vortex disappears and people are teleported away...


Situ Yongren did not wait for Jiang Buyi to stop him.


Before teleporting, his last glance fell on the old man not far away, but he was surprised to see that the half-sage Jiang Buyi's face was also stunned, and a trace of disbelief.




Situ Yongren was puzzled at first, and then realized something, and his heart went crazy again.


"Come on!


"Why are you calling my name?!"


Jiang Buyi had obviously forgotten the meeting between the two sides of the semi-saint Qingshang.


After all, no matter how talented he is, Situ Yongren is also a junior who doesn't matter to a semi-sage. Jiang Buyi can't remember it, it's normal!


In addition, he is too desolate now, and he is completely different from the gorgeous before. Jiang Buyi's attention is also on Huangquan, the king of hell, and he doesn't recognize his face, which is very reasonable!


But before the teleportation, Huang Quan's name shouted...


Isn't this equivalent to putting him on the fire to roast him?


Even if he does escape in the end, Jiang's half-sacred life is immortal, and he will use all means to chase him frantically in the future!




Disappearance + space vortex + shouting name + teleportation to leave, the process is very fast, it only takes a moment.


Situ Yongren escaped from the dead end, and finally couldn't bear the torture of Huangquan, the king of hell, and asked repeatedly, "Why, you want to reveal my identity?!"


Xu Xiaoshou chuckled: "This seat doesn't call you, Jiang's semi-sage is not stunned, do you think you can enter the vortex of space and teleport?"


Situ Yongren's anger stagnated for a while, but he couldn't stop his anger, and said sharply: "Then you can use another method!"


Xu Xiaoshou: "In a desperate situation, this is the only way."


"Kaka" a few times, Situ Yongren clenched his fists tightly and his knuckles made a crisp sound. At this time, his entire face was green, and he was obviously very angry.


"Received glares, passive value, +1."


Xu Xiaoshou moved his fist away and landed on his face, his tone became serious: "Why, do you have an opinion?"


"Feared, passive value, +1."


"Ah ha ha…


"Intention, opinion? What opinion?"


Situ Yongren laughed dryly, his face returned to normal, his clenched fists were drawn to his chest, and he turned into a clasped fist salute.


"More seniors' life-saving grace.


"Situ... I will never forget it!"



Deep sea, on the other side.


The half-sage Jiang Bu's face was covered with dark clouds, and he froze in place for a long time. He didn't attack again, and chose to chase people.


"Situ Yongren..."


He murmured softly, with strong disbelief in his tone.


Obviously, Huang Quan's call before the teleportation shocked him far more than Huang Quan himself expected.


"Situ Yongren, isn't Dao Qiongcang's apprentice, isn't he a person from the Holy Spirit Temple?


"How could he be hanging out with the King of Hell, Huang Quan?"


Jiang Buyi stopped chasing people because he had to stop and think about the profound meaning of it.


From Puxuan in the Northern Territory to Yunlun in the Eastern Territory, Jiang Buyi used a contract to summon, spanning the distance between the two territories, and his true body descended.


The purpose is to complete his goal in the shortest possible time, and then go back to his northern lair without knowing it.


It is expected that this operation will not exceed three days in total.


And for most of the three days, Jiang Buyi would hide from anyone in the Holy Spirit Temple.


After all, this time, it was a covert operation.


Regarding the "Tears of the Family", there are some things that are not convenient for the Holy Spirit Temple to know.


So if you really want to count it, it won't even take more than three hours from the time when the Holy Spirit Temple found out his action to the end of the action.


It is possible that, until the end of the action, the Holy Spirit Temple will not find out that Jiang Buyi had been to the Yunlun Mountains.


But what's going on now?


"This old man has just entered the water when Huang Quan found Situ Yongren?


"Depending on the situation, the two have even formed an alliance, and their common enemy is obviously me...


Jiang Buyi pondered and didn't move for a while.


With his wisdom, he was able to guess most of the facts from Situ Yongren's unreasonable fear of himself.


A person from the Holy Temple, inexplicably, how can he be so afraid of the half-holy? This is from my own family.


"That kid, was used!


"Huang Quan must have promised Situ Yong people some benefits... No, it's not necessarily just benefits, it's possible that the promise is me.

"...Good plan!"


Jiang Buyi thought and laughed silently.


He expected that Huang Quan would only need to give himself a false accusation. Given the unequal information, Situ Yongren would definitely think that his private actions over the Holy Spirit Temple had a great intention.


Although it is correct.


He did indeed plan to "Tears of the Family".


But is that "crime" really that simple?


Jiang Buyi suddenly made the worst plan, that is, in Huang Quan's mouth, he became an arrogant who coveted the "Holy Emperor".


Therefore, Situ Yongcai would have great panic when he saw him for the first time.


Even if the speculation is wrong, nine times out of ten, it will not be wrong too much.


So, back to the question itself...


"Huang Quan, how can you know the old man's actions in such a short period of time, and at the same time make such a smart response?"


Jiang Buyi narrowed his eyes slightly and twisted his fingers lightly, feeling his ability to be completely banned after entering the deep sea, as well as the continuous flow of Qi Hai Sheng Yuan.


Soon, he had an answer.


—Water ghost!


"Heh, the little man who seeks profit from both sides.


"Be a chess piece for the old man, you could have gained more, but since you are so unprofessional, you are greedy for a little profit from selling information..."


Jiang Buyi has a murderous look in his eyes.


After clarifying everything, he didn't care about these little things at all.


Humans count, after all, it is not as good as heaven.


There will be so many accidents in this action, which is indeed beyond the original expectations.


However, as long as these variables are erased after their actions are completed, all the disadvantages to them will be cleared.


"Originally just a little **** king, now there's a Situ Yongren, plus a night cat and water ghost..."


Jiang Buyi raised her eyes and raised her lips, full of killing intent.


A person is killed.


Three people were also killed.


As for the semi-sage, since they have all taken action personally, a few more lives will not affect the result.


What Jiang Buyi was afraid of was that someone on the side of the Holy Spirit Temple knew about his actions, and if the matter was delayed, Situ Yongren only needed to find Rao Yaoyao and report the "crime".


In the future, it will become a lot more troublesome.


"It's time to clear the scene..."


Jiang Buyi sighed and took out a cloudy bead from the clothes on his chest.


Seeking the holy bead, the cloud-based holy object, can trace the trajectory of all people and things through the way of heaven.


This "seeking holy bead" made by Jiang Buyi himself only entrusts the thoughts of those who can trace the time and space and the children of tears.


In this way, even under the deep sea, Sheng Yuan cannot use it.


He can also trace back through the way of heaven to find out the whereabouts of Huangquan, the king of hell, and the location of all the owners of Leijiatong.






Idea injection.


The fist-sized Taoist Orb shone with white light.


There are four more lines inside, two are gold and two are red.


"Four lines?"


Jiang Buyi looked at the holy bead and was slightly stunned.


When he traced the traces in the Yunlun Mountains, there were only two lines of Mohu Lake, how did it enter the deep sea, and there were two more lines?


The gold line represents those with attributes of time and space, and the red line represents the child of tears...


"Two yellow springs?


"Two pairs of Tears?"


This is a pleasant surprise!


Jiang Buyi quickly thought that even if the water ghost wanted to get petty profits, he should not dare to falsify the information about the members of the Hell King.


So, the orange Hades member who was chased into the deep sea by him also had a child of tears on his body?


As for the two yellow springs...


This is very understandable. In the picture traced by the holy power on Guyin Cliff, the King of Hell Huangquan came again.


Therefore, these two golden lines point to the first Huangquan clone that entered the deep sea, and the second is Huangquan's real body.


"If there are two pairs of Leijiatong, then this action will not be a loss.


"You only need to take down Huang Quan, and you can find the rest of the Hell King members later."


Jiang Buyi made up his mind.


Because of Situ Yongren's sudden appearance, he had to guard against being stabbed in the back by the Holy Temple.


So to solve Huang Quan, it is best to return to the Northern Territory as soon as possible, and take the initiative to report to the Holy Spirit Temple that he acted privately.


As for what...


Can Situ Yongren be bigger than a whole semi-sage family with a mouth of a junior? You can just prevaricate.


And the rest of the Hades members...


Without the leader, there is a mess of sand.


Even if he returns to the Northern Territory, he can no longer move for a short time, but as long as his subordinates are dispatched, it is estimated that many Leijia children will be found.


The most troublesome thing for the King of Hell is the invincible time-space attribute Huang Quan under the Half-Saint, that's all.


The idea is clear.


Jiang Buyi's eyes fell back to the Seeking Holy Bead.


Above the holy bead, two lines, one gold and one red, overlap, pointing to the bottom of the deep sea.


This should be the yellow spring that I met just now, but was teleported away.


Although it was only one side, Jiang Buyi saw the cat huddled at the back of Huang Quan's head just now, with the familiar aura of "three hated children's eyes".


Two people and one cat teleport away at the same time, and naturally the two lines on the Holy Seed Orb will overlap.


The remaining two lines...


The red one points to the left of the deep sea.


The golden one is rapidly approaching red, and the two lines are almost overlapping.


If nothing else, this represents the location of another member of the Hell King, and Huang Quan's real body is rapidly approaching, trying to find his organization members.


"So, the fact that Huang Quan, who was a little weak just now, was restrained by the old man's eyes, can also be explained...


"He is the avatar of Huang Quan who entered the water ahead of time!


"The purpose is to release the power of time and space in other places under the deep sea, and disturb the sight of this old man!"


Jiang Buyi took back the Holy Seed Orb with a confident smile on his face.


Until now, he only had one question left.


Huang Quan's clone, why can he use the power of time and space under the deep sea forbidden law enchantment?


"Top Ten Power Weapons...


"Or, another unknown ancient monument artifact...


"However, even if Huang Quan has such treasures, there are certainly not many. He handed the treasure to a clone to confuse his sight. At this moment, his true body is the weakest point!"


Jiang Buyi raised his eyes with a smile. He took off his tail finger from his left hand, and with a slight shake, the tail finger turned into a person exactly like him.


This is the "half-sacred incarnation" that he made in advance after spending a quarter of an hour in the Yunlun Mountains after he knew that he was going to enter the forbidden enchantment!


"Go ahead, take down the task of Huang Quan's clone and leave it to you."


Jiang Buyi said to the semi-sacred incarnation, who nodded lightly and shot down.


As for the deity…


Jiang Buyi's deity raised his eyes and looked at the position pointed out on the Sacred Bead, which was the second situation where the two lines of gold and red approached quickly and were about to overlap.




Her heart skipped a beat.


Jiang Buyi frowned.


On a whim?




That place...is it dangerous?


After pondering for a while, Jiang Buyi did not flinch, but quickly approached.


After a while, he stopped and looked at the thunder tribulation in front of him, suddenly enlightened.


"Nine Death Thunder Tribulation?


"There is actually a Dao Slasher in the forbidden law enchantment that can last until the end of the Nine Deaths and Thunder Tribulation? Who is it?"




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