I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 999: Brand new mask!



Thunder raged.


At the same time as the colorful thunder robbery blasted towards the center of the tribulation crossing, it sensed that an outsider had entered the area of ​​the tribulation crossing, and gathered another part of the power to bombard it.




Huang Quan held back the Xuan Xuan Sword, one of the swords and swords on his back.


He paused for a while, until when Lei Jie faced him, he raised his sword and Lei Jie split into two on the spot.




The electric snake roamed around on his body, but Huang Quan did not show any abnormality.


The invasion of the power of catastrophe did not have any effect on his body.


One of the nine supreme divine weapons, the Xuan Xuan Sword, the most powerful function is that it can ignore all defenses, and it is like cutting vegetables.


With a single sword, the mountains and seas are torn apart.


The sharpest in the world is not a vain reputation.


Except for the famous sword Tianxie, I am afraid that in this world, there is no weapon that can block the attack of the Xuan Xuan sword.


"Heaven... why is he here?"


Putting the Xuanxuan Sword back on his back, Huang Quan snorted with suspicion, and quickly flew towards the center of the calamity.


The deep sea failed to form a water ball around him, and the water pressure couldn't crush his body, which showed Huang Quan's ability.


Even in the forbidden enchantment, the time and space attributes are sealed.


But his time-space holy body can still make him feel like he is in another plane, free from any external force.


In terms of attack, there are the wounding sword and the soul cut on the back, one is the most physical attack, the other is the most soul attack.


This is why Huang Quan dared to go into the sea alone, and even thought of Tu Shengnian in his heart.


"Meng Po has been found.


"Heaven and man have obviously fallen into the deep sea for a while, and have fallen to such a low position...


"What happened to him?"


Up to this point, Huang Quan only knew that Mengpo Fengtang went into the water because he encountered the half-sage of the Jiang family on Guyin Cliff.


However, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man clearly acted together with Po Meng, but they were separated and fell into the deep sea ahead of time.


The matter here is still to be considered.


If it wasn't for Fengtang, Mengpo was still in a state of fainting under the seal...


If the situation is not critical at this time, we must find someone as soon as possible...


Huang Quan could not wait to wake Po Meng immediately and tell her what happened before.


Of course, doing so is a waste of time.


Huang Quan was also unsure whether a water polo would appear to protect her after she took out Po Meng from the second time-space world in her body.


If not, then as soon as Madam Meng appears, the water pressure will invade, and people will die!


So the top priority is still to find someone.


As long as you find the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, all questions will be answered!




The wind is galloping.


The power of space is useless, and under the deep sea, there is no way to teleport.


However, the Holy Body of Time and Space abandoned the limitation of water pressure, and Huang Quan's speed of rushing on the road was already extremely fast.




After slaying the thunder with a sword, he finally came to the center of the calamity.


At the same time, the power of thunder tribulation above the nine heavens showed signs of disappearing, and no longer fell thunder.




Huang Quan raised his eyes.


The power of catastrophe in the deep sea is gone, which means two possibilities.


Or the robber dies.


Either the calamity transcendence is successful, the nine death thunder tribulations will subside on their own, and there will be another Taixu in the world.


He glanced around.


Soon, Huang Quan found a floating figure not far away.


——The orange robe was in tatters, and the mask on his face had been shattered, revealing a blood-stained face of heaven and man.


No water polo.


But the water pressure failed to crush his body.


Because the five failures of heaven and man seem to have not yet reached the limit, the water polo protection mechanism will not be triggered.




Seeing this, Huang Quan breathed a sigh of relief.


It's good that people don't die.


He hurriedly came to the side of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, thought for a while, took out the Profound Wounds Sword on his back, and gave a slight shock from the distance.




The sound of the sword chirping sounded, and the water rippled.


Under the shock of external force, the eyelids of the gods and men shuddered, and there were signs of awakening.


The next second.




A mouthful of blood was coughed up, and the gods and humans turned over and stood upright.


It seemed that he had slept for too long, his limbs were a little stiff, his head twisted and his fists clenched, and then he turned his eyes a little uncoordinated and saw the face of the person who woke him up.


"... Yellow Spring?"


The boy's hole shrank, then quickly blinked his eyelids. After his Adam's apple rolled, he called again in surprise, "Master Huang Quan?"


At the first sound, Huang Quan felt that the Five Decays of Heaven and Man were somewhat unfamiliar, and his face was still vigilant.


But after the second sound, the familiar tone appeared, and Huang Quan let go of his doubts.


In the deep sea, it is normal for heaven and man to be vigilant when they experience five declines.


"How did you end up here?" Huang Quan asked.


The gods and humans twisted their necks sideways, and at the same time, their limbs were also moving slightly, as if they wanted to awaken the strength of the body. Hearing that, he only shook his head and said:


"I don't know..."


He paused for a long time, with memories in his eyes, and it took him a long time to add:


"I only remember that in the course of our action with Madam Meng, we encountered a ghost and beast parasite with a seal attribute...


"He's very strong. After knocking Madam Meng out, I wanted to take someone away, but he chased him into the dimensional stream and knocked me out...




The Five Decays of Heaven and Man seemed to have thought of something, looked up and said, "Before you were sealed, I called you... your name, but you don't seem to sense it?"


Seal property...


Huang Quan finally understood what happened to the power that had completely disappeared from Madam Meng.


As for "calling names"...


"Under the power of the seal, I'm afraid your call will not reach my ears." Huang Quan sighed and asked, "Do you know who he is?"


"Fengtian..." The five failures of heaven and man said for a while, and avoided saying: "That's the one."


"okay I know."


Huang Quan nodded, with surprise in his eyes.


Apparently, he didn't expect the Emperor Fengtian to be alive, but in the form of a ghost.


From this point of view, it is normal that the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and Fengtang Mengpo can't fight.




With a certain thought, Huang Quan's eyes flashed coldly, and he asked in surprise, "After you were sealed by him, why did you come here? Besides, I see that the power in you is not in a sealed state?"


After seeing it clearly, Huang Quan realized that, unlike Fengtang Mengpo, the power of the five declines of heaven and man is actually in its heyday.


If he is also in a sealed state, the water polo must exist, right? Otherwise, the water pressure would have already crushed the heavens and the human beings to death!


"I do not know either…"


It seems that even the memories of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man have been sealed, and they need to be awakened little by little.


After a long period of time, he said helplessly: "I really can't remember. I don't know what happened after being sealed. I just remember that when I woke up again, it was in this deep sea."


Huang Quan's eyes became more suspicious.


Was the Five Decays of Heaven and Man thrown here by the Emperor Fengtian?


Then after throwing it, what did he encounter to break the seal?


It's not like, after the battle between the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and the Holy Emperor Fengtian, and the defeat is the end, the latter won't block the ability of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, right?


"What about him?" Huang Quan didn't ask any further, his eyes shifted to the deep sea.


"Dead." The Five Decays of Heaven and Man responded calmly, knowing that Lord Huang Quan was talking about the calamity transcendence.


"How did you die?"


"Nine death thunder tribulations are inherently difficult, let alone in the forbidden law enchantment, to force through nine hundred and seventy-two thunder tribulations... Ha! He finally wanted to bring me to bury, but he obviously chose the wrong person."


The corners of Heaven and Human's lips twitched, as if thinking of some funny picture.


With just a few words, Huang Quan could already imagine the picture of the calamity-traverser who wanted to pull his back before he died, but he had no choice but to pull a body of decay, resulting in bad luck, and the nine-death thunder robbery became even more terrifying.

He also laughed.


But soon the smile froze.


Because after chatting so many times, Huang Quan could smell a lot of foul odor on his body.


"Sure enough, I still can't talk to him more..."


The last trace of doubt in my heart was cleared.


The Five Decays of Heaven and Man are still the same as the previous Five Decays of Heaven and Man, the kind that even he was a little afraid of.


The topic was getting hot now, and Huang Quan knew that he couldn't continue this topic, so he changed the topic again and asked, "How is it, have you adapted to the power of Sanyantong's purpose?"


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"Three disgusted children's eyes?" Heaven and man were slightly startled.


"Huh?" Huang Quan looked over, "What, something went wrong?"


Tianren Wufa frowned slightly, paused for a moment, and then said, "No problem, but I tried it just now, and I still couldn't open my eyes."


"I still can't get used to it..." Huang Quan murmured softly, not caring.


After all, the power of Sanyantong's eyes is too strong, and the five failures of heaven and man did not deliberately integrate into it. It is already very difficult for him to install this child of tears.


As for opening your eyes...


Let time slowly erase all barriers.


"Wear a mask."


While Huang Quan was still thinking about it, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man had already pulled away the corners of his mouth, revealing a slightly kind smile.


He bent down, took a handful of water, and washed all the remaining blood on his face.


After doing this, he took out an orange mask from the space ring and put it on slowly, covering all the stiff expressions in his words.


"All right."


He straightened up again, and fine-tuned his hands, as if he was adapting to this brand new mask.


Huang Quan smiled.


The members of Hades are used to wearing masks, and when they show their true faces, they do occasionally feel uncomfortable.


Even he is used to not showing his true face now.


But I didn't realize it before, this kind of situation will also occur in the five declines of heaven and man...


"Huangquan... Your lord." The gods and gods held the mask on their faces, and asked in a calmer tone, "What are you going to do next?"


Huang Quan felt the full power of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and said with a smile, "You're recovering pretty well. If Madam Meng had 10% of your power, she probably wouldn't be in a coma."


After he made a joke, he went straight to the topic: "There is a forbidden enchantment here. Next, I may have to deal with a great enemy. Do you want to stay, or go up ahead of time?"


Going up, of course, is to leave the deep sea and return to Guyin Cliff.


Although it is really good to fight side by side with the five failures of heaven and man, this is a great battle after all, but Huang Quan doesn't really want to fight it from the bottom of his heart.


Because the battle dragged on...


Maybe when the time comes, he and Jiang Clan's semi-sage will have some surprises!


"Who to deal with?" The Five Decays of Heaven and Man asked.


"Jiang's semi-sage, I mentioned it to you before. Now, he should have already entered the water, and he is on the way to pursue me." Huang Quan said calmly.


Under the mask, the gods and humans raised their brows high and seemed to be very surprised, but he regained his composure and calmly said, "Then I'll stay and help Lord Huang Quan."


He didn't even leave... Huang Quan sighed in his heart.


The five declines of heaven and man are not a good person.


If there is no task on weekdays, there is no trace of him at all.


But now, since the Five Decays of Heaven and Humanity knew that the target of his battle this time was a semi-sage, he should be too embarrassed to leave.


But from that question, I leave the choice to the other party...


Huang Quan made up his mind whether to cooperate or not.


Even if Heaven and Man are not a very good fighting partner.


But this time, after all, he was going to fight a demigod, and Huang Quan was still afraid.


The ability of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man is very strange. In this deep sea, if it is used well, it may even be more restrained than half-sacred swords and soul cuts.


Since he wanted to stay...


Then, let's see if the half-sage Jiang died first, or if he would bring bad luck ahead of time!


"is it him?"


Just as he was thinking about it, Huang Quan saw that the Five Decays of Heaven and Man had turned his head at an unknown time, looked at his left front position, and stretched out his fingers.




The deep sea is forbidden to send out the enchantment, and the spiritual sense cannot be used. After Huang Quan tilted his head and walked over, he could not even see anyone.


However, before he could count his breaths, a black dot appeared in the distance, turned into a figure, and stopped directly in front of the two of them.


"Half-Saint, Jiang Buyi!"


Huang Quan's heart skipped a beat, feeling the extremely strong semi-sacred coercion, but he couldn't help but tilt his head to look at the five evils of heaven and man beside him.


He didn't expect that under the circumstance that his spiritual sense could not be used.


The old guy, the five-decayed man, has even better eyesight than him. He was able to discover Jiang Buyi's arrival so long in advance.




Putting his hands on his back, Huang Quan slowly pulled out the Xuan Xuan Sword and Soul Cut, two of the nine supreme artifacts.


In the forbidden enchantment.


The spirit element is invalid, the holy element is invalid;


Spiritual thoughts fail, holy thoughts fail;


The power of attributes can't be used, and all kinds of spiritual skills can't be released...


The gap between the Taixu and the Semi-Saint has been shortened from an insurmountable gap to only one true Semi-Saint body, a natural Holy Body.


And this gap, the Xuan Xuan Sword can already make up for it.


What's more, he Huang Quan has an extra soul cut.


Taixu is fighting a half-sage, under such circumstances, why should there be any fear?


"Jiang Buyi..."


With a broken sword in his left hand and a soul cut in his right hand, Huang Quan's eyes hidden under the golden mask became crazy, and he sneered: "I heard that you are looking for me, and you want to take all the tears of my Hades?"


The half-sage Jiang Buyi's real body chased here, but he saw that Huang Quan's real body was not like his space-time clone, so he was so stunned that he didn't dare to say a word.


On the contrary, dare to face each other with swords.


He was lost for a moment.


"Injuring the Xuanjian? Soul cut?"


A flame ignited in Jiang Buyi's eyes. He really didn't expect that apart from Huang Quan and Leijiatong, he could also harvest two supreme artifacts in this action.


This is a treasure comparable to the Evil Sin Bow of Love for the Common People!


But soon, Jiang Buyi looked away from Huang Quan.


When he came to this place, he had a whim.


But this time he was facing Huang Quan's real body, but he vaguely sensed that the source of his whim was not this person, but...


Jiang Buyi turned his eyes and landed on the inconspicuous orange masked man behind Huang Quan.


With just a glance, he sensed a familiar smell.


The power of the three hated children!


The bait you let out!


The half-sacred eyesight is incomparably strong, UU reading www. uukanshu. Even if we are far apart at the moment, even if it is extremely dark under the deep sea, even if the orange-robed man still wears a mask...


With so many restrictions.


Jiang Buyi can still see at a glance, the right eye under the orange mask, in the shadow, there are traces of the three gray flowers turning over.


This is a sign that Sanyan Tong's eyes have opened!




"How can you open your eyes so quickly?


"Didn't I set up multiple restrictions? How did this guy adapt so quickly?"


Jiang Buyi's heart twitched, and he suddenly realized the source of his whim.


Tai Xu completely grasped the words of the Leijiatong Sanyantong, the objects that can be controlled...


"Master Huang Quan."


At the same time, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man had already turned to look at Huang Quan and asked, "I need this old man to help you get a head start?"


Huang Quan's eyes were still fixed on the half-sage Jiang Buyi in the distance. Hearing the sound, he turned his eyes and nodded in response...




His eyes stagnated, and his voice became intermittent:


"No need... no, I'll... charge, you... hold the line..."




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