I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 1000: Semi-Saint Genocide Words



After a short pause, the holy emperor dragon scales began to strike again quickly.

Xu Xiaoshou knew that the sticky essence Jiang Buyi was here again.

And at the speed of the semi-sacred, even without the assistance of Saint Yuan, he should be able to crush the speed of Taixu and quickly rush to him.

But no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than teleportation...

"It's time to run."

Xu Xiaoshou looked at Situ Yongren and slowly extended his hand.

Situ Yongren is like a doll that can be handled by others. He closed his eyes in despair, and is very familiar with the process of escape.

The next second, Xu Xiaoshou grabbed his collar and threw the man onto his shoulders, and the power of space fluctuated around him.

At the moment when the dazzling light of the forbidden enchantment was triggered, the two figures disappeared on the spot.


After three breaths, the streamer flashed.

Jiang Buyi's half-sage incarnation landed here, and when he saw the empty deep sea, his face was already filled with anger.

"Damn it, it runs faster than a rabbit!"

This is already his eleventh chase.

But every time someone was about to be caught, Huang Quan's clone would teleport away with Situ Yongren's space.

Under this deep sea, the opponent can use the space ability, but he can't use any spiritual skills... Jiang Buyi has not experienced this kind of humiliation for a long time.


Without any hesitation, Jiang Buyi once again followed the guidance of the Seeking Sacred Bead and quickly ran towards the direction where Huang Quan's clone escaped.

He is very fast.

And every time it settles, it will leave a semi-sacred will in place.

As long as Huang Quan's clone made a mistake and was teleported to the vicinity of the place where it was teleported before, the semi-sacred will of that place would be awakened and turned into a semi-sacred mind clone.

Huang Quan's clone ran like this, and he didn't even dare to talk or fight, which meant that his combat power was extremely weak.

As long as he is caught, there is no need for a semi-sacred incarnation. The semi-sacred mind avatar forcibly shoots and turns it into a spiritual attack, which can suppress his intention to teleport.

This is an extremely time-consuming method.

But right now, it seems that Jiang Buyi has no other way than to traverse the entire deep sea to catch people.

As for time...

Jiang Buyi is not short of this time at all!

With half a cup of tea, he could chase Huang Quan's avatar eleven times.

And the coverage of each semi-sacred thought is a full mile away.

How big is this deep sea?

How long can Huang Quan's clone run?

Given an hour, the deep sea will be filled with avatars of semi-sacred thoughts that can be activated at any time.

Jiang Buyi didn't believe it anymore. After an hour, Huang Quan's clone could still find a place that had never been teleported.

At that time, it is impossible to say that Huang Quan's clone has been teleported, and several semi-sacred thoughts around it are activated at the same time...

Want to run?

There are no doors!

"Senior, it's been the thirty-sixth time, when will you be the best?"

Situ Yongren was thrown over his shoulder once again, his face ashen.

Even if he can withstand the high-frequency space teleportation, the body that has lost the support of the spiritual essence at this moment is almost unable to withstand the blows again and again.


He suddenly retched.

This Huang Quan's shoulders were extremely hard and piercing.

Even if Huang Quan was controlling his power, Situ Yongren's chest and stomach had already been rubbed and bleeding.

"It will take a long time..."

Xu Xiaoshou said, he didn't know when he was a head, and after the transmission was completed again, he fell into contemplation.

Why hasn't the water ghost come yet?

His seduction has been very successful, right?

It's been more than a quarter of an hour... I wonder who else in the world can cultivate as a grandmaster and remain a half-sage for so long?

Do not!

Not to mention the master!

Even if it is too empty, in this deep sea, there is no way to walk half-sacred like a dog, procrastinating for such a long period of time, right?

In Xu Xiaoshou's impression, his task is to hook... uh, seduce.

Seduction is procrastination.

Isn't the purpose of the delay just for the water ghost to be able to slaughter the saint better?

One quarter of an hour…

The pre-casting swing of the forbidden spell is not so long!

Is the water ghost starting to cast spells and sing, or has he completely forgotten himself and focused on other things?

"Senior, I have to remind you that this deep sea is not big. If you continue to teleport like this, there may be an accident." Before teleporting again, Situ Yongren said with disgust.

"Something happened?" Xu Xiaoshou scoffed, "What could happen?"

He has "disappearance" and "one step to the sky".

Don't talk about slipping away a half-sage who can't use tricks.

It was the water ghost, the master of the deep sea, who came down himself. He really wanted to run, but the other party couldn't keep him.

Situ Yongren's IQ is always online when faced with a life-and-death crisis, and immediately said:

"Even if the semi-sage is sealed by the forbidden law enchantment with 99% of his power, it is not that simple.

"Don't say anything else, he just needs to leave a semi-sacred thought in the deep sea after each settling. If we teleport to the same location at that time, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out.

"Because under the coercion of the semi-sacred mind, the seniors may... be unable to bear it."

Situ Yongren hesitated.

Huang Quan's combat power is very strong, with time and space attributes, he can also use it in the deep sea, and he is familiar with all aspects of the deep sea... he is simply invincible!

But the spirit and soul together must be a shortcoming, right?

Bansheng wants to take action against Taixu. There are too many methods. The example he gave is only a drop in the ocean.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Xu Xiaoshou almost didn't blurt out these words when he heard the sound.

He had encountered a half-sage before, but he just met a half-sacred Zangren from afar, and he basically did not understand the composition of the half-sage's combat power.

It is expected that if Liu Sheng is harmless, he doesn't mind playing with Jiang Buyi in the deep sea all day.

But now it seems...

Maybe I can't wait for the water ghost to take action.

This guy's original intention was to force himself into the Void Gate. Maybe he didn't make a move at the moment, but he meant to let Jiang Buyi push him into the door?

"It's all a bunch of dirty things!"

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help cursing in his heart. When he fought against Situ Yongren again, he had already made up his mind.

Since he can't sneak around for too long, then he simply leads Jiang Buyi directly to the Void Gate.

Anyway, the foreshadowing of the eight gods in front of him is there.

It is expected that Rao Yaoyao and the others have not pushed the door at this time. I don't know what kind of wonderful expressions they will have when they see Jiang Buyi really coming.

"Stabilize." Xu Xiaoshou felt the heartbeat of the Holy Emperor's dragon scale, which was struck again quickly, and turned back to Situ Yongren.

"Stable what?" Situ Yongren couldn't help but wonder, how many times this was sent, Huang Quan didn't remind him, he suddenly cared, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Stabilize the situation." Xu Xiaoshou smiled and said, "Later, say what should be said, what should not be said, try not to say."

Situ Yongren: ? ? ?

"Suspicious, passive value, +1."

"Feared, passive value, +1."

But before he could continue to ask questions, Xu Xiaoshou had already brought people and stepped into the vortex of space again.

At the bottom of the deep sea, in front of the Void Gate.

Rao Yaoyao looked at the strange Taixu wrapped in water polo in front of her, and fell into deep thought.

Beside him, Teng Shanhai was still lecturing.

"What are you doing here? Can you come to this place?"

"I-I'm a killer..."

"Another killer? Are you also offering a reward for black gold?"

"Um, um..."

"People from the Eastern Region?"


"Damn, it's another group of stupid birdmen who want to kill Xu Xiaoshou! They have nothing to do and come here to die!"

"First, the first training is..."

Teng Shanhai was going to be **** off.

Three sticks of incense offered a black gold reward, so many great powers Taixu and killers came from the Eastern Region.

As a result, as soon as they came here, they were all held by the forbidden law enchantment.

All of these misfired Taixu, in addition to being able to contribute to the energy of the Void Sect, and then being pumped by the spirit energy, they have no temper. At this moment, they don't even dare to talk back... they have no fighting power!

"You did a good deed." Teng Shanhai turned his eyes angrily and looked at Ye Xiao.

"..." Ye Xiao was silent, responding silently.

The black gold reward was indeed issued by her, this is to avenge the aliens.

But who would have thought that Guyinya had a forbidden enchantment?

All these people came here and suddenly became the help of the enemy, as if they came purely to help open the city of the sky...

"do not talk."

Rao Yaoyao had a headache listening to her from the side, and waved her hand to prevent Teng Shanhai from continuing to be presumptuous.

She had other thoughts on her mind.

After all, these are more than ten Taixu, even if they can't exert their combat power at this time, as long as they are united well, they can be temporarily requisitioned.

Entering the Sky City at that time will be a great help.

Just when she thought about it, she turned her eyes to the Void Door, and wanted to grab another one to try to push the door.

Unexpectedly, a surprised voice suddenly floated in the distance.

"Yo, so lively?"

Everyone in front of the Void Gate was all vigilant.

Rao Yaoyao, Mu Lin, Bai Lu, Teng Shanhai, Ye Xiao, and the others were bound in the water polo and couldn't move. They turned their eyes and looked into the distance.

The power of space fades away.

The golden-robed masked man, Huang Quan, stood calmly, carrying a young man with disheveled hair and still vomiting.

"The power of space?!"

Seeing this scene, a terrifying scream resounded in the water polo:

"What's the situation? Isn't there a forbidden enchantment here? How can he use the power of space?"

"The man with the golden robe mask... Huang Quan? Is he Huang Quan?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair...Wait! Under the deep sea, why is he the only one who can stay safe? Before I was falling, I heard someone calling for help, and also mentioned the 'Water Ghost of the King of Hell'..."

"Yewang Huangquan, Hades Water Ghost...Fuck! This is his game?!"

There was a lively scene in front of the Void Gate.

Obviously, in the forbidden law enchantment, those with the attribute ability that can protect themselves by themselves make a lot of people too vain.

This is incredible!

And the content of their collective discussion made Rao Yaoyao's previous inferences more recognized.

Huang Quan's situation!

Huang Quan will end in person!

Huang Quan can use his abilities!

All of this...obvious!


Suddenly, Rao Yaoyao's eyes narrowed and fell on the person on Huang Quan's shoulder.

"Wait! This is?"

Why does this depressed face look familiar?

"Suspicious, passive value, +16."

"Awe, passive, +8."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much."

Xu Xiaoshou carried the person with one hand and spread out the other. He looked at Rao Yaoyao calmly. After the greeting, he smiled and said:

"Rao Jianxian, my previous proposal is still valid, one person, change a sword.

"It's just that the object of the transaction has changed now. I wonder if this time, the person in my hands will be more interested in you?"

He said, holding up Situ Yongren.

Situ Yongren was still surprised that he could meet Rao Jianxian by chance.

But after Huang Quan's remarks, the shyness on his face didn't come out. At this moment, he wished he didn't have two hands to help cover his face.

What a surprise, what a life in desperation...

At the scene of the death of the society, Tongtong was washed away and vanished.

"Situ Yongren?"

Rao Yaoyao tried hard to identify the young man who covered his face, and finally saw the identity of the other party, and there was disbelief in his words.

Situ Yongren, how did it fall into Huang Quan's hands?


Xu Xiaoshou smiled and looked at the Xuan Cang Divine Sword.

Every time he persecutes someone with an impossible transaction, he is very happy, because the other party's entanglement can bring him a lot of passive value.

Similarly, all kinds of expressions that have never been seen before are all surprises.

"Huang Quan, do you know what you are doing?!"

Rao Yaoyao was very angry at Huang Quan's generosity.

Why does this person covet the Xuan Cang Divine Sword so much? Doesn't he know that this sword is impossible to trade!

Right now, she pointed at Situ Yongren and said angrily, "This person in your hands is Dao Qiong..."

Before he finished speaking, Situ Yongren suddenly raised his eyes and interrupted loudly, "Don't say it!"

Calling the holy name directly can really make the master pay attention to this place.

But just now, Situ Yongren has promised that he will not choose himself in this way.

Now, if he goes back on his word with the help of others, and he is still in Huang Quan's hands, the ghost knows what Huang Quan will do to him when he is angry!

Most importantly...

Situ Yongren himself understands very well that his value is far less than the Xuancang Divine Sword.

Therefore, this transaction is absolutely impossible to complete. After him, it will still be in Huang Quan's hands!

Naturally, you can just hang on right now.

Rao Yaoyao was stopped by his own people, his face froze, but he realized that this should be some kind of transaction between Situ and Huang Quan, and immediately stopped talking.



The holy emperor dragon scale struck again quickly, and the sticky spirit was about to appear again.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't have time to talk nonsense with Rao Yaoyao and others. He reached out and patted Situ Yongren's face, and said sideways:

"It's your turn to perform.

"Remember, you only have time for one sentence. If you talk too much nonsense, the guy at the back will come to find your life."

Situ Yongren trembled violently.

He also didn't care why Huang Quan still didn't let him down, he just wanted to carry people on his back and let him talk to many Sacred Temple, Sacred Palace seniors, and Taixu so shamelessly.

But apparently...

The semi-saint at the back is even more terrifying!

"Rao Jianxian!"

Situ Yongren lifted his hair, stared wide-eyed, and shouted: "I am Situ, I have not been coerced, but now, I have something important to report to you!"

Looking back in a hurry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw that the Bansheng hadn't chased after him, Situ Yongren shouted in a loud voice:

"The Puxuan Jiang Clan in the Northern Territory! The half-sage Jiang Buyi! Conspiracy to become a holy emperor!

"He crossed the Holy Spirit's Temple and made his own move, and now he has come to the Eastern Territory, and he is still following me, wanting to... kill and kill!!"

Very loud sound.

spread far.

Rao Yaoyao, Teng Shanhai, Ye Xiao:? ? ?

Mu Lin, Bai Lu:? ? ?

Too imaginary people: ? ? ?

Everyone has not had time to question.

The half-sage incarnation of Jiang Buyi, who was caught in the highest-frequency heartbeat of the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor, suddenly and forcefully broke into everyone's sight, and bumped into the big pot of dirty water that Situ Yongren poured out madly, and then connected with Rao Yaoyao changed from disbelief to staring at people...


Jiang Buyi's head immediately swelled into two big ones.

On one side, Xu Xiaoshou silently stepped aside so that Rao Yaoyao could better see this half-sage's respectful face. The corners of his mouth hidden under the mask finally drew a meaningful smile.

Semi-holy genocide.

This is done!


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