I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Holy Emperor Jin Zhao!

"Ahahaha, wonderful!"

"This is really wonderful! It's amazing!"

On the Guyinya ruins, the water ghost pushed the half of the golden animal face on his face with the root of his palm, staring intently at the nothingness in front of him.

Obviously there was nothing in front of him, but he was amused and slapped his thighs as if he were watching a secular drama.

In fact, there is no deep sea at the bottom of Guyin Cliff.

The entire deep sea here is the realm of water ghosts.


Using the word "boundary" to describe it seems very inappropriate.

Strictly speaking, the realm of the water ghost has been integrated with the inner world of the sea-controlling halberd, forming an existence similar to a different-dimensional space.

Naturally, as the master of the deep-sea realm, what is going on inside, the water ghost will know at a glance if he wants to see it.

At the moment, he was watching the confrontation between Huang Quan, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, and the Semi-Saint Jiang, while watching the incarnation of the Semi-Saint Jiang Buyi, who was lured by Xu Xiaobei in front of the Void Gate, and confronted Rao Yaoyao with a confused face. et al.

"It's absolutely amazing!"

Unable to stop the smile on his face, the water ghost shook his head and sighed.

He used the jellyfish beads to lure Jiang Buyi and Huang Quan into the sea by using the method of backtracking from the sky and crossing the sea.

Never thought that I only wanted Jiang Buyi's head.

Someone Xu Xiaoshou turned his backhand and stared at the entire Jiang family.

Through the mouths of Dao Qiongcang's apprentice Situ Yongren, he named Jiang Buyi the crime of "plotting the status of a holy emperor", and then involuntarily photographed the crime on the face of Rao Yaoyao, a contemporary walking of the Rao family of the holy emperor's aristocratic family...

How can Jiang Buyi be washed this time?

Even if he regenerates a hundred mouths, his tongue blossoms with lotus flowers.

For the sake of self-protection and interests, it is impossible for Situ Yongren to let Jiang Buyi survive.

And when all these things fell into Rao Yaoyao's ears.

How could the Rao clan of the holy emperor family let such a possible cancer of the half-sage Jiang Clan go to plot their own authority?

A dumb person eats Coptis chinensis and can't tell the pain...

But it is!

"This son, ruthless!"

The water ghost was full of praise.

He really didn't expect to let Xu Xiaoshou go into the deep sea and play so many tricks. Now he is very satisfied with this kid.

This is indeed a chess piece that Ba Zunyan specially instructed to move it when necessary or unnecessary.

There is no need for chess masters to do more tricks.

As long as it is activated, this piece can move by itself, and it can often bring about wonderful effects that were never expected before.

——It's simply not too good!

"Cough...what's the matter, so happy?"

Just as he was looking excited, a weak cough came from behind him.

When the water ghost turned his head, he saw a middle-aged man in a sluggish state, supported by an old man with a small axe on his waist, walking slowly.

He has a strong face and an excellent image.

It's a pity that there are only eight fingers on both hands, sword scars on the neck, and yellow eyes.

Young and old...

Clearly in spirit, but very weak...

The visitor was carrying a golden scroll in his hand, exuding extraordinary holy power, which was perhaps the only brilliance in him.

"Eight respects?"

The water ghost stared at it for a while, and raised his brows.

He looked at Cenchov who was supporting the eight masters again, nodded slightly, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I haven't seen you so happy for a long time."

Ba Zungan walked over with a smile and raised his arms to signal that he didn't need to help him.

After walking out of the Space Fragmentation Stream, the road was flat, so he wouldn't fall flat on the ground.

"Your people are very useful." The water ghost thought of Xu Xiaoshou, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, "The surprise he brought me is not a big one."

"That's natural." Ba Zunyan also smiled.

Xu Xiaoshou is really easy to use, otherwise he wouldn't throw this kid into the center of the storm whirlpool every time he made a move.

No need to make any more orders, as long as you give a final direction, this guy is like a **** stick, able to stir the vortex into the shape he wants most.

Although I don't know what Xu Xiaoshou did under the deep sea.

But looking at the appearance of the water ghost... Ba Zun is sure, that kid is making waves again.

"Your condition seems to be getting worse."

The water ghost watched Ba Zungan approaching step by step, and his brows gradually frowned.

As the eighth sword immortal in the past, if he didn't know the real person, the water ghost would really not believe that the legendary character would be worse and worse every day, and he would be like this now.

Look at it!

However, from the perspective of cultivation realm, the eight statues are familiar with the three realms of spiritual refinement at most.

This is almost no different from ordinary people!

Give an ordinary person a sword, and under a sneak attack, maybe it can really kill the sleeping Ba Zunya... It's outrageous!

"You have agreed to leave the matter here to me. If you have to do everything yourself, you are afraid that you will die suddenly." The water ghost said with a smile.

"I don't think I can't trust you." Ba Zun Jian can't hear the meaning behind the words, and teased a little, "It's just that you have taken over the limelight for this matter. If I don't show my face again, the world is afraid that the world will take it. I have forgotten about the eight masters."

Water ghost: "..."

In this generation, even if they can forget the Sword God Gu Lou Ying, I am afraid they can't forget you, Ba Zun Jian!

Ba Zunyan didn't think so much. He raised his hand to the sea of ​​clouds between the vast cliffs and praised: "Look! Guyinya's game of chess has exhausted all the great gods in the five realms. I heard that even the half-sages have gone down. One?"

"Hmm." The water ghost nodded with a crooked corner of his mouth, "So?"

"What a wonderful plan!" Ba Zunchen sighed, "The matter here is only to be spread out, and the name of your water ghost should spread all over the world and be talked about by countless people."

"Fame..." The water ghost shook his head, "What's the use of me wanting this fame?"

Ba Zunji disagreed: "Famous swords need fame to nourish, and the road to sanctification also requires the blessing of the power of fame and faith."

The water ghost chuckled, noncommittal.

Ba Zunge suddenly became quiet, stared at the half golden beast face on the face of the person in front of him, and said with a smile:

"However, you really don't need this fame.

"As soon as the mask is taken off, the real name of the saint slave water ghost is known to the world.

"If the next person in the world can stand up and be sanctified... it must be you!"

The water ghost was silent, looking at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, what he saw was a vast expanse.

He stroked the half golden beast face on his face, and thought that what this mask covered was more than the identity of a saint slave and a water ghost?

"The road ahead is still very far away..."

The two looked at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and fell silent together.


Really flatterer, their rainbow farts are superbly shot... Cenchov, who was still wrapped in bandages, sighed in his heart. He also stepped forward and looked at the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, wanting to join the flattery conference.

"Why don't you take an old man with you?"

He smiled and paused, stroking his beard, and then said to himself: "To be sanctified requires understanding, and when it comes to understanding, the old man says second, who dares to say first?"

On the Guyinya site, the eight Zunji and the water ghosts all laughed when they heard the words.

"Indeed, you are also one."

Everyone in the world talks about the legend that "there is a woodcutter in the southern region, who can cut the way overnight" as a myth after a meal.

The two of them now know that...

This is the real thing.

The Dao, which was realized by chopping wood, broke through the mysteries of the acquired, innate, master, and throne realms overnight, and directly cut off the past mortal realm and entered the world of refining spirits.

How can such people be ordinary?

As soon as Cen Qiaofu joined, the two of them stopped talking to each other in business. Thinking about what they just said, it really makes people blush.

Shui Guitou didn't ask back, "What's the matter?"

"This." Ba Zungan gestured to the golden scroll in his hand, still staring at the bottom of the sea of ​​​​clouds, as if he wanted to see something.

The water ghost's attention couldn't help being attracted again.

This golden scroll is very eye-catching, and the strong holy power on it shows this extraordinary thing.

Even, accompanied by the breath of the holy emperor's dragon scales, the water ghost can see from the scroll that the holy emperor's will is no less than the holy emperor's dragon scales.

"The Holy Emperor Jin Zhao?" The water ghost asked with a sideways look.

"Yes." Ba Zunyan nodded.

"What did you write? Wouldn't it be those words like 'Fengtian, the emperor's decree'?" The water ghost's lips curled up, teasing.

He knew that the eight masters were born in the world of non-pure refining spirits. In the past, he was actually a mortal in the world. He even went to Beijing to take the exam.

And because of his personality, he is holding this "Golden Edict of the Holy Emperor" in his hand, and there is a high probability that he will be able to write these words that startle people in the spiritual world.

"That's not so superficial..."

Ba Zunjun laughed, still looking down at the sea of ​​​​clouds, and asked, "How is the situation down there?"

"It's chaotic." The water ghost replied, "But all those who should come have come, and those who shouldn't have come. Now the time has come, the Void Door can be opened at any time."

Ba Zunyan nodded, took a step back, turned his eyes, and looked at the city of the East Heavenly King in the distance, the city of the sky that was almost completely removed from the spatial stream.

"That being the case...

"No wait, let's start now!"

His tone became serious, and with a shake of his hand, the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao was immediately thrown open.

The water ghost waited solemnly, and also looked at the city in the sky in the distance, knowing that something big would happen next.

But he caught a glimpse of the weak body of the eight statues, and even the pressure of the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao was faintly unable to bear, and he immediately pouted and said helplessly: "How about I come?"

"You can't come."

Ba Zunji shook his head and refused, and took the lead to take out the pill for a moment and took it. His breath changed, and he had some imposing and coercive force that returned to the light.

Afterwards, he stretched out his index finger and knocked slightly between his lips and teeth, the blood was red.

He reprinted the blood on his fingertips on the Holy Emperor's golden edict, and the eight masters became sharp-edged like swords, rushing straight into the sky.

At this moment, his chest was slightly raised, and his image was so tall that even the sky could no longer suppress it.

The blood finger, on the golden edict, slowly wrote:

"The holy secret... the world... thousands of years..."

How could the water ghost and Cenchov miss this historic moment?

The two of them stepped forward one after another, and they turned their eyes to the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao, and read the ancient characters like ancient talismans that were instantly condensed with the blood of dragons flying and phoenixes.

The next second.

The strong power of the Holy Emperor attached to the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao stabbed the two of them with blood and tears.


Cenchov spurted blood from his mouth and looked horrified.

"Cough! Cough!"

The water ghost coughed a few times, stretched out his hand and wiped it, and was startled to see blood from the seven orifices.

The two did not dare to look any further.

This golden edict of the Holy Emperor is too powerful!

Absolutely, it was condensed from the hundreds of years of power of many holy emperors in Void Island.

Ordinary people see it as blasphemy!

——But Ba Zun doesn't know it.

With his eyes fixed on the Jin Zhao, he used the body of a mortal to write with blood fingers on the sacred treasure of the Holy Emperor.

At this moment, the water ghost suddenly understood why the eight masters knew about this matter, and he couldn't come.

Because, the honor of the black and white twin veins, is the only one.

No matter how powerful the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao is, there is still such a person pressing on the heads of the great Holy Emperors on Void Island!

In this world, he is the only one who can write a written word on this holy emperor's golden edict with the body of a mortal who has not yet reached the holy level!


On the Guyin Cliff, as the ancient characters took shape, the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao burst into surging power, lining up the water ghost and Cen Qiaofu, as if the emperor was fighting, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach.

At the same time, the grass on the side.

In the rustling sound, a one-armed lame old man was carrying a large mahogany box on his back and a thousand paper cranes in the palm of his hand. On his way alone, he whispered suspiciously:

"Why can't I lock the position of Senior Brother suddenly?

"Didn't you say that in this world, no matter the ends of the earth, you can find people by relying on this thousand paper cranes to find people?"

Xiu Yuanke sighed.

He was frightened by a few gold-medal hunters in the East Heaven King City, and delayed for a while, why couldn't he keep up with the elder brother?

It was clear that I had to wait for myself...


Xiu Yuanke followed his footsteps, and saw three figures on the cliff not far away.

The person at the head has a very prominent image.

From the side, Xiu Yuanke could see the eight fingers slowly dancing on the golden scroll, and if he paid close attention, the person who was writing something had an obvious sword scar on his neck...

"Eldest brother!"

Xiu Yuanke was pleasantly surprised.

Isn't this the image of the big brother pretending to be the teacher, the eight masters?

Um, where did the sack go?

It does not matter!

The important thing is that after searching for so long, Xiu Yuanke finally found Senior Brother Xiao Kongtong. He rushed over and burst into tears.

"Eldest brother, it's too hard for me to find you, what are you doing..."

The words haven't fallen yet.

The figure that Xiu Yuanke rushed over stopped in mid-air, as if he had hit a barrier, he quickly fell, and slammed into the mountain.

The water ghost and Cenchov obviously spotted this uninvited guest and looked sideways at the same time.

"What the hell?"

Xiu Yuanke was stunned.

He doesn't know the guy with the golden animal mask.

But Zenchov's image...

I am familiar with this!

Staring at the small axe on the other side's waist, Xiu Yuanke glanced at the axe on his waist again, suddenly understood something, and burst into tears:

"Eldest brother, I'm just a step behind, how did you find my replacement?

"Wow, it can't be like this!"

Cenchov: ? ? ?

Water ghost: ? ? ?

Who is this guy who suddenly appeared~www.readwn.com~?

What did he mean?

In order to prevent accidents, the water ghost raised his hand and directly regarded the one-armed lame man as a stowaways, and banned him on the spot with water polo.

At the critical moment of writing the Holy Emperor's Golden Edict, it is obvious that no trouble can arise.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

Xiu Yuanke slapped vigorously in the water polo.

But these people are all helpers that the senior brother is looking for, and the face is to be given. He can't directly use the sword and break the bond.

However, looking at that "Cenchov" staring at him with a blank expression...

Xiu Yuanke was in a hurry.

"What are you looking at, you substitute!

"If it wasn't for me being late, do you really think the big brother would find you?"

In the water polo, Xiu Yuanke smeared his face, and he instantly changed into the appearance of Cenchov. He raised the small axe on his waist high, and said with a beaming expression:

"Did you see clearly? I'm Cenchov! You can leave the big brother now!

"Want to usurp the throne? Line up!"


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