I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 4: I was played...



"You are the teacher!"


Xiu Yuan stayed for a while, and finally he could speak: "Baidai replaces me with eight masters... The students personally witnessed that this sentence came from the teacher's mouth, then you must be the teacher without a doubt!"


Some time ago, Xiu Yuanke thought that the person in front of him was dressed up by the big brother.


But after reading the golden edict of the Holy Emperor and the visions of the Five Regions, as well as those few angry edicts, no matter how stupid he was, he would come to his senses.


This level is not something that a senior brother can achieve.


Xiu Yuanke vaguely remembered that at the meeting in Sanyue Xiancheng, the senior brother said that he might meet the teacher during this operation, so he decided to participate.


But I never thought that the encounter would come so quickly.


He had just arrived at Guyinya, and happened to come across the instant picture of the teacher calling him back to the Five Regions.


For a "fanatical admirer of the Eighth Sword Immortal", this is tantamount to the fact that the good dragon Ye Gong met the real dragon, and the devout believers saw a miracle.




Like a dream!


The eight statues on one side were still in a dazed state.




When did I accept a strange disciple?


It's not like this guy, Xu Xiaoshou became too, right?


"It's me…"


Xiu Yuanke saw the teacher's daze, pointed to himself, and said:


"I, Xiu Yuanke, the sword cultivator of the Moon Fairy City!


"The nine major swordsmanships are all taught by the senior brother. The senior brother also told me that only after I met the teacher and got your approval can I obtain the qualification to practice sword reading."




The expressions of Cenchev and the water ghost immediately became strange.


Dare to forgive me for a long time, is this really one of my own?


Since they are Xiao Kongtong's junior brother, then obviously, this trivial matter should be handled by the Eighth Zun, and the two of them immediately lost their desire to solve people.


Ba Zunge finally realized that this Xiuyuan guest belonged to one of the thousands of students who claimed to be their own students on the mainland.


As for Jian Nian...




Ba Zunjun obviously didn't expect Xiaokongtong to kick the ball back to himself.


How can he currently have any spare time to teach an irrelevant sword cultivator and Jian Nian?


Even Xu Xiaoshou, such an important talent, got the "Guide of Swords", and it was all handed over to Xiaokongtong to go out, and it was seen from it that the eight masters knew how hard they were about their time planning.


Xiuyuan has thousands of guests.


Ba Zunzhen really needs to spend time to guide each of his admirers. In this world, I am afraid there will be no "Mr. Myself", but a "Mr. Ba".


Most importantly...


Now that the city in the sky is about to fall, it is not the time to discuss these trivial matters.


"Wait a minute."


Ba Zun Jian Wen said to Xiu Yuan Ke.


"Okay, okay! I can wait! I can wait anytime!"


Xiu Yuanke was very excited, the idol spoke to him, he had a kind of joy that blossomed above his head, and his happiness could not be added.


"Get the internet cafe first."


Ba Zungan turned his head and said to the water ghost.


"it is good."


The water ghost Danmo nodded.


As soon as the city of the sky fell, he knew that the big net he had spread under Guyin Cliff and the big fish that he had trapped should be closed.


Without any hesitation, he spun the water-system profound meaning formation under his feet.


At this moment, the other three people at the Guyinya Ruins were all attracted by their gazes.


Xiu Yuanke was secretly shocked when he saw it.


This is the "True Esoteric Array"!


This person doesn't seem to be young, he doesn't look like Yuling Drop, the head of the Holy Spirit Temple, so who could he be?


The key is that the teacher is not pretending to be a big brother, so the people around him should also be real elders, right?


Very likely, all of them are one of the nine holy slaves!


"I'm a mother-in-law!"


Xiu Yuanke felt that he had come into contact with the group of people who were on top of the world and had the highest personalities.


He glanced at Cenchov again, thinking that if there was no accident, he must have caused an accident just now...


This old man should be Cenchov Benfu.


"What the **** was I doing just now!"


When Xiu Yuanke thought of this, he was so ashamed that he almost buried his face in the ground.


Fortunately, Cenchov didn't mind these trivial matters at all. After learning that Xiu Yuanke was his own, and now seeing the little swordsman's sneaky glance, he just smiled the past, indicating that he didn't have to be grumpy.


"Wow good man!"


Xiu Yuanke was moved to the point of tears. Sure enough, the people around the teacher were all very good people!


As his thoughts turned, the water ghost had completed the seal between the electric light and flint, and the strong spiritual aura on his body pulsated.


There was no change between Xiu Yuanke and Cenchov.


On the contrary, it was Ba Zunyi, who was swept away by the breath and almost didn't fall.


Before Cenchov was about to act, Xiu Yuanke helped him first.


"Thank you."


After the eight masters thanked him, Xiu Yuanke suddenly lost all other consciousness, and only looked at the hands that had supported his teacher with fiery eyes, and he had already decided...


In the next few decades, he would never be able to wash his hands again!




When the Mysterious Array of the Water System was unfolding to the extreme, the sea of ​​clouds trembled between the Guyin Cliffs, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore suddenly sounded.


Then, under the push of the current, the vast and deep sea below the cliff continued to shrink, turning into a floating ball with a size of several tens of meters.


"Deep Sea World!"


Cenchov's eyes were solemn.


This is the realm of water ghosts, the "deep sea world" that is integrated with the sea-controlling halberd.


From outside this world, he could see the miniature figure of Mohu, and after careful identification, there were all familiar people inside.


There are the semi-sages of the Jiang clan, Huang Quan, the five degenerates of heaven and man who are still in the war...


There are Rao Yaoyao, Xu Xiaoshou, Jiang's semi-sacred incarnation, etc. who are still facing each other in front of the Void Gate...


There are still a lot of unknown reasons. The stowaways scattered in the water polo of all parties can live to this time, and there are only a few Dao slashers. Basically, these are all well-known in the five domains, but they can be killed for the sake of chance and Xu Xiaoshou. Don't be too vain...


Xiu Yuanke also shuddered.


With just this one hand, he knew how big and how strong the cooperation plan between the teacher and the master of the water system was!


One person summoned the city in the sky.


One person imprisoned the Five Domains Taixu, and even the Half-Saints in the deep-sea world.


The combination of these two is simply a combination that destroys the sky and destroys the earth!


Comparing the heart to the heart and replacing the body, Xiu Yuanke believed that no matter how much he cultivated, he probably wouldn't have the absurd idea of ​​subverting the whole world pattern in his heart.


With his ability... I'm afraid he can't do it even if he thinks about it.


But the teacher in front of him and this golden animal-faced male group not only have this idea in the cultivation realm under the semi-sage, but the key is to implement it, and the key is to succeed!


"As expected of a teacher..."


Xiu Yuanke secretly glanced at the angular facial lines of the eight statues, and there were more stars shining in his eyes.


This wave of his is also a witness to history, right?


In the future, there will be four people who will record the Guyinya incident in history, namely, the eight Zunji, the man with the golden animal face, the senior Cenchov, and the Xiuyuan guest.


"My teacher and the elders of the sage slaves slaughtered randomly on Guyin Cliff. The teacher and the elders were in charge of the slaughter, and I was in charge of the quack..."


While thinking about it, the water ghost seems to have condensed the power of the deep sea world to the extreme.


He didn't hesitate to inject all the endless energy plundered from this place into the Void Gate.




"Void Gate, open!"


The hands were sealed, the deep-sea world hummed, surging mighty power burst forth, and visions suddenly appeared inside.



Deep sea, in front of the Void Gate.


Rao Yaoyao, who was still confronting the King of Hell Huangquan and accepting the sophistry of the half-sage Jiang Buyi, was no longer in the current situation.


At this time, her mind was completely confused.

It was clearly stated that the situation in Guyinya was created by the King of Hell Water Ghost, and the overall situation here was also facilitated by this person.


But why...


The golden edict of the Holy Emperor that shocked the world just now, but the name on it was "Eight Masters"?


The eight are acquainted with…


Didn't this guy just run into the deep sea a while ago to sue and report the layout of the half-sage Jiang Buyi and the King of Hell?


Why did you turn your head and go out of the deep sea again, summoning the city of the sky?


Rao Yaoyao thinks that not only his intellect is the best in the world, he should also belong to the group that stands out from the crowd in the spiritual refining world.


You can guess and infer by yourself, and you are repeatedly overwhelmed by the current situation and subverted back and forth...


She was a little bit blown away!




"It's clear that the eight poles can't hit a piece of people..."


Rao Yaoyao's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and all that remained in his eyes was doubt and confusion.


Her state at this time was very similar to Lan Ling, the red-clothed team leader whose mentality was ruined by Xu Xiaoshou in the White Cave.


"What is going on here?


"Does the water ghost belong to the King of Hell, or is it a saint slave?


"It was the King of Hell and the semi-sage of the Jiang clan who cooperated, plotting to tear up the children, and the status of the holy emperor...


"Or is it that the saint slave also intervened, under the guise of the two families, in order to complete his own bigger plan?"


Rao Yaoyao thought about it, and unconsciously cupped her forehead with her hands.


She couldn't come to a valid conclusion at all!


"The yellow spring is the yellow spring, the water ghost is the water ghost, the eight masters are the eight masters, and the semi-sage of the Jiang family is only the semi-sage of the Jiang family...


"But why do these people come together and stir to create so many strange identities and all kinds of absurd combinations?




"Among them, there should be another black hand that is driving the development of the situation...


"Who will it be?!"


Rao Yaoyao's head is about to burst.


She is clearly in the game, and she controls the situation from the perspective of God. She is a very pure chess player.


But before she knew it, everything that happened here and everything that happened outside turned her into a chess piece at the mercy of others.


"I'm right here, I've seen everything, but I don't know anything, I... I'm like a waste!"


Rao Yaoyao's mind was lost, and her mentality exploded. She thought she could control all the chaos, but she couldn't control it any longer, like a rolling ball of thread, completely messed up.


A golden edict from the Holy Emperor made her completely collapse.


"I, was played..."


At this moment, the Void Door behind him trembled with a "hum" sound, and surging power poured out.


The Void Gate actually opened without a push!


"Rao Jianxian..."


"Rao Jianxian..."


"Rao Yaoyao!


! "


Teng Shanhai shouted three times, and from Rao Yaoyao's state of confusion, he called back to God.


He didn't know why, but before the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao came out, Rao Yaoyao still looked like he was holding a bead of wisdom.


As soon as it happened that the half-sage Jiang Buyi was plotting the status of a holy emperor, the person who reported it had merit, so it should be a big rejoicing.




All of a sudden, I feel that Rao Yaoyao's state is completely gone, like a person who is about to go into trouble?


"Rao Jianxian, the Void Gate has opened, how can this be?" Teng Shanhai asked worriedly.


"so good…"


Rao Yaoyao looked at the self-opening Void Gate, and then glanced at Teng Shanhai, Ye Xiao, and the other Taixu trapped in the water polo, feeling emotional.


Isn't it good to be a general?


Only use the charge, and only care about the current affairs.


There is no need to control the overall situation, let alone the murderer, the water ghost of the King of Hell, the status of the semi-sacred conspiracy, why the Void Gate is here, where does it lead, who is the mastermind behind everything...etc. Wait wait, all the clutter!


If you don't have enough ability, why do you have to show your ability and be that commander?


The situation in between is not something that ordinary very people can grasp at all, but very, very people...


You ask me what to do, who do I ask?


I don't even know why the Void Gate is here.


Even the place that leads behind the Void Gate is a city in the sky, or whether it is another forbidden place. After many trials, I still don't know.


I, what can I answer you?


Rao Yaoyao's lips trembled, but she couldn't speak.


"Rao Jianxian?"


Teng Shanhai looked at Rao Yaoyao with dull eyes, and was speechless.


He couldn't sympathize with that kind of despair, after all, his brain was not as smart as Rao Yaoyao.


However, he could vaguely perceive that because Rao Yaoyao had too many things in his mind, but now, this broken thing has not been solved, but it seems that it is going to... collapse?




The Void Door continued to vibrate, and this time it was not just a crack that opened, but there were signs of two doors wide open.


The glare flowed, and the suction appeared.




"don't want!"


"What the **** is this, what does it **** at me?"


The screams were endless, and there were already quite a few Taixu trapped in the water polo who couldn't resist, and were sucked and pulled in by the Void Gate.


For the rest, each of them used their own abilities to fight against the suction.


"You just said, what is this?"


Jiang Buyi's semi-sacred incarnation resisted the suction of the Void Gate, and looked at Teng Shanhai in disbelief.


Teng Shanhai glanced at Rao Yaoyao, and seeing that he had no desire to speak, he replied, "Void Gate, aren't you here for this?"


for this?


This saint came here for the Void Gate!


Jiang Buyi panicked. Outsiders didn't know it, but he knew it very well.


The Void Gate is connected to the Sky City. The Sky City is also known as the Void Island. The Void Island has a sacred foundation on the surface, but it is actually a place of exile for semi-sacred and holy emperors.


This thing, it's too late for this saint to avoid it, why do you want to draw it?


What about the semi-holy chance?


This sage, this is a sage!


"I was played..."


At the moment, Jiang Buyi thought about it, and only got the only answer that he was played by the night cat, the water ghost, and Huangquan, the king of hell.


These two guys, forcing themselves into the water, quickly caught Situ Yongren, and when Rao Yaoyao went to their head to buckle the dung pot, they opened the void before they could explain all the reasons to the practitioners of Rao's clan. Door…


This is not a deadly target, what is it?


"Two **** things!"


Jiang Buyi wanted to resist.


He is so wrong!


He was obviously not guilty of such a big crime, but he became a pure and big injustice!


Can you resist?


But the forbidden law enchantment restrained his ability, and he was like Rao Yaoyao and others, and he couldn't help being absorbed in the past.


"Rao Yaoyao, you belong to the Holy Emperor's family, the will of the Holy Emperor, you can resist the suction of the Void Gate!" Before being exiled, Jiang Buyi couldn't help shouting loudly.




Rao Yaoyao raised his eyelids absentmindedly and glanced at Jiang Buyi.


Why resist?


Everything she has now cannot be confirmed, but the only thing that is certain is that Jiang Buyi is plotting the status of a holy emperor, then he is the enemy of the Raozhi clan!


Since the complicated discs can't come out, then everything will return to the original...


If Jiang Buyi is the enemy, what does he want most and what he cannot cooperate with the most.


Isn't this a very simple reason?


"you are dreaming!"


Being sucked into the door of the void, Rao Yaoyao's lips curled up, every word, and sneered loudly.




Destroy it!


I'm rotten!


Everyone enters the Void Gate together, no matter what's behind it... My surname is Rao, I can't die, you can do whatever you want.




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