I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 5: 10-member council

In the middle of the field, the laurels are broken into the holy mountain.

On this day, the Holy Spirit in the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Temple was agitated.

There was a mountain-sweeping attendant who saw the Taoist Temple Master pushing the wheelchair of Lord Cang Sheng, one of the three emperors, while walking and discussing matters.

What are you talking about, you can't hear it.

But there is no doubt that it must be related to the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao, which just came to an end some time ago.

This is the power of the Holy Emperor!

There is no doubt that the reason for the sudden rise of so many holy power fluctuations on the holy mountain must be because of this.

There are squires reasoning...

Perhaps, this is the "temple council of ten" that has not been seen for several years, gathered together.

To the outside world, the world doesn't even know whether the supreme combat power of the Five Domains is really semi-sacred.

Even the current master of the Holy Spirit Temple, Dao Qiong, is still a mystery as to whether his cultivation is too imaginary or half-sacred.

But for those who live on Mount Guizhe...

The frog at the bottom of the well can't see the wider sky after all.


As soon as the "ten-member council" on the Mount Guizhe came out, one hall, two masters, three emperors, and four divine envoys, as well as the intricate background relationships of these ten people, combined, they could wipe out most of the half-sages in the five domains!

Headquarters, discussion hall.

A silver round table ten feet long was placed in the center, surrounded by nine silver high-back chairs.

The noble and elegant silver high-back chairs, some are small, only for one person to sit on; some are very large, so big that they don't look like people to sit on at all, but are used to entrap giant beasts.

Dao Qiongcang pushed Ai Cangsheng's wheelchair to the side of the main seat. After completing the round table, he walked slowly to the main seat and sat down. He smiled and said, "So, what do you think?"

"Look with your eyes." Ai Cangsheng said.

"You are also a member of the council, you have to express your opinion." Dao Qiongcang was helpless.

"I've seen enough, I'm very tired... I really need to see you guys." Ai Cangsheng paused and looked at the round table, "Besides, this discussion group is just a decoration, with you With the sky in the sky, there are still things in the world that cannot be counted? Results that cannot be seen?"

Dao Qiongcang sighed lightly: "The secret is wrong, and it is not advisable to act arbitrarily. I still need your opinions, so as to control the secret."

"That's what it is." Ai Cangsheng smirked and looked strangely, "But every time, isn't it a council meeting when you have the final answer? Once again, did your answer go wrong? "

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case." As a person who peeks into the secrets of heaven, Dao Qiongcang will always have a heart of reverence for the way of heaven and the way of the holy.


At this time, Ai Cangsheng stopped answering, and turned to look at the door of the main hall.

The voice just fell.

The osmanthus on the holy mountain rose, and the holy power surged.

A shimmer of light in the sky suddenly leaked, and then turned into a golden light, merged into the discussion hall at the speed of light, and turned into an old figure.

"Hahaha, Dao Qiongcang boy, I haven't seen you for a long time!

"What is the purpose of this time, to hold a plenary meeting?

"Speaking of which, with your brain, if you can do anything yourself, you need us to come over in person and run for nothing?"

The old man was dressed in a luxurious golden robe, and even his hair was golden.

Accompanied by the hearty laughter, there was a golden light flashing in his eyes, and he looked towards the sky.

One of the three emperors of the Holy Temple, colorless, light attribute, semi-holy!

"Senior Yan."

Dao Qiongcang didn't get up, he just nodded and smiled slightly as a compliment.

This is an old senior. When the previous generation of hall masters was there, he was a member of the ten-member council. Nowadays, he rarely makes a move, and it is normal for him to be out of sight of the world.

In terms of qualifications, Yan Wushe is naturally higher than him.

But in terms of status, the current hall master of the Holy Spirit Temple can't bow to the Holy Emperor, let alone a half-holy?


Ai Cangsheng also greeted the half-sacred face without color, and nodded slightly.

He usually talks less, and is too lazy to talk much. His legs are disabled, and it is even more impossible to get up to greet him.

"Tsk tsk."

Yan Wushen shook his head helplessly, expressing helplessness for the two people's perfunctory things to their predecessors.

But after all, he came early, and he couldn't wait for the welcome from other people, so he made fun of himself and sat down alone.


Outside the hall, the breeze was clear, and the holy power fluctuated again.

Then a sarcastic voice sounded:

"Yan Wushe, are you dizzy? Didn't the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao see it?

"I hate your official greetings the most, come out and fight if you have the ability!"

The sound of footsteps sounded, this time it was an old man in black with a broad sword coming. He was very short, and Ye Xiaotian was on the same level as Ye Xiaotian.

But strength, identity, status...

One of the three emperors, not crazy, without attributes, swordsman, half saint!

"Senior not crazy."

Dao Qiongcang smiled again.

Killing God is not crazy, Yu Tu's character in that era is also a bad old man, with a irascible temperament and a power forward of the council.

When I was young, I killed all the five regions, but now I am much better, and I am only interested in killing saints.


Ai Cangsheng nodded again without saltiness.

Killing God is not crazy, he doesn't have much appetite for him, and the murderousness is too heavy.

Although this is also an old senior, but as the three emperors, he does not need to give anyone face.

In this world, seniors don't look at age, they only look at fists.

The fist is hard, and no one can be a bird.

If you really think about it, you can take care of everything.

But obviously, staring at all living beings with the eyes of the Great Dao is already a very tiring thing, and loving the people has no excess energy to do unnecessary greetings.

"Well, why haven't the others come yet?"

Not a person of the same era, Killing God is not crazy, he just glanced at Ai Cangsheng and then withdrew his gaze, he is too lazy to bully children!

After taking a seat, he and Yan Wushe started arguing with each other.

Anyway, if you have nothing to do, you just talk about something, and to put it bluntly, your hands are itchy and you want to fight.

However, the official body is still there, and if the teacher is unknown, it will be very miserable to be targeted by the trial division.

The elders will sit on one seat, and the young will take another seat.

It didn't take a while, the holy energy fluctuations came from outside the main hall again.

A thin old man with a fishing rod more than ten feet long that was almost reaching the top was wearing casual clothes and walked into the hall with straw sandals. There was mud on his shoes, and he scolded as he walked:

"There are so many broken things, isn't this meeting too frequent? I remember that the last meeting was... four years ago?

"Dao Qiongcang, what are you doing to eat? If you have something to do, you can do it yourself? If we need to come over, what's the use of your brain?"

Dao Qiong: "..."

"Old fish, calm down, calm down, sit down."

He got up in a hurry, Ling Nian pulled out a seat beside the round table, waited for the old man to sit down, and then returned to his seat.

Yu Lao, whose real name is Yu Lao, Kunpeng envoy, half-sage!

"Where's my precious great-granddaughter?" Mr. Yu sat down, swung his long fishing rod back, and the hook made an elegant arc in the air, accidentally hooking Killer Shen's eyes.

"Is it okay?" Yu Lao hurriedly pulled the hook out, but fortunately he didn't bring out a single eyeball, only a little bit of blood.

"It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way..." Killing God didn't madly smiled and said, "Old Yu's fishing hook has been upgraded again, and a half-holy body can hit it... uh, blushing."

He covered his right eye, took out the pill from the ring and took it.


This is the "Kunpeng Secret Technique". As soon as the main body comes out, the water hits 3,000 miles, and the big predecessors are 90,000 miles. The old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years.

The so-called "Kunpeng Secret Method"...

It's not about turning people into Kunpeng, but in order to better protect the world, let this Kunpeng turn into a human body, and restrain the power of the peerless seal method.

Dare he provoke?

He is called "Killing God is not crazy", not "Silly God is not crazy"!

"It's fine."

Yu Lao didn't care about withdrawing his eyes, and then looked at Dao Qiongcang, his eyebrows were upside down:


"Why haven't you spoken yet?

"What about my precious great-granddaughter, why didn't you come to see her grandfather and me? Will there be an extra chair here for her to come and sit down?!"

Dao Qiongcang smiled bitterly.

This is a council of ten, so don't make fun of it?

"Still on mission..."

"Oh, then don't die, or you will die, and your sister."

Dao Qiong: "..."

As soon as the commotion stopped, three figures Peng Peng came out of the hall.

The head is a woman in a yellow dress in a palace dress, dignified and elegant, her hair is up and decorated with jade tassel, but her body is illusory, like a spiritual body.

"Master Nine Festivals."

At this moment, except for the Kunpeng envoy, all of them stood up, and all looked solemn.

Even Ai Cangsheng supported the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands, showing respect.

Jiu Ji Gui Spirit Body, one of the nine ancestral trees, the patron saint of Gui Zhe Holy Mountain, Jiu Ji God Envoy!

"My concubine, I've seen you all." The woman in the yellow dress in the palace bowed slightly and gestured, as the spirit body drifted, the fragrance of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus permeated the hall.

On the left side of her is an old man with an exploding head. His clothes are in tatters, and his eyes are full of irritability and entanglement.

"How could it explode? How could it be possible?"

"Light, dark, water and fire, there are only four elements, how could it explode?"

Everyone: "…"

Zhong Yuanzi, full attribute, elemental angel, half saint!

Don't think too much, this old senior is still immersed in his own world, and it is already a great deal of face to be able to come to the meeting.

His dream is to develop other elements to the same height as time and space, and then promote it to the five-domain spiritualists.

Of course, all attribute owners like to try element fusion the most.

This is the origin of his explosive head.

"Hello everyone."

A humming sound came word by word.

The last person who came was "Pumbaa", one step at a time, and the existence of deep pits could be stepped on in the hall.

It is three feet tall, but it still looks like a human, wearing a spacious sackcloth, just for the convenience of transforming and moving.

No. 2, the war machine of the heavenly puppet, the heavenly messenger, the semi-holy terminator.

After the very polite No. 2 greeted everyone one by one, he stood in front of the largest high-back chair and looked at the sky, with warmth flashing in his eyes.


Dao Qiongcang nodded with a smile and stretched out his hand: "Since everyone is here, sit down."

So far.

The first hall, the three emperors, and the four envoys of the gods are all present.

Jiu Jigui's spirit body looked around the round table, opened his mouth slightly, his voice was ethereal and sweet, and asked, "Where are the other two children?"

Dao Qiongcang looked at the two high-backed chairs at the end and said with a smile, "Gou Wuyue was sentenced to the Dead Sea by the judges, and he is still being punished. Rao Yaoyao is on a mission."

"Dead Sea?"

Jiu Jigui's spirit body frowned slightly and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Young Wuyue is also a member of the ten-member council. "

"That's the best thing. When Lord Jiujiu comes out, I'm afraid the judge is willing to give us face."

Dao Qiongcang smiled, abandoned the matter, and returned to the main topic: "Everyone, this time the ten-member council has gathered eight people. I think everyone should know what it is for."

"Saint Emperor Jin Zhao?"

One of the three emperors, there was a hint of killing in the half-sacred faceless eyes, and said: "It's that eight ghosts who know how to do things. If you need to take action this time, this old man can cooperate with him."

"Are you sure it's not for personal revenge?" Killer Shen Wei sneered.

He knew that Yan Wushe had a disciple with the light attribute, and it seemed that he died at the hands of the eight masters during a certain mission.

"After staying for too long, the juniors have become very frantic and have to move their muscles and bones." Yan Wushe turned around.

"Whether you can beat others, you still have to say two things." Killing God Wei Crazy continued to mock.

Ba Zun is familiar with this name, but he has heard badly over the years.

The leader of the younger generation, the master of the black and white double veins of the Void Island, the master of the nine swordsmanship, almost equal to Yu Tu...

This kind of person, even if the cultivation base has not reached the semi-holy level, it is not difficult to break through before dying, right?

Seeing that the two in front of them were about to carry it up because of a few words, Dao Qiongcang quickly controlled the field: "The Holy Emperor Jin Zhao is naturally one aspect, but this little thing is not enough to bring you all together, the bigger reason is actually Or because of the Void Island."

"Void Island?" Yan Wuse looked up.

"Wait a minute." Yu Lao said, and he glanced at Zhong Yuanzi, who was still studying the blasting plan on the paper, and sighed:


"Things have to be solved one by one. I have even heard of Ba Zunyi, and he is an extraordinary person. First, let's talk about the solution of the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao."

Everyone turned their heads again and looked at Dao Qiong.

To be honest, before Dao Qiongcang took office, everyone didn't act like this.

The ten-member council will give their own opinions, and finally it will be decided by the hall master, or vetoed by one vote.

But since this unpredictable young man took office, everyone found that no matter how much discussion, the final result was consistent with what he gave in advance.

Over time, everyone loses the "thinking" thing.

If there is a problem, you come up with a plan and we will make the final decision. If it is not too much, the matter will be settled as it is, then the meeting will be dismissed and everyone will go back to their respective homes.

This is the current deliberation process of the ten-member council.

Seeing so many pairs of eyes with no signs of thinking, Dao Qiongcang pondered and said helplessly:

"My opinion is…

"Since the Yunlun Mountain Range, I and Ba Zun'an played against each other across the air, and he drew the world's initial attention to the Void Island's holy Daoji... There is no doubt that this is just the beginning.

"The city of the sky is becoming more and more frequent, and the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao, as the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely pulled it from the fragmented stream of space... There is no doubt that this is the city of the sky that is further affirmed in the eyes of the world. There is indeed the impression of being a saint.

"No matter how tortuous the process is, how many deceptive characters appear, and what right and wrong have been derived...

"We jumped out and looked at the big picture."

Dao Qiongcang paused, Zhizhu was in his hand, and Chengzhu was in his chest:

"It's not hard to see that this whole game of chess was played by one person.

"From Yin Shi, the crack of Void Island, to the arrival of Void Island now... No accident, this person still wants to go down to Void Island, maybe not only the outer island, but also the inner island.

"Everyone else is an illusion, and there is only one chess player from the beginning to the end.

"It's obvious, yes or no?"

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