I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 6: In the palm of the hand, Sinan controls the world, and the gods and ghosts are unpr

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After Dao Qiongcang finished speaking, he tapped his fingers on the round table and raised his eyes to look at everyone.

All the old chickens pecking at the rice: "Mmmmmmm."

you're right.

Your analysis is very reasonable.

Go on.

Although on the surface everyone showed a bad attitude, but in fact, the meeting of the ten-member council is still very important.

Before the meeting, everyone learned the general information about the Yunlun Mountains incident in the Eastern Region through their own channels.

Of course, there are definitely not as many details as Dao Qiongkang knows.

But trying to pick out some faults in Dao Qiongcang's words is something that members of the ten-member council have been trying to do in recent decades.

Haven't been successful so far...

But hard work brings a chance, doesn't it?

"Ai Cangsheng, in the process, once shot an arrow..."

Dao Qiongcang paused for a moment, then turned the conversation and looked at the man in the wheelchair holding the evil sin bow, and everyone's eyes also turned.

"This arrow is aimed at an unknown master of the water system.

"I don't know who he is, but if there is no third grassroots genius, that one is either the controlled Yu Lingdi or the dead Yu Mo.

"You should have a little impression of these two names. They are both the head of the spiritual radical, and we are our own people."

"I won't say much about the doorway, everyone can think about it."

As soon as Dao Qiongcang stopped talking, the pupils of many seniors shrank.

Suspected two spiritual radicals?

That is to say...


Everyone thinks that there must be a way to think about this matter carefully.

But using the brain in front of Dao Qiongcang is tantamount to playing swords in Yumen, so the elders continued to stare at Dao Qiongcang.

Dao Qiong: "..."


He sighed.

"Leave the rest aside, the master of the Water Element Profound Truth has set up a bureau in a place called 'Guyin Cliff'.

"This game has trapped too many five-domain powerhouses.

"Under the emptiness, there are countless ways to cut the Dao and Dao Realm, and we don't count them.

"But at least there are more than two or thirty Taixu in it, and there is a suspected semi-sage, the latter I just calculated.


When they heard that there was a half-sage, all the old people were stunned. The information they obtained did not record this.

But obviously, Dao Qiongcang said it, it must be accurate.

In other words, the intelligence gathering methods of their subordinates really pulled their hips.

No one spoke.

Zhu Lao continued to stare at Dao Qiongcang. At this time, what kind of speech is not as accurate as the other party's "one-sided word".

Dao Qiongcang took a lot of eyes, and after a long pause, he turned his left hand and turned out a Sinan.


Seeing this Sinan, everyone raised their hearts with anticipation in their eyes.

This thing is simply not something that people play with!

It is said that with this one Sinan alone, Dao Qiongcang can count the world.

No matter the way of heaven, holy way, life and death, reincarnation, chance, treasure, good or bad luck, marriage, etc., etc., everything is resolved in one place.

People didn't believe this in the past.

But as the ten-member council held more and more meetings, no matter how many people didn't believe it, they had to believe it.

But if it is said that this Sinan let them get it, they can't play it.

Because this thing is only suitable for the secret art, and to play tricks, it must be equipped with a supreme "brain".

There is only one person in the world, Dao Qiongcang, who can create this unprecedented Sinan and play tricks.

Tianji Sinan is surrounded by holy power fluctuations, and there are intricate configurations on it, such as the five elements, the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, etc. The middle groove disc is also engraved with the diagram of the Eight Trigrams, and the lines are raised.

Just a glance can make people dazzled and dazzled.


As soon as Tianji Sinan came out, there was a slight mechanical sound in the hall. This is the performance of it running all the time, calculating the world's secrets.

Above Sinan, there is also a one-star spoon, the head of the spoon points to the north, and the handle of the spoon guides.

But at this time, the overall chassis is slightly inclined to the east.

"The power of luck is in the east... So the Tianji Sinan is tilted to the east, which means that today's major events in the world are happening in the Sword God Heaven in the Eastern Region." Yan Wushe said while stroking his beard, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

Everyone: "…"

You put it down here!

Who doesn't know that what Dao Qiongcang wants to calculate now is what happened to Sword God in the Eastern Region?

This thing, don't look at Sinan Tianji, isn't the information presented by your subordinates written clearly?

As soon as Tianji Sinan came out, Zhong Yuanzi, the envoy of the elements, raised his head from the blasting research. Hearing the sound and following the stream, he silently stared at Yan Wushe who made the sound.

"Hehe..." Yan Wushe smiled awkwardly.

Can you blame him?

This thing, he watched Dao Qiong play for so long, and he could only learn this way.

As for the knowledge on Sinan's plate... everyone here, apart from Dao Qiongcang, who can say a thing or two?

"Old Yan is smart."

Dao Qiongcang raised his eyelids and praised, causing Yan Wushe's old face to blush. Later, he held Sinan with his left hand and pinched Yin Jue with his right hand.

Soon, under everyone's attention, the sound of Sinan getting on the machine to expand the transfer accelerated, and the star spoon trembled slightly.

The following five elements belong, the word water is activated; the number of the heavenly stems refers to Rengui; the rotation of the eight gates, stopping death and injury; the connection of hexagrams and Yao, the rotation of length and short...

Everyone around the round table was dazzled for a while, and they didn't realize it.


Soon, Sinan Tianji stopped running, and the red light above shone, almost bloody.

"Bad omen!"

Yan Wushe stood up, pointed at Sinan Tianji, and said with a solemn expression: "This is a big omen, and judging from the vividness of this red light, it may be a disaster of blood light!"

Everyone: "…"

Killing God Wei Lun's lips twitched, and he said angrily, "Then ask Mr. Yan to come and explain to the big guy?"

"Hehehe..." Yan Wushe sat back on the high-back chair in disbelief.



He just held a few meetings and came to the conclusion that "white is the norm," "gold is chance," and "red is fierce".

Really want to talk about the process of Taoism...

This thing, is it something that people play with?

Who can understand!

"Don't beep if you don't understand."

Killing God was not crazy and scolded a few more words, followed by everyone to return their eyes to Dao Qiong.

Dao Qiongcang glanced at Sinan Tianji, then looked at the people at the round table and said:

"I'm a bit complicated, let's talk about it one by one."

"Five elements of water, the first meaning of this, naturally means that this Guyin cliff situation was indeed set up by the master of the profound meaning of the water system.

"Combined with the number of heavenly stems, this is a speculation about the semi-sacred figure that you are concerned about... To be honest, the Holy Spirit Temple did not have any information on me, saying that there is a semi-sacred action in this situation.

"But the Renguishui in the north, it is not difficult to see from this that this semi-sage who acts privately can focus on checking the northern regions.

"Rengui and water are incomparably well matched. We don't talk about coincidences in the deduction of heaven's secrets. We only talk about guidance. That is, there should be a connection between this semi-sage and the master of the profound meaning of the water system, or collusion..."

Yan Wushe interrupted in surprise: "He's crazy?!"

If a semi-sage in the Northern Territory, if a member of a semi-sage family, crosses the Holy Temple and acts privately, what this means, everyone knows with their toes.

What's more, Dao Qiongcang also said that this semi-sage and the master of the water system have a common plan...

The latter is the enemy!

This semi-sage acted like this and didn't seek his own death?


Yu Lao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and used the fishing rod to give Yan Wushe a shudder, looking at Dao Qiongcang, his eyes were still surprised: "You continue to say."

This human boy is really good!

With this one broken Simon, can you get so much information?

What is the difference between this and the Lord of Heaven?

Is celestial magic really that powerful?

At a certain moment, Lao Yu had the idea of ​​learning the secret art again, but soon he let go of the impulse again.

Humans can't learn this stuff, let alone a race that is not known for wisdom.

Dao Qiongcang paused, and then said:

"The eight doors stop between death and injury, what Senior Yan Wushe said is right, this game is a bad omen, either death or injury.

"Having a semi-sage intervenes, it's still such a bad omen, it means that Rao Yaoyao's side is under a lot of pressure, and one person should not be able to bear it.

"Perhaps, seniors, you really need to move your seats and choose to take one or two shots.

"As for the hexagrams..."

"Wait!" Dao Qiongcang didn't finish his words, Jiujigui's spiritual body interrupted, and there was surprise in the beautiful eyes, "You said earlier that Rao Yaoyao was not able to attend the meeting, in fact, you are saying that she participated in the Eastern Region. side action?"

"Well, she presides." Dao Qiongcang looked over, "What's the problem?"

Jiu Jigui fell into silence, and said for a long time, "Isn't she still like the childless child, not yet half-sacred?"

"Yes." Dao Qiongcang nodded.

It is difficult for the semi-sanctuary to move its place.

Therefore, in the ten-member council, the positions of the two Dao Masters who only need a lot of outings are too empty.

Gou Wuyue, Rao Yaoyao.

They don't do things, who will do things?

"Then, before you, did you figure out that this is a fierce hexagram?" Jiujigui looked at the blood-red light on Tianji Sinan and asked inexplicably.

"Forget it." Dao Qiongcang nodded.

"After all, you still let her go? She's just a child..." Jiujigui was anxious.

The key is not only Rao Yaoyao, but also a child, lack of ability and experience to preside over the overall situation.

Her surname is Rao, how can she send out such an important action if she has not yet reached the semi-sage level?

All the half-sages are involved.

She must not have a demigod with her...

Dao Qiongcang knew what Lord Jiujigui was thinking, and said with a smile, "So I approved the Xuancang Divine Sword to go out. With Xuancang around, she can't be in trouble."

"This..." Jiujigui was still worried.

"Master Jiujiu has been thinking too much. What you can think of, Dao Xiaozi can definitely think of, he dares to do this, there must be his reasons." Yu Laoman looked at Dao Qiongcang indifferently, "Is it?"

Everyone's eyes came to him again, and Dao Qiongcang sighed and nodded.

"Rao Yaoyao lacks tempering, this time she has to face the layout of Ba Zunji and other layouts alone, which is the best training.

"The action here, or success, she has a firm mind, and her honesty will be of great benefit to her practice and growth. In the future, she will be able to go further and preside over bigger actions."

"Failed?" Jiujigui asked.

The little girl who has been around her body since childhood, likes to break branches and practice swords, and eat a mouthful of sweet-scented osmanthus cake when she is hungry, how can she not know how many pounds and how many taels?

If you are right with Ba Zun, it's okay if Dao Qiongcang goes.

Rao Yaoyao?

It must not be played around!

"Failure is better." The corner of Dao Qiongcang's lips lifted, "I expect she will also fail. After knowing this setback, she knows that the overall bureau is useless, and she specializes in kendo, maybe half-sage, just around the corner."

Everyone: "…"

Ah this.

From the beginning, it has been counted to death!

As expected of you.

Jiujigui was speechless, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Yu Lao tsk tsk tsk, I just think this kid is a fox and his calculations are outrageous, and he can tell him the good and the bad.

"Aren't you afraid of killing people?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"That won't happen." Dao Qiongcang smiled, "I used the power of six divisions, and handed over all my troops and horses to her, and even my apprentice lent it..."

He suddenly spoke for a moment, and realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, even though Lao Yu was slow, he was not stupid, and he immediately reacted: "You also borrowed the people from the Taoist Ministry? Then my precious great-granddaughter..."

Dao Qiong: "..."


"In action, I said before..."

"What?!" Yu Lao's fishing rod was lifted, and he was furious. "Such a dangerous move? It's okay to let Yaoyao go, and my great-granddaughter will follow? Dao Qiongcang, what do you mean? It's calculated on Laozi's head?"

"Old fish, calm down." Dao Qiongcang smiled bitterly, "Sit first, sit first, don't talk nonsense if you don't have anything."

"You do the math for me immediately, is my precious great-granddaughter dead or alive?!" Mr. Yu couldn't sit still, and he was about to catch people with a fishing rod.

"..." Dao Qiongcang was helpless, he could only sigh, temporarily put aside the Tianji Si Nan, used the gossip in his palm to count, and then said, "Alive, a good omen, the hexagram is very good."

"You lied to the fish!" Mr. Yu didn't believe it at all.

What can I feel when I bend my finger twice?

He pointed to the heavenly abacus, which seemed to be very powerful: "Use this to calculate!"

"Old fish."

Dao Qionggong became serious and said:

"Fighting with the eight gods, outsiders don't know its depth, I still don't know?

"The lion fights the rabbit, but you still use all your strength, not to mention that the strategy shown by the eight people in the tenth seat is not inferior to me. Now I will play with him again, will I not use my best?"

The old fish sat down angrily: "It's better not to have an accident, otherwise you and your sister will all be ruined!"

Dao Qiong has a lot of energy, and he doesn't care about this threat at all.

Seeing the change in the atmosphere, the elders immediately persuaded them.

Seeing this, Jiujigui felt a lot more at ease. At least after Dao Qiongcang was in charge, the world was at peace, and when disasters happened, they were all suppressed.

"Be quiet and listen to what the hall master has to say." She calmed down the chaos at the round table.

Dao Qiongcang couldn't help but look at Sinan Tianji again.

He originally had the heart to explain the image of the hexagram, arousing the curiosity of the elders, and allowing more children of their vein to join the path of Tianjishu.

At the end of the Tianji Sinan deduction, there was originally no color.

However, in order to prevent everyone from being bored and dozing off when they were thinking about the secrets during the meeting, Dao Qiongcang used this little trick to make everyone feel more involved.

The results are clearly good.

As soon as this curiosity is aroused, everyone's sense of participation also comes up?

But now, time is tight, and everyone obviously has no intention to continue to pay attention to the process of deduction of the secret, Dao Qiongcang said:

"I won't go into details about the rhetoric. From the perspective of the final hexagram, since there are semi-sages who participated in the layout of Guyinya, it basically ruled out the possibility that this game was used for 'hunting'.

"After all, no matter how strong the controller of the Water Element Profound Truth is, he can't kill the Half-Saint."

Back to the topic, everyone's thoughts are very calm, at least they won't be disturbed by the little episode just now, they all nodded and continued to wait for the following.

Dao Qiongcang saw that everyone still had no objection, tapped the round table with his fingers, and calmly said:

"One speculation, since the layout of Guyinya is not for killing, but so much is too empty, even half-sacred, then obviously only these people are left in the high realm.

"High realm represents high energy, this form of inviting you to enter the urn, combined with the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao, directly led to the arrival of the Void Island...

"Let me think of a possibility."

"Sacrifice?" Jiujigui has lived for a long time and has a lot of knowledge, so he suddenly thought of something.

Dao Qiongcang looked at her, nodded and said: "It is indeed a sacrifice, and it is related to Void Island, what else can you think of?"

"Void door?"

Yan Wushe's old eyes widened, in disbelief, he turned his head and waited for confirmation.

"It's the Void Gate."

Dao Qiongcang nodded sharply, and responded directly with a statement tone, as if he had ten percent confidence in his own inference.

"Going back to our original goal for this conference: Void Island.

"The essence of this game of chess played by the eight masters and the master of the profound meaning of the water system is to capture the energy of the five realms of the emptiness and the semi-sacred, open the Void Gate, and board the Void Island.

"Then, back to the saint slave itself...

"Ba Zungan once entered the inner island of Void Island, and after he escaped, he established the Holy Slave.

"After so many years of deliberation, he still wants to go back, it must not be simply for the holy Daoji.

"The islands outside the Void Island may not even be in the focus of his layout this time.

"Everything that was enshrined in the Daoji, Taixu ascended the city, half-sages entered the game, etc... may be all illusions used to confuse.

"Its true purpose is obvious!"

Beside the round table, everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was stunned by these sonorous words, and their eyes were solemn.

This conspiracy is no big deal!


Clearly revealed?

Where is it revealed?

Ba Zun knows what the **** is going on, but you say it!

Dao Qiongcang looked around the round table, his face was calm, but his words were astonishing:

"The eight statues understand the map, nothing more than to break the seal of the island in the Void Island, release the semi-sage and the emperor, and then lead all the saints to climb the Guizhe Sacred Mountain, and even go up the ladder, and fight against the secret realm of the five holy places, subverting the whole world. pattern!"

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