I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 7: Only 1 "variable"!

A word of shock.

Almost all the members of the council at the round table stared, as if they had heard something incredible.


After slowing down, everyone also took it for granted.

The worst-case scenario is really nothing more than that.

It's just that everyone has been forced to develop a state of not liking to use their brains over the years, and they failed to react to this point at the first time.

"Dao Qiongcang, the situations you mentioned are all in the worst case, but the seal of the island in the Void Island has been like this for thousands of years, and it is probably not enough to break the seal with just one eight masters."

Yan Wuhu was the first to express his opinion.

On the inner island of Void Island, there are so many Saint Emperor-level existences, but after so many years, they still can't break through the ban.

Even if there is one more eight sages, the power inside is twisted into a rope, and it will not even be able to ignore the forbidden enchantment.

Dao Qiongcang looked at it with a smile, and said: "When the judge sentenced the eight sages to the inner island of the Void Island, he did not expect that he could become the king of black and white, and he could still be suppressed by the forbidden law enchantment and the forbidden martial order. , go back to the Five Regions without knowing it."

As soon as these words fell, everyone was silent.

Indeed, the Eight Zuns are abruptly not like individuals.

Everyone can't imagine that when they broke their heads, the guy who was worthy of Taixu's cultivation and couldn't even get the title of Seven Sword Immortals entered the inner island of Void Island and was able to take down all those holy emperors who are like living fossils. .

How did you do it?

Dao Qiongcang said with a smile: "Starting from the worst situation and responding to it, every subsequent change, no matter how bad it is, is essentially developing in a good direction, isn't it?"

Everyone: "…"

You have a brain, you are right.

"So, what do you want to do?" Yan Wushe asked.

"In recent years, the frequency of opening the five-domain different-dimensional space has increased, and the probability of the birth of native ghosts and beasts is the same as before, but the number of people who escaped from the Void Island has greatly increased.

"It's not hard to see that since the eight Zungan broke out from the island of Void Island, their plan has begun to act.

"And, the quality is not small!"

Dao Qiongcang looked around the crowd and saw that there was still no one to refute, and to make suggestions, so he continued:

"My idea is that it is difficult to break the seal, but it is easy to strengthen the seal...

"Even without reinforcement, with the nature of the seven bans on the island of the Void, we only need to take a little action before the plans such as Ba Zunyi are successful, so that the seven bans can be restored to the essence of the rules of the place of exile.

"In this way, the saint slave's many plans have been paid to the east."

A thud.

Dao Qiongcang tapped his finger on the round table, and the hall echoed around the beam.

In the silence, everyone could only see the sun clear, and the situation instantly changed from critical to clear.


The eight masters know Xiaoqiang's physique, and all the islands in the Void Island can't kill him.

After returning now, he will surely bear multiple wills of the Holy Emperor, and it is even more difficult to take him.

But it can't solve the trouble myself, and it is also a wonderful way to solve the time and place.

No matter how strong a person is, how long can he jump?

Ba Zun knows that he wants to be able to subvert the situation of the Five Regions by himself, and he will not escape from the Void Island, but he is still silent for so many years, and he chooses to accumulate strength.

And Youdao Qiong's remarks came before, and everyone knew that the eight masters were well-versed in establishing saint slaves, didn't they just use the power of the black and white double veins on the island of Void Island?

However, as one of the seven bans on the island itself, how can it be so easy to break the seal?

On the contrary, the Temple of the Holy Spirit does not need to focus on the eight deities, but only needs to focus on the overall situation itself and prescribe the right medicine.

Eight respects know how to break the ban.

Then we will use the power of prohibition on the inner island of Void Island to counteract the ghosts and beasts of black and white, and even the eight masters themselves.

In this way, not only the manpower and resources that need to be paid are greatly reduced, but also the difficulty of the action itself is almost reduced from unpredictable... or **** difficulty to ordinary level.

"Reinforce the seal..."

Yan Wuhu murmured to himself, and a compliment flashed in his eyes soon.

"No, restore the seal!

"That's a great trick!

"The seal of the island in the Void Island, after many years, really needs someone to maintain it.

"Dao Qiong, Dao Qiong, as expected of you, this plan is almost equivalent to the normal seven-break ban maintenance process, which can destroy the conspiracy of the saint slave and avoid shopping, tsk tsk tsk..."

Yan Wushe said looking at the young man in the main seat, filled with emotion.

This is why the members of the council are gradually raised to dislike thinking.

In the past, it was difficult for one person to count on the events of the five domains.

Even if the previous Hall Master came to preside over it, it would be difficult to come up with the best solution to a vague event within five days and a half.

but now.

Just bring someone to the meeting, and you can leave your brain at home.

Dao Qiong Cang can give you a thorough analysis of the major events in the five domains from the shallow to the deep, from the outside to the inside, and at the end, it can also give you a perfect solution to the problem.

Who doesn't love such a leader?

In the past, the caucus even fought at the round table because the two sides disagreed.

But since Dao Qionggong took office, this kind of thing has never happened again.

The problems that you can't solve can be solved by me alone.

The plan that you can't agree on, I said, Qiong Cang can make the decision alone.

Even the people you can't beat, I said that Qiongcang left this seat in front of the round table of the Holy Spirit Palace, and I can help you win it!

From brain power to combat power, there is no flaw!

The ten-member council used to be a mountain and ten tigers, each expressing its own opinions; now it is one brain and ten sharp swords.

I don't know how many times the service rate has increased!

"Yes." Jiu Jigui Spirit Body nodded silently.

"Second." Killing God Wei sighed and raised his hand.

"This plan is very good." Even Zhong Yuanzi, the elemental **** who didn't say a word at the meeting, couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

"Add one." Yu Lao smiled, and he could carry the fishing rod and go back to the four seas to fish. It is expected that the reinforcement of the seal will not require too many people to be dispatched.

There is absolutely no objection.

As soon as Dao Qiongcang's idea came out, no one consciously could outperform them, and nodded in succession.

"Don't take it too much for granted..."

Seeing that the minds of everyone on the field were still offline, Dao Qiongcang smiled bitterly and said: "The eight respects know what they think, I can comprehend it, and what I think, he can also think of it, so the next action will inevitably have resistance. "


Yan Wuse smiled, Ba Zun knew this young man, he had long thought that he would be able to meet, and immediately said: "Didn't the palace master just say that I need to wait for a move, and in that case, I will leave this action to me. Now, do you have any opinions?"

The crowd shook their heads.

Dao Qiongcang looked at Yan Wushe, knowing that this old senior still had some grudges towards the disciple who lost a light attribute, and immediately instructed:

"Actions do not carry personal feelings, and you need to think twice about taking action.

"The task of going to the Void Island this time can be handed over to Old Man Yan, but the eight masters are not ordinary people. Old Man Yan must be tens of thousands, and don't capsize in the gutter."

Yan Wushe waved his hand and laughed loudly: "Don't worry!"

"Better so..."

That being said, Dao Qiongcang is helpless to everyone here, but he is absolutely relieved.

Everyone attending the meeting without a brain does not mean that everyone has no brain.

On the contrary, to be a member of the ten-member council, everyone here is the most powerful and resourceful in the same realm.

As long as he is not around, what to do, these old foxes don't need to be taught at all, maybe they can do better than themselves.

However, this time the opponent is Ba Zunyan after all, just in case...

Dao Qiongcang looked at the huge war machine on the last seat that had not said a word since the beginning, and gestured: "No. 2, this time you follow Yan Lao."

"Okay." No. 2's huge head nodded.

Yan Wuxi raised his brows, is he worried about himself?

Before he could ask, Dao Qiongcang looked at it again and said with a smile, "Old Yan, is it alright? You can't order No. 2 if you don't take action, you can only act normally, but it will watch the whole process, just in case you think it's impossible. in case it happens."


Although he is disdainful, Yan Wushe also knows that this is the bottom line of Dao Qiong.

It is impossible to figure out the secrets of heaven, manpower is limited but can be done.

In a word, a wise man has a thousand thoughts, and he will have a loss. This is the last guarantee. If he resists with no color, the sky will be covered in secret in the end, so it is better not to resist.

"no problem."


The voice fell.

Dao Qiongcang tapped the round table with his finger: "Dismiss the meeting."

"Go fishing~"

Yu Lao happily ran out of the hall with a fishing rod.

Wei Crazy, Zhong Yuanzi, Jiujigui Spirit Body, etc., also shook their heads and sighed that the meeting was really cool, then shook their bodies and left.

In less than a stick of incense, the worries that the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao brought to the crowd disappeared.

In the discussion hall, only Ai Cangsheng was left.

"Any questions?"

Seeing Daoqiong looking over, Ai Cangsheng opened his mouth.


On the main seat, Dao Qiongcang nodded slightly, the heavenly machine in his hand was running, and the sound of the clattering machine echoed in the quiet hall, and finally settled down.

Love Cangsheng looking.

It was found that Tianji Si Nan went up, and nothing else moved.

However, the number of eight doors swayed back and forth between the "injured door" and the "dead door", which was slightly different from the result of the last Daoqiong deduction, but it was not big.

"What do you mean?" Ai Cangsheng raised his eyes.

Dao Qiongcang withdrew his gaze from Tianji Si Nan and said solemnly: "There is one more variable."

"Variables?" Ai Cangsheng's lips curled up, "Apart from the eight masters, who else can represent variables on your Tianji Sinan?"

Dao Qiongcang shook his head: "It's not like that."

He let out a long sigh, looked east, and muttered:

"Ba Zunjun has already entered the game, and now it is also a chess seat, playing against me.

"The destined person, how can we talk about variables?

"What I can't count, it's only possible that I haven't come into contact with it, or it's beyond the destiny... The secret art has an end."

Ai Cangsheng pondered: "Even you can't directly figure out who he is?"

"Variable variables, the number of changes... This number has just begun, and the fate has not yet been determined. If I can calculate it, I am afraid that the Holy Emperor will be just around the corner." Dao Qiong said.

Ai Cangsheng tilted his head and looked towards the east, thinking thoughtfully: "It's a game of chess, and it's not like the eight masters... Then, apart from the existence of the island in the Void Island, this variable can only be his chess piece, right?"

Dao Qiong was silent.

The existence of the island in the Void Island has long been calculated by him.

The fate has been set, if it could change, it would have changed long ago.

But now this "variable" has just begun...

"It could only be a chess piece." Dao Qiongcang sighed.

"Who would it be?" Ai Cangsheng asked. He knew that Dao Qiongcang didn't need anyone to answer questions at all, he just needed someone to help him and follow his train of thought.

"Pawn..." Dao Qiongcang murmured, "It's hard to say."

Ai Cangsheng smiled: "You have kept me until now, and you are still discussing the variables. You must have an answer long ago. Take it out."

"Hehe, even you will count me..."

Dao Qiongcang looked over, smiled and shook his head.

After a while, he flipped his right hand, squeezed out a piece of black-gold paper from the space ring, slapped it on the table, and spun it in front of Ai Cangsheng.


As soon as Ai Cangsheng's eyes fell, he looked at the sunny smiling face on Hei Jin's reward, and he could read it out without looking at the name.

"Xu Xiaoshou? I know this person and have followed him."

"Yeah, even you know him..."

"So, the variable is not him?"

"I only counted this one."

"Then it can only be him!" Ai Cangsheng affirmed with a smile.

This young man is indeed so good that he can be said to be a "variable".

Judging from its experience and growth rate, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is "the second best of the eight".

During the first battle in the Eighth Palace, Ai Cangsheng saw this person, and sure enough, in the East Heaven King City, in front of Rao Yaoyao, this guy could also make waves.

Among the younger generation, there are very few people who can compare with him.

Dao Qiongcang looked at the scene where Ai Cangsheng stared at the black gold reward on the round table, and could see that he had deep insights into Xu Xiaoshou.

He took a long breath, but couldn't let it out.

But in the end, nothing could be said.

"Let's go."

Pushing the wheelchair to the entrance of the main hall, there was a dazzling light flashing in the east, and Dao Qiongcang couldn't help but raise his eyes and stop.

"Like an enemy like a friend, a friend is an enemy... Is it from 'injury' to 'death', or from 'death' to 'injury'...

"This 'variable' means that Xu Xiaoshou can be used by me?

"But, the 'variable' that can be calculated, is he still a 'variable'?"


Over the Yunlun Mountains, the huge roar was approaching, and the sky became more and more dizzy.

See a spot from a distance, only to find it close.

It turned out that the landing point of the Sky City seemed to be the Guyin Cliff.

But because of its size, if it really wants to fall, I am afraid that the entire Yunlun Mountains and the surrounding areas will suffer from pond fish.

this moment.

All the spirit refiners in the Yunlun Mountain Range, looking up, saw despair.

Such a big city in the sky was smashed on the head...

Under the cover of the nest, An has finished eggs?


"Where is Rao Jianxian? Please Rao Jianxian lead the battle!"

"God, why are you fighting in the Yunlun Mountains? I just want to pass a trial quietly. If I'm guilty, please let the trial officer punish me, not the city in the sky."

"help me help me help me..."

The Yunlun Mountains were filled with sorrow for a while.

City in the sky... Although this ancient heroic city is known as the city in the sky, at the moment, it obviously does not mean to stop in mid-air.

And it really wants to land, with its strong city, too weak can stop it?

Semi-Saints, I am afraid they are too weak!

Guyinya Ruins.

Accompanied by the roar and explosion, the eight statues were indifferent, the water ghosts were indifferent, and the ancient well of Cenchov was indifferent.

There was only one person, with one arm pointing to the sky and trembling knees.

"Old Lao Lao, teacher, it, it, it's coming down..."

Xiu Yuanke's lips were purple. If he didn't know that the three people in front of him were actually real people, he would think that these three people were blind, how could he turn a blind eye to this great horror?

How many lives will the Yunlun Mountains bury when this city falls?


The eight masters smiled and turned to look.

"Don't be afraid!"

Xiu Yuanke was only serious for a moment, and the next second he returned to a state of trembling, "Don't lie to the teacher, to be honest, yes, a little..."

"The main reason is that there are many young people here. They are all innocent. They can't be killed in vain like this, right?" Xiu Yuanke added for himself.

The voice fell.

The water ghost and Cenchov also turned their heads, and their eyes settled on him.

"What, what?"

Xiu Yuanke shrank his head, suddenly realized something, and said:

"I-I didn't mean that you weren't human, I just... ugh, you are human, human... uh, that's not right... I mean, shouldn't everyone...

He raised his hand a little: "cold... er, not so cold... um, how can I put it... a little warmer?"


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