I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 8: Hidden swords for 10 years, and listen to swords!

The city in the sky has fallen like this, and all the low-level spirit refiners in the Yunlun Mountains have no need to live.

How can Ba ​​Zun understand not see this?

The purpose of the holy slave is to resist restraint and oppression, rather than anti-social and anti-mainland. He naturally cannot let the city in the sky fall like this.

What's more, the Yunlun Mountains, after all, there are the younger generation of saint slaves, as well as the geniuses on the first floor of the extra-staff organization.

In truth, none of these people can die.

The "rumbling" sound became more and more harsh.

Looking up, I can already see the tail end of this ancient city, which is blazing brightly.

According to the original plan, the task of rising from the city is the water ghost.

He had to hold on until the state of the eight gods had recovered, and then he could issue the second command, causing the city of the sky to stop and levitate in mid-air.

But doing so is a waste of time.

Once the Holy Spirit Temple reacts, Ai Cangsheng shoots an arrow, and the water ghost rising from the city will be in a state of inability to move, and needs to resist an arrow, so it will definitely die!

Although it was for the spiritual masters of the Yunlun Mountains, there was a high probability that the Holy Spirit Temple could not shoot such an arrow.


Ba Zunji withdrew his gaze from the horizon and looked at Xiu Yuanke, who still had the heart of a child, knowing that he had a better choice right now.

"Do you want to save them?" Ba Zungan said with a smile.

Xiu Yuanke was taken aback: "I think so, but..."

He looked at the giant city that was smashed with momentum in the sky, and knew that in order to resist this wave of shock, he needed a momentum, no less than a sword that could destroy all the buildings in Sanyue Xiancheng.

"I'm afraid I can't do it..."

Xiu Yuanke swallowed his saliva and smiled bitterly, how could he be so strong?

Ba Zun knew that he didn't bother about whether Xiu Yuanke could do it. He only glanced at Cenchov and the water ghost, indicating that they could retreat for the time being.

After the two of them had stepped back several dozen feet, he raised his eyes and continued to look at the giant city that was almost facing each other in the sky. Without turning his head, he said softly, "Gu Jianxiu?"

"Ah?" Xiu Yuanke was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the teacher was asking himself, and immediately nodded, "Mmmm."

"What kind of swordsmanship do you major in?" The fire of the giant city was reflected in the dim eyes of the eight statues.

"Nine major swordsmanships are all involved..." Xiu Yuanke said, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he was excited, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"Illusory swordsmanship, can you?" The eight Zunji didn't answer the question, but remained calm.

"Yes!" Xiu Yuanke nodded heavily.

"Where did you realize?"

"The first realm, time and space jump!"

"Learn the sword, how long?"

"Thirty-four years!" Xiu Yuanke did not hesitate, "Teacher, I switched to ancient swordsmanship halfway through. Like most people in Sanyue Xiancheng, I was influenced by you... I never believed it. , you will fall!"

"Thirty-four years, the first realm, transfer to practice in the middle..."

Ba Zun murmured, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up: "It's pretty good."

Xiu Yuanke blushed, scratched his head and said, "It's far worse than the teacher."

The eight masters shook their heads slightly.

How can this be compared?

He paused for a moment, finally turned his head, his eyes fell on Xiu Yuanke, looked up and down, and smiled: "Jian Nian is very difficult for me to teach you in a short period of time. You may be able to learn it in the future, but now... "

After speaking, his eyes narrowed, and Ba Zungan saw the peach wood sword box behind Xiu Yuanke.

"I have a sword that I can pass on to you.

"However, with your current state, after learning this sword, you will be killed or injured!

"So...you, are you willing to study?"

Xiu Yuanke froze, unable to react for a while.

Soon, his eyes widened, and even his body began to tremble with excitement, completely hit by happiness.

He never heard the consequences of "death or injury" at all, and he only extracted a thought from the words that Ba Zun understood...

Teacher, want to pass the sword?

With a loud bang, Xiu Yuanke knelt down on his knees and directly smashed a big hole into the ground. He didn't even know his knees were bleeding, only his eyes were full of devotion.

"Chao Wendao, Xi can die!"

In the back, Cenchov and the water ghosts watched this scene, then looked up at the giant city in the sky, and seemed to understand what was going to happen next.


Cen Qiaofu shook his head and sighed: "Thirty years ago, with his reckless temperament, he seemed like a passerby like Xiu Yuanke, and he couldn't even take a second look!"

"But times have changed, haven't they..." The water ghost also murmured.

In a trance, the second time he met Ba Zungan, the other party invited him to join the saint slave again.

At that time, a generation of Tianjiao had been beaten with swords and left with only eight fingers.

Not to mention the sword.

Ba Zunyi is still not a sword cultivator, it is still two things!

When the water ghost faced the invitation at that time, he laughed and mocked like this: "You can't even hold a sword. Are you joking by inviting me to join the saint slave?"

However, even if there is a scar on the neck, the body is disabled, and even the eyes have lost the sharpness of the past, the will of the eight masters has never collapsed.

"The body is already gone, so what about abandoning the sword? All the swordsmen in the world are my fingers! Not to mention that there is no sword that can't be used, and no way can't be done?"

It was such a calm response that made the water ghost at the time realize that the man who single-handedly tried to overturn the world was gone.

After the injury, he changed.

He has become able to use momentum, using the endless momentum behind the words "Eighth Sword Immortal" that he typed in just three years...

Take people as swords, wait for time to change, and then go to the sky!

A person like Ba Zunji, one person and one sword, can bring endless panic to the whole world.

After he knows how to use momentum, who in the world can resist?

The water ghost couldn't refuse such an invitation.

Because at that time, he was also eager to get the answer, and Ba Zungan in that state was obviously the only one who could surpass him and give him the answer.

In a flash, the picture returned to Guyinya again.

The background is carrying flaming fireworks, falling like a meteor from the ancient city.

At the top of the extremely dark cliff, there was a one-armed and lame old man kneeling piously.

"Sword come."


The peach wood sword box behind Xiu Yuanke cracked in response, and a wide and long peach wood sword flew out with a bang, and in Jiutian drew a bright arc of sword light, which fell into the hands of Ba Zunge.

The water ghost watched this scene and took a deep breath.

A moment ago, he felt that the Eight Zun knew that he was not using him and instead used Xiu Yuan Ke to block the city. It was a crazy idea, but he couldn't rebel, so he could only retreat.

Now, he feels calm.

"What is there to distrust this person?"

on the cliff.

Eight Zungan lightly held the peach wood long sword in his left hand, and his right hand folded his fingers together and slowly slid over the sword.

Wherever he looked, the peach wood sword showed a white edge inch by inch.


He clearly wasn't holding the sword himself, but at this moment, Xiu Yuanke could feel the joy of his sword, and clearly saw the extra thought power on the Taomu sword after the teacher's fingertips...

This is Jian Nian!

In the same way, just by touching and sliding like this, Xiu Yuanke even felt that his saber had become the master of the teacher!

As long as the teacher thinks, this sword seems to be able to solve it!




The firelight behind illuminated the darkness, illuminating the shadows on the cliff, and the roaring sounds were endless, as if the end of the world.

"What is the name of the sword?" Ba Zunyan asked calmly.

Xiu Yuanke couldn't help but raised his eyes. He looked past the teacher and looked at the ancient city that was just a short distance away. He panicked and didn't understand why the teacher could be so indifferent.

"Xiantao." He replied tremblingly.

"Wooden Sword Fairy Peach...

"Nice name."

Ba Zunjun suddenly held Xiantao with four fingers on his left hand.

At this moment, there was a white glow on the wooden sword, and the sound of the sword sounded, penetrating the horizon.


Goosebumps all over Xiu Yuanke instantly rose, only to feel that the surrounding time and space slowed down with the sound of the sword!

Ba Zunchen felt the surging power contained in the wooden sword and was similar to himself, and said slightly in surprise: "Are you hiding the sword?"

"Yes!" Xiu Yuanke was frightened, "I have been hiding my sword for thirteen years, four months and twenty-six days, teacher..."

The corners of Ba Zun's mouth were slightly raised.

From this point of view, Xiu Yuanke, maybe after a sword, he can still survive.

"Close your eyes."

The gentle voice came, and Xiu Yuanke didn't understand, but he did.

"Hand out."

When he stretched out his hand, he felt that there was more weight in his palm, which was the power of the Xiantao Sword.


As soon as he closed his eyes, the roar in his ears was even more harsh.

Xiu Yuanke was so nervous that his whole body was tense. He was excited about being handed a sword by his teacher, but also feared that he was not qualified.

This should be the moment that the senior brother would also be envious of, right?

"Relax, don't think about it."

Xiu Yuanke immediately relaxed.


He concentrated, and suddenly the noise in his ears seemed to be a little smaller.

"Next, I will transmit my kendo insights to you. As for how much you can learn, it all depends on your comprehension." The eight statues stretched out a finger in the voice that did not understand the fluctuation of courage.

Xiu Yuanke was so excited that he began to tremble again.


The sound came again.

At this moment, Xiu Yuanke let go of everything and followed the teacher's guidance completely.

At a certain time, he felt a little more warmth between his eyebrows, which should be the strength of the teacher's finger.


The next second, Xiu Yuanke felt his soul tremble, and the world was quiet.

In the rear, following what Cen Qiaofu and the water ghost saw, the eight statues touched Xiu Yuanke's forehead with one finger, and the strong power of time and space spread.

The ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the void and merged into the heaven.

next second...

World, stop!


Horror flashed in the water ghost's eyes.

How long has it been since he saw Ba Zungan take action in person?

Can Ba ​​Zunyi, who is still in the state of sealing the sword, just pass the sword like this, and the power of the leak can even affect time and space?

He tried his best to look around.

The flowers and trees are no longer swaying; the wind and beasts are no longer roaring; the city in the sky that fell from the sky, the flames blazing from its tail at this moment have stopped flashing...

"This **** is the acquired realm?"

"What's this called a state of weakness?"

The water ghost looked lost.

Ba Zun Yi, who was so weak, was the tip of the iceberg that leaked his power at this moment, and even he, the master of the profound meaning of the water system, felt horrified.

If the sword is really lifted...

Ba Zun knows, what kind of sword can he cut out?


Similar to the water ghost, Cenchov, and Xiu Yuanke, who felt incredible.

He only felt that at this time, the world disappeared, and in his mind, only himself and the teacher were left in the world.


An ethereal voice came.

In the world of fantasy swordsmanship, Xiu Yuanke felt that there was more wind around him, whistling.


Xiu Yuanke was completely immersed in the second world created by the teacher, and following this sentence, he heard the rustling of the world.

"There is a building..."

The chaotic mind world, with this sound, the heaven and the earth are separated, and the difference is clear.

Among the vast fog, there are tall buildings rising up, built with blue bricks and porcelain, and green tiles flying.


Like a pilgrimage, Xiu Yuanke suddenly saw a person standing on the top of the tower, without his face, alone.

In the cloud of smoke, under the roar of the crane, the man raised his sword and danced on the top of the tower...


Among the sword marks, waves that were visible to the naked eye came.

"Illusory Swordsmanship, Mo Swordsmanship, Ghost Swordsmanship, Love Swordsmanship..."

Xiu Yuanke was stunned.

This turned out to be the secret of the major swordsmanship that he had not been able to overcome for decades!

If he was a sponge short of water, he immediately immersed himself in his thoughts, absorbing it frantically, and wanted to eat everything.

But suddenly, he thought of the teacher's words.

"Illusory swordsmanship, will you?"

- Too greedy to chew!

Xiu Yuanke immediately held his mind, endured the temptation, and only pursued the fantasy swordsmanship that the teacher asked him to pursue.

Time and space jump, one thought is eternal.

Xiu Yuanke forgot both time and space.

After an unknown period of time, he felt that he finally understood what the sword the teacher wanted to pass on to him!

Suddenly stood up.

Xiu Yuanke, who was holding a peach wood sword, opened his eyes and looked at the chaotic world in front of him.

"Not a sword!

"What the teacher wants to pass is all here!

"Illusionary swordsmanship, the ultimate mystery... the second world!"


At this point, the harsh sound of sword chants resounded, tearing the world in front of him to pieces.

When Xiu Yuanke woke up from the chaos, he immediately felt the endless sword intent that spewed out of his body and went straight to the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

He is like a human being who is evolving. With his momentum alone, he smashed Guyinya into rubble.

In the ear is the excited sword singing that spreads the entire Yunlun Mountains, from Xiantao...

In front of you is the ancient city that stopped in the void, originating from its own strength...


Xiu Yuanke was at a loss.

Do you have mastered the power of this peak ancient sword cultivator?

This was not something he could, or even dared to imagine in the past?

But now...

Dream, come true!

Xiu Yuanke was stunned, his eyes swept away unconsciously, and he swept to the back of Cenchov and the water ghost who were watching their changes.

"Boom" sounded.

The sword intent in his eyes was like a tide, tearing the cliff apart, and the two of them retreated several dozen feet away.


Xiu Yuanke was stunned again.

Is this something you can do with your own eyes?

He saw the horror in the eyes of Cenchov and the water ghost at the change in him at the moment, but he couldn't believe it even more in his heart. This is the power that he can get after closing and opening his eyes!


When he was at a loss, there was more weight on his shoulders.

Xiu Yuanke looked back and saw the weakness on the teacher's face, but he still had eyes of encouragement and admiration.

Ba Zunji did not expect that Xiu Yuanke could accept so many inheritances from his first realm of fantasy swordsmanship, and realize so much of the second realm of fantasy swordsmanship.

He smiled and pointed to the sky.

The sky is the city in the sky that has stopped moving because of the repair of the distant guest!

"Hidden swords for ten years, and listened to the chanting of swords...

"Go! Now, it's your time!"

One sentence fell.

Xiu Yuanke only felt a mad power surging in his heart, which was more direct stimulation than any medicine pill, and more violent than any forbidden move.

"Hidden swords for ten years, and listened to the chanting of swords..."

Xiu Yuanke murmured this sentence repeatedly, only to feel that the world is huge, and only the teacher can understand him.

He looked up, up.

In the misty blood, Xiu Yuanke thought it was the reflection of the ancient Xiongcheng fire, but he didn't know that he was already bleeding from the seven orifices.

Do not hesitate.

Raise a sword.


The dazzling sword light bloomed, so huge that it even covered the city in the sky.

Under the terrified gazes of all the testers in the Yunlun Mountains, this sword light drowned everything, and cut the dark end of the day into a new bright light.

"What a beautiful sword!"

Xiu Yuanke's eyes widened as he stared at the sword he cut in disbelief.

Second world!

This is the "Second World" you dream of!

From this sword, he saw the figure dancing the sword at the top of the sword tower, not the teacher nor the sword god, but himself.

He, Xiu Yuanke!

Cut out such a stunning sword!

This is the second world he dreamed of!


Immediately after the wooden sword Xiantao's sword passed, it cracked.


On the cliff, Xiu Yuanke, who hit the ground with his back straight, was covered in blood, and everything in front of him was blurred.

But in his eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com still has a strong sense of surprise and all the beauty in the world.

What joy in life, what pain in death?

My generation of sword cultivators, what I have always wanted...

Only this sword! Nothing more than that!

"I did it!

"I did it!

"I did it!!

"Although it's only a flash in the pan... but teacher! But Big Brother! I, Xiu Yuanke, did it!!"

Xiu Yuanke didn't close his eyes, he just shouted silently.

In the smoke and dust, in the gray and another beautiful world, he stared at the sword in his mind, and finally stopped all his thoughts.

Chao hears the road, and it is okay to die in the evening.


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