I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 9: The most beautiful world!

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The melodious sword chant spreads thousands of miles.

Yunlun Mountain Range, after Xiu Yuanke's sword passed, all the testers looked up in panic, and all saw the sword light that was enough to engulf the entire city in the sky.

"This sword..."

In an instant, everyone's jaw dropped in shock, and their minds seemed to be swallowed up.

What an amazing sword this is!

No one can use words to describe how he feels after seeing this sword.

However, following the line of sight, following the sword light of this sword, and feeling the shocking power in it, everyone felt that their souls had been sublimated and reached heaven.

Some people saw the peak of spiritual refining from this sword, and saw the attitude of wearing a crown and looking down on the world.

Some people saw the end of the kendo from this sword, and saw the image of himself alone and suppressing the ages.

Some people even saw the wine pond and meat forest from this sword, and saw countless fairy singers with thin clothes, holding a charming state, full of spring... Remember the website m.xbequge. com

"Hey Hey Hey…"

All over the Yunlun Mountains, giggling rang out everywhere, as if everyone got what they dreamed of.

After a moment of immersion, some people began to wake up.


"What did I just see?"

"How did I become the Sword God? The Sword God turned out to be me? Am I the Sword God reincarnated?"


Of course, there are still some who are still immersed in their own world and don't want to wake up.

"Who is the peak at the end of the refining spirit? Seeing this seat becomes empty!"

"Hehe, hehe...Little lady, where are you going? Come here!"


The eighth dragon vein.

Su Qianqian and Gu Qing stared at the dazzling sword light dumbfoundedly, still immersed in their own world.

In the white snow, holding the tomb named Chengxue, and slashing the eight statues under the sword, Su Qianqian turned around abruptly, but what she saw was endless loneliness.

"Grandpa, father...

"I have avenged you, but where are you..."

The vast road, actually can not see the slightest direction.

He finally got his revenge, and finally killed the guy who almost killed the Su family.

But everything still hasn't gone back to the way it used to be...

The little Su Qianqian, holding the big snow-white giant sword, squatted down and sobbed lowly.

As soon as the screen changed, it was under the starry night, before Su Qianqian was about to be sent to Tiansang Linggong for refuge.

"Grandpa, why do so many people come to **** our family's sword, why are they not afraid of death, obviously so weak..." Xiao Su Qianqian sat on the steps of the front yard of Su's house, hugging her calf, looking at The night sky, greatly puzzled.

Grandpa rubbed her head dotingly and said with a smile: "My heart is on the Dao, and naturally, everyone has the greatest beauty in their hearts. They want a famous sword, but also to reach the top, and we, as sword holders A family of people can only protect their own glory, that's all."

"Then what is the greatest beauty in your mind, grandpa?"

"Of course it's you."

"No no no no! I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the... ideal in your mind?"

"Ideal..." Grandpa also looked at the starry sky, with more hope in his eyes, "Grandpa, the greatest ideal, the greatest beauty, is to be able to see the 'Second World' with your own eyes before dying."

"Second world? What is that?"

"That is the most beautiful world! Every swordsman yearns for it!"

"Well, I don't yearn for it."

"So you're still young, hahaha..."

Grandpa rubbed Xiao Su Qianqian's head again, and suddenly his laughter subsided, becoming more serious:

"Girl, remember! People live for beauty, not hatred!

"If in the future, Grandpa unfortunately loses his life at the hands of others, it will also be a battle of famous swords, which is the norm in ancient and modern times.

"You must never forget about it. You are carried away by hatred and go to extremes. You must know that what you want to pursue is your own best path!"

Xiao Su Qianqian shook her head: "Grandpa, you are talking nonsense again, how could you possibly lose?"

Grandpa laughed: "That is! Grandpa, I am the strongest sword cultivator! There is no one! Well, maybe there is, when you grow up, Grandpa and I will take the second place, and you should be the first, okay? "

"Okay!" Xiao Su Qianqian waved her fist, her face full of excitement.

The screen changed again, and when Su Qianqian returned to the Su family compound, the third uncle gave her the Pearl of Inheritance.

In the Pearl of Inheritance, there is a picture of grandfather and eight Zunge fighting.

The last style is grandfather's "time and space jump", leaping into the "second world" of the eight masters, thus leaving his last words in this world:

"Chao Wendao, Xi can die."

"Uuuuu..." The memory flow gradually became clear, but Su Qianqian burst into tears.

She was only fourteen years old, and she still didn't quite understand what the third uncle and grandfather said and what they meant. She still hated the person who destroyed all her beauty.


As an ancient sword cultivator who has accepted the inheritance, Su Qianqian also understands what her current situation is.

"The Second World...

"Grandpa, I have come to the second world you said the most beautiful, but why, I'm the only one here..."

The sobbing gradually diminished.

Su Qianqian wiped away her tears, pulled up the tomb named Chengxue alone, then glanced at the eight corpses at her feet, and was slightly awake.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I still went to the extreme you said..."

She suddenly knew at this moment that perhaps she could not let go of the obsession with revenge.

But Grandpa was right, hatred is not the only thing in life, and the pursuit of beauty is what everyone should do.

Su Qianqian vaguely remembered that in the Pearl of Inheritance, she saw the grandfather in the second world, and the most sincere and happy smile appeared on her face.

look at yourself...

In her "loneliest" second world, Su Qianqian knew that if her grandfather was still there, he would never have hoped to see it.

Such a world has nothing but hatred!

"But, besides hatred, what else can I have..."

Su Qianqian saw that the famous city snow in the tomb in her arms suddenly dissipated, and the corpse of the enemy under her feet disintegrated into stars. She looked around helplessly, trying to catch something, but couldn't catch anything.

at this time.

"Hey, hey hey..."

A silly laughter entered his ears, Su Qianqian woke up, the world in front of her fell apart and returned to the eighth dragon vein.

"I, what happened just now?"

Su Qianqian was confused, she felt that she had gone through a journey in her mental journey, but she didn't know why.

Turning to look, Gu Qing was lying on the big rock with three uprights, showing the word "big", with a smirk on his face, still unable to wake up.

"Second World?"

Su Qianqian remembered something and suddenly looked into the void.

But the void has nothing, not to mention the sword light, and even the city of the sky is gone!

"Third Senior Brother! Third Senior Brother!"

Without caring about anything else, Su Qianqian hurriedly shook the third senior brother.

But Gu Qingsan still giggled, unable to recover from the second world.

To die in the ultimate beauty, to live forever in the endless sin... Su Qianqian suddenly thought of the profound meaning of the second world, and was a little flustered.

Right now.

"Hey Hey…

"Gu Qingyi, ah Gu Qingyi, you have today too? Copy the "Sword Sutra" for me 10,000 times! Write it quickly!

"And you, Gu Qinger! How does it feel to be defeated with one sword? Do you feel good about it? Wow ha ha ha...

"Wen Ting! Hahaha, the dog thief Wen Ting, I wanted to defeat you for a long time. Now, are you finally willing to admit that no swordsmanship is the most powerful? Hahahaha..." (sleeping akimbo)

Su Qianqian listened to the babble from the side, and saw that Gu Qingsan was still moving, she was sluggish.


Can be saved!


Third Senior Brother, what are you dreaming about?

Also, how dare you to call the Master by the holy name?


No one was seen.

But suddenly, Gu Qingsan's left face became red and swollen, as if someone had slapped him hard, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

"Lying... Master, why are you hitting me?"

Gu Qing looked around three or four times. In the dream, the last Master Shizun appeared and slapped him viciously.

But when he woke up, he couldn't see where the master was...

Suddenly, Gu Qingsan also reacted to something, and rushed towards the sky.

"Second world?

"That was just now, the second world? Who is shooting?"

Abruptly bowing his head, Gu Qingsan saw Su Qianqian's cute little face again. Now the question of "who is shooting" is not important.

He was dumbfounded: "Little, little junior sister? You woke up so soon, just, just now, didn't you hear anything?"

Su Qianqian stared blankly at the third senior brother, and suddenly realized what her grandfather said "the most beautiful world".

"Third Senior Brother, I heard everything."

Gu Qingsan covered her face that was swollen into a pig's head: ? ? ?

Guyinya Ruins.

The water ghost and Cenchov quickly regained consciousness, and then turned their eyes to the aftermath of the sword, which could affect their Xiu Yuanke.

"This, this is the guy just now, can you do it?"

Cenchov couldn't connect the guy who could only imitate himself and was trapped by the water ghost water polo again, and Xiu Yuanke, who was making a world-shattering sword at the moment.

But it didn't take long to wait.


After Xiu Yuanke, the eight masters also fell to the ground.

"Hey hey..."

Cenchov panicked now, hurriedly walked over, and lifted Ba Zunge up.

"Cough, cough, I'm fine... poof!"

Ba Zunji covered his entire face with a mouthful of blood, stretched out his fingers tremblingly and pointed at Xiu Yuanke next to him, "Look first, his state!"

Cenchev: "..."

Is this okay?

Damn you again, I'm afraid I'll never see you again!

After feeding Ba Zungan an elixir, Cen Qiaofu also hurriedly put down the man, turned his head to look to the other side, and then pinched the cracked and blood-colored Xiu Yuanke's soft arm .


Zenchov sighed.

Sure enough, cutting out that sword is the most glorious moment of life, right?

It's a miracle that it survived!


Ba Zunyan was stunned when he heard it, and his voice was high: "No way! He has hidden swords for more than ten years, so he should be able to breathe a sigh of relief..."

At this moment, the water ghost stepped forward, probed Xiu Yuanke's breath, and then touched his chest.

"There is no breath, and the heartbeat has stopped..."

He stated calmly, suddenly thought of something, and put his hand on Xiu Yuanke's neck.

Vaguely, the position of this aorta seems to be slightly ups and downs?

The water ghost heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I'm still alive, but not much. In this state, I probably won't be able to wake up forever. Be a living corpse."

"Sure enough, it's still reluctant..." Ba Zunjun sighed, but did not completely despair, "As a magician, he is just too immersed in his second world, when he can wake up, when will he wake up. coming."

Cenchev: "..."

Water Ghost: "…"

"After all, it's still a bit difficult to cross the border to get out a sword." Ba Zunjun opened his mouth and laughed, "But after you wake up, you will definitely gain a lot. Help me get up, cough...poof!"

As soon as Cenchev probed, his face was covered in blood.

He silently put the people down again, and after wiping himself clean, he picked them up with one hand.

"I should have come." The water ghost said helplessly, looking at the two soft "corpses".

Ba Zunyan shook his head slightly: "You can hold the city, but I just finished the edict of the Holy Emperor. I don't know how many days it will take to recover some strength before issuing the edict. I can't wait that long."

He said looking in the direction of Zhongyu, and muttered: "That guy, won't give us so much time."

The water ghost also looked at the void and nodded silently.

He is familiar with this.

Holy Spirit Temple, it is impossible to let them carry a city and wait for another edict.

What's more, Dao Qiong's power is known to the whole world.

One is not so good, people come over, Void Island and people, take all of them according to the order!

"time to go."

The water ghost looked at the empty sky.

At this time, Void Island was slashed by Xiu Yuanke with a sword.

But naturally, this ancient ancient city cannot disappear directly, or escape back to the space fragmentation.

Outsiders can't see clearly, but the water ghost can see it. Above the nine heavens, there is a trace of time and space that doesn't fit.

That place is equivalent to the entrance of a different dimension space.

The Void Island was embedded in the second world by Xiu Yuanke's sword, and it was permanently fixed in the air.

"Come on, they're coming."

Ba Zunyan nodded, no more words, and concentrated on recovering.

Cenchov immediately carried the two of them, kicked his foot, opened the crack in the space, and stepped in.

Behind him, the water ghost glanced in the direction of the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

Here, the deep sea world will never be seen again, because everything that should end is over, and everything that should go in has entered.

As soon as the Void Gate opened, everyone was teleported to the Void Island.

This also means...

This action is basically over.

Yunlun Mountains is no longer a battlefield that semi-sages and holy emperors focus on.

The next battlefield...

Void Island!

After a few people left.

Over the Guyinya ruins, the fluctuation of space teleportation appeared, and two figures, one tall and one short, stepped out of the teleportation array.

The War Machine II, which was more than three feet tall, with a normal human-sized Yan Wushe in his hand, fell silently onto the shattered mountain.

As the most mature celestial puppet, No. 2 itself exists, which is equivalent to a domain-level teleportation array.

There is nowhere to go in the world.

As soon as he landed, Yan Wushe frowned.

"The power of swordsmanship and fantasy swordsmanship... Ba Zunyan really came here, and he shot."

"Well, the traces of time and space attributes... This should be the Yellow Spring of Hades, right?"

"Also, the semi-sacred power of the cloud system..."

Yan Wuxi pondered, and what Dao Qiongcang said when the ten-member council was meeting flashed in his mind: "This semi-sage who acts privately, you can check the Northern Territory."

Yan Wushe immediately locked the candidate.

"Half Saint, Jiang Buyi?"

In just a few breaths, just based on breath and traces, Yan Wushe almost deduced all the people who had fought in the war.

Behind him, the gigantic No. 2, flashing a lot of data streams in his eyes, hummed: "You are right."

Yan Wushe raised her eyes angrily and glared at it: "Fuck, who is I! Also, you were ordered to follow me, but as a trump card, don't you have to hide it?"

No. 2 nodded: "You are right."

Stealth immediately.

Colorless: "…"

Forget it, let's go to Void Island first!

Looking up, Yan Wushe can naturally see the Void Island hidden in the second world, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But at the moment, he was stunned.

How to get in?

Behind him, No. 2 seemed to see his doubts, and a figure appeared again, and immediately spread his hand, and a small token appeared in his palm.

"The Taoist Palace Master has calculated that you will forget to bring the void order, and has already instructed me in advance to bring one before the meeting.

"Sure enough, you forgot."

Yan Wuse looked at this void order and fell into contemplation.

what happened!

So, even I am in charge of this operation, that kid Dao Qiongcang has already had it before the meeting? ? ?

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