I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

: Chapter 1?1? Login! Holy Secret Void Island!

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on the vast square.

Yu Lingdi and Gu Qingyi had given up their struggle.

After exchanging names, the two knew each other's identities.

Since they are both the pinnacles of the younger generation of the Five Regions of the Holy Spirit Continent, the two of them also cherish each other.

Gu Qingyi finally decided to help and get Yu Lingdi off the totem pole.

"The current situation on Void Island is unknown, and the way to get out is even more unknown.

"Obviously, as the head of the spiritual radical, this guy should know more about Void Island than I do.

"If he can come down, there is grace first. I can't say that I can find a way to return to the Holy Spirit Continent..."

Gu Qing thought so.

Of course, even if he lost his sight, he couldn't go back in the end.

The two peak peers of the young generation are obviously better able to cope with the unknown risks of this Void Island than being alone, right?

However, when manpower is scarce.

The idea in his mind was there, but no matter how Gu Qingyi tried, with his ability, he couldn't smash the Yuling drop that was tied to the huge totem pole.

You can't pull it out, you can't cut it.

Haunting on the totem pole is the power of the saint.

The ancient sword cultivators and spiritual masters under the holy level tried their best, but they were still in vain.

"Don't try."

At a certain moment, Yu Lingdi looked at Gu Qingyi, who was in deep thought while holding the sword below, and sighed helplessly:

"If you want to go back to the Five Regions, go to the surrounding area and look for the city gate. Maybe if you find it, you can bring out the information about this place.

"Remember, if you can go out, tell Rao Yaoyao that if there is no holy level, you must not go to this island!"

Yuling still pinned hope, but now she is completely desperate.

After saying this sentence, a streamer flew from his body.

Gu Qing reached out and caught it, it was a token.

"Void Order."

Yu Lingdi glanced at him and said, "Find the city gate. With this Void Order, you can return to the Holy Spirit Continent."

As soon as Gu Qing took the void order, he was silent.

His idea is to better explore this legendary city in the sky, rather than returning home directly, on the premise that there is a way home.

After all, there are many opportunities here.

If possible, Gu Qingyi didn't want him to just stroll around and then leave without any gain.

This is ridiculous!

How many people can't ask for the "Saint Daoji", since I came here in advance, why don't I look for it and go back directly?

Looking at the void order in his hand, he raised his eyes and glanced at the young man above...

"Why did you go up?" Gu Qing asked.

Obtaining the Void Order means that he has obtained the key to go home. At this time, he is not in a hurry.

What he is curious about now is that if there is no third party, Yulingdi shouldn't have put himself on this totem pole, right?

"I met someone." Yu Lingdi replied vaguely.



Obviously, Yulingdi did not want to answer this question.

Gu Qing squeezed the void order and suddenly smiled: "I can help you bring the information out, but in comparison, I am more interested in this place... If you don't say it, I should choose to explore this place first."

Yuling was silent.

He had already thought of this result.

By the time Gu Qing has finished exploring, perhaps the information will be out of date.

But the reason why he also gave the void order...

No idea!

This is the only way to solve the problem!

Yu Lingdi only hated at this moment why the first person to come here and see him was not a person from the Holy Spirit Temple, or someone who was close to the Holy Spirit Temple and wanted to get close.

Gu Qingyi…

Gu Jianxiu, who was buried in the Sword Tomb, had power, wealth, power, and all kinds of things, and it was estimated that he could not be satisfied and forced him.

"Curiosity" and "interest", perhaps, are the only things that can influence Gu Qingyi's actions at the moment.

"Eight respects."

After all, Yu Lingdi said the name: "I met Ba Zunji, was beaten to this 'Sacred Punishment Square', and finally tied to this 'Sacred Punishment Pillar'."

Holy Place…

Holy Column…

Gu Qingyi pondered, the head of the spiritual radical of the mind, and sure enough, he knew much more about this place than himself.

"Holy Punishment..."

Judging from these two consistent prefixes, it is not difficult to see what this square and this totem pole really mean.


"Why did Ba Zun tie you to this 'Sacred Punishment Pillar'?" Gu Qing was curious.

He is not only curious about this, but also why the eight masters are here, what kind of battle process happened among you, how the eight masters are currently fighting... and so on.

But Yu Lingdi, who wanted to be knocked down by someone and bound by Wu Hua, should not be likely to elaborate on the process of his shameful being bound, so Gu Qingyi directly asked the result.

"I also want to know…"

Hearing the sound, confusion flashed in Yu Ling's eyes.

He was tied to the Sacred Execution Pillar, but he did not wait for the so-called Holy Power to execute, but felt that the Sacred Execution Pillar was absorbing the spiritual energy in his body all the time.

But the speed of this kind of spiritual energy draining is too weak for a spiritual master who can only slash the Dao with complete Dao Realm!

Yu Lingdi can withstand the swabbing just by relying on the basic recovery speed of Qi Hai Ling Yuan.

He felt like he had to hang here for a long time until...

The eight masters know what they really want, complete!

"You don't know either?"

Gu Qing frowned and asked again, "What happened to you while you were hanging here?"

As soon as the words fell, Yu Lingdi's body suddenly twitched violently.

At the same time, the ground of the entire Holy Punishment Square lit up, and the Dao pattern composed of the profound meaning of the water system burst into light in an instant.

"Uh uh uh…"

Yu Lingdi shivered in pain, and beads of sweat descended abruptly along the pattering rain.


Gu Qing was startled.

He had seen this state many times.

In the process of trying to save people before, Yu Lingdi has also been like this many times, trembling for no reason, and then the breath becomes weak, like...

All of a sudden, the energy was drained by an inexplicable force.

According to the previous situation, Yu Lingdi's trembling should not last long, and it will stop after a few breaths.

Next, with his spirit refining foundation, he will soon be able to recover some energy and continue the conversation.

But this time, things seem to be different.

"Uh uh uh uh..."

On the Sacred Punishment Stake, Yu Lingdi's convulsions did not stop even after a dozen breaths.

His whole body's strength flowed uninterruptedly to the Sacred Execution Stake.

Soon, the sea of ​​air was depleted, and the Holy Punishment Pillar began to absorb the life energy of Yu Lingdi!


Gu Qing's pupils shrank.

What the **** is this?

Eight statues are familiar with hanging Yuling drop here, there must be a deep meaning, what would it be?

ten breaths…

Thirty breaths...

sixty breaths…

The energy drain seems to be unstoppable!

The Dao pattern on the ground of the Holy Punishment Square was dazzlingly bright because of the infusion of a lot of energy.

Gu Qingyi could not feel any power that would threaten him, that is to say, the change in the Holy Punishment Square was only aimed at Yu Lingdi, and had nothing to do with him, an outsider.

"Uh uh uh uh!!"

Yu Lingdi was drawn so that even the blood flowed out of his body and poured into the Sacred Punishment Pillar.

"It's miserable."

Gu Qing looked at this scene, but couldn't do anything.

After looking at it for so long, he finally had a sense of deja vu.

How does the process of drawing energy from the Sacred Punishment Pillar resemble the process by which the water polo draws the spiritual energy of the spiritual master in the deep sea world?

As soon as Gu Qing entered the deep sea, he naturally experienced being drained of his spiritual energy.

He is a pure ancient sword cultivator, and there is not much spiritual energy to extract from the sea of ​​​​qi, so almost immediately, the water ball appeared, and then he began to lose life energy.

But after mastering the swordless technique, Gu Qingyi quickly broke through the predicament in the deep sea, and finally found the ancient gate leading to the Void Island at the bottom...

"Void door?"

Thinking of that ancient door, Gu Qingyi felt that he had grasped the key.

At this time, he already knew that the place connected by the ancient deep-sea gate is a void island, which must mean that it is the "void gate".

In order to open the Void Gate, it requires sacrifices and a lot of energy.

Therefore, the spiritual essence of the spiritual master drawn by the water ball in the deep sea is to prepare for the opening of the Void Gate?

"I understand!"

Gu Qingyi finally came to a realization.

The Void Door of the outside world needs energy to open, and then connect to the Void Island and send people in.

Then, inside the Void Island, there must be an energy receiving point that connects to the Void Gate at the bottom of the deep sea to construct a two-way... space channel?

"That is to say, Yu Lingdi, is the... sacrifice on the side of the space channel?"

Gu Qingyi's thoughts came to this point, his pupils were out of focus and dilated, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

The eight masters found Yu Lingdi here, hit it to the Holy Punishment Square, tied it to the Holy Punishment Pillar, and then used the majestic spiritual foundation of the Yulingdi throne's complete Taoist realm to lay the foundation for the deep sea void gate. A basis for "better reception of Void Island visitors"?

- This is too cruel!

Gu Qingyi couldn't believe what he thought.

Up to this point, not only did he not fully resolve his doubts, but instead added a lot of confusion.

Why did Yuling Di enter Void Island in advance?

How did Ba Zungan know that Yu Lingdi was here?

The perfection of the Tao, the profound meaning of the water system, the huge spiritual energy... Yu Ling Di is the easiest to win under the semi-sage, and the most qualified sacrifice in the space channel... Is it a coincidence or an accident?


"No! Impossible!

"It's definitely a coincidence!"

Here, Gu Qingyi is still thinking about the contingency of things here, which is unacceptable.

On the Sacred Punishment Stake, Yu Lingdi was about to lose his hold.

"Uh uh uh…

"Get out, get out...

"Find... Rao Yaoyao...

"Send...information...thank you..."

He is still struggling!

Gu Qingyi: "..."

So strong.

After sighing with emotion, Gu Qingyi didn't dare to stay here any longer.

He was afraid that after the Holy Punishment Pillar had drained Yu Ling, it would fly out of the Holy Power, take him down, and start pumping himself.

That situation is about to get out of control!

Carrying gravity, pull your legs and run.

Gu Qing took a step or three and turned his head, thinking as he ran.

The dignified radical leader, if you really want to die like this, then it would be... too useless?

At this moment, the distant sky in all directions, each with a slight vision, Gu Qingyi couldn't help but be attracted.

"Anything else?"

Every time Yuling Drops spasms, there will be such a slight change in the horizon.

Gu Qingyi didn't know whether it was because of the distance that the changes seemed to be less, or whether these changes were originally like this.

But now that he understood that Yu Lingdi's abnormality was linked to the Void Gate, Gu Qingyi seemed to understand what these changes represented.

"Yu Lingdi was able to survive the first few breaths... It means that the Void Door on the deep sea side was pushed open, but not many people came in, maybe only one?"

As soon as Gu Qing looked back, he saw Yu Lingdi who was still struggling and didn't want to die.

"It's been so long now, and his strangeness hasn't ended yet, which means that the Void Door has opened wide... One time, many people came in?"

As soon as Gu Qing squeezed the void order, he suddenly stopped the thought of running to the edge.

Although I don't know how many people will come over in the deep sea.

But that's it.

If nothing else, the Void Island at this time should become lively.

"It's definitely too late for me to pass the information out now, not to mention that after Rao Jianxian goes out, it's a matter of whether he can find it or not.

"Any delay is a delay. If everyone is here, then I might as well follow along and compete for the opportunity..."

The void in his hand suddenly became a little "hot".

Taking the benefits but failing to complete the corresponding tasks makes Gu Qingyi a little unaccustomed to it. He is not a person who does not believe in his words.


When I think that the closest to the deep sea is Guyin Cliff, and the closest person on Guyin Cliff is Second Junior Brother.

If a large number of people pour into the deep sea...

Gu Qinger, will he also jump off the cliff?

"Yu Ling Drop..."

"Second Junior Brother..."

Two choices.

Gu Qing hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

No matter how good a stranger's gift was, as the senior brother of the Sword Burial Tomb, he could not leave his family alone and complete a forced task.

"Feel sorry."

Gu Qing raised his eyes and apologized to Yu Lingdi, who was about to lose consciousness.

"If my second junior brother comes here, with his temperament, something will happen sooner or later.

"This void order, now pay you back, I must be here to find him!"

Say it.

Regardless of Yu Lingdi's answer, can you answer.

Gu Qing threw the Void Order back, and resolutely followed his mind and followed the familiar sword intent.

No merit and no reward.

If Second Junior Brother is in trouble, don't give up the key to go home!


Xu Xiaoshou felt that he was smashed from the sky.

Obviously, he was still in the deep sea for a second, carrying Situ Yongren and dealing with Rao Yaoyao and Bansheng Jiang Buyi.

But not long after the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao was launched, the Void Gate moved, and the dazzling light engulfed everyone in front of the gate.

If nothing else, the surviving guys in the entire deep-sea world should have been sucked into the Void Door by the terrifying suction force, right?

According to the water ghost...

Behind the Void Gate, it is a Void Island!

"Here is the center of the storm, known as the city in the sky with the 'Holy Daoji', and also known as the 'land of exile', trapping the half-sacred and even the holy emperor... Void Island?"

Look up.

In front of it is a huge boulder, and in the distance is the ancient city street that gradually climbs higher.

The sight and even the five senses and six senses of the body are suppressed by the strange magnetic field of Void Island at this moment, and it is not very far away.

But "perception" doesn't.

Looking inward from the perspective of "perception", the deeper you go, the bigger the building becomes.

Void Island is simply a kingdom of giants!

It seems that the ethnic groups that built this country, one by one, are all "Rage Giants"!

"This is Void Island?"

Xu Xiaoshou was not afraid of giants, but he was anxious and uneasy because of the numerous legends of the Void Island that he had learned in the past.

But as the old saying goes.

They come, the security.

If the water ghost really didn't lie, this Void Island is a place of death and a chance!


"What about people?"

Xu Xiaoshou turned his head, UU read www. uukanshu.com looked at his right hand.

He was in the deep sea, clearly carrying Situ Yongren, how could he disappear when he was sent over?

"Random transmission?"

Xu Xiaoshou fell into deep thought.

He was thinking, if Situ Yongren, the great hostage, is gone, then if he encounters a Rao Yaoyao here, or a half-sage Jiang Buyi, wouldn't he even have a dead ghost?

"Depend on!"

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