I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 11: It is very ordinary, a holy emperor, a treasure given to me...

"Grumble rumble..."

The lava fire bubbles shattered one by one, and the heat wave surged up, scorching and distorting the space.

In the center of the volcanic lava sea, a white flower bloomed, and finally an old man with a naked upper body and shackles on his wrists was revealed.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep in the hot center of the magma. It seemed that the white sparks and the entire volcano were its lower body.

I do not know how long it has been.


A strange noise appeared, and the old man at the center of the petal suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, strong holy energy fluctuates.

After the rumbling sound, the entire volcano boiled instantly, and the white magma erupted and went straight for nine days.

"finally come…

"One hundred years? Three hundred years? Or how long?

"After so long, I can finally let the ancestors wait for the arrival of an inheritor!"

The old man murmured, his eyes filled with primitive violent thoughts and a strong light of surprise.


Seeing the volcano awake, a holy force descended from afar, transformed into a human form, and was far away from the volcano, he bowed in awe and said:

"Ancestor, are you awake?

"The dragon of the black vein is screaming again, and it is you that it wants to challenge this time.

"If it is said that they lose, they will transfer 30% of the people on their side, and they will not disturb our activities for three years.

"But if you don't agree, all the activities of the White Vessel will be disrupted... This lunatic!"

In the white sea of ​​volcanic magma, the old man sneered: "Black Dragon? Didn't Qishu fight it last time?"

"Yes, Emperor Seven Trees only had a tie with it, and there was no victory or defeat, so the last bet was invalid, and with the physique of the black dragon, it only took a few months to be alive again."

"Shut up."

"Okay, I'll send it away... ah? What did you just say, Ancestor?"

"Shut up."

"Yes? Old Ancestor, didn't you plan to fight it? This guy is so arrogant because he is invincible, Old Ancestor, you don't need to pay any attention at all..."

"Today, happy."

"...Okay, then I'm going to reply to the black dragon! This time the ancestor came out, it will definitely come and go!"

"Tell Heilong that if it loses this time, it will add three more drops of its 'Dragon Heart Blood' to the above conditions. One drop will be sent to me.

What the hell!

Dragon blood!

Old Ancestor is really planning to come this time, to decide the outcome with the black dragon?

The Semi-Saint outside the volcano was excited.

Next, there is a big drama in the inner island.

Also, if Old Ancestor can win, a drop of "Dragon Heart Blood" will be added to Baimai's treasure trove.

In other words, people with white veins have a chance to win?

"Then this last drop of 'Dragon's blood'..." Bansheng cautiously probed.

"Let Heilong hand over the outer islands in person and give it to someone."


"My ancestor, my descendant, holds the famous sword Yan Python, and belongs to the young man of Jhin Zhao's lineage."

"Young man... what's his name?"

"Xu Xiaoshou."


"Who wants to trick me?"

Void Island, in front of the big stone tablet.

Xu Xiaoshou rubbed his nose and looked around vigilantly.

This place can't see the slightest danger from looking at it. I believe that there are dangers everywhere, so it is worthy of the title of "Holy Secret Void Island".

What's more, if there is no accident, there should be a large number of their own enemies gathered here.

Rao Yaoyao, Ye Xiao... This is the hall of the Holy Spirit.

Shuangdu, Xie Lao, hag... It's a pity that the remaining three sticks of incense haven't been able to kill the killer.

Huang Quan... With the means by which he can become the first king of Hell, there is no need to suspect that there is a problem with his IQ, so no accident, this one can also think that he was trapped by a water ghost.

The saint slave water ghost and saint slave Xu Xiaoshou belong to the same origin.

If there was a chance encounter in this place, it would be excusable to kill a saint slave Xu Xiaoshou first to vent their anger.

"I don't know if his promise that he wants me to join the King of Hell and conspire together for major things is still valid?" Xu Xiaoshou was delusional.

After all, a gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger.

and also…

Ginger cloth!

It's half saint!

I am afraid, it should be the biggest hidden danger in this Void Island, in addition to the original danger.

Of course, Jiang Buyi should not have known that he was trapped on the Void Island and had something to do with the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou.

But this did not prevent Xu Xiaoshou from clearing the way for himself in his heart.

In short, this semi-sage can hide if he can hide, but if he can't hide, he can only continue to deceive and deceive, and in short, he can't fight.

"I am the master..."

Thinking of his own cultivation realm, Xu Xiaoshou panicked again.

Time is not enough!

Fortunately, the water ghost has promised that the Void Island is a place where risks and opportunities coexist. I hope that before I encounter danger, I can meet some opportunities and mention the cultivation realm!

"come on…"

Encouraged by himself, Xu Xiaoshou no longer thought about the risks, instead, he was full of curiosity about the Void Island.

Growing up to this point, he already has his own opinions and judgments on the so-called "big picture".

In the chaos, little people can grow better.

With the "education" of the water ghost in the first place, Xu Xiaoshou's first reaction was not how to protect himself, but began to think about how to seek greater benefits for himself.

after all.

"In this place, it should be very difficult for me to die!" Xu Xiaoshou clenched his fists.

In this crazy time, he has already felt the basic rules of Void Island.

First, gravity is strong.

There is about a hundred times the gravity of the Holy Spirit Continent here.

Not only that, the spirit refiner's sea of ​​energy was also suppressed by the power of the rules of the Void Island, and it was difficult to mobilize the spirit energy.


Xu Xiaoshou tried to condense the fire of Jhinzhao.

It took a breath of time before his abilities could be fully manifested.

"That is to say, even if it is Taixu, as long as it belongs to the means of a spirit refiner, it will be subject to the rules of this place, and it will be very uncomfortable in battle.

"It takes so long for me to use my Spirit Refining ability. If I fight, even if Tai Xu is stronger than me, it will take a while before I can launch an attack.

"Half an instant, very long!"

"In other words... this is my place!"

Xu Xiaoshou thought and became excited.

He is not only a spiritual master, but also a physical cultivator, and even an ancient sword cultivator.

The latter two are completely unrestricted by the rules of this place, and can be shot at will, and they are all instant.

Coupled with his own weird passive skills...

If you really want to fight here, taking advantage of the fact that the spiritual master condenses his attack methods will delay so much effort, it is not difficult to overcast a Taixu, right?

"be careful and live long…"

Xu Xiaoshou took back his arrogance and returned to his own situation.

"The big bodyguard Xiaokongtong is gone, and the big hostage Situ Yongren also flew away. I am alone now, and I need a partner..."

Thinking about it, he squeezed Yuanfu.

The outer islands of the Void Island, as expected, do not have the forbidden enchantment, only some very restrictive rules.

But this is by no means the means of Xu Xiaoshou.

After a while, the space channel opened, and a black-clothed girl came out.

"This is?"

As soon as Lei Xi'er appeared on the stage, she noticed that the rules of this world were different from those of the Holy Spirit Continent. She looked at Xu Xiaoshou puzzled.

"Remember what I said before, next time we meet, I will bring you to a good place." Xu Xiaoshou said with a smile.

Tears in the realm of the throne, there is a small world of the white cave in the realm, and there is a **** and demon pupil that even Rao Yaoyao can control.

In this place, if you cooperate with yourself, you can't say that even a half-sage can be shady twice.

This is an excellent hitter!

"So?" Lei Xi'er was indifferent.

"This..." Xu Xiaoshou pointed to the ground, "Void Island."

"Void Island?" Lei Xi'er's pretty face flashed in surprise.

How did you come to Void Island?

The last time we met, everyone was still at Guyin Cliff in the Yunlun Mountains.

How could Xu Xiaoshou make trouble, how could he get to Void Island in just a few days?

"The Void Island you're talking about is a trial place called 'Void Island' located in the Yunlun Mountains, or is it...?"

"It's right to be located in the Yunlun Mountains. It is now in the Yunlun Mountains, but the trial ground..."

Xu Xiaoshou thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's right, it's also a place of trials, with the kind of 'Holy Daoji'."

Isn't this the Holy Secret Void Island, the city in the sky? !

Lei Xi'er's red lips parted slightly, a little startled.

How did you get here?

Is this realistic?

According to Xu Xiaoshou's inertia, there is no place for him to blow up in the Eastern Region, and now he is going to scourge this Void Island?


Lei Xi'er opened her mouth to speak, but she stopped.

She had only been locked in Yuanfu World for such a short time, but she felt disconnected from the world. What happened?

"Hey, don't worry about the process, it's all trivial matters. In short, we have come to this Void Island now. We have to beware of some people. You'd better prepare yourself mentally." Xu Xiaoshou said that this matter is a long story, so it's better not to talk about it.

"Who to watch out for?" Lei Xi'er glanced forward, looking at this legendary world she had heard of when she was a child.

"Northern Territory, Half-Saint Jiang." Xu Xiaoshou fixedly looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him, knowing that maybe these few words could arouse some special reactions from her.

"Jiang's..." As expected, after Lei Xi'er was stunned, a thick black and white mist burst out from the pupil of the gods and demons, and turned her eyes suddenly, "What did you say?"

Xu Xiaoshou sighed: "Sure enough, this Jiang family, and your tears family, are a little fettered..."

Lei Xi'er was silent for a while, and then whispered: "The Lei family was destroyed, and the half-sage Jiang of the Northern Territory is one of the accomplices."


Xu Xiaoshou had long thought of this.

Under the attention of the Holy Spirit Temple, Jiang Xianneng directly showed three disgusted eyes, but he could not be officially investigated, which itself explained the problem.

When the half-sage Jiang Buyi entered the game with this, he wanted to understand even more. This should be because Jiang Shi had experienced the benefits of Lei Jiatong and wanted more.

After all, a normal force, even if it is a semi-holy force, has no reason to dare to cross the Holy Spirit Temple to find some forces that were implicated in the past tears family.

This side explains.

If Jiang wanted to take, and dared to take, Leijia pupil, he must have gained some benefits from the Leijia tragedy. Now that it has been a long time and things have passed, he wants to make more profits.

But obviously...

Jiang Buyi could not have imagined that the Leijia incident not only did not pass.

Yu Gu, the two of the tears family, grew up a little under the care of different people from the saint slaves.

Even, under certain conditions, they have the ability to influence and even counterattack the enemies of the past.

"You should be very rational now, right, know that we can't go to trouble those enemies with the purpose of seeking revenge?" Xu Xiaoshou asked uncertainly.

Hearing the sound, Lei Xi'er raised her brows instead: "What do you mean, Mrs. Jiang, is someone here?"


Xu Xiaoshou's Adam's apple rolled, but he didn't hide it any more: "Jiang's semi-sage is now on Void Island, but the direction is still unknown."


The wind and sand swirled under his feet, and the beautiful black and white flowers suddenly bloomed, and there was a murderous look in Xi Xi'er's eyes.

"I understand."

I hope you really understand... Xu Xiaoshou watched this change, and his heart said that letting you out was not to give away.

But standing in front of her was Lei Xi'er, not Mu Zixi. Xu Xiaoshou also knew that this girl had her own decision.

He didn't want to interfere too much with the other party's thoughts, but after Lei Xi'er calmed down and restrained all his strength, he asked: "How much do you know about Void Island, which is the City of the Sky?"

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Void Island is a legend... Xu Xiaoshou came from grass roots, and he only knew so much about this place. ·

But in the past, the Tears Family was the prosperous Taixu Family, with strong family abilities, even half-sages, and should know more than himself.

At the moment, after hearing the sound, Lei Xi'er shook her head slightly:

"I don't know much, after all, when the tears family was around, I was still young.

"I've only heard some information about Void Island, but it's only limited to terms like 'Shenxu Monument', 'Sacred Punishment Square', 'Sin Temple', 'Void Servant', and..."

Lei Xi'er said, her beautiful eyes looked at her, her pretty face dignified.

"Here, it is very dangerous. There are countless dangerous places coexisting. If you are not careful, the half-sage may be buried here."

"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou's heart skipped a beat.

This is the outer island of Void Island, isn't it a seven-stop ban?

After all, Seven Breaks Forbidden refers to the inner island of Void Island, which is the place of exile where the saints are truly imprisoned.

But even this outer island, those so-called "dangerous places", can also kill the semi-sacred?

"...Isn't this a scam?"

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

Water ghost dog thief! What about a good chance?

The words are to ask for wealth and wealth at risk, but if you ask for wealth, you have to go to these dangerous places that will kill you... Isn't this a joke? !

"I'll calm down."

Xu Xiaoshou thought for a while, but did not change his pretence.

He took out the famous sword Yan Python from the Yuanfu world. The fierce sword has four swords, one in each hand. After holding it tightly, he said, "You continue."

Lei Xi'er looked at Xu Xiaoshou, who was fully armed and looked like a great enemy, and couldn't help the corners of her mouth curling slightly.

It turns out that you are also afraid of death sometimes?

At this time, before he could speak, the famous sword Yan Python, which came out of the Yuanfu world, suddenly trembled violently, made a humming sound, straightened the body of the sword, and was about to fly to a high place.

"what's the situation?"

Xu Xiaoshou quickly clamped the broken sword.

This **** has been assimilated by hiding? What kind of urine, Yan Python used to be very gentle!

He couldn't help but also called out Zang Ku, when the broken black sword twisted into a maggot with excitement, he viciously slammed it with the Yan python.

"You did a good job!"

Zangku almost didn't break, and when the sword was raised, it was a question mark of one sword and three consecutive lines:

? ? ?

It's none of my business, who is not excited to come out to breathe?

Uncle Yan Python is one of the two elders, how dare I assimilate it?

"what happened?"

Xu Xiaoshou frowned. While questioning Yan Python, he couldn't help but look at Lei Xi'er, hoping to get some answers.

Yan Python: Go! You're finally here, and I'll take you on a treasure hunt!

Xu Xiaoshou: ? ? ?

He looked at Yan Python, then at Zang Ku, then at the boring You Sijian, and finally, he had no choice but to look up at Lei Xi'er.

There is only one normal person left beside me?

"It said it was going to take me to find treasure..." Xu Xiaoshou raised the Yan Python, the corners of his mouth twitched, "What do you think it means?"

Tears: ? ? ?

"Cursed, passive value, +1."

"What kind of master, what kind of sword?" Lei Xi'er raised her eyebrows.

"Satisfied, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou: "It's true!"

Seriously... Lei Xi'er fell into contemplation, if Xu Xiaoshou wasn't joking, all of this should be true.

"Yan Python, where did you get it?" She thought of something and suspected that Yan Python and Void Island had some connection.

"Bai Cave!" Xu Xiao accepted it with a straight face.

"How did you get it?"

"It's just normal..."

Xu Xiaoshou said with a sudden pause, thinking of the embarrassed saint he met when he got Yan Python in the White Cave.

He was fascinated, the corners of his eyes began to twitch, and weakly said:

"It's very ordinary, a holy emperor, a treasure given to me..."


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