I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Zhenxu monument? What a **** you are!

Tears: ? ? ?

Ordinary Holy Emperor?

Also give treasure?

People say no?

Having said that, at that time in Bai Cave, she was still in the form of Mu Zixi.

Although like everyone else, I know that Xu Xiaoshou got monstrous benefits in the Little White Cave.

A fierce sword has four swords, a famous sword Yan Python.

The former is the eight swords of the past, and it is reasonable for Xu Xiao to endure it, but the latter, who would think that it is "a treasure bestowed by the Holy Emperor"?

Everyone thought it was a normal chance for a normal person, and it was the normal kind of good luck that broke out and got a sword that was not very normal, that's all!

Now it seems…

"You." Lei Xi'er opened her mouth, and her thoughts suddenly became unclear, "Is it really the Holy Emperor?"

"Hmm." Xu Xiaoshou nodded and described the scene he saw at that time:

"I call him the embarrassed saint...

"Should I say it or not, it was true that he appeared on the stage at the time... er, it just didn't mean anything.

"Hands and feet are in shackles, like sneaking out for a date. It seems that someone found out about the private meeting, and then ran away, leaving only a sword, tsk tsk..."

Tears: ? ? ?

You call this the Holy Emperor?

"Suspected, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou clearly read out Lei Xi'er's facial expression and said:

"You can doubt his abilities, but not my vision.

"At that time, he had holy power when he appeared. I thought he was a semi-sage. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that the semi-sage can't give such a great sense of oppression. He can only be a holy emperor."

Tears were silent.

When Xu Xiaoshou got the story of Yan Python, she didn't ask specifically, because no one could have thought in advance that this was a treasure bestowed by the Holy Emperor, so why would she ask this more?

Glancing at the excited Yan Python, Lei Xi'er said solemnly, "I think there may be risks."

Did the Holy Emperor give you treasure for no reason?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Lei Xi'er didn't even have to think about it, she felt that there was a fraud.

"Be confident and leave out the 'maybe'."

Xu Xiaoshou squeezed Yan Python to calm him down, and said with a smile.

The Holy Emperor used him as a chessboard and planned a century-old big game, which he already knew.

There are definitely risks involved.

But the last time he encountered a half-sacred man, there were so many wills in his body, one of which seemed to belong to the embarrassed saint.

There are plans, but there are also good intentions.

If the little master has no use value, why should the Holy Emperor give him the treasure?

Xu Xiaoshou took the sword calmly, and he didn't care about this risk at this moment. He knew that as long as he kept releasing the value and making the embarrassed saint satisfied, he was basically unlikely to have an accident.

After all, the other party will send the sword in advance if they ask for it.

What's more, Xu Xiaoshou didn't know the identity of the embarrassed saint in the past, but now he has learned some things about the island in the Void Island through the eight masters.

He also has certain speculations about the embarrassed saint.

"Who is the Holy Emperor, do you know?"

Lei Xi'er accidentally asked aloud, she understood that Xu Xiaoshou was not a person at the mercy of others, and she must have secretly searched for the information of the Holy Emperor.

"If nothing else happens..."

Xu Xiaoshou paused, looked at her and said with a smile: "On the island of Void Island, one of the three ancestors of the White Vessel, known as the ancestor of all ancestors... Ancestor Jhin Zhao!"

Lei Xi'er's pupils shrank.

Ancestor Jhinzhao... never heard of it!

But there are so many prefixes, I don't know it, and I am very afraid!

"Cinder photo?"

Soon, Lei Xi'er chewed the word thoughtfully.


Xu Xiaoshou nodded: "Maybe it's a devil, but it's more likely that this is the previous generation of Old Man Sang... I can't say that the rise of the semi-sacred power of Jhin Zhao is also due to the light of this ancestor of Jhin Zhao." He Bold speculation.

Holy Emperor... There was worry on Lei Xi'er's little face, and she unconsciously grabbed her silver hair, curling it into two strands, like a pair of ponytails that she would easily grab when she was thinking.

After a long time, she said: "After all, he is a holy emperor. Perhaps, we should be careful."

"You really should be on guard, but you don't have to be too nervous." Xu Xiaoshou laughed when he heard the sound.

After he stopped speaking, he suddenly took a deep breath, then raised the famous sword Yan Python, and shouted at the sky: "Jin Zhao Patriarch! Jin Zhao Patriarch! I'm here to find you, quickly manifest!"

Lei Xi'er turned pale with fright, completely stunned by Xu Xiaoshou's hand.

"what are you doing!"

She couldn't help reaching out and pulling Xu Xiaoshou's sleeve.

This is the Holy Emperor! You think this is a vegetable market selling vegetables, and are you still shouting? Can't find death?

"It really didn't respond..."

Xu Xiaoshou was pulled back and sighed: "I just don't know the real name of the ancestor of Jin Zhao, otherwise, maybe, I can really call his old man out to see me."

Lei Xi'er was still dizzy, not understanding how Xu Xiaoshou, who used to be afraid of death, became so presumptuous when he came to Void Island.

"Are you crazy?"

"Not crazy."

"then you…"

"I have a hole card."

Xu Xiaoshou laughed, took out the "eight-character order" from the ring, and said:

"The eight masters are the masters of black and white, and this is the token he gave me.

"It is said that seeing an order is like seeing a person, and it does not work for a weaker spirit refiner, but any **** person who has some knowledge must give him face.

"I was just thinking about it. If I call out the ancestor of Jhin Zhao, maybe we can have an extra big bodyguard, so that it will be much safer to take risks on the Void Island."

Up to this point, Xu Xiaoshou was still brooding about the loss of Xiaokongtong, the big bodyguard of the Sanyue Xiancheng.

Tears: "…"

She was completely speechless.

What is this operation?

The inner and outer islands of the Void Island are two worlds. Can the Holy Emperor call it out for you?


Eight-character order?

She carefully looked at the token in Xu Xiaoshou's hand, and was very curious about the function of this token, is it as big as Xu Xiaoshou said?

Strictly speaking, she and Lei Shuangxing were able to survive when the tears family was destroyed that day, and I would like to thank Ba Zunjun for helping us at the time of crisis.

So, this is the token of the savior?

"Do you like it? Give it to you to play." Xu Xiaoshou threw the eight-character order without hesitation.

Lei Xi'er was busy catching it, her beautiful eyes widened, and she glanced at Xu Xiaoshou angrily.

But she couldn't stop her curiosity. After she got the eight-character order, she turned up and down, and soon saw the figure of a naked woman on the back, hugging her knees and sobbing, with shackles on her limbs extending beyond the boundary of the token.

"This is…"

Lei Xi'er was a little surprised, but just like this carved image, she felt that this woman was like a goddess, and I felt pity for it.

Xu Xiaoshou glanced at it, shook his head and sighed: "I used to be like you, I naively thought that this was the belief of a saint slave, I carved a statue of a beautiful woman, and then said, 'If you don't become a saint, you will end up as a slave', and everyone will die. Eight respects know how to work hard."

Lei Xi'er was startled, isn't that so?

"what about now?"

"right now…"

Xu Xiaoshou thought of what Sanyue Xiancheng said with a big mouth, and laughed: "Maybe this is the old master of the eight well-versed, that's all."

"Old... good friends?" Lei Xi'er was dumbfounded.

"Suspected, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou saw that the image of the younger sister had changed. Hearing this, the fire of gossip that would have appeared in the past also ignited in his eyes, and he immediately laughed:

"Slave Yuegong, I heard that she is a beautiful beauty, but it's a pity, I haven't seen a real person."

As soon as the words came out, Lei Xi'er's slender hand holding the token trembled, and Xu Xiaoshou also keenly noticed something was wrong, and was immediately stunned.

"Sorry sorry...

"Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji!"

He immediately put his hands together and bowed in all directions.

Darling, this is an old aunt who knows the age of eight, and can become an old man who is familiar with the eight... Bah! The old man... Bah! Dao Companion, how can you say that you are also a semi-saint now?

If you call your holy name directly, will nothing happen?

Auntie, my own! own people!

Xu Xiaoshou shrank his head and was so nervous that he knew that he was a little too presumptuous just now.

This Void Island is a place of danger, and I still call the holy name indiscriminately...

How dare you die like this!

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

Lei Xi'er obviously understood this, and gave Xu Xiaoshou a blank look.

But after seeing that no accident happened, she breathed a sigh of relief, handed back the token, and said angrily: "Be careful when you speak, when you are going to die, it must be on your open mouth."

"You don't want?" Xu Xiaoshou shook the token while holding it.

"This is something that the Eighth Sword Immortal gave you, I won't take it, you can take good care of it."

"That's a pity, I'm still thinking that I lost this token, and I want another one from Ba Zunyan in the future. It can be regarded as a life-saving talisman."

Tears: "…"

"Received scorn, passive value, +1."

"Really not?"

"No need, take it yourself."

"Don't forget it, then when I become famous in the future, I'll make you a life-saving charm." Xu Xiaoshou didn't insist, and took back the eight-character order.

This is a good thing. If it is on Void Island, it may be able to exert a combat power far exceeding that of the semi-holy.

How powerful is the face fruit, Xu Xiaoshoumenqing!

The cognitive discussion of Void Island is over.

Lei Xi'er didn't dare to be as big and three as Xu Xiaoshou, and now she studied the huge stone tablet in front of her.

"Xu Xiaoshou, come here." After a while, she waved.

"What's the matter, have you discovered it?" Xu Xiaoshou was still using his "perception" to find a way for his future, when he heard the sound and ran over.

His original intention was to directly follow Yan Python's guidance, abandoning all the things that would waste time, and looking for the treasure that might have been left to him by the ancestors of Jhin Zhao.

But Lei Xi'er's obsessive-compulsive disorder and curiosity were obviously heavier than his.

"There are dents that seem to be words?"

Lei Xi'er didn't dare to touch it, but just shared her findings.


Xu Xiaoshou glanced at it and said indifferently:

"Looking at such thick moss, it is estimated that this stone tablet has not been touched for thousands of years, and it is definitely not a treasure.

"It's not that no one has come to this Void Island. The eight are familiar with goods. If this stone tablet is a treasure, he has already studied it thoroughly, where will there be moss?"

Tears did not speak.

What Xu Xiaoshou said certainly made sense.

But that's what he would say because of his shallow cognition.

"Remember the 'Zhenxu Monument' I said earlier?" Lei Xi'er said.

"Oh, what do you think this thing is?" Now Xu Xiao became interested, and leaned over to look carefully, but quickly frowned, "What is the function of the Zhenxu monument, if it was a treasure, it would have been stolen long ago. Did someone move?"

"It's not a treasure, the Zhenxu Tablet is the representative of the entrance to the outer islands of the Void Island, there are many pieces..."


Xu Xiaoshou instantly lost interest.

Many, on behalf of miscellaneous and not expensive.

Rare is precious, no wonder there are so many moss on this broken stone tablet.

It is estimated that it may be dangerous to touch it, so so many people have been to Void Island, and none of them want to touch it.

"I want to pick out this moss and take a look."

Lei Xi'er turned her eyes and saw that she had a strong interest in this monument. I wonder if it was because of the memory inheritance of the Lei family, and she knew more about Void Island.

"Then I'll come."

Xu Xiaoshou's expression became a little dignified. He looked at the consolation, but he was very cautious about Void Island.

Zhenxu Monument…

I don't know what it is, but it's really curious.

The famous Sword Yan Python was revealed.

After thinking about it, it is estimated that this thing has to be used as the treasure key of the ancestors of Jhin Zhao, but it is a pity that it is broken.

Xu Xiaoshou replaced it with four swords.


With a single stroke, the moss fell.

On the stele, a small and messy stele body is exposed, with the character "eight" engraved on it.

"Sword Intent?"

Feeling the sword intent on the font, Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows.

Not to mention that there are not many things related to the word "eight" on Void Island. Even in the Holy Spirit Continent, Xu Xiaoshou could only find one "eight respectable" and "eight" related.

Since there is no risk in picking moss with a sword...


Xu Xiaoshou was no longer polite, and directly picked off all the moss.

The big stone tablet showed its original appearance, and it really shocked the two people in front.

Because of the above, there are many names!

"Hua Weiyang, Chengxue, Xiaohei, Feng Wuhen..."

Who is this?

Xu Xiaoshou and Lei Xi'er looked at each other and said they had never heard of these names.

But the following line, they may be familiar with.

"Eight Zunyi, Dao Qiongcang, Beihuai, Void Hate, Sang Qiye, Yu Lingdi, Cao Yihan, Yu Tu, Gu Qingyi, Gu Qinger..."


have come?

When Lei Xi'er saw this line, her scalp was slightly numb.

In this line, most people are from the ten thrones.

Even Sang Lao has left a name here, that is to say, almost all of these people have been to Void Island?

Xu Xiaoshou was also stunned.

It's just that it's not the names of the bigwigs in this line that make him stunned, but the last two.

"Gu Qingyi? Gu Qinger?

"What's going on, is it the reincarnation of the two brothers who buried Jianzhang?"

Being in the same row with the Eight Zunyans made Xu Xiaoshou almost think that the first two of the three brothers buried in Jianzhong were old seniors.

But soon he figured it out.

These two should be on the Void Island recently, because on Guyin Cliff, someone still committed suicide by jumping off the cliff in shame, although I don't know why.

But under the cliff is the deep sea, it is normal for Gu Qinger to land on the Void Island before himself and others.

"This is the Zhenxu Monument!" Lei Xi'er recognized it and said firmly.

"Oh..." Xu Xiaoshou looked at the stone tablet, didn't care about the names, went around to the back, and after picking off the moss with his sword, he saw the three characters "Void Island".

"Well, this side should be the front, and that side is the back?"

When Lei Xi'er heard the sound, she also circled back, and also saw the difference between the pros and cons.


While the two were thinking nervously, the stone tablet trembled slightly, and there was an intermittent sound from it:


"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou grabbed Lei Xi'er's hand and stepped back abruptly, and soon found that the stone tablet had no intention of attacking people except that it could speak, and he was relieved.

"Dog thing, scare people to death."

Xu Xiao was scolded, but Zhenxu Monument didn't respond, and he immediately became bold.

After living for so long, you should have a soul, right?

He let go and knocked on the Zhenxu monument with four swords. Xu Xiaoshou asked, "Is there a reward for keeping my name? My name is worth a thousand gold. If you spray me with a treasure bone, I will keep my name."

"…"no respond.

Lei Xi'er watched from the side for a while, her eyelids twitching wildly.

It really does work!

Xu Xiaoshou, are you really not afraid of death?

"Blessed, passive value, +1."


Xu Xiaoshou glanced at Ke Ren'er behind him with a strange expression, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked back again and looked at Zhenxu Monument, which no longer said much, this time he was not angry.

He took out the eight-character order and slapped Zhen Xubei's face fiercely.

"Do you know this order? Seeing the order is like seeing a person. I am the honor of black and white dual veins, and the eight respects know... Tell me!"




"Zhenxu Tablet? What kind of **** are you!"


"Damn! Such a good temper, really? I don't believe it!"

Xu Xiaoshou fiercely raised his four swords: "Speak! Otherwise I will hack you!"


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