I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 14: God pesticide garden! Holy fruit!

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Void Island, the Forest of Miracles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A thunderous sound exploded behind him.

Every time a loud bang erupts, the Forest of Miracles is like an earthquake, and the earth cracks open with huge mouths.

At the top of the head, the darkness that was enough to crush everything, followed it forward for a long distance.

At this moment, the three-stick incense gold medal hunter, Xu Xiaoshou, the representative of the five-member killer group in the Central Territory Hunt, was holding a fruit the size of a human head, panicked, but fled from an ancient forest with a high expression.

"It's out! It's finally out!"

"Posted! I posted!"

"It's worthy of being a city in the sky, it's worthy of being a holy Daoji... I just came in, and I can get such an opportunity. Am I the son of destiny?"

Shuang Dai hugged the fruit that radiated holy power fluctuations in his arms, couldn't help but glanced back, and then quickly ran away.

On Guyin Cliff, he followed the killer group tremblingly and hid in the heaven, and there was a holy palace Mu Lin staring next to him.

Unexpectedly, Mu Lin didn't take action, but Ye Xiaotian, the space attribute, pulled them into the sea of ​​misery instead.

Afterwards, Guyin Cliff was submerged by big waves, and Shuangdai also followed into the deep sea.

In the deep sea, he was nervous and excited, because for them, danger represented opportunity.

Sure enough, although during that time, there was continuous thunder and roaring around, but until the end, the water polo failed to completely drain his spiritual energy, and there was no unnecessary danger from the outside world to affect him.

Shuangdu, got his wish, was swallowed by the glare, and then came to this unknown place.

Different from Xu Xiaoshou and Lei Xi'er.

As soon as he landed here, except for a large stone tablet in front of him, behind the stone tablet was not an ancient city building, but a forest.

With curiosity, he picked off the moss on the stone monument, and Shuang Dai tried his best to do everything he could.

Here, is the Holy Secret Void Island, the city of the sky!

Throw down the stone tablet and enter the ancient forest.

According to memory and legends, Shuangdai suspects that this ancient forest may be a treasure land, the Forest of Miracles, as famous as the "Sin Temple" in the City of Sky.

As a gold-medal hunter, Shuangdao's means of obtaining information is to plunder the memory of the target through hunting.

Among the quest objects scattered across the five regions of the continent, there is a little bit of understanding of the "Forest of Miracles" in those miscellaneous memories.

"God Pesticide Garden!"

Legend has it that Shennong Baicao, one of the ten ancient ancestors, who is as famous as the sword **** Gulouying, once left an ancient medicine garden here.

Relying on this ancient legend that could not be regarded as information or intelligence at all, Shuangdai excitedly looked for it.

After all, he has even entered an unrealistic place like the City of the Sky, so what's the harm in chasing an unrealistic ancient medicine garden according to memory?

After entering the Forest of Miracles.

Unexpected and reasonable, without too many twists and turns, Shuangdai smelled a faint medicinal fragrance.

Relying on his own ability, he pursued this wisp of medicinal fragrance, did not dare to waste time, and finally found the source.

—A super medicine garden that is shrouded in endless fog, with no end in sight!

"God Pesticide Garden!"

His eyes turned red instantly.

He knows that even if this place is not the legendary God Pesticide Garden.

But the city of the sky comes from ancient times, if no one has set foot here for millions of years...

At that time, it was a weed in the medicine garden. At this moment, it should have evolved into the holy medicine of immortality, and even the magical medicine in a mythical place like the City of the Sky!

"Feng, Sheng, Dao, Ji!"

Shuangdao almost without thinking, these four words popped out of his mind.

He knows that his time is coming!

As long as you enter this prescription medicine garden, half-sage is not a dream.

Even, he can use this to lay a solid foundation and encroach on the legendary "Holy Emperor"!

In the Holy Spirit Continent, Taixu seems to be the end of spiritual refining.

There are occasional signs of the semi-sacred, but apart from the semi-sacred family and the semi-sacred forces, few people know how to truly embark on the road to canonization.

Shuangdu is different, he completed the feat of hunting Taixu seventeen years ago.

Afterwards, although he did not show the mountains and waters, he also hunted and killed many Taixu in order to cultivate, so that the spirit refining realm came to the height of the peak of Taixu.

From the inheritance of those deceased ancient Taixu memories, Shuangdai also knew the road to sainthood.

In the Holy Spirit Continent, the semi-holy is real.

But there are only one hundred and eight "half-holy persons".

Ordinary is too empty, even if the cultivation base is capped, and the holy way is touched, it cannot break through the semi-sacred.

Unless, he can get the semi-holy status!

There are one hundred and eight semi-sacred persons, which doesn't sound like a lot, and most of them are also in the hands of the Holy Spirit Temple and the major semi-sacred families.

But in fact, the semi-holy of the Holy Spirit Continent is far less than the one hundred and eight, and more than half of them died.

The road to sanctification is too hard!

Some ancient families have been passed down to this day, and maybe they still held a semi-sacred person before.

But after a few generations, no one in the clan can reach the level of breaking the semi-holy state, which will eventually lead to the occurrence of war, which will then lead to the change of hands or the loss of the semi-holy person.

It's okay to change hands, this represents another power, and has the qualifications for sainthood.

But in fact, as soon as the war started, the forces that originally possessed the semi-saint status were basically better for jade pieces than for tiles.

This has led to more and more semi-holy persons being lost in unknown places and turned into semi-holy relics.

It is so difficult to achieve a semi-sage, one needs to reach the pinnacle of the spiritual path, and one also needs to obtain a semi-sage status.

Holy Emperor, it is even more unimaginable!

According to the memory of Taixu that Shuangdai hunted.

The Holy Emperor also exists on the mainland.

But the Saint Emperor personality, the whole continent added up, seems to be only eighteen, as for more, Shuangdu does not know at all.

However, the Holy Emperor did not want it.

Semi-Saints have a chance!

This is also the reason why he is attracted to Xu Xiaoshou, because on the black gold reward, there is a clear commitment to the canonization resources such as Saint Daoji.

He thought that the hunt for Xu Xiaoshou failed, and the road to sanctification ran counter to his own.

I never thought about it, I turned my head and entered the Void Island myself, and came to this place suspected of being the "God Pesticide Garden". How can Shuangdu be endured?

Restriction and enchantment are nothing to him.

On the surface, Shuangdu is metallic, but in fact, when his innate attributes are awakened, he has a second special attribute, differentiation.

The ability to differentiate this attribute can dissolve his body into molecules without energy characteristics, and invade any place at will without being detected.

It is by means of this method that Shuangdai differentiates his own body, enters the body of others, and completes the feat of first entering Taixu and successfully hunting the old-fashioned Taixu.

Even the human body can enter. The prohibition and enchantment of the Shenpesticide Garden can stop the living beings, but they certainly cannot stop the "molecules" like dead things!

With this method, Shuangdai successfully broke into the Shenpesticide Garden.

Then, he was shocked.

"Too much! Too much!"

In the Shen Pesticide Garden, there are elixir filled with strong breath everywhere.

At a glance, it is dazzling, but there is no end.

Not a dream!

Here, the bottom line is all 1st or 2nd rank weeds, and there are countless holy medicines... It's even more exaggerated than what Shuangdai imagined before entering!

After all, this Fang Taoyuan world seems to have really been untouched before.

The medicine is born, the medicine is dead, the medicine is dead, the medicine is born, iterates again and again, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, the medicine is born, and the medicine is born…

"This is Wonderland!"

Shuangdu looked hot, and his reason disappeared in the moment.

He stretched out his hand and plucked off the holy medicine that was rarely recognized in front of him—the fruit from the holy miracle tree, which was the head-sized holy miracle fruit he was holding in his arms.

This holy miracle fruit is extremely powerful.

It is the transcendent holy fruit that can make the spiritual refiners under the semi-sage give birth to the first ray of holy power in the sea of ​​​​qi just by eating it!

After the birth of the non-attribute holy power from the holy miracle fruit, it will continue to digest the medicinal effect of the holy miracle fruit, and then after a period of time, it will complete a qualitative change and have the characteristics of independent growth and expansion.

That is to say, even if Shuangdao has not obtained the "half-holy status" yet.

But as long as he eats this holy miracle fruit, he can become the first Taixu under the Half-Saint!

A Taixu with holy power!

Maybe, even the Eighth Sword Immortal can do it!

And then if you get the "half-holy status" again, no matter how long it takes, the holy power of the holy miracle fruit will be transformed into its own holy power, which will make Shuangdu jump out of the realm of semi-holy.

Even, it is enough to match the old semi-sacred!

This is simply that he is drinking holy blood all the time in Taixu, and there is no side effect at all; after being half holy, he can jump over the dragon gate, and instantly complete the transformation from spiritual refinement to sainthood.

When you see it, how can you not be crazy? !

He plucked a holy miracle fruit.

Have not eat yet.

The Shenpesticide Garden hummed, and the sky darkened.

An ancient giant more than a hundred feet tall pushed away the dusty soil from his feet and stood up.


At that time, the fruit on the holy tree, the fruit under the tree, and I were dumbfounded.

He recognized it at a glance. The ancient giant who had the power to kill Taixu with this punch, if nothing else, was the one who guarded the ruins of the Void Island in his memory... Void servants!

"Konima, why is the Void Servant so huge!

"No one told me, the Void Servant looks like this!

"Where is this special girl called 'Servant', this should be called 'Void Giant'!

"My day!!"

Shuang stayed away and ran.

He didn't even dare to pick the extra fruit from the sacred tree.

But even so, holding a holy miracle fruit in his arms, the Void Servant turned red and stared at him.


space spans.

With a bang, Shuangdu failed to react the first time, and his body was trampled to pieces.

Fortunately, he turned into a molecular form in time, but was seriously injured and did not die on the spot.

At the critical moment, he threw out the holy miracle fruit and then caught it, so that he did not cut off his path to canonization.


After that, he continued to run wildly.

The sacred fruit contains majestic holy power, and as soon as it is put into the space ring, the space ring will explode.

He was blown up and blown away so many treasures, and it was too late for Shuangdao to feel distressed. At this moment, he just wanted to protect the only holy fruit of hope.

But the strange gravity and strange rules of the Void Island made it difficult for him to resist, and it was difficult to escape.

So, after enduring the pain and being smashed a few times, Shuangdai finally used his escape technique—Nine Chasing Clouds!

Nine chasing clouds, the legs are divided into clouds, and they have extremely high speed.

This too imaginary skill, to be honest, is not as fast as performing the Great Escape Technique after integrating into the Heavenly Dao.

But no way!

This is the city in the sky.

The strange rules of the heavenly way around it completely excluded the spiritual master from blending in.

In desperation, Shuangdai could only use this escape technique that he had eliminated for more than ten years.

At this moment, he really wanted to thank himself for more than ten years, and he was willing to spend a lot of time to find this spiritual skill that was very suitable for the "differentiation" attribute.

Otherwise, today he got the holy miracle fruit.

Today next year, others will be able to get another holy miracle fruit nourished by his fertilizer.

"To eat, or not to eat?"

Shuangdai, who was madly fleeing for his life, ran out of the Forest of Miracles holding the head-sized holy fruit, and there was only one thought left in his mind at the moment.

It stands to reason that if you swallow the holy miracle fruit directly, it is a waste of energy. You may not be able to hold the holy power in your body, and it will be blown up on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, this holy miracle fruit with other accessories will definitely be able to exert more than 100% of its power, and truly push its combat power to the position of "the first in the void".

But under normal circumstances... there would not be an ancient giant with a height of 100 meters, driving himself to run wild!

"It can't be delayed, even if there is a risk, I must eat the holy miracle fruit.

"The movement of the Void Servant running is too great, I may be the only one in the Forest of Miracles, but after running out, there must be spirit refiners in other places.

"If they find out that I have the Holy Miracle Fruit in my hand, they will be crazy, those people..."

Double stay is going crazy.

He is a desperado himself, and he doesn't know how other Taixu will be so jealous when they see the fruit of the holy miracle.

It is impossible to say that even if there is a void attendant present, at the risk of being trampled to death, those people will take action and fight their lives to **** it.


"I have the attribute of differentiation, even if I am blasted to pieces by the energy of the holy miracle fruit, I can survive.

"And as long as you can digest a little bit of the power of the Holy Miracle Fruit and initially master the Holy Power, this broken giant..."

Shuangdai turned his head to look at the dark figure with a huge pit on the horizon, his eyes were already full of blood red.

"Crack, chuck, chuck!"

After three strokes and five divisions, the head-sized holy miracle fruit was swallowed, and even Shuangdai didn't want to waste a little bit of juice. Besides sucking his fingers, he almost gnawed off his entire palm.

It can grow back anyway...


Thinking like this, enduring the pain, Shuang Dui ate all his hands.

next second.


In situ, the holy force rushed to the sky.

The surging energy instantly blew Shuangdai's body to smithereens.

But in the smashed minced meat, a little bit of consciousness suddenly regained consciousness, frantically devouring the medicinal power of the holy miracle fruit that was wasted.

The fragrance of medicine overflows.

The plants, trees, flowers and stones outside the Forest of Miracles seem to have awakened their wisdom at this moment, greedily swallowing the medicinal power of the holy fruit.

"Mine! Mine! All mine!"

Shuangdu, who was blown into powder and not yet condensed into human form, went crazy when he saw it.

What lower creature is this?

How dare you have a share of the pie?

"Give me death!"

A surging power exploded from his body, and in an instant, ten miles away, it turned into powder.

But the medicinal power of the holy fruit is still wasted.

Shuangdai didn't dare to take the time to vent, he continued to swallow it desperately, trying to completely devour the pillar of medicinal power of the holy miracle fruit.

But the reality is that 90% of the power is wasted!


In the back, the ancient giant Void Servant who was still chasing, even slowed down when he saw this, obviously frightened by the crazy scene in front of him.

"Is this the human race?"

It murmured, and simply stopped chasing, folded its arms around its chest, looked at the tiny particles under its feet with interest, and desperately swallowed the Pillar of Holy Miracle Fruit's medicinal power.


After the Chongxiao medicine was over, Shuangdu returned to his human form.

Although forced to swallow the holy miracle fruit, 99% of the medicinal effect was wasted.



With a flip of his hand, the first ray of holy energy from the sea of ​​​​Qi manifested. Seeing this scene, Shuangdao burst into tears.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"How many years? Lao Tzu has endured for so many years, and finally let me find the road to sainthood, hahahaha!"

Double Stay laughed hysterically.

No one knows that from a grassroots, he joined three sticks of incense, and to this step, the blood and sweat he needs to pay is many times that of the children of the big family!

And today.

He, Shuangdu, who is too illusory, has mastered the holy power!

Moreover, this holy power will grow on its own!

This is history!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Turning around, Shuangdu looked at the Void Servant behind him, who was staring at him like a playful ant.

He laughed.

"Ancient giant?

"Void servant?"

In front of this dark giant, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com just looked tall, strong, and invincible. It didn't even have half the holy power in its body.

How dare you chase him? !

what! How dare you? !

"Void Servant, right..."

Shuang Dui squeezed his fists, feeling that he was constantly evolving and would soon become the body of a semi-sacred body.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his face grim.

"Now, it's my turn!"

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