I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 15: Giant coolies in the kingdom of giants!

the other side.


Trembling and carrying the Zhenxu tablet for two steps, Xu Xiaoshou felt his legs soften.

Void Island is already suppressed by strange gravity, and the monument itself is sinking to death.

That is to say, with the support of passive skills such as "toughness" and "anti-shock" on his throne body, he has to open the "bursting stance" to continuously blast the impact before he can lift it up.

For a different throne body, I'm afraid it's a matter of two things to say whether or not to move this monument, let alone resisting the shoulders.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly let out a strange cry when he was struggling to stand against this monument of Zhenxu, which was bigger than a human being.

"What's wrong?"

Lei Xi'er saw Xu Xiaoshou, who had worked so hard to turn the Zhenxu monument from worthless to a treasure, was speechless and worried that he would soften in the next second and be smashed. die.

"Worried, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou looked surprised, and some couldn't believe it: "My ability to refine spirits has been blocked!"

"seal up?"

Lei Xi'er was stunned, what does this mean?

Is it...

"Shenzhen monument?"

"Yes!" Xu Xiaoshou nodded heavily, "After I carried this thing, my sea of ​​qi suddenly turned into a dead sea, and I couldn't mobilize my spiritual energy at all. Do you know anything else about Zhenxu Monument?"

"No..." Lei Xi'er's lips were red and she was speechless.

For millions of years, I am afraid that you are the only one who thinks about carrying a huge boulder at the entrance of Void Island, right?

What other information could this have?

No one else has tried it, so what "other knowledge" can be passed down?

"That should be the exclusive peculiar ability of this virtual tablet..."

Xu Xiao was startled and suspicious, and tried Qi Hai again, and it was as if he had encountered a gray fog person, and it was like entering the deep sea world.

The ability to refine spirits has all been blocked.

"Forbidden law?"

Xu Xiaoshou was suspicious, this Zhenxu monument is called Zhenxu monument, what would it be?

It doesn't matter that the town is actually the inner island of Void Island, and it is also the source of the forbidden law enchantment of the island in the legendary Void Island, right?

"If that's the case, I'll carry all the monuments on the Void Island, and let them take care of me alone. Can the big guys in the inner island be able to take off directly?"

Xu Xiaoshou felt that he had found a shortcut.

This should be a path that the Eight Zuns have never tried before?

Yes, after all, it was his physical body that restricted the eight statues from taking off back then. After he fell, the God of War returned and mastered a very special "indestructible sword body" comparable to the Holy Body.

"It's definitely a way..."

Xu Xiaoshou pondered, feeling that even if this inference is a little unrealistic, the Zhenxu Tablet is indeed a treasure.

Collecting these things will not liberate the inner island of Void Island, let them all enter the Yuanfu world, and suppress the world as a treasure of the town...

The Yuanfu world is also stable, right?

In the future, if he closes the semi-sage and enters, even if he makes a move inside, it will not destroy the world.

Even, just relying on the Yuanfu world itself, can a semi-sage be born?

Thinking of this, Xu Xiao's eyes became hot.

The Void Island is indeed full of treasures.

"You know, how many pieces are there for a monument like this?" Xu Xiaoshou asked hurriedly.

Lei Xi'er shook her head, understood Xu Xiaoshou's wishful thinking, and said, "I don't know the number of monuments, all I know is that everyone who enters Void Island should encounter monuments, and there is no end to it. same…"

She hesitated for a while, looked up and down at Xu Xiaoshou, whose knees were trembling, and said helplessly: "No one would be so idle to collect Zhenxu monuments, and count them."

"Satisfied, passive value, +1."


Does this mean that I am not human?

Xu Xiaoshou was furious: "This is a treasure! They have eyes but don't know pearls!"

"Hmmmm, you say yes."

Lei Xi'er shrugged slightly and gave up struggling.

Obviously, it is not very realistic to let Xu Xiaoshou put down the Zhenxu tablet.


While speaking, there was a slight sound in the distance, as if a thunder had exploded in a very distant place.

"Someone made trouble?"

Lei Xi'er raised her eyes and inferred something at once.

Void Island has been quiet for so many years, and everything should be settled.

Now that there is something strange, it must be because a large number of people poured into Void Island, breaking the previous silence.

Xu Xiaoshou has already talked about everything that happened in the deep sea world, and Lei Xi'er naturally knows that she and Xu Xiaoshou are not the only people on the island.

"Go and have a look?" Lei Xi'er turned her head and asked.

"Wait a moment."

When something really happened, Xu Xiaoshou was still nervous. He should be prepared.

He took the lead in opening the Yuan Palace, and wanted to pass the Zhenxu Tablet, which would suppress his combat power, into it.

But after many attempts, the Zhenxu Tablet completely rejected the other world.

Even if Xu Xiaoshou was to use his strength, it was estimated that he would not be able to deal with this monument in ten days and a half.


Xu Xiaoshou frowned.

This is indeed a treasure, but if you don't get oil and salt, you can't let yourself carry this broken stone tablet all the time, it's all a problem!

As for the waste of ten days and a half months to forcibly install the Zhenxu tablet into the Yuanfu world...

Even more ridiculous!

Not to mention ten days.

After one day, it is estimated that all the people who landed on the island have gained something.

At that time, they made breakthroughs one by one, and they found themselves on top of them, but they were still playing with the broken stone tablet, so what was it?

- Definitely going to be robbed!

"You can't, are you walking around carrying the Zhenxu tablet?"

The corner of Lei Xi'er's mouth twitched, thinking of that funny picture.

Everyone was fighting and robbing treasures. A little beast Xu was carrying a monument of Zhenxu that was taller than him. He staggered and passed by the edge, panting and shouting, "Hold a hand, give a hand" - this is so cute!

"Like, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information column: ? ? ?

What the hell!

Little Junior Sister, what are you thinking about again!

"I'll carry it."

Xu Xiaoshou pondered for a long time, but after all, he still couldn't let go of this big baby.

However, it is also an indisputable fact that the Suppressing Void Tablet will suppress the ability of a spiritualist.

"Look at me!"

Xu Xiaoshou wanted to take the Zhenxu Monument away, but he didn't plan to fight it himself.

He opened the Yuanfu world and called out two big guys who hadn't appeared for a long time, but had been cultivating silently.

"A Bing, A Huo.

"Come out! It's finally your turn to appear!"

Tears: ? ? ?

A very familiar name, where have you heard it... She looked at it in confusion.

But I saw that in the passage of Yuanfu world space, two excited voices rang out in response.



Afterwards, the space channel expanded and became hundreds of meters long and wide.

Out of it came a huge skeleton paw that was burning with blazing white flames, and finally Jin Zhaobai skeleton Ah Huo jumped out excitedly.


As soon as he came on stage, Ah Huo danced.

Since being seduced by Xu Xiaoshou with "Jinzhao Primitive Seed" in the White Cave, he surrendered, and he began a serious cultivation journey.

So far, how long has it been since the skeleton den has been out?

Ah Huo can't count.

But at this time, there has been a qualitative change.

The Jhin Zhao Primitive Seed is of great benefit to a creature like the White Skull, even if Xu Xiaoshou only separated out a little of the Jhin Zhao Primitive Seed's power to devour and comprehend it.

At this time, Ah Huo also evolved from the body of the throne to a level comparable to slashing.

This is Jhin Zhao's slash, not an ordinary slash.

Even if it's not Jhin Zhao's lineage, Jhin Zhao's white skeleton Ah Huo also inherited the symbol of Jhin Zhao's lineage.

High combat power, strong meat... eh, strong skeleton!

And the blasting ability is first-class, except for not being able to make alchemy, everything is very bright!

Jhin Zhao Baiyan, it is even more proficient long ago, and it is only waiting for when to leave the customs, to be able to conquer the world, kick a Slash Dao, Tai Xu or something.


Following Ah Huo, the ice blue and white skeleton Ah Bing also appeared.

It is also more than fifty feet high, which is very suitable for the giant kingdom of Void Island.

With the catalysis of the controllable power of "Three Days of Frozen Tribulation", A Bing naturally grew to the height of Dao Slashing during this period of time.

This one looks at Wen Wen quietly, but his combat power can be described as shocking.

At the throne level, it can use the power of the three-day freezing tribulation to stimulate the ice-type mysterious spirit formation, and use the instant ice-type magic... No! Forbidden spell, seal Yu Jin to the people who hit the gray fog.

If it wasn't for Xu Xiaoshou's final victory over the Three-Day Frozen Tribulation, the power of the seal of the Grey Mist would be inexorable, and A Bing might not recognize or follow him until he was beaten to death.

The three-ah lineup, A Jie, A Bing, and A Huo, were all fierce.

Xu Xiaoshou did not dare to take them out in the Sacred Continent, because first of all, he was not using the identity of Xu Xiaoshou. The three-ah lineup was too representative, and it was easy to reveal his faults.

Secondly, Ah Jie is fine and can be made smaller.

A Bing and A Huo, these two behemoths, may attract the attention of countless people when they debut, and eventually become the target of public criticism.

Of course, after coming to Void Island, these worries disappeared.

It looks like the kingdom of giants here, let A Bing A Huo come out to play, is there anything wrong?

and also…

"I am Xu Xiaoshou, I dare to take out A Bing A Huo now, I am not afraid of anyone!"

Current realm, current ability.

Except for the semi-sage, Xu Xiaoshou basically ignored the spirit refiners.

What's more, if he can't beat him, he can recycle A Bing A Huo back to the Yuanfu world at will, and then run away through space teleportation.

With this guarantee, what are you afraid of?

Void Island is a dangerous place, who dares to follow and run around?

Eh, I have the eight-character order, I dare!


On one side, Lei Xi'er looked at the two-headed giant with fierce eyes, and was a little surprised for a while.

She knew of the existence of A Bing A Huo, but in the Yuanfu world, she had never seen A Bing A Huo later. How could she have imagined that not only are these two still there, but their combat power has become more terrifying than before.

"They were all cultivating before, hehe..."

Xu Xiaoshou explained with a smile.

The Yuanfu world is very big. He divided the two places and re-engraved the state of the ice and fire of the spirit melting. It was very easy for A Bing and A Huo to cultivate and grow.

No, it takes a thousand days to keep an army, and a moment to use it.

Now is the time for them to shine.


After Ah Huo came out, he couldn't stop being excited, as if his body was covered with fleas, scratching and screaming.

This place, it loves it!

big enough!

This street, this building, this city... It looks like it's not for humans to play, could it be another hometown?


This is where?

The fire monster screamed and jumped, stomping on the ground to make a humming sound.

"Don't worry about that."

Xu Xiaoshou was not in the mood to introduce Void Island to these two, and they didn't understand it.

At the moment, he glanced at A Bing A Huo's realm and physical level, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Jin Zhao's original seed and the power of Three Days Frozen Tribulation, do you still like it?" Xu Xiaoshou asked.

"Hohohoho!" Ah Huo was excited and liked it!

"Roar." Ah Bing nodded, eh.

"Now, have you become stronger?" Xu Xiaoshou asked again.



-affirmative answer.

Seeing the conceited appearances of these two guys, Xu Xiaoshou laughed.

He pointed to the Zhenxu tablet placed on the ground and said, "You guys have become stronger, but let's make a bet, not to mention hitting others. You can't lift this broken stone."


Ah Huo was stunned.

It was the first to refuse!

Now that it has received the power of the Jhinzhao Primitive Seed, it is invincible. It's just a broken stone, can't lift it up?


Get out of the way, I'll come!

Ah Huo turned away from Ah Bing, bent down, and sneered at the stone below that was no bigger than its fingernails.

Bend your fingers.

One shot.


Intense embers and white flames exploded, and the giant shock caused waves in the space, and a gust of wind blew around.

Lei Xi'er raised her eyebrows high, she couldn't believe that a light touch could produce such a strong fluctuation of power.


The body of the throne.

This is on the same physical level as Xu Xiaoshou. Judging from the physique of the white skull Ah Huo, it is impossible to say that the physical strength is stronger than Xu Xiaoshou.

That's all right.

In front of Zhenxu Monument, Ah Huo knew that Xu Xiaoshou wouldn't joke around, but he actually had three points of strength.

But after one shot, the Zhenxu Monument didn't move at all, instead it was shaken back three steps.

"Huh?" Ah Huo looked at him in disbelief.

"Huh?" Xu Xiaoshou laughed, imitating its tone, and snorted.


Ah Huo felt ridiculed and jumped up and down in anger.

Then, it sank down, stretched out **** seriously, and pinched the Zhenxu tablet.

"Bang! Bang!"

The earth shattered, and Ah Huo's two huge soles fell into the deep pit, but he could only move the Zhenxu tablet a little.


This broken stone is too small to exert force!

Ah Huo turned around and complained, saying that he couldn't pick it up, it wasn't his pot, but the Zhenxu Monument was too small.

"Look at me."

Xu Xiaoshou chuckled, golden light blooming all over his body, as soon as he exploded, he lifted the Zhenxu Monument with both hands.

"?" Ah Huo was stunned.

"!" Ah Bing was also shocked. From Ah Huo's performance, he could already know how heavy the stone was, but the master immediately lifted it up.

Is this really human?

He must be the transformed white skeleton giant clan!


Lei Xi'er also looked silent.

Without comparison, she felt that what Xu Xiaoshou did was considered normal.

When these two giants with white skeletons appeared on the stage, she only realized that Xu Xiaoshou's current physical strength was at the level of beasts!

"Stretch out your hand."

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't take it anymore, so he pretended to be calm and said to Ah Huo.

Ah Huo stretched out his hand tremblingly, and Xu Xiaoshou unceremoniously handed over the Zhenxu tablet.


In just a split second, Ah Huo rushed forward, and his folded hands were crushed to the ground by the Zhenxu tablet, which also fell to the ground.


Ah Huo was angry.

This was an accident, he hadn't used his full strength just now.


A Bing couldn't stand to watch from the side, indicating whether she needed help.


Need not!

The stubborn Jhin Zhao Bai Skull Ah Huo, with all his strength, finally carried the Zhenxu tablet, lifted it high, and placed it on his shoulders.


This time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Ah Huo was happy, as if he had accomplished something very fulfilling, and signaled to Xu Xiaoshou.

You lost, I have already lifted this broken stone.


Xu Xiao was applauded and sighed: "As expected of you, Ah Huo, you are so powerful... Well, since you are so powerful, then the next task of carrying the monument of Zhenxu is left to you. Let's go and find the treasure!"

Ah Huo: ? ? ?

A Bing: "..."

Tears: "..."

She saw her brows jumping wildly.

This is too pitiful!

"Condemned, passive value, +1."


Ah Huo was about to cry, indicating that this broken stone is really heavy, can you put it down?

Xu Xiaoshou laughed, jumping on the top of Ah Huo's head, and motioning Lei Xi'er to mount Ah Bing as well.

Then he patted the head of the white-skull giant under him, and said, "You don't carry your bag when you go shopping, let your girlfriend carry it? That's not good, Ah Huo."

Ah Huo: ? ? ?

A Bing: ? ? ?

Tears: "..."

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