I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 16: Sinner, please take the blame


A huge foot fell heavily.

Shuangdai turned into a molecule with a chirping sound, and was then blown away by a storm-like force.

When he condensed into a human form again, not only was he covered in bruises and blood, but his Qi Hai Ling Yuan was about to bottom out.

- This is going to be exhausted!

"Fuck your mother!"

"Pfft", blood and scolding spit out, his dumb faces twisted, his legs turned into nine chasing clouds and continued to run away frantically.

At this time, his mentality has exploded.

What a ghost servant of the void!

Why doesn't the blow that contains the holy power doesn't work!

The giant behind him... It can actually devour holy energy, turn it into its own energy, and then maintain a perfect state, continuing to use its powerful body to smash ducks and kick people frantically.

"What kind of body structure does it have?!"

Shuangdao couldn't understand.

He looks like this, the holy miracle fruit has been swallowed, and the holy power has been born.

Now that he is the first person under the Half-Saint, how can he still not be able to match the Void Servant... a blow?

But the reality is that...

Just now, after that "I should be cool", Shuang Dao underestimated the use of holy power to strike, thinking that he could easily smash the Void Servant.

Unexpectedly, after the blow, the Void Servant just shook slightly, and then...

Hiccup! !

"Can it eat all the attacks in the form of spirit refining energy?

"In other words, if you want to smash this guy, you have to use physical strength, or ancient sword repair?"

When he came to this conclusion, Shuangdai almost vomited blood.

Not surprisingly, in the next few tests, the Void Servant ate all his attacks.

Whether it's a normal spiritual skill or a move with added holy power...


Whether it's cool or not, Shuangdao can't think about it at this time.

At this moment, he just wants to survive, and just wants to escape from the Void Giant's pursuit, because all his attack methods are like paper paste in front of the Void Servant!

"Just run out and give me a few months.

"With the power of the Holy Miracle Fruit, I will soon be able to evolve into a semi-sacred body. At that time, facing this big guy, I might have the strength to fight.

"but now…"

Shuang stayed with blood all over his face, desperately escaping, during the process he couldn't help but look back, only to see darkness descending in the sky again.

"But now, I can't run at all—"

With a bang, he fell with one foot after another, and Shuangdao was trampled to pieces again.

"I'm cracked..."

Shuang was sluggish, completely desperate.

I thought that entering the God Pesticide Garden and getting the holy miracle fruit would be the beginning of my own rise, but I never thought that this is just a symbol that the road to self-destruction has been opened.

The Void Servant is not something that people can fight against at all.

Still want to struggle...

But Qi Hai Ling Yuan has bottomed out, and Shuang Dui can't be differentiated again.

He knew that as long as the Servant of the Void fell again, he would become a muddy flesh...

"God kills me!"

"I can not be reconciled!"

Shuang Dui screamed while pulling his throat.

He was unwilling to just die in this place in a daze. The opportunity of Mingmingshen Pesticide Garden is at the designated location. As long as he is given time, he can find it back, and he can develop in a flash...

This feeling of falling from heaven to **** is so uncomfortable!

At this moment, just when Shuang Dao was already desperate, the Void Servant who was playing the clown in the back, his thick right foot that had been raised suddenly stopped and no longer stepped on it.

"The intruder..."

The Void Servant stared at the ants under his feet and murmured, then put his feet away for a long time and looked into the distance.

"What's the matter, don't kill me?"

Shuang Dui didn't know why, but he was ecstatic when he saw it, and immediately took out the medicine pill and swallowed it.

His high-grade medicinal pills had already been used up in the deep-sea world, but there were still some low-grade medicinal herbs left, and using them at this time would undoubtedly save his life.

Taking advantage of the recovery of Qi Hai Ling Yuan, Shuang Dai used the Nine Chasing Cloud Spirit Skill and began to run wildly.

He didn't look back.

I wondered why the Void Attendant didn't kill him, and the question was in vain, so it might be better to take advantage of this time to travel a little longer.

Maybe, can you really survive?

"As long as I can live, as long as I can live..."

Shuangdai buried his head and ran hard, leaving the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood.

If he can survive, he will have a semi-holy body after the ray of holy energy in the sea of ​​​​qi grows.

God Pesticide Garden, absolutely vacate it!

But before taking a few steps, Shuangdao stopped again.

"Boom bang bang..."

Right in front of the desperate journey, there was the sound of a giant running!

"Fuck me!"

Shuang Du was dumbfounded.

Another Void Servant?

Listening to this hurried running sound, there are many heads, and...

Void Servant, hurry up?

The Void Servant at the back who chased him all the way, is a master of leisurely wandering, basically, he takes it step by step.

The voice in front...

Running wildly? !

"I'm sick! I just picked a holy fruit, as for sending so many Void attendants to chase me?" Shuang Dui fell from heaven to **** again.

Being surrounded, there is no escape.

He gave up completely, and if he wanted to die, he would die. As expected, it was indeed a city in the sky. There was a canonization of Daoji, but he had to take it and exchange his life for it.

After his heart was silent, his ears were too weak, but he could hear more voices.

The Void at the rear stopped moving, but the sound of "bang bang" in the front was mixed with an indiscernible but very abrupt sound.

"Goose goose goose goose goose..."

Shuangdu: ? ? ?

What the hell?

Void servant with goose?

"This is the direction!

"The voice came from here, it's not much different from Yan Python's guidance, maybe it's the same chance...

"Chong Duck, Ah Huo Beast!"

On top of the white skeleton, Xu Xiaoshou drove the giant and felt real happiness.

Void Island is the kingdom of giants!

Even the road is so spacious that A Bing and A Huo keep pace with each other, and there is more than enough.

Not to mention anything else, just using A Bing and A Huo to drive the road, the strange gravity on the Void Island can basically be ignored.

The only possible risk...

"Xu Xiaoshou, is this really good?"

On the head of the ice blue and white skeleton A Bing, Lei Xi'er asked worriedly.

She always felt that Void Island was such a dangerous place, and with these two giants rampaging, they could attract such a loud voice.

Is this because you're afraid that you won't die fast enough?

If the dangers in various places are attracted by the sound of "bang bang" on the road, what should we do?

"Don't be afraid."

On Ah Huo's head, Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand and didn't care.

"A real man has to be brave enough to fight. There are so many opportunities in Void Island, it's a waste of time to look for them one by one.

"It is said that chance is accompanied by risk. In exchange, it is equivalent to that danger is chance.

"While we are on our way, we call for opportunities, maybe we can break through faster!"

That's to die faster... Lei Xi'er was powerless to complain.

Seeing Xu Xiaoshou's fearless attitude, she couldn't say anything.

After all, in my impression, Xu Xiaoshou was not someone who had the courage to die. On the contrary, he cherished his life very much. If he dared to do this, he would definitely be able to succeed.

"Hey, he won't die."

Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the tears on A Bing's head beside him, smiled and found a dragon scale of the Holy Emperor.

"This thing contains the will of the Holy Emperor, it can be said to be a risk sensor.

"What I give it now is not only the idea of ​​avoiding danger, but also the pursuit of opportunity.

"Unfortunately, both are pointing in this direction."

Xu Xiaoshou said and pointed forward.

This direction is the direction where the abnormal noise erupted in the distance when the two of them were pondering in front of the stone monument. It was the route from the ancient city building area to the suburban forest area.

Xu Xiaoshou was extremely relieved about the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor.

The water ghost's words have been verified, the holy emperor dragon scale can even sense the risk of being chased by a half-sage. With this thing, what is he afraid of?

If the outer islands of the Void Island are dead, there will be a half-sage of the Jiang clan. As long as they get close, the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor will remind them.

Then there is no problem with the rampage!

If there are still problems, just run, no matter how bad it is, everyone will be admitted to the Yuan Palace, and I will use the disappearance technique myself... Xu Xiaoshou has a hole card.

He expected that with such a big opportunity in Void Island, no one would foolishly wait in place after they could not find themselves.

And since you have the most life-saving trump card, you can be a little bit arrogant when you wave.



A Bing and A Huo continued to run happily, the liberator's nature after being suppressed for a long time, suddenly, at a certain moment, the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor on Xu Xiaoshou's hand sounded a slight heartbeat.

Lei Xi'er was always vigilant, and when she noticed the strangeness of the holy emperor's dragon scales, her brows also jumped: "What does this mean?"

Xu Xiaoshou clenched the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor tightly.

The sudden heartbeat made him alert.

But this heartbeat is very slow and steady, not like the depressing, high-frequency rushing heartbeat that made one's head burst when he heard the half-sage Jiang Buyi before his face.


"It's dangerous, but not big." Xu Xiaoshou said.

"..." Lei Xi'er was silent.

She always felt at a loss.

Just such a small dragon scale, is it reliable?

"Worried, passive value, +1."

After a while, at the end of the road, the sound of "bang bang" that had been maintaining a steady rhythm disappeared. Xu Xiaoshou immediately raised his hand to stop A Bing and A Huo from continuing to run wild.


The two giant white skeletons stopped when they heard the sound, and the chaotic ringing in their ears disappeared.

The sudden silence highlighted how stuck the Zhenxu tablet in Ah Huo's hand was.

"Goose goose goose goose goose..."

Several people couldn't help but look at Zhenxu Monument at the same time.

Until this time, Zhenxu Monument had not been able to recover from the downtime.

But it doesn't matter...

"Is there a situation?" Lei Xi'er glanced at the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor and moved her gaze to the front.

"No..." Xu Xiaoshou shook his head slightly.

The heartbeat of Saint Emperor Dragonscale did not increase or speed up, which meant that the risks ahead were still constant and within a controllable range.

What he was curious about was that the "bang bang" sound that was very similar to the running of the white skeleton giant, why did it stop?

The wind was rustling, accompanied by the strange cry of "goose goose", there was a faint chilling atmosphere.

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but scan around to measure the surroundings.

This place has left the ancient city construction area and came to the outskirts of Linmu.

The surrounding ancient trees were towering, each of which was hundreds of feet tall, even taller than Ah Bing and Ah Huo, and they were so huge that they completely blocked the sight.

There is no doubt that this is an excellent battlefield for a wood-type spirit refiner.

The forest is lush, and there is a faint smell of medicine...


Xu Xiaoshou took a breath and felt refreshed.

This medicinal fragrance...

Could it be that the so-called chance is the ancient medicine on the Void Island?

This is a great thing!

Right now, I lack the most high-quality elixir. I can't say that an ancient medicine here can push me to the realm of cultivation and climb quickly!


Thinking about it, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help swallowing saliva.

At this moment, the heartbeat of the Holy Emperor Dragonscale accelerated slightly, and his pupils shrank.

"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Before I could find the reason, the sky suddenly darkened.

The next second, the distant "bang" exploded, and the smoke and dust overflowed.

Lei Xi'er was instantly tense, and when she looked up, the **** and demon pupils spun high.

Undoubtedly, opportunity/danger... is here!

Xu Xiaoshou also looked in that direction.

In situations that are invisible to the naked eye, "perception" can clearly analyze the picture in the smoke and dust.

It was a thick black object that fell from the sky, like something fell from a cloud. Its bottom was a bit like the shape of a foot, with just five forks, the scientific name for toes.


and many more!


Forget the toes, why does it even have fingernails?

Could this be real feet?

Xu Xiaoshou's face turned pale.

In the smoke and dust, as the huge soles of feet solidified, the calves, thighs, and the whole body connected to the feet also converged from the virtual state to form their true forms.

- Giants!

——One foot stepped through the space first, and then brought the super giant with his whole body!

"Damn it! It's so big?!"

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were split open when he saw it, and the corners of his lips twitched.

Ah Bing and Ah Huo are already huge enough, but at a height of one hundred and fifty feet, in front of the newly debuted super giant, they look like dwarfs, only enough to their waist!

"This is definitely more than three hundred feet, right?

"Damn... a thousand-kilometre giant?"

Xu Xiaoshou put his hand on his forehead and sucked in a cold breath.

"Goose goose goose goose goose..."

"Pump, pound..."

The goose cry of Zhenxu Monument and the heartbeat of the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale are still proceeding in an orderly manner.

On one side, Lei Xi'er also apparently saw the true form of this super giant, and the pupils of the gods and demons stopped spinning for a while.

"Void, Void Servant?"

Xu Xiaoshou turned his head when he heard the sound, and asked incredulously, "Void servant? Is this the Void servant you said?"


"Where is this called 'Servant'? It should be called 'Void General', right?!"

Xu Xiaoshou collapsed.

Such a big Void waiter... He originally thought that "servant" only meant a guard, or a lovely maid, who would have thought that "servant" could be so big!

However, everything on Void Island is so huge.

It seems normal for the Void Servant to be older?


This is not normal at all!

Xu Xiaoshou tried his best to calm himself down, but he still couldn't calm down the symptoms of fear of giants.

He stared blankly at the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor, who only accelerated a little, but still maintained a steady heartbeat rhythm...

"This thing is very useful, it shouldn't be wrong, right?

"That is to say, the arrival of the Void Attendant, perhaps, there is no hostility?"

Tears pondered.

I hope so.

While thinking about it, the Void Servant in front of him, who was several times larger than the white skeleton giant, hummed.

"Sinner... Tears..."

"Sinners... receive God, receive God... eh?"

It suddenly jammed, making Xu Xiaoshou happy, thinking that this has successfully defeated the Void Servant? It really has to be magic!

The next second.

Obviously not as rigid as the Void Servant, who knows how to switch concepts, buzzes:

"Sinner number: 152384...

"And, the sinner number, 800820...

"Please commit crimes, accept the Void quest, and clear the Void Island invaders. The task reward: Void Crystal."

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