I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Battle of the trapped beasts! Honorable Void Isle Sinner!

Void mission?

When Jhin illuminated the white skull, Xu Xiaoshou was a little confused.

Why did you have a mission?

Still taking guilt and making meritorious deeds?

What does this Void Servant mean?

"Who is the invader, and what is this void crystal?"

Glancing at the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor, he found that his heartbeat was still normal, indicating that the Void Attendant was not playing tricks on people, but that he was releasing a mission. Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but ask.


The Void Attendant didn't respond, and as soon as he pointed it, two golden streamers shot out.

Xu Xiaoshou's scalp felt numb in an instant, and just as he was about to hide, he found that there was no prompt such as "under attack" in the information bar, and the Holy Emperor Dragon Scale did not have any faster heartbeat.

"It's not an attack..."

He stopped Lei Xi'er from trying to resist, for fear of causing misunderstanding by the super giant.

The golden light flew by, and when it approached, it turned into a speck and dissipated.

At the same time, in Xu Xiaoshou and Lei Xi'er's mind, the specific information of the mission released by the Void Servant appeared together.

"Task name: Clear the intruders."

"Task object: Intruder, Spirit Refinement Void Realm."

"Mission introduction: The intruder from the Void Island stole the holy fruit from the Pesticide Garden of the Forest God of Miracles. After being discovered, he tried to escape. The Void Servant dealt a devastating blow. Now the intruder is in a weak state."

"Mission order: Erase."

"Mission level: ordinary level."

"Quest reward: Void Crystal*2."

Taking a quick glance, Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the "Goose Goose Goose" Zhenxu Monument in Ah Huo's hand, and suddenly realized something.

So, Void Island is really a big prison?

The Void Servant is equivalent to the "Warden".

Those who can leave their names on the Zhenxu monument become serious "Void Island Sinners", protected by the Void Attendant, except that they don't know when they will be executed, they generally won't die if they don't commit suicide.

And those who can't keep their names become intruders, and once discovered, they are directly obliterated.

If there is a Void Island sinner at the obliteration scene, the Void Servant will hand over this obliteration operation to the Void Island sinner in the form of a task.

Can the sentence be commuted after completion?

Or get some supplies that circulate in the big prison of Void Island? currency?

For example, Void Crystal?

Thinking this way, Xu Xiaoshou felt that the overall structure was clear.

The Void Island rules that were not clearly stated in the Zhenxu Tablet before, perhaps, are the rules of the game in prisons!

"Holy Miracle Fruit?"

On one side, Lei Xi'er on the ice blue and white skeleton head exclaimed in surprise after she also understood all this.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but look around, and soon found the little information that the mission content had inadvertently revealed.

Forest of Miracles, God's Pesticide Garden, Holy Miracle Fruit...

Yes, I just came here, and I smelled a faint medicinal fragrance, which is the smell of this holy miracle fruit?

"Holy Miracle Fruit, why is Azi so familiar?" Xu Xiaoshou frowned and thought.

Lei Xi'er's eyes were full of surprise at this time, she turned her head and said in shock: "This is a fruit that can make people born under the semi-sacred sea, and the holy power is born in the sea of ​​​​qi. It is invaluable, but in ancient times. It's gone."

At this point, Xu Xiaoshou remembered.

After being proficient in cooking and rising to the throne level, among the many ingredients that have never been seen or heard in his mind, there is one called "Sacred Miracle Fruit".

"Holy miracle fruit, milky white, powerful in energy, about the size of a human head, sweet in taste, can be used as desserts, picked from the holy miracle tree, and cannot last for a long time. A holy miracle tree can bear up to nine fruits in a lifetime."

After recalling this information, Xu Xiaoshou's eyes flashed with white fire.

His eyes are hot!

Holy Miracle Fruit, Holy Medicine!

This is simply incomparable with his current state - only lack of high-quality elixir, not lack of Tao, insight.

"If I get this holy miracle fruit, I can't say that after I eat it, my cultivation will be able to directly break through to the master yin-yang realm and the star worship realm."

"If you eat nine in a row, you won't be able to touch the realm of the throne!"

The heartbeat of Saint Emperor Dragonscale did not speed up, but Xu Xiaoshou thought that his heart beat faster.

And there are…

The holy miracle fruit can only be picked from the holy miracle tree, and it will not last for a long time, so the Void Servant mentioned the God Pesticide Garden again.

In other words, did the intruder invaded the God Pesticide Garden and picked the holy miracle fruit from the holy miracle tree?

In this way, if there is no accident, there are still holy miracle fruits in the Shenpesticide Garden...

Besides, a medicine garden is called "medicine garden", so can only one sacred tree be planted?

Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyes and looked at the Void Attendant, and asked eagerly: "Master Void Attendant, may I ask if this God Pesticide Garden is in... ahem, is it big? I suspect that there are many intruders, maybe you came out with me, Someone else has invaded there!"

Tears: ? ? ?

How dare you!

And ask the Void Servant?

You really are thinking about the whole piece of the medicine garden!

"Worried, passive value, +1."

The Void Servant did not respond positively, buzzing: "Sinner number 800802, please carry out the mission."

Xu Xiaoshou sighed in his heart, really can't figure it out?

But after thinking about it, thinking about the Shenpesticide Garden is definitely not going to work now, it's better to complete the mission of the Void Servant and hand over the warden first.

Back to the mission itself...

"Lord Void Attendant, this intruder is in the Great Void Realm. I am only the Grand Master Celestial Vision Realm. Are you serious about this task level being ordinary?"

Xu Xiaoshou swallowed his saliva and looked scared on the surface, but in fact he thought of the mission reward, Void Crystal.

Although I don't know what this is, but killing one Taixu can only get two void crystals, this must be a good thing!

Can't you give me more?

The Void Servant paused for a moment: "Sinner number 800802, please carry out the mission."

Xu Xiaoshou remained calm, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at the Dragon Scale of the Holy Emperor. Seeing that there was no danger, he continued to speak:

"Void Servant, I think, this quest level should be mentioned above.

"Of course, I didn't do it for quest rewards, but I simply thought that this quest was actually quite dangerous, after all, the intruder is too vain.

"I definitely want to complete the task. Your task level has gone up. Reward these, just follow the task level, and you don't need to give me extra rewards."

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were sincere, and he wondered whether this Void Servant's intelligence was high, and whether he could hear what he meant.

Lei Xi'er on the side was already stunned.

Is this a bargain?

"Worried, passive value, +1."

The Void Attendant's tone became impatient, and he said heavily: "Sinner number 800802, please execute the mission immediately!"

Not answering?

The Holy Emperor Dragon Scale still didn't have a faster heartbeat, Xu Xiaoshou pondered for a while, and then said:

"Lord Void Attendant, I didn't commit any crimes outside, but I was accidentally killed by a traitor and sent to this Void Island. Actually, I'm a good person..."

"I'm new here, and I don't know the rules of this Void Island. Can you tell me how the quest level is roughly graded?

"And this void crystal, what's the use?"

Xu Xiaoshou looks like a very curious baby, and his mind is full of 100,000 whys.

"You are so flattering."

Lei Xi'er couldn't bear to look at her face any longer, she said through voice transmission.

"This is called a gentleman."

Xu Xiaoshou didn't turn his head back, and he also said, "If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, we must know something. This servant of the void looks like he has developed limbs and is very smart. Maybe he can set up information."

Tears: "..."

"Worried, passive value, +1."

At this moment, the dragon scale of the Holy Emperor suddenly jumped violently.

"Pump! Pump!"

"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiao was startled, but saw that the Void Servant stopped talking to him, but turned his head and looked in the direction of Lei Xi'er.

"Sinner number 152384, another task is now issued..."

Damn it!

Xu Xiaoshou panicked instantly.

Isn't this the task of giving Lei Xi'er the task of obliterating herself?

"Wait a minute!"

He jumped up to stop him, and after attracting the attention of the Void Attendant, he said righteously, "Lord Void Attendant, where is the intruder you mentioned, I want to solve it now!"

Tears: "..."

Void Servant: "..."


No more words, the Void Attendant was extremely impatient, and when he moved his feet, there was a corpse-like figure in the cracked ground below.


Shuang Dui saw the sun again, and looked up at the sky with incomparable anger.

In this way, he has been smashed by the Void Servant many times, and only by dividing his attributes can he survive.

At this time, the pain became numb and could no longer trigger any emotional changes in Shuangdu.

But just now at the foot of the Void Attendant, listening to the conversation between the sinner number 800820 above and the Void Attendant, he was really angry.

"I, became a trade item?"

The sinner tried to use his ugly face to get more and trade more. The Void Servant might not be able to hear it because of his lack of intelligence. How could Shuangdao not hear it?

He widened his eyes, wanting to see what that **** looked like.

Take a look...

"Xu, Xiaoshou?"

Although Xu Xiaoshou was far above the tall white skeleton giant.

But how could Shuangdao forget this face?

In the Holy Spirit Continent, this face was his only hope before he obtained the Holy Miracle Fruit.

For the junior grandmaster, the human head can exchange three sticks of incense for canonization resources, which is rare for thousands of years!

"It turned out to be you!"

Shuangdai reluctantly regained some mobility, and immediately took out the medicinal pill and swallowed it, then differentiated and aggregated, and stood up.

Look back.

At this time, after Xu Xiaoshou accepted the "Void Mission", the Void Attendant stopped hitting him, and he didn't seem to intend to interfere in the battle between the two sides.

It crossed its arms and stepped back for a long distance, looking at the battlefield with great interest, like a warden who has been bored for thousands of years, and finally saw that there is activity in his own prison.

"Hope to live!"

Shuangdu's eyes regained some light.

As long as the Void Attendant doesn't take action, the little grandmaster, even if the means are monstrous, can he capsize in the gutter? !

"It turned out to be you..."

On Jhin Zhao's head of White Skull Ah Huo, Xu Xiaoshou looked at the bloodbath below, and was also shocked.

Shuangdai, Sanxiangxiang's gold-medal hunter, wanted his head in the Holy Spirit Continent. The information was obtained by reading his soul memory before he slaughtered his fellow killer.

"My dear, there is no need for the Void quest. If you really want to know that it is you, I will just go up with a sword." Xu Xiaoshou shook his head and laughed, and immediately took out the Yan Python and You Si Jian.

"Who is he?" Lei Xi'er's demon eyes twirled, and she asked cautiously, this is too imaginary, even if it is weak now, it should not be easy to kill.

"An enemy."

"Really want to kill?"

"Must kill!"

Xu Xiaoshou smiled.

In the deep sea world, he had looked for this duo, but unfortunately he didn't find it.

In normal times, if Shuangdu is in full bloom, maybe he will turn around and leave.

But this guy has obviously been killed by the Void Servant to the point where his combat power is barely 10%. If he still can't win it, isn't he worthy of the name of the Grandmaster Tianxiang?

"The sinner's number is 800802, the sinner's number is 152384, please execute the task immediately!"

Behind, the super giant Void Servant standing with his chest folded can't wait, he urged.

Shuang Dao heard the sound, remembered the bargaining made by Xu Xiaoshou just now, turned his head sharply, and looked at the Void Servant.

"Lord Void Servant, I'm an intruder now, but if I kill this Void Island sinner, is it considered a crime, and is it qualified enough to join the ranks of Void Island sinners?"

When he was chased and killed, Shuang Dao didn't think of it at all, and he could also theorize...

But the appearance of Xu Xiaoshou undoubtedly brought light to him.

It's still possible!

Shuangdai knew that if he couldn't get the guarantee of the Void Attendant, even if he killed the two people in front of him, he would still be buried in the hands of the Void Attendant in the end.

"She, no."

The Void Servant pondered for a long time, his eyes passed Lei Xi'er, and finally fell on Xu Xiaoshou, as if he hadn't spoken normally for a long time, he said intermittently: "But he can, you can kill him, you can replace him, his sinner number."

Xu Xiaoshou: ? ? ?

"Good guy!"

Seeing that he kept asking so many questions, the Void Attendant didn't respond. Shuangdai just said this.

Is this serious?

What about the kingship of Void Island? You're making a mess, aren't you!

Lei Xi'er was also stunned.

Sure enough, even the Void Servant can't stand Xu Xiaoshou's nagging, right?

Using the hands of the invaders to obliterate the sinners of the Void Island?

"Void Island sinner, how can you be so good? You can't even put your name on the Zhenxu monument!" Xu Xiaoshou looked at Shuangdao with a sneer.

Forget the Holy Spirit Continent, come to the Void Island, you still want to borrow my head?

"A Bing, A Huo, fight him!"

No more time for double stay, Xu Xiaoshou directly ordered.

When the words fell, he carried his two swords and jumped down from Ah Huo's head.

In the process of leaping, he also took along the Zhenxu Monument that was screaming "goose goose".

It took a lot of effort to move here.

Zhenxu Monument Zhenxu Monument…

If it wasn't for the suppression of Taixu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com it's name would be meaningless!

"Lei Xi'er, find a chance to control him, give it to you, and control me to death if you have a chance!"

Xu Xiaoshou didn't plan to fight alone.

He has the double-ah of the three-ah lineup, and he can also form a three-control combination with Lei Xi'er and Greedy God. Wouldn't he be able to beat the water dog together?

What kind of gentleman's war is going on, then it's pure sickness.


The greedy **** appeared, and in confusion, he flew to the mistress first.


The battle begins.

After the sound of the sword cry, the black sword light flew away first.

As soon as he entered the field, Xu Xiaoshou used four swords.

Not to mention that Shuangdao is in a weak state now, even if he is in his prime, as long as he is cut by four swords, it is estimated that he will have to finish the game.


Xu Xiaoshou knew that he was only a master.

But the reason why he dared to be so stubborn is because all the equipment and skills on him exist for the purpose of leapfrogging.

No matter how hard it is to kill, everyone will die.

You double-dumb, can you be more difficult to die than Yi?

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