I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Blast flow! The most miserable under the half-holy!

"What are you kidding?

"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?!"

The black sword energy slashed, and Shuang Dui was furious.

He was so dignified that he was reduced to the point where not even a grandmaster looked at him and wanted to beat the underdog.

At the end of Taixu's force, it's your little master, can you fight it?


The palms clasped together, with a super high response, when the four swords were slashed by the sword qi, Shuang Dui's body was divided into two, and the two ends of the sword qi flashed alternately.

Not to mention anything else, is Tai Xu's fighting consciousness comparable to that of a grandmaster?

It's true that Xu Xiaoshou is strong with four swords, and he can attack damage regardless of the realm gap.

But his movements, in his eyes, were as slow as a baby holding a sword.

Shuang stayed thinking, if he can be slashed by four swords once, he will lose! The price is dead!

"Death to me!"

The body turned into a streamer, and the double stay and the differentiated second clone rushed forward at the same time.

As they ran, their hands suddenly shone with golden light, turning into four golden three-edged thorns.


This tie contains a high concentration of the power of the Golden Dao.

As long as it hits the target, it can instantly destroy the target's sea of ​​qi, causing the spirit energy to be disordered in the lightest, and the person dying on the spot in the worst case.

Not surprisingly, as long as Xu Xiaoshou was hit with this skill of his own, the grandmaster and junior would definitely not have suffered a minor injury!

"So fast…"

Two golden streamers flew over, and Xu Xiaoshou's pupils shrank suddenly.

Fortunately, he has the "agile" reaction of the throne level, otherwise, if another grandmaster comes, I am afraid that no matter how strong the combat power is, he will not be able to capture the speed of the Taixu level of Shuangdao.

Xu Xiaoshou admitted that he underestimated the other party...

When killing Yi, he was restrained by Inorganic Ancestor. When killing Jinzu and Xiao Ren, he had the help of the forbidden law enchantment in the deep sea world.

It is true that these Taixu died in the end, but the process cannot be ignored, and they all have the right time and place.

Xu Xiaoshou originally thought that the same was true for Shuangdai.

After all, this guy was smashed by the Void Servant, and when he appeared on the stage, he had to rely on the Void Servant to take the initiative to move the soles of his feet...

But the reality is not!

Even if Shuangdao is at the end of the road, a trace of spiritual energy in the sea of ​​qi can still break out terrifying combat power.

In addition, there is no forbidden enchantment here at all, and there is no deterrence of the inorganic ancestors, which makes him constrained everywhere.

As long as you squeeze the last trace of spiritual energy and stimulate some potential, Shuangdu can also exert 60-70% of its peak combat power.


"That's all!"

Xu Xiaoshou never retreated.

He is also thinking, if the double-duty attack can break through his own defense, then the body of the throne that he has strengthened with so many passive values, as well as the various passive skills, will be regarded as feeding the dog!

What's more, in the face of this spiritual skill, he didn't just use his physical body to resist this path.

"The force field is within reach!"

With four swords swirling, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but reveal the awakening technique of all-round attack and defense.

Since it is possible to avoid the double-duty attack, even as a killer, this guy can't make a single blow, and there is definitely a way to counterattack.

Then he will completely cut his back, and fight with the force field close at hand. If you can get close, count me as a loser!


After the invisible force field was close to the body, countless sword lights burst out in an instant, shutting out the "juelingzha".

Between the electric light and flint, the three-edged thorn and the sword qi clashed countless times.

"What number of ways?"

Shuangdu was stunned by this bizarre spiritual skill, but during the battle, he couldn't think about it at all.

Since you are defending, then I will force it!

"Golden Buddha body!"

The moment they were bounced off by the force field, the two Shuangdu drank out of thin air at the same time, and then the whole body was covered with indestructible golden scales.


Like the ringing of a Hong bell, the mental attack attached to the golden Buddha's body exploded in Xu Xiaoshou's mind.

"Dizzy! How do you guard against it?"

The corners of his lips lifted, he knew that Void Island had a strange suppressing power on Ling Yuan, so when the last move was launched, he called Ling Yuan and waited for the second combo at this time.

At this time, the little master, under the mental attack of the golden Buddha body, which is enough to affect Tai Xu, can recover without a breath?

And the battle is to be won and lost, why does it take so long?

Moment is enough!

"The head on your item is mine!"

Shuangdu grinned, relying on the defensive power of the golden Buddha body, it was necessary to forcefully break through the force field.

No one knows how valuable Xu Xiaoshou's head is.

"Stunned, passive value, +1."

Brain stunned.

Mental Awakening Triggered.

Xu Xiaoshou recovered in an instant, and in his pupils, the two golden statues that looked like Buddhas enlarged.

"God Demon Eye, open!"

Behind him, a coquettish shout sounded at the right time.

At the same time, at the feet of Xu Xiaoshou and Shuangdao, a white flower on the other side was blooming.

Lei Xi'er never let down her guard.

This time the opponent is too empty, how can she not go all out?

Shuangdu's mental dizziness is a joke under the autonomous defense mechanism of Shenmotong.

After realizing that Xu Xiaoshou might be charged, she immediately chose to take control.

At the same time that the power of the left eye blesses Xu Xiaoshou, the power of the demonic nature of the right eye ignites the double stay in the air... If you don't say which one is the real body, then click on it!

"Purified, passive value, +1."

The holy light of divinity bathed down. At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou only felt spiritual clarity, and even his reaction power more than doubled.

As far as the eyes can see, the two Buddhas who had just been blindly dazed. At this moment, their bodies were stained with demonic energy, and there was hesitation in their eyes, and even their actions were slightly delayed.

"Stupid, mental attack doesn't work for me at all, just control this guy."

Xu Xiaoshouxin said that this is the lack of tacit cooperation, which caused Lei Xier to waste some more power.

However, in the battle situation, there is no way to say more... This is the understanding of Shuangdu.

Xu Xiaoshou directly transmitted Lei Xi'er: "In the future, in the battle situation, you don't need to worry about my mental attack. Your brother and I are invincible."

Tears: ? ? ?

Are you really fighting?

Don't waver!

"Want my head?"

After the sound transmission was completed, Xu Xiaoshou looked at Shuangdao, and the corners of his lips became more sarcastic.

He turned four swords and stepped on his feet, and his body seemed to be behind the two golden Buddhas.

"West wind, withering snow."


Four swords were sheathed, and frost fell from the sky.

Behind the two golden Buddha bodies, a circle of black sword energy exploded around their necks.

"Hey, sigh!"

No popping, no lag.

Tai Xu's spiritual skill, the Golden Buddha's body, had a strong defense, but Xu Xiaoshou didn't want to use other means to forcibly break the defense.

A sword is enough.

The fierce sword has four swords, cutting iron like mud, cutting Buddha like slaughtering a dog!


Screams sounded.

In just the moment of being controlled by the tears Xi'er, the battle was already resolved.

The two Shuangdu covered their necks in pain at the same time, and their bodies suddenly burst into endless demonic energy. If Fei Jianxiu was slashed by four swords, he would definitely go into the devil.

"No, this guy can't die yet..."

After Xu Xiaoshou received the sword, he stroked the hair in front of his forehead, and carried out the finishing technique to the end.

But in the next second, he reacted, Shuangdao still can't die, this guy still has too many secrets in his mind.

If you don't read it with your soul, how can you know the location of the Shenpesticide Garden?


Ah Jie is no longer there, so he can't help to devour the demonic energy.

But Xu Xiaoshou didn't panic. He still had second-hand preparations. As soon as the gluttonous beast's head opened behind him, he suddenly swallowed the two golden Buddhas who were covering their necks and screaming in pain.

"Indole, indole."

With two crisp sounds, Ling Yuan came over.

Xu Xiaoshou felt numb, couldn't help but "uh" and groaned.

This pure Taixu Lingyuan makes his already wealthy Qihai Lingyuan inventory, the icing on the cake.

But I thought that feasting would only swallow up all the energy forms in Shuangdai, but I never thought, "perceived" what I saw, the two Shuangdai who had gone crazy behind them were swallowed by the gluttonous beast head...

It's gone!

"All dead?"

Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback, this is impossible!

It is impossible to eat people by feasting, only energy substances.

That is to say...

These two double-dumbs are all formed from energy substances?

"Divine power? Demonic power?!"

In the distance, at the position where the Void Servant raised his foot, a horrified sound rang out, and Shuang Du looked at Lei Xi'er in disbelief.

"How do you have such power?"

Xu Xiaoshou looked sideways, his heart suddenly felt.

Sure enough, it is impossible for these gou killers to make themselves completely close, right?

In other words, the two double-dumbs who came from the raid just now are all clones?

"Impossible, it's impossible..."

Outside of the battlefield, there was only a ray of differentiation energy left before, and now the double-duty, who has returned to the body, has been frightened and can no longer be added.

He just tried it out.

Xu Xiaoshou really lived up to the reputation of the black gold reward, and his combat power was even higher.

In addition to that strange spiritual skill, there are four swords combined with the fierce sword, and it is impossible to win in a short period of time.

But what shocked Shuangdai the most was not Xu Xiaoshou, but the silver-haired woman who had been controlling the field.

"Strange eyes, weird abilities..."

"Tears' pupils?"

Shuangdao panicked at the thought of this.

This pair of combinations, don't say that they are in a weak state now.

In the heyday, a little careless, may capsize in the gutter.

But now, if the two of them can't be eliminated in an instant, if the battle situation drags on, his Qi Hailing Yuan will not be able to support it at all.

"damn it…"

Shuangdao wanted to run away.

It's a killer instinct, and intuition.

At this moment, he may not be able to beat these two young people.

But the Void Servant was standing behind his chest, jokingly watching, it was impossible for people to run away!

In this case...

"Can't delay!"

"Holy Force!"


Shuangdu raised his hands, and the holy fruit was born in the sea of ​​​​air, and was consumed by the battle with the void servant. At this moment, the holy power recovered by delaying time suddenly bloomed.


In an instant, the ground collapsed, and a heavy half-sacred might covered it.

Xu Xiaoshou bent his knees and felt the pressure of facing Jiang Buyi, but it was not as unshakable as before.

On the contrary, the pressure of this holy force looks great, but its power is very small.

It was so small that it was like an ordinary spiritual master who had just swallowed the holy blood and started to radiate power.

Of course, this is also terrifying.

It's just commonplace for Xu Xiaoshou, who often fights with Taixu such as the Six Radicals and has experience swallowing holy blood.

"Is this the role of the Holy Miracle Fruit?"

Despite this, Xu Xiaoshou still looked hot.

He has a lot of holy blood, from different demigods.

But to be able to master holy power without holy blood, and to grow by itself over time—how many people dream of this?


Did not come forward directly.

Actually, Xu Xiaoshou didn't want to waste holy energy on this desperate Shuangdai, so he summoned A Bing.

The quirky rules of the Void Island were suppressed, so that A Bing had a long time to use his skills to move forward and then stretch.

But from the very beginning of the battle, A Bing was singing.

At this time, its "forbidden spell" seemed to take shape.

"Three-day Frozen Tribulation!"

With a flip of his hand, in order to cooperate with A Bing, Xu Xiaoshou even summoned the body of Frozen Tribulation for three days.

At this moment, the frost turned into flying snow, and the ground froze.

Inside and outside the battlefield, the ancient forest turned into an ice sculpture, and even the Void Servant was stunned, and then devoured the ice energy that had attacked him.



Under the tears, the ice blue and white skeleton A Bing finally let out a low growl.

As the energy overflowed, an ice-type mysterious spiritual formation spread out under its feet.

As far as the eye can see…

From Ah Bing to Shuangdai, even under the suppression of holy power, dozens of ice-type mysterious spiritual formations suddenly lit up along the way, as if the profound meanings were on the road to sainthood!


Double dumbfounded.

Profound Spiritual Array?

Xu Xiaoshou didn't grasp the profound meaning, and neither did the silver-haired girl.

But their mounts, mastered? ? ?

"This is a bunch of perverts!"

Double stay is going crazy.

But his madness has not yet turned into a real attack.

Under the blessing of the three-day freezing tribulation, the energy of the brightly lit ice-type mysterious spirit formations expanded to the extreme.

"Ice Age!"

A Bing couldn't speak, Xu Xiaoshou stood leaning on his sword and said indifferently... He likes this kind of time, he doesn't need to do anything, just speak.

The voice fell.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The terrifying ice explosion sounded for dozens of miles, and the ancient forest in the battlefield was completely covered by frost.

Even the Void Servant, who was watching the battle, turned into an ice crystal giant at this moment because it was too late to swallow a large amount of ice energy.


The world is frozen.

The shattered trees stagnated in mid-air, and the dust that had been blown up condensed in nine days.

And at the center of the frost storm, the double-daze of half-sacred coercion permeated the whole body, and it was completely frozen before it was time to vent the power that had just been obtained.


A special voice from Jhin Zhao Baiyan sounded.


In the next second, Jhin Zhao Bai Skull Ah Huo beat his chest with excitement.

It is not affected by the power of frost in the slightest. If he can't get involved in the battle for so long, Ah Huo is already hungry and thirsty.

Now that this enemy is not with the master, it finally doesn't have to worry about it, one punch will knock everyone out.


Knee sharply.

Ah Huo was like a giant cannonball, blazing white flames under his feet, and punching Shuangdu in the state of ice sculpture with a punch.

"Break it for me!"

The freezing power of the Ice Element Profound Truth is extremely strong, but the Holy Power is not a vain name.

In just half a breath, Shuangdai broke free from the freezing of the ice element and completely shattered the ice sculpture.

But just as his vision returned to light from the darkness, a huge fist with a blazing fire completely dyed the world in front of him white.

"This Nima..."

Double dumbfounded.

At one point he even recalled the fear of being dominated by the Void.

Because the fist in front of you, from a human perspective, is no different from the sole of the Void Servant!



Super big!


With a fist raised, time seems to be slowing down in front of this absolute power.

Shuang Du only feels that the world in front of you is distorting...

His eyeballs were so stressed that they almost didn't fly out of their sockets; his teeth fell off, and he flew out of the blurry world with blood; his body was smashed into pieces, his elbows collapsed, and he got stuck between his heart and lungs...

"I'm fuckin' **** it!"

In the quiet world of consciousness, Shuangdu became confused and hesitant.

He doesn't understand.

Is Xu Xiaoshou really a master?

The slashing combat power written on the black gold reward has really been considered?

It's just that he is so strong, and the little girlfriend also has tears. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Leijiatong is just that, the two of them are giants even their mounts.

That's all for a giant. One who masters the profound meaning of ice, and the other possesses physical power, is more terrifying than anything he has ever seen in his life...not weaker than Void Servant at all!


The power of the semi-sacred has just appeared, and it has not had time to show its power.

After Ah Huo punched, Shuang Da was blasted from the ground and turned into a fleshy mud and sprinkled into the sky.

"Monkey Monkey!"

At the end of the battle, Ah Huo was so excited like a monkey, he turned his head and jumped, dancing towards Xu Xiaoshou.

look at me look at me!

One punch will smash the opposite side, is it strong?

Praise me, praise me!


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