I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 325: I'll cut off your meat slices, okay?


   Xu Xiaoshou hit the ground with one knee.

The violent energy in    dissipated like a low tide, and only a little primitive tyrannical desire was left hanging on him, making him still barely maintain the state of a golden giant.

"this is……"

   In the world of **** eyes, there is finally a hint of clarity at this moment.

  Xu Xiaoshou saw the broken slabs of the earth, the collapsed old street buildings, and the most eye-catching huge pit in front of it, reaching a depth of several tens of meters!

   His heart beats, and his memory floods.

   The battle after turning into a violent giant was completely motivated by the most primitive destruction and the subconscious self-protection under the red dog's "sky thorn".

   But looking at it like this now, does it seem to be overprotected?

   "Broken pot?"

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his left hand, where the golden light was still strayed, like a **** of war when he came, and forced Wushuang away.

   The state of incomparableness and incomprehensibility in his memory also deeply affected him.

   Even though he was weak at this time, Xu Xiaoshou still supported the ground and stood up.

   Giant, don't let your knees bend!

   kept getting up, even though it was the second time to start the violent giant posture, Xu Xiaoshou was still taken aback by his height.

   This state is not the altitude of the flight, but standing alone is enough to be proud of the people.

   A bird’s-eye view from top to bottom, there is a sense of watching from heaven, overlooking the common people.

   is very strange.

   Xu Xiaoshou's attention was not attracted by this little surprise.

   Most of his thoughts are on the matter of himself "can turn on the violent giant and keep his consciousness clear".

   "Is there resistance?"

   This is the second time the "Strong" awakening effect has been activated. Although it is still out of control at the beginning, it can regain sanity at the end.

   Compared to before, it is considered a great improvement.

   According to this development, this "violent giant" may open two or three times more by himself, and it is impossible to master it perfectly!

   When the time comes, cooperate with the "burst attitude"...

   Xu Xiaoshou doesn't need to imagine that power anymore. As far as he can see, it is the scars left by the "Ember Destroying Qi Bead".

  Even the earth was blasted out of the pit. If you don’t look closely, you can even think that it is a cliff growing on the old street!

   Such force majeure that can destroy the heavens and the earth has greatly exceeded the realm of ordinary masters.

   Throne, it seems that it can be killed on the spot?

   Xu Xiaoshou shook his head, trying to keep clear.

   His judgment is not necessarily accurate, Throne, he has never killed him after all. I don’t know what effect this gas ball will have.

   Such an attack, can the red dog be beaten into a dead dog and sent directly to the underworld?

   He looked at the cliff ahead.

   The boundary is swaying, and there is endless smoke rolling in front of it.

   However, Xu Xiaoshou "perceived" directly into it, and saw the red dog lying in the pit, lying in the mottled blood, and the water secreted from under the ground.

In the picture sent by   , the red dog's body is fragmented, and the tattered face is even more unbearable, and it is completely unclear.

   There were black stains and pits on his body, and the big wounds were directly burnt, and the blood scabs were all seen.

   And in some small skin cracks, bloodshots are constantly oozing out, which is very shocking.


   Xu Xiaoshou felt relieved, he was totally unable to perceive even a trace of life from the red dog.

   Also, this kind of injury, even if he had gone with the "prosperity", it is estimated that he would still not be able to recover.

   Passive skills, which are effective when the game screen is still colorful.

   is really going to be sent back to the blood pool, what kind of spiritual skills, passive skills, how could it be useful?


   Xu Xiaoshou exhaled deeply, too tired.

   This battle is almost hollowing out his whole person.

   is like absolute powerlessness after orgasm, the golden light on his body will shatter with a tremor.

   However, in the next second, the violent giant shook suddenly and solidified again.

   At the same time, Xu Xiaoshou's complexion changed drastically and was inexplicably shocked.


   The red dog that looked like a corpse turned around one hundred and eighty degrees!

   Between the abnormally miserable faces, a pair of excited, **** eyes were cracked, and the pupils trembled, as if some creature was about to come out.


   He first took a squirt of blood, and sprayed out all the visceral foreign objects blocking the throat, and then the heavenly breath on his body was rich.

   his body grew wildly, his injuries recovered.

   "Ha, ha ha ha ha..."

   The red dog twisted his neck, his neck clicked, and after barely taking back the right to move his head, he grinned his teeth and looked crazy.

   "Xu Xiaoshou...Hahaha, Xu Xiaoshou!"

   "You are so awesome!" he growled.

   "I never thought that it was a congenital, no, the body of a master..."

   He tilted his neck and looked confused, "But even if it is calculated according to the power of the master, how can you cross a whole realm and beat me like this?"

   "Awesome, you are even more interesting than the black snake before you die!"


   While talking, he moved his body, and then stood up.

   The red dog held his face, rubbed his face, looking memorial.

   "Do you know how she died?"

   "No, do you know how she trained me before she died?"

   He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Haha, in order to train me to be the top killer, he broke my veins, destroyed my spiritual roots, and took my face..."

"Ah ha ha……"

   "He is just like you, playing me like a dead dog, and in the end, I, who was nurtured with the top hatred, used a hundred times more cruel ways to respond to her!"

   Red Dog walked towards Xu Xiaoshou, while cutting his chest open with his fingers.

   The ring on his body had already shattered in the terrifying explosion.

  A killer without a dagger, or a killer?

   How can you talk about torturing the enemy?

   The red dog put his hand into his chest and took out a blood-colored bead from it.

   Lingyuan shot, turned into a knife thin as a cicada's wings.

   With a perverted smile on his face, trembling lips, and staggering, he came to Xu Xiaoshou.

   Xu Xiaoshou's whole person is trembling~www.ltnovel.com~ This guy is a pervert, a real psychological and physical perversion.

  This kind of guy has encountered extreme pain in his lifetime, and no amount of pain may be enough to make him die directly.

   The power of the heavens involved in the throne killed him, and the vigorous realm cultivation level repaired his physical body, stupefied to restore it to the point where he could fight again.

   But... Is this still a human?

   This is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten!

   Xu Xiaoshou wants to turn back, wants to retreat.

   But he is already weak.

   just maintained the posture of the golden giant, it was all his strength, facing the approach of the red dog, he could not even reach out to parry.

   "Want to know the pain I have just suffered?"

   The red dog came in front of the golden giant, his height could only reach the position of the giant's calf.

   slapped the knife with his hand, he took a deep breath of fresh air and looked up, his expression suddenly solemn.

   "You are too high, and I can't fly anymore. In this way, I will cut off your slices of meat until I see your real person."



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