I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 326: According to legend, there is one type of boxing method that descends from the sky...


   After asking the question himself, before giving Xu Xiaoshou time to reply, the red dog screamed.

   He laughed, his hands instantly turned into an afterimage, and the cicada wing knife fluttered and directly chopped Xu Xiaoshou's golden giant's calf.

   "Boom boom boom——"

   A resounding sound tried to explode him.

   However, is it the first time for the Red Dog to fight Xu Xiaoshou?

  , who had already known the attributes of this golden giant, had left a bit of strength to resist the counter shock.

   With the roaring sound, the red dog's hand was not dull at all, and it did not even show up. The knife was swung thousands of times in an instant, directly smashing the golden giant's calf.

   "Under attack, passive value, +1."

   "Under attack, passive value, +1."


   The information bar was frantically swiping the screen this time, but Xu Xiaoshou didn't feel excited or excited at all.

   This is not in Heilaoya.

   There, facing those sword lights, he still has the power to protect himself.

   As long as it can't hold it, it can be retreated.

   The Red Dog’s attack was completely uninterrupted.

   didn't give him a chance to buffer at all, just to smash his calf!


   Even if Xu Xiaoshou suffered from the anxious pain of Jinzhao Tianyan, he still couldn't help hissing and screaming in the face of such a torture of thousands of swords.

   There was a bang, the golden light exploded, and the violent giant finally ceased to exist.

   The giant form was created by the expansion of Xu Xiaoshou's body. Chopping up the giant is equivalent to cutting up Xu Xiaoshou.

   But fortunately, the violent giant has more power of heaven and earth, and its defense attributes are stronger.

   After the body of the giant that had resisted most of the damage exploded, Xu Xiaoshou's body suddenly shrank, but the scar on his calf did not cause him to retreat and break.


   But the Red Dog suddenly raised his head, watching Xu Xiaoshou fall from the sky excitedly.

   At this moment, the cicada-wing knife he held high was just like the “sky thorn” of the time!

   Overclocking attacks that the violent giants can't handle, how can the body of the Grand Master resist?

   This landing, I am afraid that people will be chopped into powder by this abnormal dead dog in an instant!

   "Wow, it's okay to have a throne, damn, it's still a lunatic!"

   Xu Xiaoshou is also crazy!

   Even though he was already weak at this time and fell, he still bit his tongue fiercely, and stimulated himself with the help of the nearly broken tongue.

   Right arm moved slightly.

  At this moment, time seems to be slow.

   The red dog's constricted pupils were close in front of him, and his death invitation-like knife seemed to be carved into his heart.

   Xu Xiaoshou's consciousness suddenly sank into the Yuan Palace.

   In the Yuan Palace, a cat is paralyzed, a soul source stands upright, and the one that stands forever above the chaos...

  Red interface!

  "Passive Fist (Charge Value: 3.18%).

   Even if it is the attack of the Red Dog, even if it is the incarnation of a violent giant, even if it is the bursting posture that shoots the Cinder Destroyer Qi Bead, even he himself is affected...

   This charge value has only increased from 3.14% to 3.18%.

   Such a terrifying damage, the increase is only 0.04%.

   Xu Xiaoshou is already unimaginable, this type of passive punch with more than three points of charge value, if it really is to be played, what kind of damage will erupt?

  ——Does self perish?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at the red dog who was laughing sickly under him, and for a moment he felt as if he had entered the state of violent red eyes again, lost his reason, and his eyes were suddenly crazy.

   "Grass mud horse, die to me!!!"


   "Xu Xiaoshou, come on, let you taste the pain too!"

   The red dog grinned his lips to his ears, his eyes were red, hissing and screaming.

   After he mobilized and repaired his physical body, he injected one of the few spirit essences into his throne spirit weapon, the nine spirits!


   After receiving the throne spirit tool nourished by the spirit element, a thick black mist burst out instantly.

   A black ghost flew up on it, wrapped around the arm of the red dog, and then the black light of spiritual skills was released like a moonlight.

   "Ghost Blood·Thousand Stance!"

   He watched Xu Xiaoshou fall, his arms instantly turned transparent, the "Nine Spirits Blade" hidden in the void instantly cut through the space fragments, and countless black lights and shadows whizzed up.

   "Die, die, die!"

   "Master Black Snake...Ahaha, become my human fragments, Xu Xiaoshou!"

   "Hmm...what is this?"

   The light and shadow cut out, but he suddenly saw Xu Xiaoshou's arms explode.

   Between the flesh and the bones, an ordinary fist shadow appeared in front of him.

   It doesn’t have any bizarre posture, and it has never been the same size as the previous violent giant, and it has no light and shadow special effects...

   is like an ordinary adult, facing an ordinary battle, throwing an ordinary to extreme punch.

   Red Dog was horrified.

  What kind of punch can blast the arm of the grandmaster's body into powder by just relying on the energy of the charge before it is approaching or touching?

   Make a joke on Nima!

   He was holding the Throne Spirit Tool and using the Throne Spirit Skill, he cut thousands of knives, but it just cut off a calf of the golden giant.


  Red Dog:? ? ?

   He was enveloped by the breath of death!

   At this moment, he just wants to retreat, just want to avoid this innate edge.

  What **** mission, what Black Snake, how can it be important to live?

   However, everything is too late.

   The inadmissible distance between the two is not even enough for them to stop their bodies from touching each other, and then collapse and fly away.

  Xu Xiaoshou faced the thousands of black ghosts and took them all!

   The red dog looked at the ordinary boxing shadow in front of the bonus face, and swallowed it in amazement!


   Wan Lai is all silent.

   Heaven and earth, as if returning to chaos, the red dog could not hear the sound, but he could clearly see that Xu Xiaoshou's body that was suddenly cut to pieces...

   That twisted face that can't contain pain at all...

   The flesh, skull, and limbs...

   "Black Snake Lord?"

   The red dog suddenly showed ecstasy in his eyes, and the queer, who appeared in his dreamland countless times, appeared again?

   "Are you still here? Are you still here!"

   He suddenly burst into tears, and he wanted to reach out to touch the curvaceous black figure...

   fist, annihilated everything!


   Outside the boundary.


   The sudden heart palpitations made Chongdong's complexion wrinkled.

   The golden torrent was finally forcibly destroyed under the power of his heavenly path, and it would not cause any harm to those nearby who could not escape.

   Taking advantage of this time, everyone backed away again.

   But why, still have this feeling of palpitation?

   "The battle is over?"

   He glanced at the small area on the old street, thought for a while, and walked by.

   Even if the battle is over, as the commander of the Imperial Guard, he still can't let anyone in it leave.

   At this moment~www.ltnovel.com~ an invisible wave suddenly spread out from the realm, and then the realm trembled, and even the cracks did not appear, it exploded directly!


   Chongdong was shocked.

   Losing the boundary, the terrifying energy fluctuations finally leaked out.

   At this moment, the calves of the commander of the Imperial Guard were weakened.

   He flew into the void suddenly, and his urgent roar instantly spread throughout the city.

   "Go back, go back quickly!!!"



   On the old street, a fist shadow landed.

   The building within a radius of ten miles shook fiercely, broke directly off the ground, and was blown up in the air during the blasting!

   Chongdong's face turned pale.

   However, he discovered that this is not over yet!

   He watched the building fly over and the earth cracked.

   The ground is more than ten feet thick and more than ten miles wide, flying straight to the sky!

   Chongdong:? ? ?

   It was as if there was an invisible giant's hand, which slammed into the ground, instantly turning the world upside down and the mountains and rivers retrograde!

   At this moment... Ten miles of vacuum!

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