I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 327: Uncle sloppy

   The number of people floating in the void, a rough sweep, it is estimated that there will be no less than tens of thousands.

   These people were hung upside down by Juli, and they were all stupefied.

  Obviously, he was just walking on the road, and he obviously didn’t see anything, and some even didn’t even eat melons, just like that...


   The isolation of the dual realm, after all, absorbed most of the power.

   But the instant burst intensity of the passive fist is too high.

   Even if Chong Dong spreads his boundary in time, he still cannot protect most people.

   "Am I going to heaven?"

   Someone was surprised, but found out that he couldn't even hear his own voice.

   All the tangible and intangible media in the air are all emptied under this punch!

   Everyone who realized this panicked.

   Even if the earth bears most of the power of the passive fist, they are just shaken off.

   can fall so high...

   Not everyone is a spiritual refiner!


   The moment the vacuum was restored, tens of thousands of exclaims and screams were like magic sounds.

   "Fuck it, I'm afraid it's ten stories high, I've never flew up in my life, this suddenly gave God... vomit!"

   "Commander, help!"

   "Sir Spirit Refiner, save me..."


   Someone called the Guards, some picked up the thighs of the spiritual refiner next to them, and some dragged directly past a nearby cushion...

   In a panic, the flying fragments of the ground finally fell, and tens of thousands of people fell to the ground again.


   At this moment, three phantoms flew over the horizon, one man, one woman and one old man.

   As soon as these three arrived, the dantian flew out of the triple realm, and the realm folded and merged into a vast world, enveloping everyone who was about to land in the blink of an eye.


   The old man with a big sword on his back gave a light slam in his mouth.

   The mantra of Heavenly Dao instantly fixed tens of thousands of people in the void.

   The gravel is suspended, the crowd is turbulent, and the scene is very spectacular.

   The people watching in the distance were stunned.

   This shocking picture, like a **** in the void, inks, and commands a few moments, it is a random outline of the human emotions.

   Panic, restless, admiration, shock...

   all kinds of faces are diverse, and all directions are mixed up.

   Between the loneliness and the void, the old man with the big sword on his back, twisted his fingers, and commanded heaven.

   "Yuan Sandao, Senior Yuan?"

   How many years hasn't this been seen before?

   The throne fought in the city, Yuan Sandao Yuan’s elders, return to the arena?

   Even if it was Chong Dong, the commander of the Imperial Guard, seeing this old man and seeing this picture, he couldn't help being shocked.

   "Old Yuan is really here?"

   "The city lord, this is like a god, he can guess that the wave just broke out. Isn't it the last?"

   He was a little scared for a while, if at this time, the three people he asked for support did not come.

   Or only Qiu Xuan and Liu Jing are here, the situation is much more serious.

   The throne can enlighten the Dao, but not cut the Dao. How can you manipulate the lives of tens of thousands of creatures with your fingers?

   "Save people!"

   Yuan Sandao didn't hesitate, even if it was him, it was no easy task to forcefully freeze this ten-mile space.

   is not a spatial attribute after all, he can do this purely by a strong cultivation base!

   After the order was given, the other three thrones immediately dispersed. One person was in charge of an area, leading the guards, stopping damage in time, and turning over stones to save people.

   Yuan Sandao did not move.

   He looked at the very center of the explosion.

   There is not nothing but a vague surface of space.


   Yuan Sandao frowned.

   In his opinion, the previous power can blow up even the boundary, but the caster has no control over the attack range.

   This means that if you die, that person will also be on the throne.

   is not a cut, how can I interfere with my spiritual thoughts?

   "Does anyone interfere?"

   There is only one explanation left.

At the end of    blasting, maybe even Chongdong didn't notice that someone slipped into the battle scene.

   is still a strong one!

   Yuan Sandao watched the twisted void surface carefully.

   Logically speaking, if you want to cut off the line of sight, the boundary is the best, so why bother?

   Distorted space?

   This is even greater than the consumption of the fixed space!

   "Is it possible that the inside is not a throne, not a realm, but a simple... space attribute powerhouse?"

   Yuan Sandao quickly denied his idea.

  Because he suddenly noticed that on the curved surface of the space, there was an extremely light...

   "Sword Intent?"


   "Are you going to die?"

   Xu Xiaoshou collapsed to the ground, unable to make any movements.

   He seems to have a broken body, but in fact, the inside is blown to pieces by the "passive fist".

   "Endless life" is turning around in death, but the aura of death is getting stronger and stronger.


   He laughed at himself suddenly.

   I didn't expect that at the end of my life, I would die in my hands!

   Yes, a throne-level powerhouse, even the last crazy cut of the Red Dog, still can't kill him on the spot.

   Give time, he can still recover.

   But, don’t give passive punches!

   This punch is too strong, it's not something that he can use at his current level.

   Or, to put it another way...

   This "passive fist", I am so special, I have saved it for too long!

   I thought that a charge value of more than three o'clock would be nothing, but I never thought that it was more than three o'clock that I would kill myself!

   He slowly closed his eyes, and his six senses gradually disappeared.


In the ground below   , the gravel was pushed away, and a body that had been broken for most of it stood up.

   What kind of person is that!

   He can't even be called a human anymore.

   The right arm and the whole body were blown to pieces, and even the skull was blown off by half, and the remaining body joints were slumped at will.

   But even with such an injury, he still stood up.

   The red dog smiled.

   His laughter is totally indistinguishable.

   "Xu Xiaoshou..."

   "Hahaha, you are too strong!"

   "I am a red dog, a genius who has killed tens of thousands, but you are the only one who can make me like this with your innate cultivation skills!"

   "But... so what?"

   His only remaining eye, the eyeballs all fell out, but at this moment, the spirit essence shrank crazily and gathered.

   "The power of the throne is not what you can imagine!" he roared.

   Xu Xiaoshou was awakened by this statement.

   In the picture from "perception", the red dog is still alive?

   "Is he still alive?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

   What kind of tenacious vitality and unwillingness to die!

   Based on this alone, Xu Xiaoshou completely lost.

   Others were beaten up like this corpse, even though they were still strong, how could he be forced to lie down because of his punch?

   "Stand up for me!"

   At this moment, his strong will to survive drove him to try to move his fingers.

  Because, the red dog crawled and came over!

   This mad dog first touched the fragment of the dagger, and then squirmed slowly, step by step, constantly approaching.

   In such a weak state, Xu Xiao felt that even if a baby stumbled and squatted down, he might belch on the spot. How could he bear this dagger?


   A soft sound interrupted the struggle of the two disabled people. When they both looked at the same time, they saw a figure of an uncle coming out where the smoke spread.

  His hair is like noodles~www.ltnovel.com~Greasy drooping, his face is tough but very dirty.

   was dragging a big sack in his hand, and as he moved forward, the scrap-like things inside bumped and clanged.

"who are you?"

   The red dog was surprised.

   There is actually a small innate, no, a guy who is not born, can he break into the battle just at the peak of the day after tomorrow?

  What's going on in this world, the lower the cultivation base, the stronger the person?

   The red dog is angry.

   This battle belongs to him, and the spoils can only be his.

  No one can get in touch with Xu Xiaoshou!

   When the dantian moves, the boundary is opened again, and in a flash, the uncle will be pushed out of the battle.

   However, when Realm was about to touch the uncle, it seemed to have hit an endless sword suit, and was torn to pieces instantly.

  Red Dog:? ? ?

   Is this the day after tomorrow?

   "I said, enough."

Uncle    sloppy uncle said, from the extremely fat sleeves, a palm with only four fingers stretched out.

   He pointed his fingers, four fingers in two, and a faint sword thought attached.

   One stroke.

  Red Dog Xiaoshou.

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