I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 328: Uncle's temptation


   A lot of blood was ejected from the neck of the headless stump.

   The red dog is not dead!

   He covered his neck in horror and pushed his head down, as if he wanted to make up for it, relying on his own vitality to close the wound.

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

   Is this the vitality of the throne?

   The violent giant and the explosive gesture, failed to kill him!

   The passive fist shook a sky, ten miles of the earth, and failed to kill him!

   Now that he was headed on the spot, could he still be dying?

   Xu Xiaoshou swears that this is the most tenacious person he has ever seen.

   In the past, he thought that as long as the strength was reached, the throne would be the same realm as the master and the innate.

   But the terrifying resilience of the Red Dog today is completely stunned for him.

   This is the same combat power that Red Dog showed when he missed his hand and was crushed and beaten by himself throughout the entire process.

  If he can recover, even if he fights back twice...

  I am still alive now?

   "A dying struggle, in vain."

Uncle    sloppy uncle looked at him like this, and shook his head helplessly, and his fingers flicked twice again.

   The two are several feet apart.

   At this distance, Xu Xiaoshou knew that he was about to attack.

   But this time, the red dog still failed to react.

   Two chirps, one of his arms and the other half-broken leg were all cut off.

   The body is the body, the head is the head, and the limbs belong to the limbs.

   This time, the Red Dog couldn't hold on anymore.

   Five horses are divided into corpses, but that's all!

   The head can no longer receive the gushing force of the blood column, and it is directly pushed away.


   The head rolled several times on the ground, and the red dog’s lips squirmed, as if to say something.

   But no one can hear it.

   Until he was dying, his eyes were still big.

   Hundred turns and thousands of times, even if the time was delayed, he had already figured out how to turn back.

   As long as you kill Xu Xiaoshou, no matter how many thrones are coming from Tiansang City, you still have three skills to escape.

   But none of these are needed!

   "This guy, where did you come out..."

   Red dog’s doubts, along with the dying soul, completely died in this world.

   There is no answer!

   He didn't even notice it!



   Xu Xiaoshou swallowed.


   He was half-dead, even he was scrapped, even so, the red dog that could not be killed...

   Two fingers.


   He looked at this sloppy uncle, and the horror in his eyes was no less than when he first saw the red dog.

This guy……

  If he remembers correctly, before meeting the red dog, he knocked down an uncle because he was too engrossed in his thinking...

   "In this world, there can be no people, even the realm, hair, dirty clothes, sack, they all look the same!"

   Xu Xiao was panicked.

   This turned out to be a big brother!

   In other words, it is impossible for him to be hit by himself.

   At that time, his appearance must have been intentional.

   But, for what?

   Xu Xiaoshou thought carefully, and he vaguely recalled that this uncle seemed to shout, "You went in the wrong direction" after he left?

   In other words, did he come to remind himself?

   But I didn’t notice?


   "Are you here to save me?" Xu Xiaoshou instantly looked aggrieved and excited.

   Regardless of whether he came to save himself or not, if he doesn't persuade him at this time, he might end up with the Red Dog!

  Two fingers...

Oh my God!

   Two fingers killed the throne!

   Is it because the red dog is too weak, has its body been cut off?


   Xu Xiaoshou knew that for the dead metamorphosis, as long as he didn't die, it would basically be a short period of time before his physical body could recover.

   But he is still dead!

  On those two fingers, the Red Dog Throne cultivation base, he couldn't even react.

   This is horrible!

Uncle   , dragging the sack, walked slowly to Xu Xiaoshou.

   let go and squat down.

   Xu Xiaoshou finally had time to look at this big man again.

   His face is so handsome, even if it is dirty, it can't hide the holy light.

   The big scar on his neck is so tough. It is a man’s beauty, a badge of battle and passion.

   even with his four fingers, they are so cute, the sword thought attached to them is simply...



   Xu Xiaoshou finally realized that something was wrong.

   Among the people he knows, not many people can read the sword.

   Even looking back at this time, there is only one who can really be connected.


   His pupils dilated, "You are..."

   "Who am I?" The sloppy uncle smiled.


   Xu Xiaoshou was horrified.

   He carefully watched the uncle's cultivation realm... the day after tomorrow!

   He looked at the uncle’s eyes again...



   There are no highlights!

   It can be said that dragging a person into the street at random, any guy who is overwhelmed by life has such a pair of godless eyes.


   There is one exception!

   "Masked man?"

   Xu Xiaoshou did not dare to speak, he was afraid of death.

   But the exclamation in his heart is that it will be broken for nine days!

   Masked people also have such eyes!

  He also cultivates kendo, he can also...Sword Nian?

   Even worse...

   Xu Xiaoshou Yu Guang secretly glanced at this man's four fingers.

   "No thumbs?"

   I still remember that when he first came into contact with the masked man in Goose Lake, he stabbed this guy's heart with the bitterness.

   At that time, the opponent was holding the sword with both hands instead of holding it.

   Xu Xiaoshou still knows this detail very well.

   The second time I met Ai at the corner, and fell on the masked man, he also confronted this guy.

   Very flat palm, no curved surface at all, as if the thumb is gone.

   This detail, he also remembers.

   And during the two meetings, this guy was fully armed, and his face and hands were covered with airtight. What is this for?

   is to cover up the iconic scars on his neck and the broken fingers on his hands?

   Xu Xiaoshou's brain buzzed all of a sudden, he felt that the world was terrible!

   He is still staring at himself! ?


   "Masked man?"

   Even if he knows to say this name, he will appear to know too much, and it is more likely to aggravate the death process.

   Xu Xiaoshou still couldn't hold back, and exclaimed.

   "A masked man?" The sloppy uncle repeated, a strange flash on his face.

   "You admitted wrong."

   "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is..."

  He paused, and pointed to Xu Xiaoshou's body, "You are dying."


   Only then did Xu Xiaoshou realize that his back light time was about to run out.

   He regained his senses, his physical weakness came, and his eyelids sank.

   "I can save you."

Uncle    said with a smile.

   Xu Xiaoshou wanted to speak, but was already weak and could not speak at all.

   He is desperately holding his eyelids~www.ltnovel.com~ wants to lift a little.

   The world is fluttering, bright for a while, dark for a while.

   The boundary of the line of sight is narrowing, shrinking a little bit, suddenly turning gray...

help me?

   You hurry up, if you try, I will really die!

   Xu Xiaoshou has been unable to complain, the uncle is still stubborn and seems to be waiting for him to close his eyes.

   After waiting for a long time, he sighed: "It's really good, this vitality is really strong, it can last so long..."

   "This strength is still too weak!"

   He turned his head and didn't know who he was talking to. He whispered, "Your training method is too slow."

After    said, he took out an ancient book full of palm thickness from the ring, and slammed it in front of Xu Xiaoshou.

   Smoke flies up.

Uncle    smiled and said, "Do you want to live? Want to become stronger? When you want to encounter this kind of throne again, can you do it with one blow?"

   "Come on, as long as you blink your eyes, everything is yours."

   "Of course, if you dare to close your eyes, you can't go back."

   Xu Xiaoshou almost squirted out blood, and belched on the spot without staring at him.


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