I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 338: Double cultivation with "hidden suffering"

   Thinking of the terrifying power of "Jian Nian", Xu Xiaoshou was a little moved.

   Such a powerful mental technique is not a spiritual skill. If you want me to practice Xu Xiaoshou, just say it directly, why bother to suffer like this.

   Have to force it?

   I am not a fool, I still understand the value of this stuff!

   Xu Xiaoshou thought to himself, and continued to recall the practice of "Guanjiandian".

   Just looking at the introduction, he was already excited.

   However, it's okay not to look at the following content. At first glance, Xu Xiaoshou's face is as dark as charcoal.

  "The practice of "Guanjiandian", as the name suggests, is ‘Guanjian’!"

   "The sharp edge of the sword, the true essence of the body sword, the understanding of the meaning of the sword, the coexistence of spirit and spirit, the psychic transforms the sea, and the sword pool."

   "The stronger the fate of the sword, the greater the probability of making the sword. It is better to watch the sword and make the name."

   Xu Xiaoshou only glanced at it to realize the connotation of these sentences.

   The practice of "Guan Jian Dian", to put it plainly, is to watch the sword.

   If you are observing a famous sword, if you can't say that you can't read the sword, you can easily practice it.

   can make his face pale, but it is not these few sentences, but a line of small words buried in the last article:

   "Watch the sword, read the sword into the body, as if the sword cuts the flesh, it is extremely painful, so be careful."

   Xu Xiaoshou: "……"

   Seeing this sentence, he suddenly understood why the uncle used such a compulsive method to let him practice this "Guanjiandian".

   "Guanjian hurts? How painful?"

   did not say in it.

   But judging by the uncle’s performance, isn’t this afraid that it’s more terrifying than "Embers as Fire"?

   All of a sudden, Xu Xiaoshou retreated again.

  He is good at everything and he can resist pain, but he is lazy.

   There is a "breathing method" to cultivate slowly, so who wants to suffer from the "embers and fire" every day?

   I really thought that there was a word "受" in my name, so he was really a masochist?


   But as soon as his thought came out, Jian Nian above his dantian trembled slightly, and it was about to swell.

   Xu Xiaoshou almost peeed.

   "Just kidding, kidding, I just said casually, don't blow up!"

   "If you have something to say!"

   Something magical happened.

   This broken thing actually understood his heartfelt words and returned to silence.


   Xu Xiaoshou collapsed suddenly.

   "Is this special..."

   That dead uncle, what the result is!

   What's the matter? I haven't escaped from Old Sang's wolf claws, but fell into the tiger pit of the dead uncle again.

   "Woo sorrow!"

   Xu Xiaoshou felt the injustice of fate.

   This feeling of being arranged is extremely repulsive to him, but it turns out that people are afraid of what they will come.

   I thought that leaving Tiansang Ling Palace would be a trapped beast getting out of its cage.

   I never thought that the words of my teacher Ye Sang were really fulfilled.

   This is the opening of a sky, a wider shackle, and immediately locked it again!

   "Red dog, picking up tattered men... when is this the end?"

   Xu Xiaoshou clenched his fists.

   He is not going to give in.

   Give him time. He firmly believes that he can break through the chains, but what he seems to lack most is time.


   Xu Xiaoshou did not hesitate for long before he made up his mind.

   Not only does he want to practice this "Guardian Sword Classic," he also plans to pick up Sang Lao's "Jin Zhao Tian Yan·Bai Yan" and "Long Rong World" again!

   "Isn't it just pain?"

   "After resisting this wave, I will see the rainbow after the storm!"

   It is not Sang Lao or the uncle that really made him determined to accept the pain, but the Red Dog!

   "The Throne..."

   Xu Xiaoshou's complexion is uncertain.

   He thought that the enemy of the throne was still far away from him, but the appearance of the red dog really broke his inner luck.

   Especially that guy’s terrifying vitality and his complete attack power...

   is totally something he cannot bear at this stage.

  If the uncle does not appear, it is impossible to say that he will really be cut by the last half of the red dog!

   Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou no longer hesitated, sat down cross-legged, and took out "hidden suffering."

   This is a tenth-grade spirit sword.

   Xu Xiaoshou actually had a higher-grade spirit sword from Cheng Xingchu, but he was useless.

   Because in the introduction of "Guanjiandian", the method of "watching the sword" can not only benefit oneself, but even with the saber, it can also be practiced through this ancient method to slowly improve the rank.

   Where did Xu Xiaoshou's previously unknown sword come from?

   He knows now.

   The twenty-one famous sword of the mainland, in essence, is nothing more than a portable sword of some ancient power.

   In that era, pure sword repair, not every one of their sabers was made with the best materials.

  Swords of that level are of good quality at best, and they cannot form synesthesia with the master.

   The truly powerful existence is the inferior sword that communicated with the master's mind since childhood and grew up together.

   If the sword is psychic, you can also practice!

   Xu Xiaoshou finally found a way to improve the quality of "hidden suffering" without spending money.

   He is actually willing to make money, and also wants to recast "hidden suffering" in the past.

   But "Hidden Suffering" is already psychic. He is afraid that if it is recast, this guy's urine will no longer be used, and it will turn into an ordinary spirit sword.

   That is equivalent to obliterating the true nature of this guy.

   "Does the sword win the house?"

   Xu Xiaoshou still disdain to do such things.

   The appearance of "Guan Jian Dian" has perfectly solved this problem.


   Xu Xiaoshou drew the black sword, threw the scabbard at random, and muttered: "Little guy, I have found a way to improve you, that is..."

   "Double repair!"

   The black sword bends its blade, it seems to be frightened, subconsciously wants to fly out, put on his own pants.

   Xu Xiao is happy.

   It’s been a long time since this guy has been psychic again?

   He grabbed the bullshit, his fingertips gathered his thoughts, and gently moved the sword.

   The "Hidden Suffering" giant shock, which comes from the caress of the master, can't stand any spiritual sword.

   It groaned cheerfully, and the sword was straight and upright.

   Xu Xiaoshou felt the potholes on his hands, a little distressed. U U Reading wwwww.uukanshu.com

   This black sword, following him all the way, has already endured too much in the silent follow.

   I have been severely taught by myself because of the master bitter, and he was bombed by Loreley’s thunder **** for attracting sight. It is even more expensive than a mere Ten-Rank, which has contended many high-level spiritual weapons...

   This guy has endured too much pressure at this quality stage and shouldn't be under pressure!

   To be honest, it’s really hard to live to this day.

   But even so, Xu Xiao was touched by one, and it still climaxed directly.

   exists like this, how can people not feel bad, how can they not want to give it a name?

   "Come on, practice!"

   "After tonight, you are destined to grow."

   Xu Xiaoshou grasped "Hidden Suffering" and placed it on his lap. According to the "Guanjian" practice method in "Guanjiandian", he turned his eyesight and looked straight over.

   a breath.

   Two breaths.

   three breaths...

   The sword of "Hidden Bitter" curled up with a shy bend.

   Xu Xiaoshou's face turned green, and blue veins on his forehead burst.

   "Do you understand practice?!"

   "Why do you lie down for me, don't move!"


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