I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 339: The inn is gone again?

After    angrily scolded, there was another whipping.

  "Zangku" finally realized that this is serious time, not trifling.

  So, it can only stare at its pants with eyesight...Uh, after the scabbard was torn off, it was stared at by a pair of fiery eyes.

   Who is not shy!

   Even if this is the master, it can’t be...

   "Hidden Suffering" wanted to bend again, but this time Xu Xiaoshou could meet, he held it end to end, and stretched the black sword straight.

   ignoring the resistance of the black sword in his hand, Xu Xiao received full vision and looked straight through.

   The technique of "watching the sword" is not just to look at it to learn and understand the sword.

   If it really needs to be that simple, wouldn’t everyone be able to cultivate to the sky by looking at it with a sword?

   There is an extremely difficult prerequisite for this cultivation method, which is "mind power"!

  The power of mind is the combination of form and mind, between the two, it is extremely difficult to understand.

   Unfortunately, Xu Xiaoshou found that he seemed to have acquired this ability, which is "ordinary mind power"?

   This discovery surprised him very much.

   He feels that the existence of "Shi Duan Jian Zhi" is the prerequisite for the cultivation of this "Guan Jian Dian"?


   Xu Xiaoshou felt that he was thinking too much, but it was obviously very comfortable to be able to directly cross this threshold.

   He came to the second threshold of this "sword-watching" technique.

   If "Mind Power" can stop ninety-nine percent of cultivators, then this second threshold is to block most of the remaining one percent again!

   "Kendo Enlightenment!"

   This is a new term, this thing is nothing more than an understanding of kendo.

   In other words, it is sword intent.

   If the sword cultivation can't achieve the sword intent, there is no way to talk about the "sword watching" technique of cultivation.

   And at the very least, if you have an innate sword intent, you are qualified to watch the sword.

   And this is just qualification.

   Sword Inspiration does not only contain sword intent, it is the most true understanding of Sword Doctrine, or even a correct solution!

   In addition to sword intent, everything related to swords, such as sword skills, swordsmanship, and even the sword itself, are included in this "sword insight".

   This kind of comprehension is really a matter of opinion.

   Xu Xiaoshou finally understood why this thing is so difficult to cultivate.

   Under the world, who would dare to say that his understanding of kendo is absolutely correct!

   Even if the Eight Swordsman is here, I guess...

   ahem, this kind of character, maybe it should be possible!

   Realizing the difficulty of this "sword-watching" technique, Xu Xiaoshou has not given up yet, but his eyes are burning.

  Because he discovered that this second threshold, he was a "swordsman proficient", but he also solved it!

   In the past, what he thought "sword proficiency" had brought to him was only those kinds of self-made sword moves.

   But what is really precious is the endless and most basic experience!

   Based on this foundation, he used the "sword-watching technique" to see "hidden suffering", and after entering the realm of profound understanding, Xu Xiaoshou realized a more understanding of "swordsmanship".

  Perhaps, the scope of this passive technique, even everything about the "sword"!

   Perhaps, even he himself didn't realize that his understanding of swordsmanship and sword skills was invisible, because his "swordsmanship proficiency" was elevated.

   "Maybe, in fact, I am going to practice the ‘White Cloud Sword Technique’ now, so I can learn it as soon as I can?"

   Xu Xiaoshou looked strange.

   Spirit skills are difficult to learn, and it has been his long-standing malaise.

   He thought he needed to acquire passive skills like "savvy" to improve his understanding.

   However, the existence of "swordsmanship" has greatly improved my understanding of "sword"!

   This is a bit of a horn!

   Xu Xiaoshou realized this, but if he really wanted to learn the "White Cloud Sword Technique", he was a little bit despised.

   Spirit skills may also achieve the effect of pure sword skills.

   But I'm already on the path of "ancient swordsmanship", there is no need to give up everything.

   What's more, there is a "master of swordsmanship", what sword skills do you still learn?

   "Fishing" is good, but are you afraid that there is no "fish"?

   Time passed by, and Xu Xiaoshou, who had completely crossed the two thresholds, seemed to be able to realize the existence of Jian Nian.

   For a long time, under the dry eyes with the power of thought, he finally saw the purest essence hidden in the black sword.


   A trace of white mist rose from the black sword.

   At this moment, Zang gave a bitter, violent tremor.

   It was excited, leaping for joy, as if it had seen the blessings of Heaven for itself, and saw its boundless growth.

   The white mist came out of the black sword, and after absorbing enough nutrients from the great road, it had become very sharp.

   The silver light flickered, and under the manipulation of Xu Xiaoshou, this ray of sword thought was returned to the sword body of "Hidden Ku".


   The black sword seemed to have a little more luster, and it was a bit brighter, and even the pits on the sword seemed to have recovered.

   It was as if the old face had a tendency to rejuvenate, and the black sword instantly rose up, and shouted in excitement, almost not breaking Xu Xiaoshou's manipulation.

   Xu Xiaoshou cursed inwardly, and continued to force this ray of sword thought to wander away from "hidden suffering".

   then passed through the left hand that touched and passed between his own body.


   The blood spattered, like a fingertip being pierced by an electrified silver needle, the flash of pain has not passed away, and the pain of the silver needle that shook in the flesh suddenly struck.


   When Xu Xiaoshou gets an electric shock, he usually bounces away, and he feels his heart twitching and his fingers are about to break.

   咻咻, the sword mind that had lost its manipulation, directly turned into a silver needle, and was ejected from Xu Xiaoshou's madly thrown fingers.

   A black line pulled a trail in the void, Xu Xiaoshou secretly said something bad, and wanted to stop...



   The barrier of the inn burst open immediately, and a dazzling sunlight shot into the ceiling, making Xu Xiaoshou dull.


   Just such a strand of sword reading...No, this thing hasn't even walked around in his body yet, it can't talk about reaching the height of sword reading.

   But even so, this silent blow cut out, its destructive power is almost as good as the "Ten Duan Jianzhi"!

  The difference is that the ten-sword finger is the explosive roar of fear.

   This silver needle-like thing~www.ltnovel.com~ is simply the best of Yinren!

   silently, he cut the inn in half directly!

   "Hmm...No! The inn, was beheaded?"


   The door of the room was blasted through in an instant, and Xin Gu Gu held a golden Zen stick, like an enemy.

   He had been resting in the adjacent room, and suddenly felt the familiar breath.

   "That sloppy uncle's sword intent?"

   Whether it is or not, this thing came from Xu Xiaoshou's direction, which means...

   enemy attack!

   He rushed to Xu Xiaoshou's room, but saw a young man with an embarrassed face.

   "What's the matter?" Xin Gugu glanced over this guy with horror, scanning his eyes, trying to find the terrifying uncle.

   Xu Xiaoshou was silent for a while.

   It’s okay, am I practicing?

   He held back the words he was about to export, and ignored Xin Gu Gu, but in his "perception" he saw the shop Xiao Er who came in haste.


   This inn is probably gone too!

   Is there any good excuse that I can avoid?

   Wait online, urgent!


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