I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 340: House binding

   "The guest officer!"

  Dian Xiaoer rushed over angrily, and before he lost his temper, Xu Xiaoshou stopped him with a glance.

   "Don't say anything, I will pay for how much!"


  Dian Xiaoer was shocked by the pride of the guest surnamed Xu, and even Xin Gugu was shocked by Xu Xiaoshou's words.

   "This... we need to count the loss."

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the injuries in the store.

   The protection of these enchantments is still very powerful, and his sword thought has broken through his room, and the remaining attacks are not known where they are transferred.

   At least the guests in the other rooms are all right.

   It's a pity that the lobby on the second floor was cut open in the middle. It is estimated that this wave of compensation will cost a lot of money.

   He waved his hand and said, "You step back first, this matter is not a big problem."

  Dian Xiaoer took a deep breath.

   He immediately turned around to count the losses.

   said it must be no later, this guest is going to escape the order!

   Xu Xiaoshou has a headache.

   If this is the case every time he practices, then the inn where he lives is really too expensive.

   It's better to buy a house in the city center by yourself, at least, every time you practice, you don't have to be so troublesome.

   will attract others to watch!

   As for money...

   He has it!

The thought of    made Xu Xiaoshou quite moved.

   "Xin Gu Gu!"

   "Huh?" Xin grunted and moved.

"Do you have time?"

   "What are you doing?" Xin Gugu instinctively realized that something was wrong.

   Xu Xiaoshou said: "You came to rescue me that day, but you were late. If the uncle hadn't appeared in time, maybe I would have died..."

   Xin coo: "..."

   "Despised, passive value, +1."

   "What's the matter, just say it directly, there is no need to go around!"

   Xu Xiaoshou happily said: "That's right, we need a house now, you know, it's the kind of private space where you can practice freely and move around freely."

   "You need it too, this kind of private space, after all..."

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows. After all, the other party is a ghost beast host and needs this kind of space more than himself.

   Xin Gu Gu's face went dark.

   Is this trying to frustrate me?

   But, if I had money, would I take you to this inn?

   "I have no money!" he immediately cut off.

   Xu Xiaoshou was stunned, "It's not asking you to pay, I just want you to help me find a stronghold, so that it will be convenient for my activities in the future."


   "This is it?" Xin Gu was surprised.

   He watched the young man in front of him pull out a distinguished gold card from his arms, even if he has few capital, he can see that this is the exclusive guest of Duojin Business.

   value... tens of millions?

   "Where did you get this thing?" Xin Gugu was shocked.

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows. It seems that this guy's life is not easy!

   A person who looks fierce, should he have killed many people?

   Money, is it so hard to make?

   This kid, is afraid that he can't lick the bag?

   "Don't care where you came from, take it and buy me a house."

   "Go to a Duojin firm, buy the good one, and find a place that is a little more concealed, but not assassinated."

   "Try to find, don't stress."

   Xu Xiaoshou patted this guy on the shoulder.

   Xin Gu Gu suddenly became excited, spend money, who doesn't like it.

   He replied and ran away, but suddenly stopped.


   "Is it here to be the nanny for this kid? How can you call yourself a job like running errands?"

   "The angel calls the throne first? He is crazy!"

   Xin Gu Gu was determined to turn back, and which Xu Xiaoshou shouted back, "Remember to leave a few rooms for you and your sister!"

  He hesitated now.

   own yard?

   Xin Gu Gu was a little moved. Although he is a throne, he is too young. In the power of Xuyue Ash Palace, all he can get is only a corner.

   Even, in order to complete the task, I have to run around all the year round.

   Money is naturally there, but enjoying life is too far away from him.

   It's really hard to think about living like Xu Xiaoshou, so freely.

   Even if he knew that he might even have a small courtyard of his own, he would have lived for a while, but the yearning for a better life in his heart was still inspired.

   Holding the card, he firmed his steps towards the door.


   Xu Xiaoshou looked behind him and made a fist.

   He didn't know what the reason was. After Xin Gugu saved himself, he didn't even leave immediately.

   but stayed next to it!

   This is simply unimaginable.

   Is this throne so free?

   Xu Xiaoshou believes him!

   Just look at the hurried appearance of him and Jiao Tangtang, these two people have a mission.

   Ke Xin Gu Gu still stayed.


   I feel guilty because of the late rescue that day, so I plan to make up for it?

   Xu Xiaoshou didn't know, but he wouldn't ask stupidly.

   Isn't it the same as asking someone to leave?

   Even if I didn’t mean it, it’s impossible for others to stay!

   But, can Xin Gu Gu go?

   This is a big throne!

   Although it is true that I have never seen combat power, just listening to the boasting of Jiao Tangtang, you can see that Xin Gu Gu is not simple.

   This person, not only can't be driven away, but he has to find ways to stay!

   While taking advantage of the opportunity of this inn being cut, it was the right time to put forward the idea of ​​having a private space in a timely manner!

   It doesn't matter if Xu Xiaoshou buys this house or not, or maybe he bought it, and it won't last long.

   After more than half a month, he will return to the spiritual palace and accept the sanction from Old Man Sang.

   But, the private space, for the "ghost beast body", is so attractive, it shouldn't be said.

   During this period of time, if you can pass the house that Xin Gu Gu personally bought, he will be tied up.

  Perhaps, the vengeance that the Red Dog has almost killed him can be reported in advance!

   Xu Xiaoshou will never forget.

   The red dog is just a killer. If a red dog dies, there may be red cats and blue rabbits.

   As long as Zhang Taiying, the man behind the scenes, does not die~www.ltnovel.com~ his wanted order is still there, the trouble will never stop in the days to come!

   While thinking about it, the house on the opposite side of the second floor was pushed straight out, and three figures walked out of it.

   "The three swordsmen?"

   Xu Xiao was shocked. The people on the opposite side were the few guys who ran into the door of Duojin's firm that day, but left in a hurry.

   What impressed him the most was that of the three swordsmen, there were two famous swords!

   You know, there are only 21 famous swords in mainland China.

   These three guys have such strong capital at such a young age. It is conceivable that the origins are absolutely terrifying!


Gu Qing, the swordsman holding sword headed by   , raised his brow slightly and said in doubt.



   The two repeaters behind him also hold their arms around their chests, and look almost exactly the same as the man in front.

   Although only a few days have passed, Xu Xiaoshou is no longer the ignorant boy at that time.


   He was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect these guys to even know the sword reading thing.

   Several people each found their own goals. For a time, their eyes met, and sparks were rubbed in the air.

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