I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 341: Give me a look at your sword, and that's what happened

   "You guys, looking for me?"

   Xu Xiaoshou pointed to his nose and said, looking at the three swordsmen who had already walked in front of him.

   Gu Qing frowned.

   This kid...

  Isn't it the guy I saw at the door of Dokin's firm that day?

   This product has been confirmed by myself, it is impossible to have a sword mind, and it is even more closely related to the ghost beast.

   From an intellectual level, he doesn't want to have too much negotiation with this kid.

   However, his instinct still pushed his whole person and came to Xu Xiaoshou.

   "Have anyone been here before?" Gu Qing hesitated for a moment before asking.


   Xu Xiaoshou knew what they were looking for. If Jiannian, he was definitely attracted by his own "Guanjiandian."

   But these guys, in the first place, directly eliminated him from the possibility of saboteurs.

   This is really rare!

   "I have come here, but there are many thieves, who do you want to find?" Xu Xiaoshou said with a smile.

   His gaze was fixed on the guy headed, but his "perception" was directly locked on the sword he was holding.

  Famous sword!

   At that time, the situation was critical, and he had to deal with Tantangtang, but he did not have time to peek too much.

   Now that I took a look, I was once again surprised by one of the only 21 famous swords in this continent.

   This is a pale and quaint sword, its temperament is cold, just "perceive" like probing, Xu Xiaoshou can still feel the temperature of this sword.

   After removing the gray simple scabbard, the real famous sword hidden in the body of the sword, just looking at it, gave Xu Xiaoshou an awe-inspiring evil intention.

   Yes, there are not too many other feelings, just "evil"!

   What kind of peculiar feeling is this?

   To be honest, Xu Xiaoshou can't describe it.

   He just waited and watched, the word "evil" came to mind involuntarily.

   A gray and cold ancient sword, an evil sword that just looks at the scabbard will give people a bad mood from the bottom of their hearts!

   Xu Xiaoshou retracted his gaze, and looked down again, he was afraid that he would fall into the vortex of the famous sword again.

   "Enough to see?"

   Gu Qingyi stared at Xu Xiaoshou's eyes, until he recovered, then he said.

   Xu Xiaoshou was surprised.

   This guy, it's not easy!

   I use "perception" to peek at things, and basically no one has ever noticed it.

   This young man is so keen in spirit that he can detect his prying eyes?

   "Hehe." Xu Xiaoshou is also true.

   After all, I am also a swordsman. Seeing a famous sword is like a man meeting a beautiful woman. You have to take a few more glances.

   "Are you here again?" Gu Qing, a swordless guest standing at the back, sighed and stepped forward: "You don't need to hide it, draw your sword!"

   "Draw a sword?" Xu Xiaoshou was surprised: "What sword to draw?"

   "Oh, hypocrite, they are all staring like this, and they said you don't want to grab the sword?" Gu Qingsan sneered.

   "Grab the sword?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was amused. He is not a masked person, nor is he a Cao who likes women. How could he do such ridiculous things.

   "You are persecuted delusional, when did I say that I would **** your sword?"

   Gu Qingsan looked dazed, but he stopped and was silent for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out.

   "Second brother, what disease does he mean? What do you mean?"

   Brother Er also lowered his head and frowned, thinking hard, he was just thinking about this issue.

   For a long time, Gu Qinger sighed.

   "Brother, what does he mean? Brother is dull, I can't really understand it!"

   "Yes, Junior Brother is dull, please ask Senior Brother to clarify!" Gu Qing's eyes burned.

  He likes to see the omnipotence of big brothers and the style of seeing tricks.

   Gu Qing was taken aback for a while, lowered his head in thought, for a long time, black lines appeared on his face.

"you guys!"

   Halfway through his anger, he stopped the **** in time, thinking that there were outsiders.

   Why is this so wrong again!

   The point of this person’s words, is this a symptom?

   You two, are you sick?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at these three second-hands and was silent for a while.

   He unexpectedly... met an opponent!

   The brain circuits of these guys are definitely comparable to the eighteen bends of the mountain road!

   He didn't even react in time for a while, and he almost had to explain to them a few things. What a problem is this broken disease.

   But I have to explain, isn’t this place just four of them?

   I am dignified, Xu Xiaoshou, Xu Gaoda, how can I compare with these three teasers.

   Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath, turned around and entered the room, closing the door with a snap.


   The concierge who lost the barrier protection was pushed aside.

   Xu Xiao turned around in shock, and saw the hands of the swordsman Gu Qingsan that hadn't taken back, and the door panels above them.

  The atmosphere froze suddenly.

   Xu Xiaoshou's face instantly drooped.

   The door panel that he finally saved was unloaded!

   Who can bear this?

   His face was stagnant, his brows erected, and a snort in his mouth.


   What do you mean, push my door?

   Are we familiar?

   Even if the barrier is broken, it seems that it would be very impolite to directly push other people's doors open in this strange inn!

   Gu Qingsan apparently received Xu Xiaoshou's "um" message, and his face turned red.

   "That, I didn't mean it, I didn't expect that this door panel is not protected by barriers..."

   Xu Xiaoshou said, "It wasn't intentional, but you did it intentionally?"

   "Yes, I did intend to...Huh? Intentional?" Gu Qing paused and explained in a hurry: "No, it's not intentional, I just..."

   "No intention?"

   "Yes! No intention!"

   "No idea what you did, am I familiar with you? Open the door if you don't agree?"

   Xu Xiaoshou said angrily: "Just because I didn't answer your question? Just because you have two famous swords in your hands? Just because you think that you have a lot of people and I will let you fish as soon as the door is removed?"


   Gu Qing's three faces were stiff. He was choked and speechless, his face was flushed, his ears were smoky.

   After struggling for a while, he finally gave up and turned to look at the second brother.

   Gu Qinger took a breath, and was about to speak, Xu Xiaoshou raised his step and stepped forward.

   "Explain what?"

   "Did you open this door? Isn't it!"

   "It wasn't you who did it, what did you say? Why, your friend can't answer, so just change you?"

   "Wheel battle? A person with a mouth, planning to grind me to death with saliva?"

   Gu Qinger's face turned green.

   This guy, isn't he just a door panel, is it necessary to be so grumpy?

   He was so angry that he didn't swallow it, and he just split his throat.


   hugged the swordsman and sighed deeply: "Sorry, this Xiongtai, we were abrupt..."

   "Abrupt?" Xu Xiaoshou raised his voice in decibels, and pointed to the door panel on Gu Qingsan's hand.

   "Is this abrupt?"

   "When you sleep at night, can I also rush into your room and walk up there, and I have one last sentence, sorry, abrupt?"

   Gu Qingyi: "……"

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   "Xiongtai makes a lot of sense, but..."

   "But?" Xu Xiao was amused, "But what is but!"

   "It makes sense~www.ltnovel.com~ Of course I said it makes sense. I removed someone else's door panel for no reason. Just a few abrupt sentences?"

   Gu Qing understood something at once, and said with relief: "What kind of compensation Xiongtai wants, just say, we will leave as soon as we finish the compensation, and we guarantee that we will never show up in front of you!"

   Gu Qinger and Gu Qingsan were shocked.

   It was the first time they saw their elder brother, they were able to put aside the unshakable Gujing Bubo mentality, and said these words in such a shocking tone.

this is……

   How disgusted with the person in front of me!

   Xu Xiaoshou paused when he heard the words, took the door panel from Gu Qingsan's hand, threw it to the ground, and then patted him on the shoulder.

   "Actually, I am not such a stingy person, is it just a door panel!"

   He smiled gently, and continued: "As the saying goes, it's not a family, don't enter a house."

   "Since you have all come into my home, you are naturally my brothers."

   "Compensation or something, it's too much."

   "Being a brother, I am too embarrassed to ask for something, let's do it!"

   He looked at Gu Qingyi and smiled elegantly: "Let me take a look at you with your sword, and that's what happened."


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