I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 351: Run to Zhang Mansion to make alchemy

Da da.

   There are clear footsteps from the slate of blue jade.

   Xu Xiaoshou stepped on the moonlight and walked in Zhang's mansion with his hands in his hands, feeling contented.

   "How about, I just say I can come in?"

   Xin Gu Gu is already completely sluggish.

   He had no idea that Xu Xiaoshou's so-called "night attack on Zhang family" plan came in so swaggeringly.

   Isn't this a self-rejection?

   Even if you change your content, even if you have Yuanfu as a back player, but...


   how can it be?

   Xin is dumbfounded.

   Even if his heart is bigger than the sky, every time he steps on Xu Xiaoshou's steps to keep up, he will still be restrained.

  Innately, what is this guy's brain made of, how can he have such a crazy idea?

   Even if I think about it, I dare to implement it!

   Even after the implementation, he actually succeeded, and he really walked into Zhang Mansion!

   "Is this special..."

   Xin Gu Gu thought of more than one throne in the Zhang family, and thought that if the battle was delayed, other thrones would come to assist.

   He panicked.

   "What about you, what do you think?" He patted Ajie's arm.

   Ajie lowered his head, and two red lights under the hat gave Xin Gugu a deep look at his hand. After a long time, there was a reply.

   "Ma Ma..."

   Xin coo: "..."

   Damn, these two neuroses!

   "Suddenly, passive value, +1."

  The leading door guard glanced at the strange trio behind him, and he thought that these should be Zhang Shao's friends in the palace.

   "Here, please." He respectfully said.

   The people who came out of the Heavenly Sang Ling Palace, even if they look young, are certainly not weak in strength, let alone their future development momentum.

   As long as I didn't meet that Xu Xiaoshou, if I want to come to this moment, Zhang Shao should be about to fly!

   A few people walked across the corner, but Xu Xiaoshou looked to the other side and stopped.

   "Where did you go in that direction?" He pointed in another direction and asked.

   The guard said with a smile: "That is the private house of the owner, we can't get through."

   "At this time, they are all meeting in the hall, we have to go this way."

   He gestured towards the hall, and said nothing.

   Obviously, he will not say much about the privacy of the Zhang family.

   "The owner's private house?"

   Xu Xiaoshou murmured, instead of taking a step, he continued to ask: "That's where Uncle Zhang sleeps?"

   "In that case, where did the little bear sleep?"

   The door guard was taken aback.

   Little Bear?


   Could it be...

   is Shao Zhang?

   A strong sense of disobedience rose from the bottom of my heart, but it was such an intimate name that made him realize that the man in front of him probably has an extraordinary relationship with Shao Zhang.

   "It's also in that direction." The guard's voice became more respectful, and he explained one more sentence, "The private courtyards of many elders of the Zhang family are in the East Court district."

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed.

too big!

   This mansion is many times larger than his small manor.

   Even if he entered it, after walking for a short time, he still hadn't been able to see the hall, and now he heard the term Fuzhong District.

   Sure enough, poverty limits people's imagination.

   "In this way, the Dongting District should be the most precious place in Zhang Mansion!" Xu Xiaoshou sighed lightly.

   The guard frowned.

   Even if this is Shao Zhang’s friend, he doesn’t understand the rules.

   How can anyone ask questions like this? If you want to ask, you also need to ask Shao Zhang, what's the point of being here to embarrass me as a little doorman.

   "This is natural."

  He said perfunctorily, "My son, please, the Patriarch is still waiting for you."

   "No, I don't really want to see your Patriarch." Xu Xiaoshou suddenly smiled.


   The door guard was sluggish.

   What kind of player is this? Does this guy think he can wander around in Zhang Mansion?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "My son, don't entertain me anymore. The owner of the house is still waiting. If things are delayed, it will be very difficult for a small one!" The guard whispered.

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled and squinted, and slowly raised his arm.

   Now that the best blasting point has been found, I still have to see Zhang Taiying.

   See you sooner or later, not in a hurry.

   What's more, when I go this time, it is really called self-investment!


   With a hand knife, the guard fell to the ground.


   Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand and was about to step towards the direction of Dongting District.

   Xin Gu Gu pointed to the doorman on the ground and said, "There is still gas."


   "Do you want to kill him?"

   Xu Xiaoshou paused, "It's not necessary, it's just a doorman, it's not necessary."

   Xin Gu frowned.

   Dare to love, or a good guy?

   This is so you have come to ransack the house, tell me the life of the poor little guard?

   However, looking at this guy's expression, Xin Gu Gu suddenly guessed that this kid is not the kind of guy who is very good at taking human lives.

   He nodded immediately: "Also."

   After all, the three of them walked in the direction of Dongting District.

   In the "perception", a red light flicked out of the doorman, crossed the ground, and gathered on Xin Gugu.

   silent and silent.

   Xu Xiaoshou narrowed her eyes and sighed in her heart.

   Without saying much, he continued to lead the way.

   "Keep up."

   "There are formations, don't run around."


   The deceptive and real effect of "perception" is really powerful.

  Even if the Dongting District had a complicated spiritual formation, it still couldn't stop Xu Xiaoshou's pace.

   Of course, his current "perception" level has not yet reached the master level, so it is naturally difficult to spy on the master's spiritual circle.

   However, apart from the guardian formation, the spirit formations here basically don't have a master level.

   After all, it is not Tiansang Ling Palace, nor is it the City Lord’s Mansion.

   Zhang Family's protection, there are several great thrones sitting on the ground, these things such as spirit formations, that is the meaning.

   Xu Xiaoshou came to a magnificent courtyard.

  Look at this magnificent decoration, and compared with other nearby, this most eye-catching courtyard is obviously only Zhang Taiying's private courtyard.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at a huge spiritual pool in front of him~www.ltnovel.com~ The water in the pool was composed of spiritual springs with extremely strong vitality.

   The spirit fish raised in captivity are even more diverse, with one tail full of spirituality, jumping out of thin air.

   "Tsk, it’s a pity."

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed when he thought that it would be gone later.

   Xin Gu Gu's anxiety became even worse. He looked at Xu Xiaoshou and said, "What on earth do you want to do, kid?"

   "It's okay to run into the courtyard of someone's house, are you trying to hide in and make trouble in the bridal chamber?" He tried to make himself follow Xu Xiaoshou's brain circuit.

   "Where is there any bridal chamber to make trouble? Whose? You and Zhang Taiying?" Xu Xiaoshou rolled his eyes.

   With a wave of his hand, Feng Qingyun said indifferently: "Obviously, I want to be here...refining alchemy!"

   "Alchemy?" Xin Gugu was shocked.

   After running so far and taking so long, are you just trying to make alchemy here?

   "You are sick!" he growled softly.

   "Hey, I am not sick, but I have medicine."

   Xu Xiaoshou laughed in response, waved his hand, and summoned eighteen furnaces of boiling medicinal solution from Yuan Mansion.

   "Good show, it's the beginning!"


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