I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 352: Move him to a spiritual pond first!

   "Is this the alchemy you said?"

   Xin Gu Gu made a sound of horror.

   He looked at these eighteen "danding", and he could vaguely see that he was familiar.

   Look at that big pot, that stove cover...

   Isn't this the batch of low-grade... defensive weapons he bought earlier?

   Use these things to make alchemy?

   This is my brain pumping!


   "You don't want to make alchemy!"

   Xin Gu Gu suddenly thought that even if Xu Xiaoshou didn't pay attention, he wouldn't really go to the home of his mortal enemy to stage a good alchemy show.

  Look at the appearance of the dozens of pots that are about to be fried...

   "Maybe, are you planning to blow up here?"

   "Really smart!" Xu Xiaoshou snapped his fingers and said amusedly: "I just noticed it now?"

   Xin coo: "..."

   He found that he really couldn't keep up with this guy's thinking.

  Perhaps, this is the difference in thinking between humans and ghost animals?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Is this thing very lethal?" Xingugu, who understood everything, asked.

   He felt that even if it is fried here, the power is not enough to make Zhang Mansion hurt!

  Alchemy...what is the lethality?

   Xu Xiaoshou ignored Xin Gugu.

   For this moment, his dozens of furnaces of pills have been boiled for several hours in the Yuan Palace.

   As soon as the "Ember Light Condensation Pill Art" comes out, here will definitely be the next Pill Tower...

   Well, the eighteen times more powerful Danta exploded!

   Maybe more than that!

   Because this time, Xu Xiaoshou was not refining the Chijin Pill, nor was it a refining pill.

  This kind of pill, to be honest, he himself can't fully guarantee the success rate of alchemy.

   But at this moment, that unstable success rate of alchemy seems to be more suitable for the right place and time?

   "Be careful."

   Xu Xiaoshou observes the sky, "perceives" the flow of people coming and going in the distance.

   The door guard's words are obviously true, and it is true that the place is not high-level and cannot enter.

   As for those subordinates, Xu Xiaoshou has never seen one after so long.

   "If it explodes here, the momentum should be very terrifying. When the throne will move after hearing the wind, I am afraid that it will be able to sweep here the first time."

   "Therefore, as soon as I fry the stove, I must immediately escape into the Yuan Palace."

   Xu Xiaoshou said, and took out the pebbles in his arms.

   "You guys go in first!"

   He waved his hand and took Ajie in.

   Xin Gu Gu hesitated.

   His task is to protect Xu Xiaoshou, how can he be left alone.

   "Don't worry, there is no danger inside." Xu Xiaoshou explained.

   Xin coo: "..."

   I'm afraid you are in danger outside!

   "Really no problem?"

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded.

   "Are you sure you can avoid the throne's spiritual mind?" Xin Gugu confirmed again and again.

   "You can't get in!" Xu Xiaoshou became impatient, "If you don't get in for a while, you will stand alone outside!"


   Xin grumbled for a while, his eyes were red, and he plunged into the Yuan Palace without being angry.

   "This will be easier..."

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded approvingly and looked back at his beloved eighteen explosives.


   With a move of his hand, he was about to condense the pill in Zhang Mansion, but he suddenly locked his gaze to the spiritual pond on one side.

   "It's a pity."

   "I don't know, can this thing be moved to Yuan Fuzhong?"

   Xu Xiaoshou's heart moved.

   This spiritual pond is very precious, it is very valuable at first glance, even if one of the spiritual fish is taken out, it is estimated that it can sell a lot of money.

   It exploded like this, which is really a pity.

   And Yuan Mansion is really not a space ring. Perhaps, can you really fulfill your own will and move this thing to a great extent?

   As soon as he thought of it, Xu Xiaoshou walked to the front of the Lingchi, and his spiritual thought instantly enveloped the large space.

   Lingchi is very large, almost comparable to the current half of Yuanfu space.

   But Xu Xiaoshou still clearly felt that as long as he wanted to, as long as the opponent didn't resist, he could indeed move this Fang Lingchi into Yuan Palace.

   This discovery surprised him.

   It turns out that the biggest function of Yuanfu is to move?

   He raised his head and looked back at this magnificent Zhang Mansion...


   Xiao Su nodded, eyes flashing green.

"too small!"

   "Unfortunately, Yuanfu is too small!"

   "Otherwise, it must be emptied!"

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed, no longer waiting, and directly gave Ajie the order.


   Within Yuanfu.

   Xin Gu Gu looked curiously at the chaotic mist around him, and reached out his hand to touch it, but it caused a sound of corrosion.


   He shook his eroded fingers, stunned, and returned to the center point.

   "It's really Yuanfu!"

   Xin Gu Gu was surprised. Although he had come in once during the experiment with Xu Xiaoshou, he didn't take a closer look at that time.

   really came here, after a lot of understanding of the rules.

   He only discovered that this place has the same effect as the different dimensional space where he became the body of the ghost beast.

   is just a little smaller.


  As he thought about it, he suddenly found that Ah Jie, who had always been quiet and well-behaved, raised his fist.

   "Brother, what's the matter?" He stepped forward and asked with concern.

   A Jie didn't speak, and she punched the earth with her fist.


After    there was a roar, a large blank space was directly blown out of the central ground of Yuan Palace.

   With that undefended punch, even Xin Gu Gu was knocked down and fell into the pit.

   Looking at the surrounding wall of the pit that was several feet high, Xin Gugu was dumbfounded.

  If he reads it right, this guy...

   Didn’t use Lingyuan just now?

   "I'll go, Niupai, brother, you turned out to be an individual repairer?"

   Xin Gu Gu stared wide, unbelievably rising from the pit.

   "No wonder Xu Xiaoshou said that you can partner with me, so he punched and I would recognize you."

   He said seriously, but after seeing A Jie's punch, he jumped in silence and walked onto the bank of the pit.

   "Ma Ma..."

   What does it seem to be saying, and its expression is a little inviting?

   But Xin Gu Gu couldn't understand it at all.

   "This guy can only say this? What does he want me to do?"

   The words in his heart were not over yet, but he heard the sky suddenly rattling, and a pouring rain directly poured him into a soup.

   Xin Gu Gu:? ? ?

   Before he had time to react~www.ltnovel.com~ slapped a few times, and several spirit fish patted their faces directly.

"I go!"

   Xin Gu Gu looked up in shock, but saw countless different colors in the spirit spring, fish tails out of control, panic shooting.

  What does it mean to fish in?

   Xin Gu Gu didn't know before, but now I know.

   This dense number of spirit fish almost swelled his face.

   He quickly drove Ling Yuan and flew out of the pit.

   Shenkeng can't be called Shenkeng anymore. This is the one seen outside...

   "Spirit pool?"

   Xin Gu Gu has a strange look on his face, Xu Xiaoshou moved the Lingchi in?


   This really deserves to be his Xu Xiaoshou!


   Xin Gu Gu looked at the drenched clothes, wanting to cry without tears, he turned his head to look at A Jie, "At least tell me!"

   just finished speaking, he was stuck.

   "Ma Ma..."

A Jie on the side of    looked at him innocently, and the call seemed to say.

   I have reminded you, it is you who will not come up.

No solution!

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