"There can be no such people!"

   Zhang Chongmou immediately denied his absurd idea.

   If you want to hide in Zhang Mansion without being noticed, unless your realm is far beyond him, you will not be able to bet.

   If you really want to hide, you must hide in a hidden space.

   At the moment when the surrounding area was blasted, there was no spatial fluctuation. This has directly eliminated this possibility.

   "Is it possible that he is a guy whose strength is far weaker than me, and who was directly ignored by me?"

   Zhang Chongmou immediately denied himself again.

   The strength is too weak, where does this explosion come from?

   This attacker tonight, let alone the pinnacle of the Grandmaster, under normal circumstances, the throne is inevitable!

   He was thinking, and turning a corner in front of him, a young man with a hurry came out.


   Zhang Chongmou froze all at once.

   There are many passers-by in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at this moment, he didn't care.

   But this guy, the purpose of passing by here is very obvious, that is, he came to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion!

   Zhang Chongmou narrowed his eyes and directly focused on this person.

   "Yuan Tingjing, the middle stage..."

   The more I look at it, the more wrong it becomes, and doubt flashes in Zhang Zhongmou's eyes.

   "Look at this dress...

   "Guardian? Your own?"


   "Be watched, passive value, +1."

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."


   Just a turn, several messages flashed across the information bar in my mind.

   was so lucky that no one paid attention to Xu Xiaoshou, so he was dumbfounded.

   He thought he would really do what he wanted, maybe there is no sweeping monk in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of Zhang Mansion, maybe there is a sweeping monk, and he was attracted by the explosion...

   The ideal is full, the reality is too skinny!

When    "perceived", he directly saw the old man sitting on the top of the ancient pagoda.

   At this time, Xu Xiaoshou's heart stopped.

   "Why do you meet love at the corner?"

   But looking at this situation, the other party has already focused on him. If he looks back on the spot, or withdraws, he must be exposed.

   Xu Xiaoshou bite the bullet and walked up.



   The footsteps seemed so hurried and feeble, he felt every step, he was heading deeper into the abyss.

   "This is a wave."

   With a sigh in his heart, Xu Xiaoshou didn't look up, but ran to the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   "Senior, are you there?"

   He called out tentatively, then knocked on the door, "Patriarch has an urgent matter for you!"

no respond.

   The front is serene, like inside an ancient pagoda, completely empty.


   "Be watched, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou's heart sank.

   Although he couldn't see people with his naked eyes, Lingnian didn't dare to look up.

   But "Perception" clearly saw that the old man above, his expression suddenly changed after he shouted that sentence.

I've mispoken?

   Which sentence is wrong?

   Xu Xiaoshou felt his heartbeat missed a shot. He felt that his words were very smooth, and even used "predecessor" to prevent the wrong call...

and many more!


   The problem should be here!

   My current identity is the doorman, so I should recognize the guardian here.

   Normally speaking, it is impossible for me to be called Senior, but I should directly call this old man's title in Zhang's Mansion!

   High probability is "Elder", maybe it will be "Dharma Protector"...

   "It's careless!"

   Xu Xiaoshou closed his eyes in pain.

   Zhang Zhongmou in the headspace stared at the young man below.

   Indeed, as Xu Xiao expected, this guy said "senior" when he said that he knew it was a fake.

   People of Zhang's Mansion, who sees himself, doesn't he shout "Great Elder"?

   Time is pushed forward more than ten years, and what everyone calls is "Patriarch"!

   What "predecessors"...


   An introduction to failure!

   Zhang Chongmou sneered. He looked at the young man without any trade.

   In his opinion, this guy is at best an introduction.

   After all, the strength is so weak, it is impossible to be the initiator of the blasting.

   But he watched for a long time, this guy still didn't push the door in.

   Now he is puzzled.

   "Isn't this kid's goal, not the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

   "What does he want to do?"

   While he was thinking, he suddenly saw the kid below and suddenly raised his head.

  The clear moonlight shines on his face, and the corners of his grinning lips in his hideous complexion are reflected halfway through!

   "He is laughing?"

   This is Zhang Zhongmou's first reaction.

   The next moment, he realized that something was wrong.

   This kid is only innate, how could he find himself?

   With just this grinning grin, Zhang Zhongmou suddenly connected all the bizarre things before.

   Could it be that this guy is the culprit of the blasting?

  He can escape the tracking of everyone in the Zhang Mansion, relying on him who can even fool himself...

   The art of disguise?

   Zhang Chongmou's back chilled, a guy who can make such a big movement, and still maintain the disguise of being able to make such a big movement under his nose...

   How strong is his true strength?

  I'm already the pinnacle of the throne, can it happen, this guy, can he cut the way?

   Thinking of this, Zhang Chongmou couldn't sit still anymore, he leaped up and said in anger:

"who are you?"



   Watching the frantic scrolling of the information bar, and hearing the last "Who are you"?

   Xu Xiaoshou knows that his tactics have worked!

   After discovering that the old man had found himself, and planned to use his tricks, he kept hiding on the top of the tower to observe himself.

   Xu Xiaoshou realized that if he really wanted to follow the original plan, he would be deeply passive.

   The best ending is just to wait until the old death, or push the door into the tower, and then be killed by the old man!

   So he cares, he just took the old man's tricks and took himself out of the role of the door guard.

   Go back to the instigator of the blast in the old man’s imagination.

   This plan is very risky.

   But only by opposing the object and starting a new plan, can I get a chance from under the eyes of this old man.

   Xu Xiaoshou does not want to fight, let alone fight!

   He can let Xin Gu Gu come out, but judging from the current situation.

   In addition to the known Zhang Taiying, the old man in front of him, and the beautiful woman who just went to Dongting District~www.ltnovel.com~Three Thrones!

   Once dragged, everyone may die!

   Xu Xiaoshou made a decisive decision, raised his head and grinned, and offered a cold smile.

   As expected, this old man thinks too much!

   As long as he didn't make the first move, he was half done!


   The body slowly vacated, Xu Xiaoshou made no secret of the fluctuation of his innate cultivation.

   As he moved up, the old man's eyes also moved.

   There is jealousy, incomprehension, and a trace of doubt in his eyes...

   Xu Xiaoshou looked directly at Zhang Chongmou, lowered his heart rate to a minimum, and squeezed out three points fearlessly.

  What kind of way of speaking can directly control the throne?

   Xu Xiaoshou secretly anxious.

   Suddenly, the figure of a masked man "Holy Slave" appeared in his mind.


   After a long pause, Xu Xiaoshou did not rush forward.

   waited for a while, until he saw a trace of irritability in the old man's eyes, he smiled and said:

   "Little guy, I didn't expect you to have sharp eyes, so you can spot me?"


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