I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 357: Xu Da flicked, re-emerged!


   Zhang Chongmou's pupils shrank unconsciously.

  I'm at this age, he calls himself a little guy?

   This kid...

   There is a ghost!

   Is it possible that even his immature face is a deliberate disguise?

   But, look at his bone age, he is only in his twenties!

   Zhang Zhongmou's heart is in a mess. If a person can cheat even his bone age in front of him, how strong is his true strength?

   Zhang family, when did you get into this kind of enemy? !

   As for whether this kid in front of you is really as usual as it seems...

  What a joke!

   Which junior dare to play this role in front of him Zhang Zhongmou?

   Don't die? !

   Zhang Chongmou suppressed his doubts, swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty, "Who are you?"

   Xu Xiaoshou paced in the void lightly.

  Perhaps before this, he has to pretend to be big money, and he is still a little guilty.

   But after seeing the cultivation realm of a masked person, he understood that there is a type of person in this world who does not cultivate spiritual essence.

   Very unfortunately, my own kendo realm, including Jian Nian, seems to be able to imitate a masked person?

   He was silent again for a full twelve breaths of time, and then he imitated the tone of the masked man and spoke indifferently.

"who am I?"

   "Heh, I'll give you three chances. Guess it."

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled slightly, "If I can't guess, I will ask for something from your Buddhist Scripture Pavilion."

   Such a contemptuous tone, to be honest, directly provoked Zhang Zhongmou's anger.

   He wanted to make a move instantly, but when he thought of the misfortune of the Su family not long ago, Zhang Zhongmou calmly stopped his impulse.

   During this period, Tiansang City was extremely unstable, he knew it.

   Some strange, withdrawn powers from outside are also entirely possible.

   If the Zhang family is in trouble because of his little irrationality, he Zhang Chongmou, the first one will not forgive himself.

   Thinking of this, Zhang Chongmou took a deep breath.

   "After thinking about it, the old man indeed has no grievances with you in the past, and no hatred today."

   "Why did you blow up a district of Zhang Mansion first, and then map my treasured Scripture Pavilion?"

   Xu Xiaoshou ignored him at all.

   How can you be led by the nose when the boss talks?

   His eyes fluttered lightly and said: "Three chances, are you ready to start guessing?"

   Zhang Chongmou stagnated, and the anger in his eyes burned again.

   This guy, I'm so owed!

   I really thought that the three thrones of Zhang Mansion were so good?

   "The old man and your Excellency have never met, how do you know?" He said coldly.

   "Have never met?"

   Xu Xiaoshou chuckled, and decided that the snake would follow the stick, "So, you really don’t know the purpose of this seat?"

   Zhang Chongmou was startled when he heard the words.

   It's not impossible, I really didn't know where the Zhang family had offended someone, and then someone came to the door?

   He tightened his expression, and said solemnly: "The old man really doesn't know the little things in the house, please be honest."

   Xu Xiaoshou grinned the corners of his lips again, matching his stained face, which really penetrated.

   "Little things?"

   "It seems that your Zhang family is really high into the clouds, a throne-level killer, can it be called a trivial matter?"

   Lightning flashed across Zhang Chongmou's mind, and he suddenly realized it.

It's him!

   Xu Xiaoshou, an anti-killing throne-level killer, he felt that this was something wrong.

   As expected, there is a mighty presence around this guy!

   Now, the killer didn't kill anyone, but the kid's protector came to him!

   At this moment, Zhang Zhongmou's forehead oozes fine sweat.

   This is the one who can kill the throne!

   is also a person who can retreat under the weight of the city lord mansion after killing the throne!

   is a person who can kill Zhang Mansion that night after retreating in the daytime, and directly explode the entire Dongting District to sacrifice to heaven!

   He is the throne, but even at the peak, will he be the opponent of this guy?

   You must know that once you enter the Throne Realm, it is impossible to say that you are like an ordinary spirit refiner, and you can kill if you say it.

   At the same level, even if you fight for ten and a half months, you may not be able to tell the victory or defeat, let alone life and death.

   This guy can kill the throne killer of "Sanzhuxiang".

   At this moment, Zhang Chongmou had completely forgotten why this extremely powerful guy had to pretend to be a doorman and enter the tower.

   His anxiety was so full that he almost made him call for support on the spot.

   "You want to call someone?"

   Xu Xiaoshou made a sound at the right time.

   This faint question almost didn't call Zhang Zhongmou's heart out of his throat.

   "Nothing, nothing, your excellency... Your words are serious." Zhang Zhongmou's lips intervened.

   He stopped his restless hand.

  Because he was suddenly uncertain, even if he called someone, would he not be able to beat the weird guy in front of him.

   Xu Xiaoshou is not calm.

   He saw that the old man was a little overly nervous, and he was shocked.

   How much does this guy's brain make up?

   My original intention was to pretend to be a masked man and drink him.

  Where did you ever think, this old man, be like this?

   Will he pretend too?

   Xu Xiaoshou's heart is stagnant.

   He suddenly realized that because of the difference in cultivation level, if this old guy is really secretive, I am afraid he will not be aware of it.

   "Are you lying to me?"

   He said coldly, his face no longer smiled, but began to solemnly.

   Zhang Zhongmou was a little panicked.

   He really didn't move a single move. Where can someone call him?

   In front of a person who can kill the throne, who is suspected of cutting the way, three thrones, aren't they just like one throne?

   At best, it means two more seconds of head-off time!

"Your Mightiness……"

   "Don't be on your pavilion!"

   Xu Xiaoshou interrupted him irritably, no matter if the old guy called someone over, he couldn't wait.

   Wait again, it's showing up!

   But, if you really turned around and left like this, wouldn't it prove that you are actually a parallel importer?

   I also said before that, if you want to take this Tibetan scripture pavilion, if the other party is suspected of calling someone, he has to go away...

  You can't look for death like that!

   Xu Xiaoshou gritted his teeth, did not continue to talk nonsense, but waved his hand and directly pinched Yuan Mansion.

   Light and shadow passed, a short boy wearing a hat appeared.

   "Ma Ma..."

  The soft whisper made Zhang Zhongmou startled.

   "Another guy with no cultivation base?"

   He glanced at the young man in front of him.

   To be honest, in his eyes, his congenital cultivation base is not much different from this guy who just appeared without cultivation base.

   Besides, the age of the two...

   The terrible thought in his heart that should have been thrown away came to his mind again.

   These two goods are pretend?

   Zhang Zhongmou was furious in an instant. If the young man in front of him was really pretending, then his old face would never be able to be pulled down in this life.

   the dignified peak of the throne, was frightened by a congenital?

   Tell me this...Is this special?

   "Do it!"

Ignoring Xu Xiaoshou, he directly issued the order to die~www.ltnovel.com~ He really doesn’t know if this old guy has secretly shot or called others, but now, only if he takes the initiative, can he have the right to speak again. .

   "Do you still dare to do it?"

   Zhang Chongmou has realized that the problem is wrong.

   He gritted his teeth and red eyes, but suddenly he saw the boy in the hat in front of the young man and disappeared.

   "This speed..."

   "This guy didn't pretend, is he a real throne?"

   Zhang Chongmou was horrified.

   The overthrown world in his mind was established again, and then overthrown again, he felt that he had lost the ability to think.

   Is this special true? !

   What is the origin of these two guys!

   too late to think, the next second, there will be wind behind my head.

   Zhang Chongmou could only turn his head back, holding his hands together.



   A Jie stayed in place, but Zhang Zhongmou's hand bone broke, and his whole body was bombarded like a cannonball.

   donated blood and sprinkled, but Zhang Zhongmou's whole person forgot the pain, and he was ashamed.

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."


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