I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 358: A Jie with Crazy Output

   Hemorrhage cracking at the forehead.

   The figure of Zhang Zhongmou being thrown into the air was dull.

   He looked at his forearm whose bones were completely broken, and suddenly he had a little doubt about his throne-level cultivation.

   "I'm old? I haven't fought for too long, so the cultivation base and the physical body have all regressed?"

   The arm was slumped, and he fell weakly.

   Zhang Chongmou suddenly reacted.

"Do not!"


   "It's the attack strength of that Kusaka kid, it's terrible!"

   What level of muscle strength is this so that it can directly use the throne’s spirit element, the avenue blessing, and the blood and flesh of the ancestral bear passed down by the Zhang family, and then break the bones with one punch?

   You need to know that the other party didn't use Lingyuan at all with that blow!

   Zhang Zhongmou really panicked at this moment.

   is just this punch, maybe it doesn't mean anything.

   I really want to fight the opponent, even he has the confidence to take it directly.

   After all, that punch was not completely irresistible.

   Even, most of the power of his own spiritual skills can crush it.

   But, the problem is, this grass hat kid is really a strong one?

   Still a throne that looks like a flesh?

   Where did this guy come from!

   Throne-level spirit refiners are hard enough to cultivate, throne-level flesh...

   "This is also not important!"

   Zhang Chongmou awakened his mind and prevented himself from continuing to think.

   He knew that the real horror of the problem did not come from this.

   But if the guy who punches is really capable, he is not deceiving himself.

   That real power...


   There was a whistling wind in his ears, Zhang Zhongmou was barely able to get back a little autonomy by Bengfei's figure, and his eyes couldn't help but lock the young man in the guard clothes behind him.

   "This guy is the real scary existence!"

   was horrified in his heart, and there was another slight noise behind his head.

   Zhang Chongmou, who has experienced a blow, has already understood that this is the little guy wearing the straw hat who has attacked again.

   That terrifying speed, if you are not really prepared, the throne will suffer a great loss!

   But Zhang Chongmou already has experience.

   He turned over in the void and moved his fingers, and a purple shield flew out of the ring.


   A Jie's punch from the back of his forehead directly blasted on this purple giant shield.

   trembling, the formation pattern on the shield was excited, and a dark swallowing force swallowed A Jie's fist.

   The purple shield shook, slightly swelled, as if he was full, and hiccuped.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked back in surprise.

   This shield, to say nothing, is also a defensive weapon at the pinnacle of Grand Master.

   Even looking at its weird characteristics that can swallow physical attack power, I am afraid it is very likely to be at the throne level.

   Envy flashed in his eyes, such a treasure, if you can own it, at the critical moment, it is definitely a means to save your life!

   Zhang Chongmou's eyes, who successfully blocked a blow, were also fortunate.

   As a throne-level spiritual refiner, and also has the blood of the ancestor bear, he successfully inspired the ancestral bear spirit body.

   On weekdays, when fighting with others, his favorite way of fighting is to get close.

   But now...

   Close combat?

   Near a fart!

   What about the ancestor bear's spirit body? To put it bluntly, refining the spirit is to refining the spirit. How can it be possible to use the means of refining to compete with a guy who has a pure flesh body?

   Zhang Chongmou seized the gap and instantly opened the distance.

   In addition to close combat, his long-range combat power is equally strong, even with the help of the power of heaven, it is even better.

   Lingnian moved, he wanted to take back his "Tianyuan Wushan".

   This throne-level defensive spirit weapon refined from a whole spiritual mountain, its endurance is visible.

   Under such a powerful attack, there was not even half damage, just a full hiccup, which resolved everything.

   However, when Zhang Zhongmou moved his hand, he found that his "Tianyuan Wushan" could not be retrieved?

"what happened?"

   Zhang Chongmou was startled, and his spiritual thought moved again, but "Tianyuan Wushan" was a painful feeling of helplessness.

   "Ma Ma..."

   With a murmur, Zhang Zhongmou's scalp was numb, and he looked away suddenly.

   I saw Ah Jie tilted his head and Kussa tilted.

   It is holding the purple shield in its hand, and staring at the purple shield in front of it with red light, it seems very curious...

  What kind of thing can resist a blow to yourself without being damaged?

   You know, even the head of "Ma Ma" will burst out red things!

   "No, isn't it..."

   Zhang Zhongmou watched Ah Jie raise his fist, his lips widened and his pupils shrank rapidly.

   Next second.

   "Boom boom boom boom boom——"

   A violent and rapid roar blew up in the void.

   is like the bell and drum of death being struck mercilessly, and this bell-ring club also has its own crazy vibration attribute!

   A Jie's fist completely turned into an afterimage, and the red light in its eyes suddenly flashed, as if something interesting had been discovered.

   This purple shield did not fail to respond after being attacked.

   It's just that the reaction is small!

   But every time one of his punches fell, it would still expand uncontrollably.

   There are changes even if there is only one point.

   The change is small, but the accumulation of the few makes more...

   Ajie understood this, and watched the purple shield in front of him expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a balloon. The more it hits, the more excited it gets, and the more it hits.

   "Boom boom boom——"

   Zhang Chongmou was dumbfounded.

   This is his "Tian Yuan Wushan", it took several years of effort, plus three great masters of the spiritual circle, to barely refine it.

   There is no market for things of this level.

   How could it blow up like this?

   "Stop it, little friend!"

   "Don't mess around!"

   The air was quiet for half a second.

   "Ma Ma?"

   Ajie stopped the attack and looked up at Zhang Zhongmou.

   At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ the old man in front of him can no longer arouse his interest.

   "Tianyuan Wushan" only had time to rest for half a second, and even too late to retract, the roar of the virtual space rang again.

   "Boom boom boom——"

   Visible to the naked eye, this purple shield is rapidly turning red.

   is like a balloon being blown to the extreme, the next second, it will explode!


   Zhang Chongmou's whole old face was green.

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou was completely stunned by Baby Ajie's attack.

   At that time, when I encountered the red dog, my baby was completely imprisoned. If this is released.

   With the attack speed and intensity of this crazy dog...

   can even receive the last crazy slash of the Red Dog in person!

"I'm wrong!"

   At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou deeply apologized to the thought of doubting Ajie's combat effectiveness in his heart.

   Daring Lover’s family has not been able to exert too much strength before, because the enemies they encounter are all directly killed in seconds!

   It is natural to see the lower limit, but what about the upper limit?


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