I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 363: Take you 1 thing to show punishment!

"Holy crap!"

   Some strong men who opened the door near Zhang Mansion looked at this sword in disbelief.

   The degree of horror on his face is like seeing the half-style "Big Buddha Slash" in daylight again!

   "This this this..."

   "Who is this person?"

   "The Throne of Kendo? The Throne of Kendo is not necessarily so strong, right!"

   "My God, look at the clothes he wears... the doorman? Isn't that the doorman of Zhang Mansion? I passed by selling cakes in the morning, and one of them was pushing me!"

   "This guard, got on the bar with Zhang Fu?!"

   "You are blind! It means that Zhang Mansion was attacked, what happened to the guard, and if something happens, it is estimated that the guard was taken away!"


   Zhang Mansion exploded!

   Around Zhang Mansion, the whole Dongqing Street was also exploded.

   The difference is that what Zhang Mansion bombed was the mansion, and the bombing Holly Street was in the eyes of all the onlookers.

   a sword.

   Such an understatement of a sword.

   Even when the man was lifting the sword, no one could see how much power was hidden in this sword.

   It seemed that it was really just innate, it was really just an ordinary nine-rank spirit sword, a sword that could be cut out.

   Like a dream like a fantasy!

   Zhang Taiying is stupid, Zhang Zhongmou is stupid, Zhang Duoyu is also stupid!

   It’s not terrible that Zhang’s Mansion is exploded. The battle for the throne is destined to hit Chiyu.

   Those little guys in the clan have already completed the evasion task quickly under the arrangement of the elders in the clan, with little casualties.


   The Buddhist Scripture Pavilion... is gone?

   This is the only place in Zhang Mansion that is protected by a throne-level spiritual formation!

   Even handing over the treasures of Zhang Taiying's body, I'm afraid it may not be as valuable as the spirit array.

   One sword, gone?

   Our six thrones are here to fight for life and death, you draw out a sword, just cut it out...

  Steal the tower?

   There is not even a "bo", the enchantment is gone with the ancient tower?

   There, but the crystallization of Zhang Mansion's decades of plunder!

   is an infinite wealth and inheritance, an infinite spiritual skill!

   Zhang Taiying’s eyes were bloodshot instantly!

"Hello there!"

   "You are fine!"

   He growled, as if the beast in his heart was completely released, "Today, I will not kill you, Zhang Taiying, I will not be human!"

   Xu Xiaoshou shrank from fear of murderous intent.

   This sword directly emptied his spirit and spirit completely. He held the "hidden suffering" hand under this sword, and his arms were full of blood.

   "So strong?"

  Xu Xiaoshou looked at the devastated Zhang Mansion. If the people inside didn’t withdraw, I’m afraid except for the throne and the tenacious master...

   No one can survive!

   "But, how is it possible?"

   "It's just an immature sword mind, it's just a semi-finished product..."

   Xu Xiaoshou got stuck in his thoughts.

   "Yes, it's the uncle's sword thought, his sword thought is so terrifying? Just a breath of advancement directly destroyed the entire Zhang Mansion..."

   "Including, this Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"


   Xu Xiaoshou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to feel the darkness in front of him, and almost fell.

   is gone.

   There is no more drop.

   All the strength was emptied.

   Being able to maintain a standing body is already extremely dependent on that strong "toughness".

  Rao is so. In the face of Zhang Taiying's terrifying murderous intent, Xu Xiaoshou gently turned over "hidden suffering".


   There was a soft sound in the silent void, and the hearts of the three people in the Zhang Mansion were tight.

   is too strong, this guy is too strong!

   Even if it was Zhang Taiying's furious posture at this time, he still wasn't sure to take the sword below!

   "He...want to play the sword again?"

   Everyone withdrew, watching Xu Xiaoshou calmly, inserting the black sword in his hand into the scabbard.

   Later, I saw the young man lift up his face.

   There is no emotional color in the muddy complexion.

   Those eyes that despise the common people are also full of weakness...

Ok? weak?

   is definitely pretending!

   Everyone looked at Xu Xiaoshou, Xu Xiaoshou was nervous, wanted to be fast, but couldn't get up.

   He took a deep breath and everyone mentioned it at the same time.



With a word of   , he was so weak that he could not maintain the sword of the void on the horizon, and he exploded directly.

   "Ceng Ceng" a few times, the three of Zhang Mansion retreated at the same time, with a look of horror.

   However, after waiting for a long time, Xu Xiaoshou still had no sword, and their faces flushed with anger.

   Xu Xiaoshou was amused.

   He is so weak that he can't even speak, but these people have become shocked.

   "You, your kid..."

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his finger, trying to point at Zhang Taiying, but found that his fingers could not move.

   He can only lift his chin: "You kid didn't say, I will swear if I don't kill?"

   "Come on, come on, or you won't be able to be a human after tonight."

   Zhang Taiying's face was shocked. Hearing the words, his blood was surging, and he broke the void and was about to fly up.

   "Calm down!"

   Zhang Duoyu grabbed his hand behind him in time, and reluctantly pulled the impulsive guy back.

   "Don't mess around!"

   "The Great Elder is already old, Zhang Mansion, you can't do without the next Patriarch, hold back!"

   Zhang Taiying:? ? ?

   Zhang Chongmou:? ? ?

   This is so very reasonable!

   But, can you not be so realistic, so bloody!

   The two were so angry that their faces turned black, and their loyalty was against their ears, but after all they were loyal, and Zhang Taiying could still hear them.

   Xu Xiaoshou watched the three of them hug each other, with a look that made Ajie and Xin Gugu back in front of them.

   With the protection of these two people, he regained his sense of security.

   He knew that now is a critical moment, as long as he counsels, these three people will definitely come like hungry wolves.

When    rises up, there is hope of retreat.

   "This sword..."

   Xu Xiaoshou tilted his head, pondered for a long time, and slowly said, "A lesson."

   Zhang Taiying snapped his fists and almost jumped out on the spot. Fortunately, Zhang Chongmou also shot this time and directly contained him.

   "Calm down, this guy doesn't dare to mess around."

   "He also knows that this sword will inevitably alarm the City Lord's Mansion. If he does not retreat, it will be difficult to retreat. He must leave at this time!"

   "Wait another time!" Zhang Zhongmou said.

   Zhang Taiying replied angrily: "But Zhang Mansion can allow him to come and go like this? After this sword, how will the world look at my Zhang family? How do you think about me Zhang Taiying?!"

   Zhang Chongmou sighed.


"Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future."

   "The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is gone, it can be rebuilt."

   "I really want to fight again, not to mention the two thrones, just this sword, are you sure to take it?"

   Zhang Taiying was silent~www.ltnovel.com~ He gritted his teeth, his gums were bleeding out.

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled freely, his vision was blurred, but he still pulled out Yuan Mansion from his arms.

   "At that time, I said it."

   "I'm here this time just to get something from your Buddhist scripture pavilion. If you don't listen, there is nothing you can do."

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at Zhang Chongmou and paused every word.

   He really didn't talk like this to kill people, but he really couldn't catch it between words.

   If it weren't for "everything", he would really pass out.

   Everyone looked at Xu Xiaoshou talking to the air on one side, not knowing what he was going to do, until this guy spread out his Yuan Mansion.

   Gathering the last bit of energy in the body, Xu Xiaoshou's spiritual thoughts suddenly burst, and directly enveloped the half of the Buddhist scripture pavilion that had fallen to the ground!

   The three people in Zhang Mansion's complexion tightened and seemed to realize something at the same time.


   Xu Xiaoshou slowly shook his head, squinted his eyes, and said to the air, "It's late."

   After saying this, Yuan Palace's inspiration flashed, and the half-tower Buddhist Scripture Pavilion on the ground that was several stories high disappeared!

   "Take something from you to show punishment!"


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