I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 364: Zhang Taiying, persuaded!


   The air is terribly silent!

   As if being silenced by the avenue, everyone looked at the ancient pagoda that was half-disappeared on the ground and fell into silence collectively.

   Even Xin Gu Gu was shocked by Xu Xiaoshou's show operation.

   I took a spiritual pond in front of him, and poured him into a soup chicken, that's all.

   now directly in front of others, cut the inheritance in half?

   What kind of person is this!

   District Yuanfu, it is obviously just a thing used to avoid the enemy from chasing and killing, and it was born with the effect of robbery!

   If the Chaos Space is developed, will the entire world be taken by you Xu Xiaoshou?

   "Suspected, passive value, +66."

   "Admired, passive value, +222."

   Not only the people in Zhang's Mansion were dumbfounded, but the crowd around them was equally shocked.

   "I'm afraid it's... immortal?"

   If anyone's inheritance is intercepted in half, I am afraid it is impossible to reconcile.

   What's more, the half of the ancient pagoda that fell on the ground is still the top of the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

  The top, what it means for this kind of tower, needless to say.

   Normal family disciples, when choosing spiritual skills, they can't even go up to the second level.

   Those who work hard and barely break through the innate can only go up to three or four floors.

   And now...

   Looking at it like this, there are only four and a half floors left in this Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.


  Choose psychic skills?

   This is a fart!

   is gone, so why go upstairs and how to choose spiritual skills?

   The first to explode was still Zhang Taiying, who was furious and hard to bear.

   After trying to understand the meaning of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, his pupils disappeared, and a circle of magic lines rose from his red eyes.


   With a roar, this person who has turned into a little giant, directly subdued a drop of the throne's blood, and his figure skyrocketed again.

   Black hair grows wildly from between the body. At this moment, Zhang Taiying, like a giant Titan, broke free from the shackles of the two behind him and stepped out suddenly.


   The void shattered directly, and his figure burst away, taking Xu Xiaoshou directly.

   "Die to me!"

   Zhang Duoyu immediately shot, but at this moment, he couldn't keep up with Zhang Taiying's speed, and caught a loneliness.

   "The Great Elder!"

   She looked to one side eagerly, only to find Zhang Chongmou shaking her head in pain.

"Do not."

   Just one word, Zhang Duoyu understood.

   In this battle, even if he doesn't want to fight anymore, Zhang Taiying must go.

   Inheritance cannot be cut off!

   This young man seems to be a simple mustard Nasumi, but it is possible that the Zhang family will be completely broken in the next ten years.

   For the Zhang family, which is still on the rise in the future, the blow is undoubtedly devastating!


   Zhang Duoyu whispered, she looked at the young man who seemed to be floating in the distance and squeezed her fist.


   followed closely, and rushed towards Xu Xiaoshou.

   "Good job!"

   Xin Gu Gu's battle spirit bloomed in his eyes, and he decided to take a punch from Zhang Taiying.

   Xu Xiaoshou was almost fainted by his shouting.

   "Help, help me."

   He shook his body and said back.

   Xin coo: "..."

   He glanced at the back of Xu Xiaoshou's head, hesitated, and chose to export: "I'm here."

   Xu Xiaoshou did not look back.

   Even if he was confused and could not extract any information from the picture from "perception", he still sensed the awe-inspiring killing intent with "all things are swords".

   "Zhang Taiying, still dare to do it?"

   Although he was shocked in his heart, he didn't know that his sword really succeeded in squeezing the opponent, and it was the final inhumane harvest that caused him to use it.

   However, at this time, I can't think too much!

   "Don't do it!"

After    persuaded Xin Gu Gu, Xu Xiaoshou looked back lightly.

   At this time, if he really wants to do it, all his efforts will be wasted!

   reluctantly aimed at the murderous direction, Xu Xiaoshou sneered.

   Then, the fingertips drew a sword gas in the void.

   "Cross the boundary, die!"

   The cold voice echoed between the howling wind, and the sharp sword intent caused Zhang Taiying to wake up suddenly.

   It is obviously just an ordinary sword energy, so weak that it almost falls out of the innate realm...

   can be on top of it, there is such a light, light sword thought.

   is this thing, just tore through the sky and cut off a throne-level super defensive spiritual formation.

   "I, Zhang Taiying, can I stop it?"

   Almost at the moment when he was about to touch the weak sword energy between his toes, involuntarily, Zhang Taiying stopped.


   "Move up!"

   Zhang Taiying was furious. He looked at Xu Xiaoshou, who was crumbling. Even if he was blind now, he could see that this kid was in a wrong state.

   Besides, he is not blind!

   "In your current state, it is impossible to use that sword again!" He almost roared at the young man behind the sword spirit.


   The two figures also stopped behind them.

   Zhang Duoyu's eyes were shocked.

   Unscrupulous Zhang Taiying, was drunk?

   Even in a state of rage, he was still restrained by one word?

   This was previously impossible.


   Zhang Duoyu used to think that this word was not in Zhang Taiying’s dictionary, but now she is shaken.


   Zhang Zhongmou looked at the scene in front of him, and a ray of grief flashed in his eyes.

  Different from Zhang Duoyu, this kind of situation must stand alone, in order to charge for the family, and at the same time make a choice in his own life...

   As a person who came by, he can fully understand.

   He didn't speak, no matter how wrong he was on weekdays, he would not comment on Zhang Taiying's decision.


   Xu Xiaoshou closed his eyes, but the thought of Ruo Ruo Wu seemed to have completely enveloped everyone.

   He smiled bitterly, and did not deny: "You are right, I am indeed in a weak state, but it is difficult to make a mere sword?"

   Everyone is unbelieving, even if it is Xin Gu Gu.

   This state, what a shit!


   Zhang Taiying opened his eyes in anger, raised his head and laughed wildly: "If a sword is not difficult, you can cut me on the spot right now, why bother to talk?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was unmoved, and asked, "One sword is difficult, why don't you dare to cross the boundary?"


   The scene was very silent for a time~www.ltnovel.com~ Xin Gugu looked shocked, at this moment, he admitted.

  On the brain circuit, all the people present may not be as good as Xu Xiaoshou.

   Regardless of its reaction speed, or its degree of distortion.

   "Roar!" Zhang Taiying roared angrily, the sound shook the sky.

   He slammed his fist on his chest, only to feel the flow of blood, and he wanted to make his mind completely crazy.

   But reason stifled this impulse.

   The shameful window paper was torn, and Zhang Taiying felt his face burn red.

   I was really frightened, but...


   "Stop making excuses for yourself."

   Xu Xiaoshou said indifferently.

   relied on the superb strength of "unbreakable", and this short period of time has buffered him to the point of being active.

   He spread his hands, blocked Ah Jie and Xin Gu Gu behind him, dragging his weak body, exposed to the peak of the throne.

   "This seat, I'll give you another chance, choose by yourself..."

   "One step, or, one sword!"


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