I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 372: Textile proficiency? ? ?

   Isn’t the clearly visible lines engraved on all things like the spirit lines that Xu Xiao couldn’t ask for after suffering?

   "This passive skill is related to the spirit formation?"

   Xu Xiaoshou has an unstoppable joy.

   He still remembers those days and nights, in order to study the spiritual formation, he almost lost his eyes.

   However, the result is that even if it is a tenth-grade Qingmingyan Gang, he can hardly get many spiritual patterns.

   Spiritual Array Master, this is also a profession that requires talent and hard work.

   Xu Xiaoshou, can't even enter the door.

   And now...

   "Huang Tian is worthy of his heart, opened my eyes?"

   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes widened.

   He wanted to regard the clear veins that emerged above all things as spiritual lines, but obviously, this thing was not that pure.

   is like a "spiritual mastery" who has gone wrong, he can understand the appearance of spiritual patterns on the stone, and the leaves also have...

I will endure!

   How can this person...

   Is this blood vessel diagram on their body meant for me to operate directly?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked a little confused.

   "Isn't this ‘surgery proficiency’?"

   It was too late to sigh with emotion. After everything on the day and earth has completed the transformation of the spiritual veins, all the moving and immovable things have been drawn in a vein.

   staring at a line drawing, living in this new world.

   Xu Xiaoshou was disoriented, and couldn't help but sink in.

   This trap, he noticed something wrong.

   It seems that the trajectory of the existence of all things in this world, in this map of the context on their bodies, are there traces to follow?

  Look at the giant race that is tearing at the enemy. Every time it moves, it looks like a puppet controlled by this map.

   When Xu Xiaoshou has seen this picture thoroughly, he will be able to know his actions well!

"Oh my God!"

   Xu Xiao was frightened.

   If this is the case, then the ability that appeared this time would be a bit scary!

   He looked at the big boulder unbelief.

   This is a dead thing, without life.

   After one year, there is no movement in its context map.

   Two years, three years, still the same.

   But when time is postponed to long or even eternity, Xu Xiaoshou was shocked to discover that the vein map on this stone also showed movement.

   "It's breathing!"

   Over time, it is also evolving, deforming, and breathing!


   As if understanding the mystery of life, Xu Xiaoshou woke up from this enlightenment, but only felt that less than a breath of time had passed.

   Fantasyland, still exists!

   The blue sea and blue sky of the new world are still eternal!

   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes lit up and raised his eyebrows slightly. He moved his gaze away from the small creature and stared into the void.

  The world is also evolving!

   Gradually, under the gaze of Xu Xiaoshou, the map of the heaven and the earth, hidden deep in space and time, also clearly emerged.


   The word came to mind again, still very abrupt, but this time, Xu Xiaoshou was no longer confused.

   There is shock in his eyes.

   Under the net of the rules of this avenue, natural selection is competing, and the fittest survive?

   Almost after realizing this profound mystery, Xu Xiaoshou felt the sky tremble, as if this world was about to break apart.

   But he doesn't believe it!

   If this world is really just an illusion, he can still accept it.

   But in fact, every evolution of such illusions is based on the real world.

   This point was verified when "Swordsmanship Mastery" appeared.

   That type of "Seven Swords in the Sky" is indeed the highest state of Baiyun Sword Technique, and it really exists on the Saint God Continent.

   If the illusion is true, are the rules of evolution of this world so realistic?

  Xu Xiaoshou thought of Sang Lao's "The Prison Cage".

  He doesn't believe it!

  Fate is imaginary, he doesn't believe what the old man said, it's so real!

   In other words, the cruel reality!

  Amidst the fragmentation of the void, Xu Xiaoshou still opened his eyes wide, carefully observing the last scene of the world's fragmentation.

   Heaven and earth no longer exist, and even the web of rules of the avenue gradually fades.

   The darkness gradually swallowed the light.

   Xu Xiaoshou only felt dizzy, and the forcible inculcation of knowledge from the proficient passive skills seemed to begin.

   He still didn't give up, looking for a glimmer of life in the silence, trying to break the dilemma of the world.

"That is……"

   Suddenly, Xu Xiaoshou seemed to see something, his pupils shrank suddenly, but the darkness obliterated everything, and he closed his eyes after all.


   opened his eyes again, surrounded by the familiar Yuanfu space.

   This illusion evolution gives people a sense of shock, it is too strong.

   Compared with the previous two animation experiences, this time it is static, directly presenting the mystery of the new world through the survival and evolution of all things.

   To tell the truth, it's more magnificent!

   A sense of trembling and helplessness from the depths of the soul is born spontaneously.

   Xu Xiaoshou was a little desperate, not because of anything else, but because he persevered to the end and saw or even saw the last scene clearly.

   Hidden deep in the darkness, in the indescribable place, there is a big hand exuding a touch of aura!

  He is preparing the avenue!

   That map of the world, that map of the rules of the road, turned out to be by one person?

"what is that?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was puzzled. If he was allowed to see this scene, he would not panic so much.

   But with the gradual change in cognition of the world, Xu Xiaoshou felt a little palpitating.

  There is always some coupling in the dark, seeming to be different from each other, but after a circle, it is very harmoniously connected.

"so horrible!"

   Xu Xiaoshou calmed down and tried not to take himself too seriously.

   is just an illusion after all, sometimes if you take it too seriously, you lose!

   turned to look at the information bar, a line of text appeared:

   "Acquire proficiency in passive skills: Textile proficiency!"

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at it for a while, rubbed his eyes, and looked again.

   "Acquire proficiency in passive skills: Textile proficiency!"

   is not dazzled~www.ltnovel.com~ The result has not changed.

   It's really true, just those few words.

   Xu Xiaoshou:? ? ?

   "Proficient in textiles?"

   His eyes almost popped out of his eyes!

   "Shentemo Textile is proficient!"

   "I watched the evolution of a world, and you told me that this ragged thing is actually called textile mastery?"

   "This shouldn't be the kind of spiritual formation proficiency, and then it can be randomly inscribed on others, and finally directly detonate the enemy?"

   Xu Xiaoshou's face turned green, and he felt that he had been cheated.

   This broken system will not be tuned in the past, but this time, it is too outrageous!


   He muttered, and once again thought of the truth of the world that he had to see even if he was blind.

   That hand, he is indeed on the "Weaving" Avenue!

   "His grandma's, is it possible that I overinterpreted it?"

   Xu Xiaoshou collapsed to the ground feebly, "This ragged thing is really just a ‘textile’ thing?!"


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