I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 373: I, Xu Xiaoshou, can still play for you!

   was played!

   Xu Xiaoshou slowed down for a while, but still couldn't believe it. The proficient passive technique he drew this time is called "textile proficiency."

   He looked at "Cooking Proficiency" and suddenly realized that this skill is really normal!


   Xu Xiaoshou is crazy, he wants a spiritual formation, don't want this shit!


   "Calm down!"

   "Think about it carefully. When ‘Cooking Proficiency’ first appeared, I seemed to be like this?"

   Xu Xiaoshou ran wildly along Yuanfu for several times, and finally stopped.

   "In this world, there are no weird garbage abilities. Some, but the ability people have not over-developed... That's it!"

   "If you think about it seriously, this thing can indeed be related to the spirit formation...well, the spirit formation!"

   "Weaving, isn't it just thread, thread and spirit pattern, this should be related!"

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded with some guilty conscience, "Well, that's it!"

   Without saying anything, he directly gave this "textile proficiency" to the innate.

   Suddenly, a large amount of knowledge poured into his mind, and Xu Xiaoshou's complexion suddenly pulled his hips down!

   "Really just...weaving?"

   The knowledge content that appeared in that paragraph, explained in detail various embroidery, various needles, various weaving techniques...

   Including the use of lines, thickness, layout, and the overall impact...

   also includes color, collocation, composition...

   also includes aesthetics, perception, art appreciation...

   Finally, there is a paragraph...

   "Rhythmic gymnastics?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

   He looked at the gymnastics in his mind and couldn't speak for a long time.

   "Is this because I am afraid that I will be overly addicted to weaving, and want me to get up and move my muscles and bones to prevent...spondylopathy?"

   With a plop, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help but fell to the ground again.

   He looked at the vast sky and let out a deep breath.


   A little helpless, a little struggling.

   With this mixed mentality, Xu Xiaoshou squatted up.

   "There are still some useful things, the innate level of'textile proficiency', at least, taught me textile technology in detail."

   "No way, using this method on the spirit formation, I can easily control the spirit veins?"

   Xu Xiaoshou tilted his head and tremblingly took out a piece of Qingmingyan from the ring.

   This is the cornerstone of the formation.

  Spirit Array, it is to draw spirit patterns on this, gather the heavenly way, and then it can be formed!

   took out a carving knife, after thinking about it, Xu Xiaoshou put it back again.

   Innate level of "textile proficiency", to be honest, very practical.

   It taught Xu Xiaoshou how to use spiritual elements to gather into needles, and then began to realize weaving on all things.

   Xu Xiaoshou squeezed, and a small needle gathered and formed.

  Different from the calmness on the surface, the inside of this needle is composed of a high-speed trembling nucleus, which is actually quite lethal under one needle and one thread.

   The moment when he pinched this needle, Xu Xiaoshou's hand suddenly stopped shaking.

   As if undergoing rigorous training, the young man raised his orchid fingers with a strange expression and wanted to start spinning, but he couldn't help but glanced at A Jie.

  , it looked like it was forced to do something, but it was seen by acquaintances.

   is rather shy!

   "Ma Ma..."

   A Jie called out softly, his eyes moved down, and landed on Xu Xiaoshou's orchid finger.


   Xu Xiaoshou shrank his tail, but he bounced up automatically...

   "That's it."

   gave a rather helpless poke.


   Qing Mingyan Gang exploded!

   Xu Xiaoshou: "……"

   "Sure enough!"

   The bombing did not disappoint Xu Xiao, on the contrary, he was thinking about it.

   "Very strong!"

   "Even Qingmingyan Rock can be pierced in an instant, still like an inflatable... well, it explodes like an inflatable ball..."

   "If you can poke a person?"

   Xu Xiaoshou thought so, and with a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of needles appeared in the sky!


   Move at will, the needle rang wildly!

   Xu Xiaoshou was excited.

   "Who can resist this?"

   "If you can't reach it, see if I can pierce you?"

   Attack power is second, the use of this spirit needle does not seem to be used to cooperate with Qingmingyan.

   Xu Xiaoshou thought for a moment, and he directly gave up on the physical form of the spirit formation.

  Since the road has gone astray, let's rush all the way to the so-called wrong path!

   Maybe, that is a new style!

   bundled up the tens of thousands of magic needles, leaving only more than ten, which is the limit of the number that can be controlled by the innate level of "textile proficiency".


   Lingnian manipulation, Xu Xiaoshou watched the heaven and earth to form an array disk, and made a knife based on the spirit array, carving directly on the void.

  The way of portraying the spirit array, although "textile proficiency" did not bring it, but when Xu Xiaoshou went crazy a few days ago, he had already thoroughly eaten and memorized Li Qi's relics.

   The key to the spirit array lies in the spirit pattern.

   The thickness, depth, and layout of the spirit patterns are directly related to the formation!

   And this point...

  Proficient in textiles, there are too!

   When the spirit needle danced in the void, the spirit thread that Xu Xiaoshou compressed into with the spirit element followed.

   This spiritual thread, at this moment, replaces the spiritual thread.

   The thickness of the line, the outline, and the interference and repulsion between the line and the line are all in Xu Xiaoshou's mind.

   This is just the basic science of "textile proficiency" in "textile proficiency".

  At this moment, with the emotions, Xu Xiaoshou gradually realized that his own ideas might really come true.

   The void became an array, and Xu Xiaoshou's Ling needle threaded through it, really woven a beautiful pattern on it.

  As the pattern gets deeper and deeper and takes shape, if there is a spiritual array master here, you will surely be surprised...

   This was actually drawn into a basic, spiritual gathering image!

   Xu Xiaoshou's forehead rolled down with beads of sweat, without turning his eyes, the last stitch fell directly, and finally stopped.


   The spirit gathering formation in the void did not fester and explode like it was carved on the Qingmingyan rock tunnel at that time, but began to vibrate after shaking.

   "Is there a show?"

   Xu Xiao was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the absurd idea that flashed by, really okay?

   Replaced the "Home and Wanshixing" pattern in "Textile Mastery" with the spirit gathering array, and really painted it?

   At this moment, joy surged in my heart.

   The scene where Xu Xiaoshou watched the void ~www.ltnovel.com~ After the formation of the spirit array, it finally passed the period of instability and suddenly lit up with a bright light.


   In such a narrow space of Yuan Palace, one can intuitively feel the power of this spiritual formation.

   The rich and surging breath of life converged, as if the violent wind encountered the black hole attractor, and it was directly pulled.

   Xu Xiaoshou's clothes were almost torn off.

   This young man who has found hope again from despair has tears in his eyes at this moment.

   "There is a reward for giving!"

   For the third time, he fell to the ground with a "plop", although it was because the spirit in his body was drained.

   But more...

   "If I find the entrance of the spirit formation, I'm Xu Xiaoshou, I'm afraid I won't be a great master?"

   "Textile technology?"

   "What about weaving? I, Xu Xiaoshou, can still play for you!"

   Xu Xiao was pulled by the corner of his mouth.


   He couldn't help it.


   He lay on the ground, covering his stomach, and there was a burst of crazy laughter.

   "Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop--"

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